« first day (1702 days earlier)      last day (3548 days later) » 

in Shadow's Den, Nov 19 '14 at 15:08, by FOX 9000
No associated word found for yummy.
Dec 6 '14 at 17:21, by Unihedron
To eat or not to eat pizza... that is the question
Feb 5 at 0:48, by Famous Blue Raincoat
@bjb568 It seems the answer is yes.
Dec 20 '10 at 21:46, by drachenstern
Sadly, I concur.
in Let's get philosophical, Apr 12 '11 at 19:07, by Pekka's other trolling account
Hmm. This is difficult.
Mar 24 '11 at 17:23, by Pekka's trolling account
I'm Pekka's trolling account on the whole network now
Aug 6 '10 at 22:57, by rchern
Feb 17 '11 at 3:40, by Rebecca Chernoff
So...this is...fun.
Aug 10 '12 at 17:13, by mootinator
Precisely what Hitler would have said.
Mar 19 at 23:40, by bjb568
@JasonC relatively productive
> Not really a quote :p
6 secs ago, by Mooseman
> Not really a quote :p
6 secs ago, by Mooseman
6 secs ago, by Mooseman
> Not really a quote :p
5 secs ago, by Mooseman
6 secs ago, by Mooseman
6 secs ago, by Mooseman
> Not really a quote :p
just now, by Mooseman
5 secs ago, by Mooseman
6 secs ago, by Mooseman
6 secs ago, by Mooseman
> Not really a quote :p
6 secs ago, by Mooseman
just now, by Mooseman
5 secs ago, by Mooseman
6 secs ago, by Mooseman
6 secs ago, by Mooseman
> Not really a quote :p
just now, by Mooseman
6 secs ago, by Mooseman
just now, by Mooseman
5 secs ago, by Mooseman
6 secs ago, by Mooseman
6 secs ago, by Mooseman
> Not really a quote :p
Aug 20 '14 at 18:39, by iStimple
@bjb568 is why we can't have nice things!
Dec 3 '10 at 1:04, by rchern
Apr 2 '14 at 1:04, by hichris123
What is wrong with you people?
Nov 2 '14 at 14:42, by Shadow Wizard
Sep 22 '14 at 3:34, by Infinite Recursion
@lostsock What's wrong with you? Why do you keep oneboxing the boom pyramid?
Sep 26 '14 at 16:55, by Unihedron
Dec 30 '10 at 23:54, by Rebecca Chernoff
I have Chinese food being delivered. \o/ ...sometime soon I hope. |:
Dec 30 '14 at 19:41, by ɥʇǝS
someone kick bjb >.>
Nov 19 '14 at 15:38, by bjb568
@InfiniteRecursion birds r kewl fer eatz
Nov 19 '14 at 15:39, by Infinite Recursion
kittys r kewl for kicks
Mar 13 at 20:55, by Frank
Mar 13 at 20:58, by Jason C
user image
Feb 10 '12 at 14:20, by jadarnel27
I'm interested in your mom.
Aug 5 '10 at 20:54, by Lance Roberts
Aug 15 '10 at 4:54, by womp
I'm not!
Jan 4 at 21:43, by Unihedro
Ladies and gentlemen, I present you... Awkward silence
May 14 '11 at 23:13, by Wes
Anyway I gotta go
Mar 23 at 21:54, by Frank
peace out
@JasonC tpu
Oh right I can approve tag wiki edits on mSO now.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: What are the requirements to enter Prifddinas? by feaf on gaming.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@hichris123 Blacklisted user.
me eats lemonychickenbird
Ooh, amazon's new homepage design is so good.
Both answers have dead links for ^.
Also another downvote on stackoverflow.com/a/18126964/2581872, please? Then the LQP queue can nuke it.
Ooh, good, @Doorknob is around! Go VTC those two questions, please!
pero soy perezoso
@Doorknob No es importante; tienes que trabajar ahora.
wouldn't necessary call clicking a button "work" :P
@Doorknob It's more work than doing nothing...
Hahaha, I created a phospholipid bilayer with codepen.io/lbebber/pen/KwGEQv?editors=110
So @Doorknob: why haven't you VTC yet?
C'mon @Doorknob!
Yeah, @Doorknob
Yeah, @bjb568!
Yeah, @hichris
@bjb568 I already voted.
So did I
@hichris123 Because I don't have enough pings yet
@hichris123 u wot
I have 1217 rep on SO, and 1210 helpful flags. Will try to keep them equal.
downvotes to help
downvotes @pizza below 1210 rep
@pizza I have 5014 helpful flags & 5,000 - 2 rep.
@Doorknob nope
pings @doorknob
Fine, voted to {close,delete} where applicable
pokes @doork anyway
I'm afraid that more than 7 of the 79 currently pending flags will be marked helpful. :(

april fools quotes

1 hour ago, 16 minutes total – 55 messages, 5 users, 10 stars

Bookmarked 21 secs ago by Roombatron5000

Q: OMG... A site about Health?

Robert CartainoTrue Story — For thousands of years, the world's professional societies and religions have disseminated its teachings in arcane languages understood by few. It was believed that such knowledge in the hands of the the unwashed masses would be dangerous without the proper tutelage to wield it wisel...

A lot of questions during the first two days of beta.
I expect a somewhat lifehackish development of the site.
according to WebMD:
If I asked "How do I compare two strings in Java, in a way that is healthy for my kidneys?" on health, do you think it would fly?
Q: The effectiveness of yoga in improving health

Faheem MithaI'm been doing Yoga regularly for a bit over 5 years now. However, I have never heard an assessment from a professional medical standpoint as to why yoga is effective/beneficial for human health. Based on my experience, it clearly is, but it is not entirely clear why it is. (I'd go as far as to s...

Q: Why is color blindness more common in men than women?

michaelpriI come from a family that has a history of color blindness (color weakness). My grandfather, two of my uncles, my brother, and I are all color blind. However, there has never been a woman in my family with it. This got me curious, so I looked it up and found out that color blindness affects abou...

litteraly 9th grade bio
@JasonC is that kidney programming, as compared to boat programming?
@bjb568 Considering we did that a few weeks ago... yup
I'm in 9th grade bio too, no need to validate :p
yeah, but you're not in honors bio, are you? :P
I am.
Q: Icon is identical to History

Mad ScientistOur Icon is an "H" inside an SE bubble, this is identical to the icon of the already existing History.SE. The Icon for the Health site should be changed to avoid confusion.

Well, it's AA, not honors, but it's "honors" and has honors weight.
? what's AA?
advanced and accelerated, I think
What's... the difference?
@AndrewT. Pretty much
@hichris123 Honors here is a group of kids in 8th and 9th grade who take english, history, and science classes together and get AA credit in those 3 classes.
ie teh 1337
Q: What is palindromic DNA?

MosheWhat is palindromic DNA and why isn't every complementary strand palindromic? I know AGCT is palindromic, but what is an example of a strand that isn't?

gah, another 9th grade bio question
posted on chemistry -_-
I don't know. The question asks for spam, so...
@SmokeDetector flagged spam; site is crappy
@bjb568 huh
@SmokeDetector vlq
@SmokeDetector I thought for sure that was spam until I started reading it.
@SmokeDetector fp
@AstroCB Registered answer as false positive.
I thought for sure that this guy was a relative of @AlexisKing but I misread. :(
ooo, shiny
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: What is the significance of Dukakis in Donnie Darko? by user20162 on movies.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@pizza Blacklisted user.
Wait, @pizza is Woodface?!
> We drew inspiration from the Material Design colors, typography, and animations plus the other wonderful sites and apps that use the design principles. -- Major design updates are coming! on Android
Sounds interesting. Animations?
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Air_France_Flight_296: Traditionally, pilots respect the inherent dangers of flying at low speeds at low height, and normally, a pilot would not attempt to fly an aircraft so close to stalling with the engines at Flight Idle (minimum thrust). But in this instance, the pilots involved did not hesitate to fly the aircraft below its normal minimum flying speed because the whole purpose of the flyover was to demonstrate that the aircraft's computer systems would ensure lift would always be available regardless of how the pilots handle the controls. The Captain's p
Now the NAA posts by 1 rep users will have up-to-date colors and typography.
@bjb568 Oh, yeah. I think there's an episode of Air Crash Investigation for that one.
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Simple way to increase volume on MP3s? by tomorrowbetter on superuser.com
Lol. Animation. Deleted post will be sliding and fading out, etc...
@SmokeDetector tpu, persistent spammer
@AndrewT. Blacklisted user.
I'm going to say yes, all 4 posts pitch the same product, relevant or not.
superuser.com/q/896900/218034 This is the first question I've asked in a while. :P
@Doorknob Downvotes, flags.
@pizza flagged, all from same website
@bjb568 Ah, youtube.com/watch?v=zPHTdY2mc-k If you've never watched this show before, be prepared for the over dramatic reenactments and CSI vibe. I love it, lol.
"Vim like interface for Firefox" er wut. @Doorknob
@hichris123 Basically lets you internet without the mouse.
Sounds horrible.
It's wonderful.
:w :q oh wait, I need to edit again. i :w
@SmokeDetector tpu wall o' text
@hichris123 Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@hichris123 Lol, it doesn't make the entire page just one textbox
@Doorknob Still sounds painful.
@SmokeDetector tpu. "You win!"
@AndrewT. Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@AndrewT. er... I already tpu'd. :P
@hichris123 Why? It's absolutely amazing to be able to (almost) never touch my mouse (I use xmonad too).
too distracted; didn't read :P
@Doorknob There's a reason you have a mouse...
To not use it?
@AndrewT. Don't be distracted and Tavern, mkay?
In computing, a mouse is a pointing device that detects two-dimensional motion relative to a surface. This motion is typically translated into the motion of a pointer on a display, which allows for fine control of a graphical user interface. Physically, a mouse consists of an object held in one's hand, with one or more buttons. Mice often also feature other elements, such as touch surfaces and "wheels", which enable additional control and dimensional input. == Naming == The earliest known publication of the term mouse as a computer pointing device is in Bill English's 1965 publication "Computer...
Not... that mouse.
See! Nobody wants to touch icky animals while using a computer!
But reaching for the mouse wastes a whole bunch of time.
(And you can still use the mouse if you want, but Pentadactyl shortcuts are 99% of the time much faster.)
My only complaint is that I've been forced to switch to Firefox :P
in Charcoal HQ on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 12 secs ago, by hichris123
@SmokeDetector Interesting. Migrated question -- user didn't have account, so the websocket didn't give even a username.
Hrm, wonder if that's a bug.
@Doorknob Not... really...
@hichris123 So you should be perfectly fine with throwing away the arrow keys on your keyboard, because the mouse is better?
I don't really use them much...
Just like the F keys.
So what about copying text? Would you rather right click -> copy or Ctrl+C?
@Doorknob Apparently there's cVim.
Yeah but Pentadactyl is much much better and has many many more features.
@Doorknob Ctrl-C. But that's different.
Hey hey hey
@Doorknob Betcha cVim is open source.
Yah, it'd take me months (years?) to match what Pentadactyl has. And then it'd probably be super buggy.
@Doorknob Then make other people do the work?
See, instead of 1. moving my hand off the keyboard and to the mouse, 2. delicately moving the cursor on top of that link, 3. clicking it, and 4. returning to the keyboard, I just had to do fgit to open that link.
Yes. Why reinvent the wheel?
@Doorknob ha ha ha. Mouse wheel.
@Doorknob Does it support middle-click?
f -> enter "find mode" (not the right name, but something like that), which labels each clickable thing with a number. Typing narrows down the clickable stuff, and if there's only one item left it automatically clicks it.
Yeah, shift+f.
(although SE chat makes all links open in new tabs anyway)
lol, such pun :P
That's... kinda complicated.
I like clicking more.
You get used to it.
Clicking is less efficient.
I guess I could make an analogy Notepad : Vim :: vanilla Firefox : Pentadactyl?
It's a pretty dramatic improvement.
@hichris123 closed as primarily opinion based by hichris123
Probably is a study out there about it.
go find it.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keywords in title: (((Full*HD~@~Unbroken"Full Free Online Movie 20145 by Mojoboxbhai Box on sharepoint.stackexchange.com
2 hours ago, by Doorknob
pero soy perezoso
And I oneboxed that with ;y129gi<C-v><C-v>, no right click -> copy URL -> click to textbox shenanigans.
(;y = yank hint location, 129 = the hint number (too lazy to use the narrow-down-thingy first), gi = go to the last input field, <C-v><C-v> = paste. There should be a quicker way that doesn't involve doubling the key, but I haven't found it -_-)
@Doorknob But you can prove me wrong! And teach me thy ways!
@SmokeDetector tpu
@Doorknob Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@Doorknob You can just drag & drop.
... I never knew that
I didn't either until now.
And ;yago9 also would have worked, using the narrowy-down-thingy.
Oh, also, more awesomeness: <C-i> to edit the current textbox in (g)Vim. :D
And gf to toggle view source, and gF to view source in Vim (!).
Ok now I'll stop singing the praises of Pentadactyl. :P
Hi Friends! I popped in to ask a question of anyone who's in the mood to check something for me.........
I followed the link to Worldbuilding in a comment on this meta.stackexchange.com/questions/252534/…... and got a message that it was an untrusted website.
It's on my Safari browser on iPad. If y'all are busy, no biggie. I'll come back tomorrow.
@Sue Probably some HTTPS support issues. I know there are issues, but I don't know what they are. It's fine. Just go to the regular meta.worldbuilding.stackexchange.com to avoid the annoying warnings.
@JasonC Thanks. Will do!
Yeah, the wildcard certificate isn't valid for meta sites, so that'll happen if you try to access them over HTTPS.
Review queues on ru.SO: 634 Late Answers, 183 First Posts, 107 LQ, 3 Close. Hm.
@ShadowWizard, we're cranking to ship the page network-wide, probably this week. This update will probably come in a second pass a bit later. — Jaydles ♦ Mar 24 at 3:46
Every week is this week at some moment...
oh, FirstPostQ has reached 500 on Android Enthusiasts...
@JasonC ME LIKE!
@bjb568 My favorite is to watch like 3 episodes in a row before I get on a long flight.
Q: what is this infernal noise that my phone keeps making about every 60 seconds

user100610It sounds like a strumming sound and it just keeps going on and on and on and on about every 60 seconds it has nothing to do with a call or an email or anything coming in just keeps happening. How do I make this thing stop? I am about to throw this phone out in the street to stop it.

Anyone wants to try and diagnose the problem?
@pizza For all we know he put a "make annoying sound every 60 seconds" app on it then forgot about it.
And that's why Android has 64% answered ratio, lowest on the network outside of SR.
Is the drunk page reddit's april fools?
Nah, you're just drunk.
@pizza starred
Take note, kids. Android. Not ask different.
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Windows application for taking screenshot of current active window by Tracy on softwarerecs.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body: Keeps the skin smooth and soft by Aqwqerxqz on drupal.stackexchange.com
I'd rather have smooth and soft skin than try to figure out the difference between software recommendations and spam.
There's a difference? ;P pokes @Undo
pokes @undo too just of the fun of it
@SmokeDetector tpu
@AndrewT. Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@AndrewT. The user was already deleted :)
I'd like to read the Bayesian doctype 'bad' one day.
@animuson When can we expect an animated picture to be added to stackexchange.com/about/team?
> All I want is to be able to put it (screenshot/image) on the clipboard so I can easily open [...] SE chat and paste to upload them. - by Kasra
is it possible to paste an image into the chatbox?
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: The Brazilians are by fresh cake on meta.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector that. was. fast.
@pizza cmd-f animuson… oh wait that no werk
@AndrewT. I don't see how that would work. It's just a textarea. (I tried anyway, zero effect)
i rolled back and now it says no? it use to say yes with that same image
blame @nicael
@Roombatron5000 y no transparency?
@pizza that's why... is mod's chat.SE more powerful then? :S
No, I think Kasra was sleep deprived when he wrote that.
It's possible if you use fancy scripts.
I think a certain owl in here would like reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/3123d6/…
there's no owls here
@jan must have been banned from chat
yes, yes, a merry april fools to everyone!
no chat bans and inter-community tension
I know I'm up late when SilentKiller awakes.
@bjb568 grr
@bjb568 you're not late i'm early. ;)
Eh, still 00:30 here
It is good that there is no pending spams.
@SilentKiller that's what she said
sharp 10:00 here
ooh, somebody's offset
@Roombatron5000 :/
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title: I'm fed up with all the lies in bad weight loss? by jadebarton on drupal.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu so are we
@pizza Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
and the most pressing issue award goes to meta.health.stackexchange.com/questions/20/…
A: Let's think of a creative name for our chatroom

kenorbSupercalifragilisticexpialidocious It was first added to the Oxford English Dictionary in 1986, later popularized by Disney musical film. It basically means: extraordinarily good and wonderful.

The waiting room sounds good
why not the Digestive system? — Roombatron5000 20 secs ago
What are those things
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Explanations Pdf To Doc Online by sharon beirg on drupal.stackexchange.com
@JasonC pear wrapper things
Dammit, it's hard to search for "pear wrapper". Curse you, php.
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, Bad keyword in body, URL in title, Blacklisted website: http://premiumpureforskolinrev.com/metabo-garcinia/ by theorayom67 on meta.stackexchange.com
Have you pressed The Button yet?
@hichris123 haha, why? :P
@bjb568 too late
@bjb568 Trust me, after you press the button, everything makes sense.
pressing the buttons over here, they aren't working
@SmokeDetector Congratulations! This may be the first post that hit four Smokey filters.
[ SmokeDetector ] Blacklisted website: Degree that you know what by john on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating words in answer: When are the last two DC Compound areas unlocked? by Butt on gaming.stackexchange.com
@inf you beat me.
was asking same que.
@InfiniteRecursion did you ban @jan :/
@Roombatron5000 No
Aug 31 '14 at 11:44, by rene
@Bart We need a new word for that: Evolution!
@InfiniteRecursion you missed good times
^ it's evolution!
@Roombatron5000 Yay, pyramids! :D
Why no Bart quotes in the good times?
@SmokeDetector tpu
@pizza Blacklisted user.
^ Nowadays, pizzas blacklist SE users
> You are what you eat
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: Glass break algo by ti by anup sharma on electronics.stackexchange.com
...so Mooseman is a pizza too
Any questions on Health about pizza being healthy/unhealthy?
@pizza 0 results for pizza
"10 questions per day on average is a healthy beta". They have 41 so far.
goes down at first
Health will have to be exempt from spam filters... "Aloe vera seems to be everywhere these days, especially in skin products." Won't be long before there are questions about garcinia cambogia.
The button isn't orange.
so bjb using apple.
Will not download free 9.9/10 virus removal app for my mac when the webpage lies about it's button color!
@SilentKiller yes
@bjb568 MEW!
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body, Repeating words in body: What musical term does this refer to? by Prem on puzzling.stackexchange.com

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