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12:00 AM
@Magisch You judge outcome by reaction of recipient. In the same way, you coud judge intent by asking initiator for it. Surely there is a balance between intent and outcome, wouldn't you think?
@dfhwze Depends on what level I'm judging things at
If I want to get to know you and decide if I like you as a person, sure.
what if you moderate and asses situations?
If I'm running a online community whose utility for people I'm trying to maximize the distinction isn't so useful
Thats what the basis of assume good faith is. Just operate under the most favorable assumption (see: steel manning an argument) and decide your course of action based on results otherwise
I've been tracking where this stuff is being discussed. It's mostly hacker news and slashdot, but a couple more troublesome places have picked it up.
I really enjoyed reading Kate Gregory's take on assume good intent and its use as a tool to exhaust already marginalized groups
12:03 AM
But that principle of assuming good faith also means when people tell us to use their pronouns that we take them at their word that it is indeed what they want
got a link?
But remember that not only marginalized groups matter. Everyone does.
There is a fine line between accepting that and allowing the damage it causes and assuming the worst from isolated incidents
These events are being watched on fascist/supremacist forums with intent to target trans people. The kinds of places that, you know, have actually killed people.
you can't both be default skeptical to people you don't want to respect and claim benefit of the doubt for yourself.
12:04 AM
Just, to give some sense of the severity of how quickly things could turn south if we're not careful.
checks if identity is well hidden * convinced I wouldn't know
@Aza KF for instance. I won't spell out the full name.
@dfhwze link
@AGirlHasNoName thanks
12:05 AM
I'm paranoid about my online identity, because I've let slip here that I have autism and am asexual. That alone means some people probably want me dead or at least wouldn't think twice about harming me directly
very few people know my real name or adress
I was in the closet so I was loose with my identity.
It didn't dawn on me I would even out myself here. I wasn't planning on it.
@Magisch ...welp :P
@ArtOfCode touche
you're one of ... 4(?) or so people who do know
So... whelp I wouldn't know how to clean it up if I wanted
12:07 AM
...why do I seem to be the one with everyone's personal details recently
cause you send stickers
@ArtOfCode Make a room for us, I can pass you my SSN.
eh, true
Don't be that lifelock guy.
technically you even have my bank account number
12:08 AM
@Aza sure, lemme just add you to the database :P
@Magisch I do? :P
@DavidA like the all-lives-matter reaction, that one backfired.
@ArtOfCode I sent you some money via paypal at some point. It does show the chained payment method in the receipt, I think. And my paypal is paid through my bank account
@Magisch I don't seem to remember there being bank details on those txn logs, but who knows
Of course non-marginalized groups matter. But they already get their representation. Their lives already matter. Asking others to treat marginal groups with respect isn't asking people to deplete the respect pool that then somehow means less respect to go around for the privileged majority folks.
respect isn't a zero sum game anyhow
12:11 AM
@Magisch yeah, no bank details on there. You see your bank details on your own transactions, but not on other peoples'
good to know
@Magisch Neither are understanding, and freedom.
freedom actually kinda is a zero sum game
in some aspects
It can be.
But often the freedom of many different parties can be increased without anyone losing any.
I'm on my way out, but...
2 days ago, by user58
You cannot both require respectful behavior and allow for people who do not want to grant that respect.
12:14 AM
@Cerberus ideally yes. If you come out of the gate trying to force someone to bend the knee, you'll definitely get resistance.
@user58 The nuance here is between who do not want to grant that respect and who do not want to grant that respect in the way demanded
I think much of the conflicts lately are about that nuance
@DavidA This may happen, yes.
@Cerberus it's practically an American tradition.
Let's not pretend like there wasn't always going to be resistance. Challenging the status quo always elicits pushback. And there is no way to establish a rule like this without the threat of enforcement. If it was toothless we would get reactionary pushback and zero follow-through.
@Shog9 lies. You really are a disembodied rolling head
12:24 AM
@DavidA I don't know much about American traditions.
As the person who brought up assume good faith...
@JourneymanGeek yes, but my real name is "Garth"
@Cerberus They are unfortunate. Consider yourself lucky
If you say so!
12:26 AM
There's a few reasons - it's something a lot of folks believe in and are passionate about. Its useful in getting people onboard. It helps with the actual intent of the COC changes
To be quite honest, I thought America wasn't very much into tradition.
The apple pie tradition is pretty good
I mean, tradition in the traditional sense.
Chicago dogs are solid too
the square dancing I like
12:26 AM
Red chilli... We have lots of good traditions.
I just want to go somewhere that Im less likely to be murdered.
Well... Not Chicago then. Stick with pie
and the closet
@AGirlHasNoName I'm very sorry to hear that. Is it really that bad where you live?
I have heard... Stories of Chicago
12:28 AM
Aww. That sucks.
Come here!
@Cerberus There are way worse places
how about Northern Syria as we speak :s
I read a story about two 14 yo trans girls there just two days ago.
It made me cry
@AGirlHasNoName OK I have no idea.
@dfhwze Yeah, that's terrible.
I am loath to read the news.
@AGirlHasNoName In Syria?
12:30 AM
At least one can get an operation in Iran.
I know little about Syria.
The news exists to monetize misery these days. If you want to smile, a feed of kitten/puppy pics is a much better strategy.
Yeah media is not about journalism anymore, sadly.
"... give us dirty laundry"
Or watch What Would You Do?
Feel-good television, mostly.
12:32 AM
Of course.
But still good.
Sentimental, sometimes mistaken, but it still makes you feel better, doesn't it?
I remember an episode about leaving one's baby upstairs while having a coffee in the café downstairs, with the baby phone on.
@dfhwze I haven't heard any explosions over the border lately...
@user58 you live there?
Close. In Northern Israel.
...and on that note, I am applying self discipline and actually going to sleep like I said I was an hour ago.
@user58 don't let any bombs disturb your sleep :p
12:38 AM
Last time there was an air raid siren I slept through it, so
so you are used to these things
I wake up when I hear a car ... two streets away
now taking bets on the # of minutes before 58 shows up again, oblivious to sleep
I don't think anyone who's spent significant time here would take that bet.
15 minutes
I give it an hour
12:50 AM
y'all peaked at the activity graph :|
Does the graph peek around that time?
I'm feeling the urge to say something about the new pronoun policy.
But I don't actually have anything to say about it.
1:41 AM
I've been complying with it even before it was introduced, so I don't have anything to say either.
So I'm looking at the comments in the new policy release post on Meta and I see a lot of references to Monica being affected by this but I totally missed it. If it's out of line of me to ask, I can accept that, but I'm curious what this is referring to, so what happened?
Not asking for drama, just want some context
Nevermind figured it out; for those dropping by who were curious like me: meta.stackexchange.com/q/334551/308256
The pronoun can of worms is at negative 850 votes. What is the record for downvotes?
@WinEunuuchs2Unix The previous update
Fun fact: the top 9 negatively-scored questions were all posted by current or former SE staff members
Caesar is the same author as the nebative 850... the guy is on a roll. Sorry I mean she or her or them.
yeah when mere mortals get downvoted past negative 5 they hope for a mercy deletion
2:01 AM
@AddisonCrump I'd also recommend meta.stackexchange.com/questions/334399/… which tries to give an overview in a neutral fashion
(I say 'try' because I don't think true neutrality is achievable, not because I have specific issues with its neutrality)
Ah, thanks
That is certainly a much more neutral source. Hope this gets resolved soon
2 hours later…
4:25 AM
"The last message was posted 2 hours ago." Is it... could it be true?
5:18 AM
@Aza this is normal for normal weekends 😁
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog Not very fun :/
@JourneymanGeek Are you suggesting things are back to normal?
@AGirlHasNoName One can hope
I'm not the hopeful type. I'm off to sleep. g'night.
Once the distraction has past, and the trolls wandered off seeking new thrills, and the anger is at best a bare simmer, we could actually begin the real work ahead?
5:32 AM
And I don't have much left but hope. And maybe a rusty spoon that has seen better days.
ohh my spoons are nice.
Better a rusty spoon than a crusty spoon.
and my knives
everything else is crap
I do not have nice knives. My dad manages to ruin anything remotely nice so we have cheap ones 😁
5:37 AM
@JourneymanGeek I think because of current events normal users have begun to act as trolls
@StephanS That will need fixing
Also this one, though it's borderline given context, and I went with unfriendly/unkind.
5:54 AM
@AGirlHasNoName thanks for the flags on TWP. Please raise more if this situations continues.
6:48 AM
Just as a heads up, I saw a mumsnet reference just now. It's well known for its severe and violent transphobia. It also has a couple policies that people use to try to cite and bring people in from outside.
Anyone who cites mumsnet knows what they're doing.
(Like, it's "dozens of articles written about how horrifying they are"-tiers.)
7:40 AM
!!/coffee 202324
@202324 brews a cup of Ristretto for @202324
@user58 brews a cup of Espresso for @user58
I gotta say, even though I have work, and hobbies, I've still been able to follow like 70% of the discussions on meta and in chat in my spare time. If it was my full time job which I was paid for, I don't think following 100% of it would be inconceivable. Claims that meta isn't working for any purposes people use it today look strange to me.
morning btw :P
7:52 AM
Following all the stuff in the mod-only spaces makes it much more difficult...
@user1306322 superhuman productivity
PAX AUS is happening, be sure to catch the vods on twitch if you're not there (also if you're there, why are you here lol)
@user58 alright I didn't account for that
hmm maybe those claims included non-public spaces...
@202324 brews a cup of Ristretto for @202324
8:04 AM
@user58 looks like English isn't the user's best spoken language, but the message gets across. Might be a proverb from another language and "dumb" is one of the harsher variants of the translation.
who knows what they're referring to about "discussing other people" tho
@user1306322 I know I've heard that one before
Basically "who even cares about the kardashians". So not sure how it applies here, and what the intention is.
I'm not very read up on non-2000+ proverbs, I gotta hit up some Omar Hayam or something
(currently hitting up a comedy manga instead)
8:21 AM
How do you envision your "community"? What does the word mean to you?
@AndrasDeak "big brain" memes are invading my headspace right now
It's a "quote" with no source. Someone says "maybe Eleanor Roosevelt". So a nice commonplace.
For me, my closest part of the community is about 20-30 people I know from chat and by name among the active users, about which I care the most on the site. Everyone else is on the broader side of the definition, and I care about them in the "greater good" sense rather than in a personal way.
8:59 AM
can rep bounty be awarded to a wiki answer?
@iBug perhaps "flag to death" is not the most prudent phrasing in context :x
do you think it would be better for gauging the public opinion to enable downvotes on comments?
@user1306322 yes, and the original author gets the rep
I mean on meta only, for the purpose of discussions, not on main sites where rep actually matters
Same with badges, so CW is not 100% community
@user1306322 same thing
I don't look on rep on meta mostly, just the text and comment/post votes
Maybe accept rep too
9:13 AM
rep on MSO is separate from other sites, it doesn't tell you that the user is experienced or fairly new. Someone with 20k rep on some site can have 101 on mso.
I have to look up in people's profiles what their other site rep is, it's not immediately visible
@user1306322 if they're going to change any dynamics on meta it's going to be shutting meta down
I know, I'm talking in general
for the benefit of those who are still planning on using the trusty old scheme
9:35 AM
We should really start to consider closing these new questions as duplicates, I think.
Unless they add something very specific and new, they're kinda turning into soapbox-y rehashings of other questions.
on what basis? asking the same question, as with the usual technical questions? or just vaguely being soapboxy?
On the basis that they don't contain anything substantively different from the prior questions.
Soapboxing to ask leading questions isn't great, but it's not a reason to close a question. But... a lot of new questions aren't making any new points that aren't already covered by other questions.
I would say maybe start with posting comments asking to clarify unclear posts which seem like they are not asking any questions at all (rants basically)
"Is there a specific question you would like to ask?" or "Is there a specific suggestion you want to make?"
9:39 AM
Eh, they are asking "questions," they're just rhetorical, leading questions more aimed to rile people in the community than elicit a response from SE.
and if that is a duplicate, I'd be comfortable closing as such
as of yet, I feel kinda eh about closing all new questions (if there is indeed a question) if they are new/distinct enough
right now is the time to post such questions, so I don't think blocking them is a good idea
until staff says they're done accepting public opinions, that is
(which is, I'm afraid, going to be the event of shuttering the meta)
I mean, if someone's saying something new, sure. I'm not saying "close all new questions on the topic as duplicates."
alright, had to clarify
9:53 AM
and "unkind" at least for the one underneath
I think it was meant in jest
"Your Highness" is a title, not a pronoun, so the comment is not relevant to the discussion anyways
2 days ago, by Rubiksmoose
Just as an FYI, any variation on the "joke" that goes like "I'm going to change my pronoun to [insert trolly ridiculous word/phrase]" is not cool and not funny. Firstly, you aren't the first or even the 1,000,000,00th person to make that comment. It's so old. More importantly, trans/NB have had to live with that attitude of the general public IRL every day of their lives. It's not a joke and it's not nice.
are flags for different reasons handled differently by the system?
Not really, but... sorta.
9:58 AM
the first two feel similar but I don't know what he mechanics are
smells like youtube's form for submitting a copyright violation, where the wrong one will end up with you learning copyright violations 101 instead of a ticket being submitted :p
The first two feed into an autoflag that alerts the mods if a user has been leaving a pattern of abusive / unkind comments over a certain period of time.
@Aza @user58 so...
I want to do a few things.
I want to move the closure requests into its own room, with folks giving a reason. There's a lot of these and I really want to be able to keep an eye on the trends as far as humans go
My main problem with a separate room is that it could misconstrued as a flagging clique. That, and less oversight. Being in the main room means lots of oversight. Everything is transparent.
This is a clique too
I could pin a link to the other room explaining what its for?
Alternatively move them once handled
Pinning a link to another room could work. However, this could backfire...
10:03 AM
Also, fewer people in the other room, so fewer flags.
There are a lot of people watching this room to do the opposite of the requested moderation activity. We rely on people passively being here to take this stuff down. If all moderation activity moves to another room, it's totally possible the people with greater active interest will move and the passive flaggers... won't.
@Aza alternatively move stuff once handled
There's not much oversight anyways, with just a generic tag and a dead link
Moving once handled works by me.
Well, that's basically what we've always done... move it to Chimney.
10:05 AM
Ok, I'll figure out the logistics later
The other thing is...
a lot of the stuff you talk about - like mumsnet isn't obvious to folks outside the trans community
It feels like a good idea would be to have a post (cw?) gathering these things, and why their harmful
It puts a bit of the work on... well the more vulnerable folks
Meh. Not the right medium.
I... don't want to expose that post to main-site rage.
I need something to point at
Github gist or something
You know that post is gonna be downvoted to hell. A "spotting actionable transphobia" post is... going to die a fast death on MSE, right now.
10:06 AM
I'll take the hit on the main post
Have JMG post it...
But I don't know what you know
See, the thing is... I don't want the post about how to spot actionable transphobia, to be flooded with actual transphobia.
That would a) muddy the waters a lot and make it confusing to use and implement, and b) expose people to that kind of abuse, who are vulnerable to it. Especially in the forms that can't readily be flagged away.
10:08 AM
@Aza I'll help deal
but we can't have it both ways
We'd need six people committed to keeping it spotless.
You'd get one.
@JourneymanGeek who do you want to learn this information? perhaps it can be shared outside of the general public's view to protect it from misuse and abusive comments?
TIL there's a second meaning of the term in chemistry
@JohnDvorak ?
10:09 AM
@user1306322 It puts it out in the open. It makes the folks who go "But I didn't know!" have something pointed to
> The preference of pairs of high-trans effect soft ligands to avoid being mutually trans by becoming cis and having other low-trans effect hard ligands trans to themselves.
it gives me something to rally the actual nice follks.
@JourneymanGeek the well-meaning folks or bad-meaning?
@user1306322 yes
It takes away the excuse of ignorance
10:10 AM
@JourneymanGeek no, lol
bad-meaning users will not learn, unfortunately
If you really didn't know - it gives you something to think about
if you did know, it takes away your excuse of not knowing
good-meaning folks can get this info through other channels
I.. really think this would backfire, truthfully.
@Aza I can't think of anything here that hasn't
@user1306322 how do I, as a good-meaning person, assess the accuracy of said other channels?
10:12 AM
well, apolitical honest edits to improve posts and remove typos haven't backfired yet...
@JohnDvorak we're gonna have to ask here, I think
several links have already been shared to things like the guide for writers
I mean, there's the other question of like... what level of detail are you actually interested in?
"Preferred pronouns" is (almost always) transphobia, it's just very low-grade.
Transphobia mutates over time. There's a more general skillset to being able to adapt and change to what transphobia looks like from one moment to the next.
@Aza what do you mean?
In general, it has an extremely high mutation rate, as people try to undercut the language we use to describe ourselves and work to actively undermine in the public eye. So it's never clear exactly what form it'll take. A list will essentially be immediately obsolete, for that reason.
10:15 AM
Was thInking attack helicopters and mumsnet
The general skillset, of identifying the ways in which transphobia has mutated over time... I don't think can easily be taught by writing down in one document, but I could certainly try.
"Be nice"
Well, those two are gonna be around for a while, sure.
Just what is is and why it is bad
@Aza I'd like to learn
what did it say originally?
"Hey man is this the moore diagram?"
Pretty sure that was meant as a particle, not as referring to a person
That was rejected as an abuse flag, but look how (the moderator, I guess) edited the comment.
are we really considering "oh boy"/"oh man" as gendered language now?
10:23 AM
hmm I'm not sure if this is a case which maybe should be exempt, on par with "dude" and "guys", but idk
You tell me, I'm not English language native.
I'm afraid many will fall afoul of the new CoC if we do!
abusive flags please - personal attacks
@user58 done
about flagging mechanics: if I flag a comment and it disappears, does it mean my flag was the final required to remove the comment?
and if it stays and the flag just turns red, it's still not enough flags?
10:25 AM
@user1306322 yep!
ok cool
Okay, there's someone here who's actually just outright a troll. I'm gonna raise a mod flag, but in the meantime... some comment links:
One, two, three. Mix of personal attacks + gender mockery.
I've recently heard "guys" for referring girls in that recent movie, but in Spanish the corresponding for "man" started to get disputed as a valid (gender neutral) interjection / particle, like, æons ago.
Abusive flags on comment one and comment two, also.
10:34 AM
interjection like "Maaan… what a bummer!" is completely ok imo, but "Hey man what's this?" is not 100% without flaw, but I don't know if it should be edited out (except in cases of obvious abuse)
What is the gender-neutral version of "oh boy" now that "oh boy" is disallowed?
Aaaalso abusive flags here. Man, just rolling in 'em today.
(This one is more subtle and I don't expect y'all to see it immediately / agree. Essentially what's happening here is, someone's saying "your behavior is making it hard for me to support anyone like you," which is... seriously awful, and is constantly used as a means of silencing people.)
@JohnDvorak Who... said they're not allowed?
Not allowed in the sense that your comment gets edited and called out by a moderator at least.
10:37 AM
That's... not what this was.
Why not?
I can explain, there was no previous interaction with other people.
@JohnDvorak They're discouraged
Just questioner and answerer.
10:38 AM
it is not a coc violation to use that language
@Aza "man"? :P
knock yourself out
@AndrasDeak :P
@Aza That's a very brutal interpretation. I find it distressing that you're going around asking for r/a flags on such comments and trying to shut down the opposing viewpoint.
10:39 AM
There's no need to go around changing your vocabulary or mannerisms too much. In general this is a rather small change
@Blue Yeah, I don't agree with that one
If questioner refuses revealing gender, and there are no other people in conversation, if answerer includes word "man" like in "Hey man", or "woman" in "Hey woman", that's attributing a gender.
If someone says "I don't like your actions, and that's making it harder to support you," that's fine. If someone says, "I don't like your actions, and that's making it harder to support trans people," that's not cool.
IMO that's different from saying the word here, in a conversation where several people of likely different genders are reading.
@202324 as far as I know, "hey woman" is not a thing anyone says in the English-speaking world
10:40 AM
@202324 except you never say "thanks, woman". It's a figure of speech. One I find annoying as a man, but not because of assumptions. "I'm not your dude, bro"
"hey man" is a common phrase, on the contrary
It's avoidable for professionalism reasons
I'm also comfortable leaving that up for moderator / CM judgement [shrug]
On main I almost never use these figures of speech anyways because they sound unprofessional and main has always had the air of being a bit like a meeting at work
10:42 AM
e.g where you shouldn't assume everyone's in on the joke and speak as you would to business partners or bosses
@Magisch very right - but not an easily enforceable rationale.
@202324 forget about enforceable. These figures of speech aren't prohibited either. Nobody is going to come after you for them. They're discouraged, which means, try not to
which was fair even before this whole thing. After all main is supposed to be a bit more professional
@Magisch "nobody is going to come after you" er, well, not me. But I flagged abuse (was rejected, though) and moderation guessed out the issue correctly.
10:47 AM
@202324 good call from the mod. It was not abusive, but likely to lead to controversy
@202324 if you read the FAQ carefully, it makes a clear distinction between "discouraged" and "prohibited". You can absolutely go around speaking exactly as you have been for this entire time, and until and unless someone corrects and requests you to use a different pronoun, nobody is going to come along and punish you for making assumptions
This one's still up from someone who's had several other very trolling comments.
although I'm unclear why you'd want to. After all it doesn't really matter and is trivial to get into the habit of not doing
What is the not-discouraged alternative for "oh man" then?
@Aza I can't parse what that comment is saying
10:48 AM
Aha alright. :)
oh man isn't even a way of addressing, so I don't think its even discouraged
@Magisch It's not saying anything coherent, it's just word soup used as mockery.
@Magisch then how should I understand the recent occurence on cstheory?
@Magisch the issue is not the language here. The issue is that in a conversation with two people one does not reveal gender and the other attributes male by default. That's counter inclusion.
if I read the FAQ right assuming default male is discouraged but not a violation
might shake out differently in practice
10:50 AM
@JohnDvorak The comment was "hey man".
The "man" was edited out.
In the sense that builds on a stereotype contributing to its persistence.
can probably chalk that up to this thing being very new and people have a heightened focus on it
@JohnDvorak that was cs, not cstheory. Two different sites - I still haven't understood why.
practical vs real problems? math people can probably tell you a lot about real world applications and theoretical mathematics
@Aza The crucial point here is that if you're unwilling to be sympathetic to others' views (or at least willing to presume good intent), then it also gets harder for others to be sympathetic to your views and the group you're apparently representing (no matter which group). This is typical human nature that Martin's elucidating; none of us are saints here (and neither are we bias-free or fallacy-free).
10:56 AM
Sites should be expressive and easy to remember, I think your lapsus reveals something is wrong about those two sites.
@Aza left a custom flag
I'm not a representative of a group.
@202324 I bet cstheory has glasses
@Aza You may not intend to be, but people certainly see you as talking for the LGBT+ community
@Aza willingly or not, you are
10:59 AM
and honestly, it's news to me that you don't intend to
You don't speak on behalf of anyone, but still
I have a strong voice, I try to advocate for my friends. I'm not a representative, and making me into a paragon of Queerness is a gross mistake. It's also a way of silencing other queer people whose voices need to be heard.
It's a way of boxing queerness into a specific person, a specific person's actions.
It makes every step I take need to be perfect, lest I alone cast a harsh light on all queer people.

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