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goes to look for the remove mod action
Better devs than you have tried. I've grown too powerful
@badp I have no idea what's going on, but it's still fantastic
> This is Endhiran, a Kollywood action flick. It's like Terminator, The Matrix, and Transformers combined, but better. Or, as Jesus summarized, "an orgy of absurdity that not even Michael Bay can match." -- Engadget
@TimStone meh I have a doctor's appt tomorrow afternoon
@drachenstern Ah...hrm...hopefully that'll go well then?
@badp Hahahah, I feel like that's a pretty accurate summary :P
@TimStone just a GI consult
I may have an ulcer
wouldn't that be lovely.
So I get to get checked up for a possible EGD
and I'm sure they'll decide I need some KY requiring exams too ... I do have BlueCrossBlueShield and it is the start of the year, lots of premium to consume :\
Of course I exaggerate ;)
IT is about to bounce my firewall ... maybe I should go home now
@badp So much hate for overcomplication, rah! Hahah
@ChrisF oh no
@ChrisF oh you were referring to the Area51 bug report. I saw that, couldn't repro.
@Jin People giving you a hard time because they installed some Firefox theme/user style/whatever, pssh :P
i wish !important can over write user styles!
maybe there needs to be a new key word, !jin
I like how I merely took a screenshot to confirm that I was seeing the redborder and it ended up becoming the fracking answer with two upvotes and a confirm ... I'm pretty sure that means I'm doing something wrong ...
or something right lol
@Jin !oy
I should have replied with my screenshot featuring the right-angle sign :P
@TimStone you should have ;)
@RebeccaChernoff :p
hey so was my inbox++ just pure nuttery or ...?
It felt kind of mean though, hahah.
@RebeccaChernoff can you be my QA tester later? do you have access to dev?
I could...but it seems not |:
Uh oh, access denied!
Still not home.
@RebeccaChernoff you get a sneak peek then
236 0 1 3
0% accept rate
Yay for helpful users ... :(
@Jin :o
@Jin what's the question?
@TimStone I think that's a doctored number
@drachenstern that one is for u
that one is for @TimStone
no more sneak peeks, until launch.
We all get a little taste ;)
woohoo mine's bigger than @TimStone's ';)
@drachenstern Nonsense, mine goes on for pages.
Seriously Jin, you're gonna have to not hold back anymore, you do such amazing work
@TimStone lol, but mine's OVER 9000
@drachenstern i don't think i was holding back before lol. different style suits different sites. not every site needs to be glossy shiny like apple one
Shivering in my boots. Train? nu?
@Jin I still really, really like the stats site, heh. Even though I have zero interest in statistics :P
I love when customer service calls to bitch about my bill being unpaid, and saying "Well you've had services X Y Z since september" and I say "ehwut? I called in september to cancel X Y, I only needed Z, and it was supposed to be cancelled last month regardless, and they transfer me to the "right department" and after two minutes on hold the call drops ... ffs
@TimStone i like the LaTex one. I feel like I learned a lot from designing it. I'd love to learn TikZ one day, so powerful.
@Jin well, this one is the bees knees
I remember reading this last year, when i was first hired: danzambonini.com/…
@Jin Ah, nice. I hadn't seen that one somehow.
I knew his main beef was with the visuals, not really usability. and yet he kept on using "usability" as the main complaint. typical designer criticism if something's not eye candy...
Yeah I read that too a while back
I can has bounty pls? K thx
A: OpenFire: Hide all users in the same group from each other?

JoshYou can do this using the Packet Filter Plugin, which is available by default in the Plugins section of the OpenFire admin. Using this plugin you can block messages between users of the Staff group from chatting with or seeing each other. I'd post a screen shot and detailed instructions, but it ...

@Jin The funny part is I'm not too fond of the mock-up he presented as an alternative, heh. That being said, the trilogy could use some love...one day, right? ;)
@Josh what does it take to get teh bounty?
Hey it's a train. In the wrong direction.
@drachenstern if he doesn't award it, it takes 2 upvotes and I get half, I think?
well you've got one
Eh. I think I see one.
Thanks @drachenstern!
maybe @TimStone will slide over and upvote you again for you to get 25 ;)
I'm sure someone else will upvote my freehand circles, even if they don't upvote my correctness...
@Josh it was at least +0.6 for the FHC's and +0.3 for the "It works, I just tested it" ;)
@Josh yes but you need it within 9 hours
LOL thanks
@TimStone i'm afraid if i touch the Holy Trinity I may get lynched..
+4, this is on the way to being my best SF answer EVAR
so you've got at least +65 reps for the one answer ... nice
@Jin I will hand deliver you bacon if you fix the pixel differences in the layouts at least.
if he'll get off his duff in the next 9 hours you'll have +105 as it stands now ;)
@drachenstern I was afraid he might not see my edit, I answered yesterday but OpenFire's site was down ALL DAY, so I couldn't test my answer
@Josh that sucks
It was down this morning also, and I had to work all day... but now I have upvotes so I am a happy cat
Ok well let me know how you fare on that one question ;)
> You've earned the "Revival" badge for OpenFire: Hide all users in the same group from each other?. See your profile.
Oh, nice.
Thanks. Now if I can make my code stop 500 Internal Server Error ing, this will be a good day!
I've only gotten that on Meta, since I haven't gotten around to answering the SO questions I still have open...
Once we are playing voting ring, can I get some support on my correct answer?
@Josh PHP or Apache issue?
A: Game Center posting bogus scores - iPhone

MosheJust implemented Game Center in my app. You need to convert your integer onto a int64_t. In Objective-C terms, thats a LongLong. You can change this: scoreReporter.value = gcPost; to this: scoreReporter.value = [[NSNumber numberWithInt:gcPost] longLongValue]; I strongly urge you to read the ...

@TimStone PHP Actually I swear I fixed it but this script is heavily cached, which is why I was answering questions waiting for cache to expire :-)
Ah ha
@Josh sweet
but given how long that answer took, I think I might have two problems ;-)
@Moshe are you sure you want that? You could get the unsung badge you know!
Yw @Josh.
Badges > Reps
How so? @Drach?
oh, no I don't have two problems; it works now, YEY!
What's unsung?
@Moshe it's a joke ...
(read that once, forgot)
Unsung means so many accepted answers at score 0
well if causing load of 6.3 on my server constitutes working then I suppose it "works"... heh...
Ah. Heh. Nah. I want TEH VOTEZ!
maybe I should be fixing the load instead of editing my message here to indicate the load...
Train. Yes.
> It is too late to edit this message
On train. Warm.
Wants votes.
@Moshe are you OK? your messages are even more unusual than normal right now... ;-)
@Josh I was thinking the same thing, heh.
Erm. My feet are thawing out.
Ug, apacheserver.net is a ServerFault scraper...
Does that explain it?
@Josh That's just silly
UG! So is devcomments.com !
@Josh Nonsense, we demand real time updates of your server's status.
@Josh so plant source code in your answers that messes with their CSS and whatnot.
@TimStone LOL
Should a downvote be used for a unhelpful answer or a wrong answer?
Is it valid to downvote a helpful but wrong answer? (We're not being pedantic like typo == -1)
@RebeccaChernoff inbox++ again :p ;) - or should I say (;
@TimStone OMG WTF BBQ!!!!!
@Raynos Both
Ya know, gmail does let me know when I have a new email. q:
@Raynos Yes
@RebeccaChernoff LOL
But notinfing you here is so much more fun!
@RebeccaChernoff nonsense!!!
you're spoiling all my fun! lol
@Raynos indeed you should
@RebeccaChernoff BUT IT'S the CLOUD!
@Josh I'm not sure that it's working though, hmm.
sad face. sad fugi face. :-(
Also, how interesting that SO uses gmail for domains or whatever ... I would've figured they'ld just use a SOIS app for that ;)
@Zypher I am getting so sick of inductry magazines making dorkass cloud metaphors.
that would be funny, upvote or downvote email ...
ok, I'll quit being silly now
Oh, wait, I didn't read the instructions.
If I read one more article in Network World about how to bring an umbrella when deploying your private cloud...
Holy crap it works.
@TimStone it works well?
despises the cloud - and all that it really is
@TimStone I must get this now
@Josh It works exactly as if I had copied to jsbeautifier.org :P
But in Firebug!
Meaning I can set breakpoints and cause even more debugging trouble on SO :D
This will make my life SO MUCH FREAKING EASIER
Can I now go upvote all of your answers @TimStone
I don't see why not. Just uh, mind the fraud detector ;)
He's going to get a notifcation and think Huh? What?
@Josh it'll trigger the fraud detector
@TimStone must download now
You should also up vote this answer:
A: Is there a plugin that allows me to automatically unminify the Javascript included on a site?

B TSomeone has integrated JSBeautifier into Firebug: https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/javascript-deminifier/ This has made my day today!

Which let me know :P
I know @drachenstern ;-) I was kidding :-)
points the fraud detector at @Josh.
@Josh (I know you secretly weren't, but we'll have to be careful around @RebeccaChernoff)
@RebeccaChernoff I eat the fraud detector for breakfast
@TimStone Can I create a bounty on that question and award it to that answer?
ROFLMAO. @TimStone I've been getting really frustrated trying to figure out why I couldn't IM that link from my laptop (Token, where Chat is) to my development wokstation (Stan, where FireFox is)...
@Josh oh excellent question. I want to TOO
They're both signed in to Jabber! WTF?
I have short term memory loss, LOL
No seriously. Can we award a bounty to that answer somehow?
I was seriously asking too
The short term memory loss was in reference to:
A: OpenFire: Hide all users in the same group from each other?

JoshYou can do this using the Packet Filter Plugin, which is available by default in the Plugins section of the OpenFire admin. Using this plugin you can block messages between users of the Staff group from chatting with or seeing each other. I'd post a screen shot and detailed instructions, but it ...

Shouldn't you be trying to reward whoever put that feature in Firebug, rather than someone who just happened to link to it?
> This works, I just tested it
@drachenstern I forgot to disable it ;-)
Instead of donating reputation to some random SO folk, donate some cash to the open source developer ;)
@DanGrossman I have more rep than cash though...
@DanGrossman some of us don't have that luxury today
@DanGrossman I'd gladly donate some of your cash though!
@DanGrossman no, I want them to have more reason to use this site and be more involved and share more awesome things
I have no cash left to donate, I gave it all to Jimmy Wales
mozilla.org prevents copying email addresses, they are backwards in the source
I selected [email protected] with my mouse and got moc.liamg@yhprummneb on my clipboard
That's clever
lol, nice
I have also identified the exact day Ben M Murphy obtained that gmail address in 2004... ausgamers.com/forums/general/thread.php/…
Is SuperUser the proper site for a FireFox Extension download error?
two questions:
nobody really knows what you're allowed to ask on what sites
@Josh Sorry, went to get food...what's the issue? :P
did I tell this user wrong? And where should it be updated in the FAQ?

What's the difference between a tag x # and a tag-follower

12 mins ago, 43 seconds total – 2 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 31 secs ago by drachenstern

according to Jeff, it even depends on your current occupation, rather than your question
@TimStone my serverfault question! :-)
10 mins ago, by Josh
ROFLMAO. @TimStone I've been getting really frustrated trying to figure out why I couldn't IM that link from my laptop (Token, where Chat is) to my development wokstation (Stan, where FireFox is)...
8 mins ago, by Josh
A: OpenFire: Hide all users in the same group from each other?

JoshYou can do this using the Packet Filter Plugin, which is available by default in the Plugins section of the OpenFire admin. Using this plugin you can block messages between users of the Staff group from chatting with or seeing each other. I'd post a screen shot and detailed instructions, but it ...

Oh, hahahah
7 mins ago, by Josh
> This works, I just tested it
But I didn't turn it off
Whoops ;)
So I couldn't IM myself your link :-)
But now I can't install it, Firefox download error -228
@Josh Hmm, weird.
> Your site is down again, am i risking myself if i keep using your service?
5 minute downtime, after 5 months of 100% uptime. His "again" refers to that few minutes 5 months ago. Ergh.
I hate that
We have a few whiners like that
Q: What is preventing me from upgrading / installing Fixefox extensions?

JoshI am trying to install a Firefox extension into Firefox 3.6.13 under OS X 10.5.8, and I keep getting an error message: Firefox could not install the file at because: Download error -228 I have read this and found it unhelpful. My cache is 500 MB and ~/Library/Caches/TemporaryItems i...

Time for dinner now, bbl
"Risking myself"? Heh. Tell him that you're sure demons won't come steal his soul if he continues to use your service.
Eh, I did the professional thing, mentioned the uptime record, and told him about the daily offsite backups and export features so he can always have a copy of his data himself too...
offsite backups = my home, though ;)
tonidoplug 4tw
<whiny>So anyways, all eyes on me ... did I tell the user the wrong thing when I answered this question?

What's the difference between a tag x # and a tag-follower

23 mins ago, 43 seconds total – 2 messages, 2 users, 0 stars

Bookmarked 11 mins ago by drachenstern

And should it be on the FAQ or is it and my blind eyes are missing it?
I think you're right, but I don't really know
now I have a URL for a post :D
I'm on the "top php answerers" list for 30 days and all time, and all I have is a bronze badge :/
I'm surprised to see @Pekka as the top asker
Q: What is meant by tag follower versus the "x number" that appears after a tag name?

drachensternThis screenshot should demonstrate the two different items. There is a tag, a "x number" and a set of followers. What do the different numbers mean? This question comes courtesy of a chat dialog from the SO Tavern on chat.stackexchange.com Return to FAQ index

I should go walk my dogs :\
I just don't want to close up shop here :\ I have so much that I need to get done
@drachenstern The numbers are different depending on the context.
Then you should edit my answer to reflect that :\
No one knows what the number on the Recent Tags means though, that's been asked several times and never answered. :P
It's not on the FAQ and someone asked
so I was trying to be helpful
> Latex paint, despite being thick and creamy, does not coat your stomach and provide the same relief as pepto bismol.
I think my timesheet is almost done for the month, now if I can actually finish up what I'm working on so that my timesheet is accurate :\
I need 3 hours for Monday
ttfn, bbiab
@TimStone LOL!
@Tim My favorite so far was the one where the army lt. inserted his pager in an odd place, then chose to visit the military hospital on his base to have it removed. The staff amused themselves the rest of the evening while waiting for an OR to open up by paging him randomly.
Brilliant, hahah
I shouldn't have started to read it earlier today. I've gone through 30 of the 60 pages. toilet.push(Productivity)
@Pollyanna Yeah not opening that link :-)
The Tunes room is still underused! :-(
@Josh Hahahah
Hey @Moshe
Just getting home now. A 45 minute commute gone bad. 4 hours and 6 trains and a car and a bus. But not in that order.
@TimStone We minify all our JS and it comes from a variety of modules, each one is a package of PHP, HTMl JavaScript and CSS, so finally I will be able to track down JS errors quickly
Nice :D
We do, fortunetly, have a way for me to disable minification ona site-by-site basis but not hopefully I will need that less
@Moshe YIKES
@Moshe I know what's causing this and I feel for you

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