I'm using the one I learned in geography and society classes in high school, where mixed means these people are all mixed up and living together happily...
@doppelgreener That is certainly true. But to what extent? My guess is things are more political than ever, in the sense than using them, even admitting to them seems to imply you're from a certain mindset and align with a certain political group.
@M.A.R. I would venture things have always been this political for at least a century, but it is only now feeling like it because we're growing into adulthood and didn't experience any of it as kids
If I'm using doppel's definition of mixed, I still think you can get the biggest mixes by respecting differences, both ways. But then yes, at some point it will break.
Political or not, these things always happen. An odd look escalates to a huge fight. I'm not sure promoting "friendship" in any group that benefits from diversity is a good thing.
So for the purposes of issues like this, I'll draw attention to the fact the Stack doesn't try to support every individual that wants to use it. We have suspensions and we can and do identify people who are not welcome to participate for various reasons, including social, and remove them.
The goal is to identify the people you do want to support and then ensure they can continue working.
In the Stack's case, they want to support people who are, in general, respectful and courteous people. We have rules that forbid being verbally abusive, or racist, etc, and the goal is not to mix those people in and ensure they are also happy; the goal is to make sure they are shown the door so that everyone else can get stuff done.
@doppelgreener January 2020 was when Shog and Robert were fired. I and a couple other people started organizing a SO moderation strike, including Charcoal, SOCVR, and SOBotics, mostly through Discord. Yaakov IIRC said that the strike was useful in convincing management that the community was actually a force that had to be acknowledged
@Aibobot well, briefly, and without getting into the details, what happened? Mods yelling at each other? Mods being angry at CMs that they were being, uh, "the company's puppets"? Did it result in permanent damage to relationships?
@Aibobot i'd have been one of the first to say things aren't resolved and this is an ongoing thing with more work needed, and have told multiple people that including SE staff members, so i am on the same page there
@Aibobot yeah, that's not surprising. it's why i'm grateful there's moderation in place in the new TL, because that would've been impossible to not have
I've recently rewatched the planet of the apes movies.
I found it quite odd that there are so many apes, especially in the last movie.
They seem to go from a few escaped zoo animals, to limitless hordes of animals in a few movies.
Is there an in-universe explanation as to why there are so many ap...
The sad bit is... The need for moderation in the TL (and improved moderation in chat generally) was identified by multiple people years earlier. I mentioned Aarthi already; Ana was a big proponent of it during her time as well. IIRC, Cat had worked on ideas soon after being hired.
The hack that we put in place in late 2019 was... Sorta us throwing up our hands and saying, "we're never going to be given the opportunity to do this right, let's just do the best we can"
Which, in hindsight, we should have done years earlier.
Has there ever been a feature request for "Comments are not intended for extended discussion, please continue in chat" to go to a specific room if a certain tag on the question exists, rather than creating a new chat room called "Discussion between user1271772 and Shog9" ?
@Aibobot I'm as much to blame as anyone. I joined SO with this idea that I wouldn't resort to a bunch of ugly hacks to make stuff work, and... It took me far too long to give that ideal up.
I'm still kinda... Of two minds about some of the stuff I did. Arguably, things would've fallen apart a lot sooner and possibly less catastrophically if I'd just... Done less.
(I have a particular mental image for that; in a previous life, I worked near a testing lab for fans, where they would run them until they flew apart - then use that info to ensure that this never happened in the field)
@user1271772 comment threads on spceific posts tend to be very finely suited toward that post, and existing chat rooms wouldn't necessary want that conversation dumped on them
e.g. if comment threads on RPG questions got dumped into RPG.SE general chat, it'd be a mess, and nobody would get anything done, not least of all the people trying to sort through their comment discussion
@doppelgreener In this case the question has the GAUSSIAN tag on it, meaning that it's a question about the GAUSSIAN software, and it is best for the question to be in the GAUSSIAN chat room
I think... There is potential value in your idea, @user1271772 - specifically, if the system suggested chatting in an existing chatroom when a conversation arose, but didn't ever move messages there.
dumping comment chains into an existing chat room, and doing this for all questions with a specific tag, and expecting everyone to continue their comment discussions this way, would not work
but "maybe talk in this room about this topic" without the move or even necessary expectation for a direct continuation would be workable
I'd like to see that angle fleshed out. Maybe not automatically-created chatrooms, but the ability to use tags on chatrooms to influence the suggestion when a conversation is detected.
I thought I'd get people's opinions about it here first, since "meta is murder" for people that don't have a lot of experience asking new questions like this. So I appreciate all your feedback and I'll write something, taking into account Shog9's suggestion to include specific examples.
Speaking of meta murders... This question now has a positive score equal to the absolute value of its negative score when I answered it. That always makes me happy :)
@Aibobot I was just thinking about that. It's not been a problem for us, because a question about the software LAMMPS is not going to be related to the software GAUSSIAN, for example. But some other SE sites might run into that problem. I suppose their community can decide which rooms belong to which tags.
@Aibobot And yes, frozen/deleted rooms eventually become somewhat useless. What I was thinking, was that instead of having 300 rooms called "Discussion between A and B", the vast majority of those rooms could actually fit into the pre-existing rooms that are specifically designed for discussion/comments about the Q/A of GAUSSIAN or LAMMPS or some specific software like that.
You need a generic automatic naming scheme, which also aids guessing how to find the room. Example: "Chat - [Question Name] chat between [A] and [B] tagged [X], [Y], [Z]" --- then it could be missed, forgotten, renamed; yet still fairly easily found - dupes could be named chat_2, etc.
@Mithical It's a side of Shog I hadn't seen before. Now that there are no strings attached, he can criticize the company's actions more freely. And it's . . . I dunno how to feel about it, but a shade of awesome is unmistakable
I was telling someone a few years back... Meta, archived as it is, could be a real treasure-trove for the right person: loads of information on what can be done, both socially and technically. Even if SO, Inc never fully utilizes it, I suspect someone will...
Nobody shows up for a site's chats even though many might want to. The ones that go exploring and find it are already trying to socialize on the site and tie themselves to the old money.
@Rob Did you mean proponents?
Showing results for But, I think the forum format has many proponents too, especially if it's for an argument and not a constructive debate
@Shog9 @Aibobot @doppelgreener @Rob, vis-a-vis our discussion about 90 minutes ago, I've tried to put together a feature request. I've generally avoided asking questions on "Meta is Murder", so I would welcome any feedback or edits if you think the question can be improved:
The observation
Some sites have hundreds of rooms with almost the same title, for example there's an entire page of rooms on Mathematics.SE that were created from the comments on a specific question or answer:
Most of these rooms end up getting frozen, because they are only relevant for a very s...
@user1271772 The first 3/4 seems OK, the remainder will require more study, of the implementation details --- BTW: That conversation seemed to start here, if anyone else is curious.