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@drachenstern I do, I just have stay on bottom disabled. The chat still scrolls weirdly when you submit messages though.
@RebeccaChernoff Yeah, yeah, I'll get on that, my bad. :p
haha s'ok
if the user clicks the button and then refreshes the page it should go away (;
Hmmm... @waffles is reading our userscript...
@TimStone I haven't made my commit yet either.
Oh, well in that case.... ;)
But no, now that I'm back home, once I get finished with this work stuff I was doing before I left I'll see what I can do about finishing up my changes and getting everything up to date in the repository :)
Gah! I hate myself for not talking some time out to read more about scoping in JavaScript
Especially the new feature that Firefox has, like the let statement
var a = 1;
var b = 3;

[a, b] = [b, a];
Apparently you can swap variables in JavaScript like this...
Eh. I'm wary of using something only Mozilla supports, and only when you specify the javascript version number.
Hang on, let me see if Chrome supports this syntax too
let isn't in the standard. only mozilla.
Nope. Damn...
unless something has changed in the last couple months.
> tmslft played SQUIRT for 114 points
reaches for phone...please let that not be my game...please let that not be my game...please let that not be my game...
Hi all
@RebeccaChernoff - Where should I put that blog link?
@RebeccaChernoff I'm getting totally over notified :) I think it should look at the little red circle and only take last n messages
@waffles - what scripts have I missed?
@waffles No the solution is to always have chat open. q:
I use the livequery plugin. .live() doesn't match existing elements, but .livequery() does. |:
So it is going to match any messages loaded with the page also.
@RebeccaChernoff Heheh, no, you're safe...for now. ;)
yeah ... that is a problem ... also when you switch chat rooms ...
Can add logic to work around it if it really bothers people. Doesn't really bother me. It's just gonna go away in however many seconds I specify.
Nobody has created an issue on github, so I maintain it isn't actually an issue.
well it depends on your workflow ... but I find it a bit annoying :) ... I have already cloned the script ... needed to remove id central
What's the problem?
Hrm. I thought I got an email when someone forked.
Also, you and @YiJiang both, @waffles. q:
has chat always open and has tabs for each room
@Tim ... switch rooms back and forth
Oh, the notification on load issue.
I have 1 tab per chat server.
it should notify ... but only the number in the red box times
@waffles How would the userscript know what your inbox is showing you?
I'm not confident on whether or not we have the necessary information for that to work correctly.
I do have a "next-best solution", though. :P
I mean, I guess the number in the bottom-right links to the messages in progression.
Not sure what it is doing there.
@waffles, why don't you show here: github.com/rchern/StackExchangeScripts/network?
@RebeccaChernoff <div title="You have been mentioned. Click to show." id="reply-count" style="display: block; visibility: visible; ">1</div>
only show 1 message notification (the last one)
Yeah I get what you're saying. But we'd need a way to know what messages you've been mentioned in.
@waffles But hang on, how are you even going to get that? Cross-domain ajax is tricky, you know
beautifies the chat script
@YiJiang what is cross-domain here?
@YiJiang I think he means the circle
...the in-chat circle, rather.
@TimStone Oh... not the global inbox. Right
I keep thinking of the supercolliding dropdown when he mentions red circle
do a livequery on that element instead ... and then search up
Line 3565, I don't see a click event being attached.
let me test something ...
ah, 4155.
we'd have to be able to get at that array.
Probably a better solution, but does rely a bit more on balpharc's implementation not changing.
@RebeccaChernoff Meh, I'd say a lot of the stuff in the script is fragile - and that's not going to change unless they actually give us an API
Most things are pretty stable...just depending on element ids as we just initiate click events.
But this would be more fragile.
won't something like $('#reply-count').live("change", function() { notify.. }); work?
@waffles The change event is for form elements
so you can't get change of divs?
we don't just need the number on reply-count though. We need the actual message ids the number represents.
You're probably looking at binding to the DOMMutation events - but that's not really very reliable
".message:not(.pending):not(.posted) .mention" in reverse ... take N
@waffles There's no guarantee that all of the messages are in the DOM.
@waffles See: quirksmode.org/dom/events/index.html#t16 the DOMNodeInserted event
If it is an older message, it takes you to the transcr...what @TimStone said.
That being said, it's not an issue to keep track of notification events. I'm not sure how the chat gets the notifications from when you aren't in chat though...maybe it doesn't even do that, I don't leave long enough to know. :P
@Yi you could just query the div once a second ... that would not be that expensive
Line 3508ish seems to be where it is adding the mention to the array?
We have to be able to get at it though. Hrm.
@RebeccaChernoff maybe... tries
Ah, OK. I see how they do it...
StartChat's last parameter is an object with the existing notifications.
Not seeing anything useful in $("#reply-count").data()
That might be a little harder to get at.
Right. But can also be added during chat.
@RebeccaChernoff Yeah, but that part's easier.
We can just listen in on the events.
Sure, but it'd be awesome if just one block of code handled both cases? (;
Wouldn't it be nice if `$("#reply-count").data("info") had a csl of message ids? >_<
That'd be too easy! ;)
$("#reply-count").text() should be good enough no?
@RebeccaChernoff Well wouldn't it be nice if each .message has .data('source') still attached... get over it :P
I'm actually not sure that even having that information solves anyone's problem though.
10 mins ago, by Rebecca Chernoff
we don't just need the number on reply-count though. We need the actual message ids the number represents.
I mean, what, are you going to dismiss the notifications automatically so they don't come up again? :P
Hm, no, actually disregard that, I guess it does help mostly.
@RebeccaChernoff why do you care about notifications that are not on the screen?
just show the last N you can find
Well, you're saying that if the number says 3, you want...well meh. That isn't what you said. (;
But we still need message ids.
I need the message id to get the text.
Where is the click event handler for the button getting it's information from? Surely it's not hard coded in there?
Once I've got the message id, it doesn't matter to me whether the message is on screen or off really.
@RebeccaChernoff But if they're in the DOM it's not hard to find the messages that contain notifications to you in them.
also the tricky thing is what do you do when you are mentioned in a room you are not in
the number goes up ... but there is no message id you can find
@YiJiang The data is scoped in a manner that makes it inaccessible to us.
@waffles err, it does?
mention me in sandbox
The number at the bottom shows the number for the room you're currently in?
aha ... so you actually get a dom notification next to the room ... on this page
you even see @waffles yo yo on this page
of course if you have one room per tab open everything goes to hell ... so you would have to use local storage to track what you notified people about
you see the text on this page?
look next to sandbox
The sidebar thingadongdong shows the last message. ;)
Well I'm in the sandbox.
Oh, well yeah.
But that's a room I'm in.
and that isn't $("#reply-count") over on the left.
That <a> has no id. and the <li> id is "room-38"
I'll bother @balpha and @marc about this ... its a waste of effort they can just give a hidden api via a callback or something
Other room mentions aren't supported at all yet.
or better still ... just implement it themselves :)
Well let's look at this further. There's a function to get mentions.
I think we should take a step back and go over again what the expected behaviour is, because I'm unclear on exactly what we're trying to accomplish. :P
I've got other rooms messages notifications working I think in the Prism app
So what does that function do?
@YiJiang Yeah, but you're off in only-supported-in-firefox bad-land.
@RebeccaChernoff No, it should also work for the userscript
I didn't mean this line of code specifically.
I agree with @TimStone though. We've got several trains going here.
$('#widgets').bind('DOMNodeInserted', function(evt){
	if(evt.target.mozMatchesSelector('#my-rooms .last-message span')){
			usrName = evt.target.textContent;
		} else {
			var titleNode = evt.target.parentNode;
			do {
				titleNode = titleNode.parentNode;
			} while(!titleNode.id.match(/^room-\d+$/));

				title: usrName + ' (' + titleNode.firstChild.textContent + ')',
				text: evt.target.textContent,
				img: null,
				type: 'otherRoom'
Damn it... chat and unix line breaks...
Expected behavior: I am notified once every time I am mentioned, and only once. For the current room and any other rooms where I am mentioned.
@YiJiang, even that code isn't cross-browser compatible!
I am only notified 5-10 seconds after I am mentioned ... and no more
@RebeccaChernoff Only one function shrug I opted not to use jQuery there - you have the benefit of that with your script
Meaning: Tray notification = somebody mentioned me somewhere NOW
what's that about 5-10 seconds after?
@waffles But the 'only once' thingadongdong makes it quite hard...
local storage
I know, but you have to pull localStorage everytime someone says something...
only when the number of unread notifications changes
Although we do have an implementation of that in the uscerscript already, so it's not that big a change
the 5-10 second thing is buffer :)
I actually don't think it's that hard. The only issue is for me, with my multiple tabs. :P
Ok, we're talking about 2 pieces here. I think we should isolate.
1) Only showing the proper amount of backlog instead of livequery showing all existing element matches.
2) Support for other-room mentions + localStorage to prevent dupes.
assigns #3 to @waffles q:
3) just get @Marc and @Balpha to give us a damn callback and be done with it
Yes well. Let me just wiggle my ears...
chat.addOnMentionCallback(function(message_id, message_text) ... finished
Hang on, I need to get breakfast - doing this before breakfast is not very healthy
no need for crazy hacking
@waffles I'm not sure that that solves much beyond making it slightly easier. :P
hmmm ... it makes it possible to get notifications in rooms you are not present, that is impossible now
Why is it impossible?
Oh, I see.
A livequery on the other-rooms listing would cover that wouldn't it?
So chat would have to return events it apparently doesn't return? :P
It'd just be...ugly.
So if you were to @-mention me in the WA chat I'd only get the notification in the multicollider?
Have you even ever said something in the WA chat? (;
nights all!
@RebeccaChernoff Oh, no, but I was in there, I guess that doesn't qualify :p
What a mess I've made of this sandwich!
Well I just said something to you there Tim.
OK, so no, I don't get a notification in chat.
But that makes sense...because I actually clicked "leave"
I'm not sure that there's any reason to get a desktop notification from a room you've left. O_o
I think you have to say something for it to be active in mentioning you in the inbox. Also in the room the last 7 days.
My sandwich is falling apart!
@TimStone I could agree with this.
And for rooms that you're in but are not active, getting the notifications is easy enough.
...Err, like...rooms that are in the side bar
I'm not sure I'd go as far as "easy enough". q:
I guess it also doesn't make much sense to get desktop notifications for mentions on load, since you're entering chat and are aware of their existence already.
Eh, just spy on the ajax requests to events and look at the response :p
Assuming you filter out the room load request, you'd only get the notifications once (per tab)
I'm also trying to think of performance/footprint here. We haven't been concerned at all about that so far, but at some point we probably should. (;
Oh right, I was supposed to test if the userscript was tanking Firefox :p
@RebeccaChernoff I think it's reasonable so far... I think
See what happens when I do work instead! ;)
I think it is too. But it'd be nice to be sure. (;
It is a total hodge-podge now. (;
@RebeccaChernoff /blames waffles :P
Ya know, I'm supposed to be looking for a new computer desk. That was my project for tonight.
@RebeccaChernoff That's very kind of you, looking to find me a new computer desk.
For me!
@TimStone Ha!
Oh, I'm less excited by your search then, but also less disappointed you've been procrastinating. ;)
Dec 5 at 19:58, by Rebecca Chernoff
So, I've discovered that I'm super good at procrastinating, heh.
Do you need reminding? :P
Wasn't she looking for a desk then too? :P
@TimStone She was, I think. Ha! She is super good at procrastinating!
Too good. ):
I had such good intentions for tonight too.
@RebeccaChernoff To be fair, you were busy with work and now busy being free from work...so it's OK. Until you need that desk to actually do stuff, then it might be a problem.
That latter part...
I had good intentions for today too, then had to go on a eight hour drive or however ridiculously long was I gone.
Q: Publicity banner is SO BROKEN: hitbox is HUGE and it is invincible to damage!

Grace NoteI'm not sure whether this is a consequence of the new CSS or not. We have a very visible publicity banner - it is shifted over to the side, and extends infinitely to the right. Perhaps as a consequence of the stretch placing the "close" action off to the horizon, the banner is also impossible to ...

+1 for 'Invincible to damage' :P
Right then. Consider this discussion totally unsolved. Now, let's all find Rebecca a computer desk.
@RebeccaChernoff I like that one! points
@TimStone So do I! It's red and big and everything!
@RebeccaChernoff So, what kind of desk are you looking for, besides a "nice one"? :P
A nice one. (;
L-shaped. Counter space. Storage space.
I can see this is going to be a productive quest ;)
Well, I think I've accepted that no desk will fit in the corner between my windows and it is just going to have to go in the middle of the room. So there's that. shrugs
@RebeccaChernoff Does that mean you're going to use your computer monitor as a TV? :P
I'm tempted to make my own damn desk at this point, heh.
So hard to find furniture >_<
kind of maybe toying with this
What... is that?
Still no dice :P
4th time's a charm?
no hutch though.
Hmm, not too bad.
Not sure I dig the colour, but maybe it works for you ;)
Of course, this coming from someone who has all-black furniture in his room...terrible decision, heh.
There's also this color, this one, and this one
We might need to go kick whoever designed the Office Max website in the shins though, these URLs scare me :|
Hmm, not bad, not bad.
@RebeccaChernoff Erm... why is it telling me to enter a US zip code? ._.
oO I dunno?
Is it member only or something?
It's almost like desk makers didn't realize that there are people with three 21.5" monitors to fit on their desk :(
@TimStone I thought Americans make their own furniture :P
I told you, I'm tempted. :P
30"+23" for me.
hi everyone :)
I don't know why, but I'm quite happy with my single 19"
I don't get it - why doesn't \b match the start of a string?
i hope you are talking about monitors
@YiJiang It should, if the first character is a word-character.
@Reno ...We are :P
Wait a second... can you @-mention me again?
@Reno Allo.
@YiJiang I suppose
Oh, I know why! I was wondering where the sound notifications were coming from, and suddenly remembered that I didn't turn it off for Prism
well then im happy with my 13" :D
Of course. Staples has the finish color I'm leaning towards, but it is cheaper at OfficeMax.
I think that deserves a resounding oy.
How much cheaper?
Now I have to do math and figure out the dimensions of the pieces I want. ):
Stupid math.
Hmm..I'd still probably go with the colour I liked better :)
Maths is awesome, don't be silly.
Figure it out for me then. (;
I don't know what you want :P
Corner desk with a 3-drawer file on one side and the return on the other.
Would probably do the tech file cabinet against a wall in the corner rather than together with the desk me thinks.
Maybe I should not drink Godiva liqueur and then try math. q:
hire a carpenter , thats what i did once when i couldnt find the right furniture
@RebeccaChernoff 74 x 58
(and a bit)
d'oh, 32 not 30 and change. oops. #:
and my office is 11'1" by 9'3". So 133 x 111
It fits!
The rest of your office could use a little sprucing up judging by the massive amount of blank space, but one step at a time ;)
I can't remember what site I did this on. ):
Luckily, Chrome history does!
And you can't ask on WA, lest you start [identify-this-webapp] :P
@TimStone Hehe. It would not pass the proposal I posted this morning. meta.webapps.stackexchange.com/questions/764
Ikea has a nice room modeler thingadongdong that has all of their furniture. Too bad that they don't have anything I want to buy at the Ikeas around here..
Heheh, that's true
reading the transcripts you four really make me wanna become #5 on this project
@drachenstern o:
So did a desk get decided on? I'm still not sure
Well, since everyone went to bed, I shall too ... 17 hours of not resting is hard on the brain ;) Sleep well ya'll
G'night :P
Hehe. I'm here, playing with floor plans. (;
I'm poking the userscript. ;)
Probably being more productive than me! (; i.imgur.com/CZUUU.png
Oooh, nifty :D
I'm drunk and not in jail. You losers wish you were me (or a reasonable facsimile)
I'm buzzed and not in jail. Do I get any points?
@RebeccaChernoff I see you've added a plant, nice touch.
@Shog9 I do :(
dishes up a heaping pile of points for rchern. Then realizes it's turkey & dumplings. And dripping on keyboard
@TimStone q:
hits Zypher with keyboard, by way of hello
I do have to question your two telephones, and your one really squashed telephone which I'll assume is supposed to be a stapler. :P
damnit i just got out of a fierce BC2 battle ... don't start with me
BC2? Wazzat?
shakes head
awww @RebeccaChernoff ... Battlefield: Bad Company 2
the battlefield game
@TimStone LOLOL Ignore those. Printer would go on the darker piece against the wall with the telephone. Other than that, I'll have a cordless phone on the desk, but just a single one, I assure you.
@Zypher why isn't that BBC2?
still the best FPS out there after wow almost a year
BBC Two (spelled BBC2 until 1997) is the second television channel of the BBC. It covers a wide range of subject matter, but tending towards more 'highbrow' programmes than the more mainstream and popular BBC One. Like the BBC's other domestic TV and radio channels, it is commercial-free and yet remains a comparatively well funded public service network, regularly attaining a much higher audience share than most current public service networks worldwide. It was the second British television station to be launched by the BBC (starting in 1964), and Europe's first television channel to broa...
because BC2 is shorter @Shog9 i can't over-extend myself by typing an extra B
@Zypher and how much more have you typed explaining this?
@RebeccaChernoff Heheh, well in that case I feel much better. ;) Cool stuff
@Zypher You missed out on some serious confusion then
i miss playing those pew pew games
@Reno haha
poo poo games?
shoots Reno with a laser pointer
@RebeccaChernoff no no no
* pew pew * lazers
goes to get some more of the sinlge malt my mom got me for xmas
I've been drinking Godiva. (:
types a sentance
That's a heavy drinm,
Also a Christmas gift. (:
wait, the second one
isn't ... that ... a chocolate company?
it's chocolate liqueur
What @Shog9 said. (:
personally, I prefer eating chocolate and drinking beer
and I'm out of good chocolate. Thanks, Rebbeca, for reminding me
@Shog9 Chocolate beer!
chocolate with chocolate beer. And extra chocolate
@Shog9 I do what I can!
SA never ceases to amuse me
Q: How to cook a fish to make its bone as soft as those in sardines?

xportWhen eating fish, accidentally swallowing the bones is a nightmare for me. Currently, eating sardine is the only solution due to its soft bone. I am worried that my health may suffer in the future if I continuously eat sardines that might contain "not so friendly" chemical substances. I want t...

Seasoned Advice is also funny at times.
SA does not allow recipes requests , i think similarly SO should not allow source code requests , (code snippets are okay though)
i think that's reasonable.
Q: Homework questions being closed as "not a real question" - is the description accurate?

marcogThere's lots of discussion on closing homework questions showing no effort on the part of the OP. I agree with that, but I find the description "It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably ans...

On april 1st im gonna ask this question "Please give me the full source code for world peace, make sure its well commented and compilable"
homework questions are fine if they are asking for links, documentation, concepts, ideas better than his/her own to solve a given problem (:
i remember some guy asked "give me the source code for fingerprint recognition on android" .. i mean wow

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