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I'm down to 2 sites now, so I'm switching to a similarly priced local provider instead of 1and1.
Does @Pekka think we don't see his Gravatar pop in and out? ;-)
Why do Comcast HD boxes have to be bigger than an xbox with a noisier fan??
I'm talking to Comcast support once again, trying to activate the free DVR they sent as a result of last week's complaints
You have a lot of issues with Comcast @Dan. Makes me glad I don't have them@!
Hey there @Geoff, how goes?
It took a week of daily phone calls just to get things turned on when I moved in here. I don't mind as much now that their support chat seems to have all the abilities of the phone technicians.
Crap. That just made me realize I forgot to call AT&T Uverse today. Fail.
not bad - ready for the new year
I can chat in here while chatting with them.
@GeoffDalgas same here!
I'm so ready for 2011! \o/
@RebeccaChernoff I want Uverse or FIOS, but none are available here. Good news is I will be moving soon. Well, that's not good news but hopefully those will be available where I go
Oh yeah, that's coming soon...
I have UVerse. Upping my internet speed.
I have Elite now. 6 down, 1 up.
Time Warner Cable had the gaul to send me a letter explaining how they could have raised my bill by $x amount, but, since they value my business they're only raising my rate half of that amount. It was almost offensive! Asses...
Tis mehish slow.
I get "20 Mbps" down, 0.5 up. More like 15-18 Mbps down, 0.3 up
nice down, crappy up
and I can't get any better upload speed
until I move... here's hoping anyway :-)
is tempted to go max turbo...
Have you found a new place?
I have "640kb" up now.
@RebeccaChernoff I found a few possibilities, but, nothing I'm in love with
Hooray for my telco installing HSPA in remote areas last summer so I could get that pittance.
I was on "128kb"
Try carrier pigeons. I hear they have more bandwidth than that.
Plus they don't eat much
bandwidth is good here
@RebeccaChernoff Something wrong with your eye?
@GeoffDalgas HOLY CRAP! drools
@mootinator Pigeon poop in it ;-)
another downside of that ISP...
@mootinator hrm?
@GeoffDalgas Use the upload button :)
@GeoffDalgas jealous!
Is it cheating that Comcast runs my closest speedtest node?
nah, that's progress
I asked my mom (in MA, with Comcast) to do a speed test when she was having some trouble downloading something. She reported 8 Mbps up. I was shocked.
I do like these desktop notifications - I do wish there was an easier way to dismiss them
@GeoffDalgas My thoughts exactly :-)
@GeoffDalgas There is, just need Marc to come back. (:
1) fade away automatically, 2) have a "disable" link where the enable one was
He's been conveniently absent. q:
@DanGrossman I don't think you can remove the permissions via the api actually. But if you click the wrench on one of the notifications, you can remove from there.
@DanGrossman It merely asked for permission, I don't think browsers can request permission denials
ahh, darn
Browsers have a domain whitelist for that.
If this DVR box actually works (activation takes up to 45 minutes, they say), I will be able to control the box from my Android phone with the Xfinity Mobile app. I look forward to that geekery.
@DanGrossman Sweet!
Hey @Rebecca! I was reading that!
if (window.webkitNotifications && (window.webkitNotifications.checkPermission() === 0)) {
	var n = window.webkitNotifications.createNotification(imageURL, notificationTitle, notificationText);
	setTimeout(function () { n.cancel(); }, 10E3);
In 30 years, we will have DVR for computers
was trying to format it better.
You'll be able to rewind and see what was on your screen X seconds ago
@RebeccaChernoff oh, OK. You're allowed then ;-)
@DanGrossman You could set that up now
For chat, it already exists. It's called the "SO XMPP Bridge" ;-)
still not the easiest to read, stupid long lines. (;
Though I'm not on the best res right now, so there's that.
Last time I tried to run Camtasia Studio recording the entire screen, everything else was darned slow
lol, I tried to get a speedtest for this stupid slow connections and got a bad license message instead
@DanGrossman what framerate?
I don't remember
Anyways, all you need to do to age away the notification is keep a reference to the notification and call cancel on it in a setTimeout.
@RebeccaChernoff I was going to say, the code you posted looks like it would work
@TheUnhandledException I copied from the userscript. (:
I disabled both notifications, no fault of the userscript :-)
And yeah, the ones from the userscript age away after 10 seconds.
that's much better
but still, they don't go into my syslog :-)
Assuming Marc adds in aging them away, then we'll just totally remove from the userscript.
otherwise, notification wars?
Welcome back @drachenstern
If not...there's not really a good way to use them in the userscript but not use the ones in core.
Since they're just domain driven permissions.
You could go around it with Chrome Extensions.
only for a moment ;) needed to grab a mental idea of when I left so when I rejoin later I'll remember where to go
It makes sense to keep StackFlair around even with SOFlair, but desktop notifications not so much.
Alternatively you could post a bug against Chrome.
Have notifications eventually age away anyway.
@RebeccaChernoff It very much does, please do not drop StackFlair!!!!!
@TheUnhandledException Naah, I know I know :)
@radp Eh...I'm not sure that's something the browser should force.
(That my Gravatar is flying in and out at times, I mean)
@TheUnhandledException StackFlair isn't going anywhere.
@RebeccaChernoff Awesome
@Pekka Bah! In and out again before I could reply! I was too busy creating freehand circles :-p
Free hosting, domain was registered for a year. So even if I stop contributing (which I do want to get back to it...), there's nothing gained by taking it down. (;
^^ MSO chat mentions in my syslog :-D
\o/ iron time!
@RebeccaChernoff yikes!!!!
LOL. Socks / Jabber on my Mac, Chrome on my laptop :-)
my poor-man's multi-monitor setup ;-)
Argh, crap, I just realized my design fro this new feature has a major flaw. Back to the <strike>drawing</srike> white board...
Is the major feature flaw that it doesn't make me dinner?
Ok. two flaws. :-)
@TimStone Hey, where's my milk and McDonald's??!
@RebeccaChernoff points Where's the teleportation feature? :p
@TimStone You're the one checking code in today. Ask yourself where it is! (:
Ah, I knew that one was coming, heheh ;)
Iron time?
You're going to The Keg for an iron supplement?
@Rebecca was going to iron my sockpuppet
shakes head and decides its dinner time
@RebeccaChernoff and @Tim too much? :-p
Ok so I've decided need a new class and a new database table, my existing structure won't support what I had planned...

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