I see a lot of titles that start with "How to..."
Personally, I think that is a bad title, but in A: How do I write a good title?,
How to UPSERT in Oracle (update or insert into a table)?
is listed in the "Some Good Examples" section.
"how to..." is not necessarily always bad gramma...
The hats will be done. Gone. Finished. Never to return again. Thrown down a black hole. The hat code rolled back. No 2013 hats to ever be seen again. Ever. Even if you really really want them. The 2013 hat table will be DROPed. The 2013 hat data will never return. Although many like hats, they ar...
Someone downvoted my hat regex paredy!
sigh I must have missed the memo.
That stopped being funny in 2009... no need to keep milking a dry cow. — yoda57 secs ago
Decision time: Continue having fun on SO and MSO or Attempt to learn Java from an online course made by someone who appears to be a worse programmer than me?
@rene For Stack Overflow, yes. There are some sites out there, I believe, that do not destroy tags if they have wikis. I think that only applies to tags that would be destroyed for only having one use, though.
Though I never quite understood what those numbers were and they were quite ugly, they were the only reason I ever visited the reviews page.
Can we have similar functionality back on the top bar please?
The Stack Overflow Trilogy has an official policy on non-English questions:
It is not, nor has it ever been, our goal to be the one place in the world for all programming information in every possible human language.
Direct question posters to native language resources.
It is not th...