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11:00 PM
oh, ok, whew!
Anyway, I was thinking more along the lines of cash.
but, you know, we can talk.
What's the going rate for stars these days?
Probably less at 2300 UTC than they were a couple of hours ago.
I wouldn't pay more than $1 for a star. And we're talking meta stars. In fact, Tavern stars. The inflation is so bad I would expect to get at least five for a penny!
just let me know where to paypal your $0.01 @MichaelMyers
Well, I could always threaten to pin some embarrassing message of yours.
11:03 PM
You think that scares me?
Oh, that won't work. Of course you don't have anything embarrassing to star, right?
Jan 10 at 21:05, by Josh
@TimStone I think I'm going to go back to committing my password into subversion, that's less embarrassing ;-)
Nah. Scott Hanselman did that and got 100 upvotes for it.
@MichaelMyers link or it didn't happen >_>
11:13 PM
@drachenstern As you wish:
A: Confessions of your worst WTF moment

Scott HanselmanI shipped my administrator password for an FTP site inside an open source project I was working on. ;)

@RebeccaChernoff you about?
knows she's lurking :p
A: Should questions from Oracle Overflow be migrated here?

drachensternI think that given the discussion on this answer: Should questions from Oracle Overflow be migrated here? that we should allow for individual questions to be duplicated from the old site and that there should be a specific block header at the top that says that it was duplicated from that site, a...

I kinda want to say "duh" because I thought it was obvious that we didn't want to just copy over every single question, but I want to know if there's already a precedent for this sort of behavior at all on the SE2.0 sites?
> jzy played HORNY for 20 points
11:29 PM
Argh, shakes fist @RebeccaChernoff for giving me the drive to try the SF challenge and causing me to waste my time writing answers to people who don't know what they're doing!
Q: use of fastcgi in linux shared hosting

Rodrigueshi, what is the use of fastcgi in linux shared deluxe hosting in godaddy. why wordpress showed server error when fastcgi was enabled? is this something to do with php or mail or wordpress.

@waffles ~ You getting this? Test Test ...
lol ... c'mon @Josh it can't be all that bad
@drachenstern Read the question and my <strike>answer</strike> novel. Why did I just do that???
Hi, I need help.
That's for sure! HAR!
@Moshe just razzing you. what's up?
@Josh - No
Weird situation here
11:31 PM
@Josh to add knowledge to SE2.0 of course
so when it gains sentience it will know about FastCGI
I mentioned the router we "have" here, right?
@drachenstern Ok. Thanks, I feel better now :-)
@Josh YW. Also, consider me slightly more informed about FastCGI now :d
So s1 took over the admin interface. Then, they blocked everyone and went on vacation.
Luckily, we realized that he block computers by name.
So, some people's computers have been renamed :-D
does anyone else see a throbber image there?
11:33 PM
However, this individual should not have the admin password.
What can we do?
@drachenstern haha cool. It was a basic overview, we'll see if it helps him :-)
@Moshe change the admin password
@drachenstern - Image Not Found
@Moshe same here
@drachenstern I see a throbbing image not found
11:33 PM
@drachenstern - No, he changed it already. We don't have access to the router.
@Moshe reset the router, change it again
and by throbbing I mean not throbbing at all, actually
@drachenstern I'm not dumb, i'm looking for an unpublicized method for resetting the router remotely.
@Moshe do you not have physical access to the router?
@Josh - True
11:35 PM
also, what kind of router are we talking here?
like a professional Verizon routr?
@Josh - No, home router.
@Moshe oh, yeah, ok, uh huh, sure, a non-published way to remotely reset a router password ... hmmm, think about the actual physical damage that would entail
11:35 PM
Because factory resetting a professional router would be a bad idea
@Moshe you own the accoutn w/ verizon?
@drachenstern Heh.
@Zypher - No.
@Zypher would cry
ah nevermind then
I think you're SOL
You need physical
11:36 PM
@Zypher Good ol' backdoors..
There is one other option, but that requires our friend to log in.
@Zypher I picture @Moshe factory resetting some Cisco router for his whole department and blowing away the tables, LOL
By the way, what would happen if I were to reset a commercial router?
depends on if the guys who set it up wrote out the config or not
anything from 5 mins downtime to "OH SHIT!"
11:38 PM
@Moshe Often times the sysadmin has put in static routes
meaning that if you rset it, you might as well not have a router at all, because nothing will go anywhere
Ah, ok.
I see.
And if it's a stoopid syadmin who didn't back up the router config, you're likely to get an ass-kicking as a side effect ;-)
I remember bringing down the entire campus network when I was at college, with a mis-configured CUPS installation, LOL
i mean you could try to DOS the router if it's one of those crappy one verizon gives small biz accounts
What is it you need the router to do exactly that you need the password?
it'll probably reset
11:40 PM
@Zypher could he pown it that way, or just annoy everyone as it buckles under the load?
@Zypher - You mean DDOS?
@drachenstern This is the real question here
@Moshe DDOS = Distributed DOS
@Moshe DOS = Denial of Service
@Moshe Do you have a botnet at your disposal?
@drachenstern - unblock those that shouldn't have been.
@Josh - got it.
@TimStone - No. But...
@Moshe you shouldn't need to DDOS it those are pretty chintzy a regular one machine DOS should drop it
11:42 PM
@Moshe That's where the distributed comes in. A DDOS was used to take the entire country of Estonia offline, for example
@Josh well yea that too
I think your router is less powerful than Estonia. Then again, maybe not...
Poor Estonia. :(
Ha, so how would I DOS it? a script or so?
(Wasn't it Estonia?)
11:42 PM
peeking in, this seems like a dangerous conversation (;
@RebeccaChernoff shhh, we don't need any mods here (ignores @Zypher's status)
Yeah, then the Estonians decided they'd get super hardcore about cyber warfare defense. :P
@RebeccaChernoff i swear i have nothign to do with suggestiong DOS'ing something
tries to research the subject in Russian using Google Translate.
11:43 PM
@RebeccaChernoff Read my FastCGI answer instead, it's more interesting
@Josh Elbonia? :p
Nothing to see here, please move along...
@Josh I highly doubt that.
@RebeccaChernoff - Do you know how?
@RebeccaChernoff You got me answering SF questions again, I wrote a whole book to a use who had possibly one of the qorst questions I ever saw. But hey, these are the SF questions I can answer ;-)
11:44 PM
@Josh - Which question?
@Moshe She she does. She DOSed my disposal didn't she?
@Josh I really need to start answering mod_rewrite questions on SF so that other people...don't.
Q: use of fastcgi in linux shared hosting

Rodrigueshi, what is the use of fastcgi in linux shared deluxe hosting in godaddy. why wordpress showed server error when fastcgi was enabled? is this something to do with php or mail or wordpress.

So much fail. shakes head
@TimStone no, please don't. I've seen your mod_rewrite questions, they're just plain dangerous!
11:45 PM
Only the doing maths with mod_rewrite one. :P
That's the one I read :-)
> want to know the use of fastcgi. i used to write code in same page or classes, etc. Saw one folder 'cgi' in root, whats its use? – Rodrigues 4 hours ago
heh, where to even start, LOL
don't you just hate when requirements dictates a restriction on usability that would otherwise make a more useful page?
@Zypher - I suppose a script would the trick, I just need to point it at the router.
@Josh With this "WTF?" face:
user image
@TimStone keep that just laying around do you?
11:48 PM
@TimStone LOL
...wait for it...
@Moshe yep basically something that opens a crapton of IP connections, preferably to google or something or just pund the admin interface
@waffles nm, too late :p
11:49 PM
@drachenstern Until I can be bothered to change my profile picture, apparently. :P
Man, them Russians don't speak English.
@Zypher preferably not to the Stack Exchange network!
@Josh - Oh, heavens no! Certainly not.
ehh he could try ... but it would be killed fairly quickly
@Zypher With extreme prejudice.
11:50 PM
@Moshe imagine that
always ... always
@Zypher yeah I know, by H... what is it, HAProxy?
It's something I keep meaning to research, LOL
Man, real conversation, just now:
Kyle was talking about it in chat months ago
A: So I accepted your friend request on FaceBook.
B: I don't have FaceBook.
A: freezes
11:52 PM
and then did you find $5? (;
There's money laying idly about chat?
@TimStone Yeah, I offered to buy stars from @MichaelMyers -- I mean, um...
Oh yeah, I started starring things to annoy those without stars. I should go star some more. (;
@Josh I thought the rate was much cheaper than that. :P
11:54 PM
:451099 I'm still not clear on how the DOS is going to pown the device. I think all the DOS will do is kill it, and your net connection will go down...
@TimStone cheaper? I expected 5 stars for $0.01!
@Josh - I don't know, but we'll find out!
@Josh - You mean 5 for 0.01¢?
@Moshe In all likelyhood you'll find out and be unable to rejoin chat to tell us :-)
@Josh You wanted 2500 stars for $5 then?
11:55 PM
@TimStone OH MY STARS YES!!!!!!
I saw what you did there.
That was a real typo, actually :-)
In fact you could call it a typoy
but you won't, because that's a lame pun
shakes head
> Pekka sent you 0.35 EUR
11:58 PM
is surprised nobody thought of that status tag before
@RebeccaChernoff That's hysterical
Though I haven't accepted the payment q:
> You still need to claim your payment from Pekka

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