Otherwise rm will say, "Do you want to delete this directory? Do you want to delete this file? Really delete this file? What about this one? I like this file, can we keep that one? Ok, the directory is empty, do you really want it gone?"
My brother is an Apple Genius. When he was in Cupertino for training, I got a random IM from him one evening. "Josh, what's the Terminal command on mac to open a file?"
Because if I create a file in your home directory called rm and it's actually, say, a rootkit, then you will type rm some.file and may execute my rootkit instead of the rm command
So having to type ./ before a command in $PATH is desireable
Well, to be specific, it was chmod -R 755. Now every file is executable, which I don't want.
I am thinking that I should look at the first two bytes of each file for the #!, but will this cover everything? Should I instead use file to look at everything and base my decision on that? Or, more like...
It's been discussed in here three or four times, and @Moshe should've learned about it by now with his userscript questions and the responses from @RebeccaChernoff and @YiJiang
I understand that you weren't serious about the implementation, but the rate at which you absorb information I would've thought you'ld have grasped .live()
@drachenstern Ok. I was referring to "It's been discussed in here three or four times". Besides I'm a Prototype.js guy. Ask me anything about Element or Class.create :-D
for the time being, if you guys know of any rock solid ("tutorials","whatevers") on those two I'll be very glad if you mail them to me on gmail ... I'll stick 'em on my list of stuff to read soonest.
> Underscore is a utility-belt library for JavaScript that provides a lot of the functional programming support that you would expect in Prototype.js (or Ruby), but without extending any of the built-in JavaScript objects. It's the tie to go along with jQuery's tux.
@Josh almost. He came back in and my head was concentrating on my lefthand monitor (my door is to the left) and I didn't know what was on my righthand monitor ... I kept wanting to look over and see if the room was up, it was not thankfully enough