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12:01 AM
If 2 users coordinated to accept anothers answer, it’d be a bannable offense.
I agree that it's scummy, but there are worse things going on here.
In particular, the content of the answer itself.
I’m shocked they thought this was a good response to self answer
I’m not even sure if I can call it the Streisand effect when the site is calling the issue out themselves
too far and not yet built. I don't suppose they have the technical ability or people to actually enforce this on a community of largely pissed off software engineers. People are already using workarounds in a ton of ways. — mag 2 days ago
ehehe, this is my expertise :D
12:44 AM
@Stevoisiak eh, There's situations where its ok
I've literally brought up stuff on offsite chat - someone worked out an insane solution that needed to be documented, and I co-ordinated with them to make sure both got posted.
Yeah like I said, I really don't see the problem with what happened with answer attribution.
It's a very minor thing to be upset about.
Of all the problems with SEs post, the attribution isn’t even on my list of things to be upset about.
The biggest upset for me is that it affirms there has been no soul searching on the part of SE inc and how they interact with their community on meta.
This proves they either 1) have not learned their lesson for effective community engagement, or 2) do not care.
Either is troubling, but I see signs of both here.
ultimately, what’s the end game? Let’s say your meta users leave. Who are you expecting to fill the void? How are You going to train them up?
how will they get the expertise needed to build and maintain this brave new World you’ve created where you’ve demonstrated you don’t listen or interact positively with your community?
1:00 AM
Well - looks like it'll just get overrun by trolls and people seeking drama.
That said - its pretty overwhelming at the moment, even for folks with a bit of experience running a community
I’m concerned for anyone that chooses to continue to moderate under this brave new world.
Its pretty much impossible to interact positively without having some give back to the community
shrug Well, in a way, keeping things at least at a bare minimum of functionality is necessary for the folks who don't care about the community to get stuffed.
And most communities seem... less affected.
Meta's just kinda the place where everything ends up
There is, whether SE wants it to be true or not, a rift between the community and the staff and moderators are standing in the middle. If they stay in the middle too much longer the community will see that as siding with SE and act accordingly.
that said, maybe 2-3 months more of this and I think everything is lost
I have it at another month. I hope I’m wrong
1:05 AM
You guys are more optimistic than I am.
I think it's already lost and SE has already destroyed its relationship with the community.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica At least you have lots of drama to watch.
I refuse to believe any of the CM team bought into the “remove Monica go fund me ads from people’s profile” move.
That should keep you entertained until it all burns down
@GeorgeStocker man. I've been reading between the lines a lot
Only problem is that it might bring out the troll in me. :D
1:07 AM
@TheforestofReinstateMonica Its ok, you can still watch if you're suspended.
Which means, If I’m right, the CMs are as frustrated as we are. But given that this is their paycheck they have to suffer as Rome burns.
@GeorgeStocker and there's probably some internal politics going on.
@JourneymanGeek If my old troll self comes out, this won't be my only account.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica Those are still easy
You'd be surprised.
1:08 AM
I don't ask myself if I'm doing the right thing
No doubt, though If what I understand to be true is true then it’s not a collaborative environment as far as community policy goes, it’s dictatorial.
I could be wrong, but all the tea leaves point to that being the case.
@GeorgeStocker I think the only way this makes sense to me is there's just several different pulls on the company
and a certain amount of empire building attempts
Unfortunately, at least publicly, the CEO is OK with the status quo.
So legal shutting everyone else up is probably different people from the initial mess.
The real problem is YouKnowWho, S*** *****.
1:09 AM
@GeorgeStocker I've no idea where the CEO stands on this
The one most proud of the damage she caused.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica sigh
If you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree you and the fish will be disappointed, Forest.
I'd rather deal with people I know listen, than constantly tweak people I know could go off on me, and have not demonstrated great people skills.
so, lets not pull her into this. Its still a broader corporate culture that allows this sorta thing to happen the way it did
I don't think she's the sole problem.
But finding a new director of Q&A would go a long way in regaining trust.
1:11 AM
Its a long term disconnect between the company and its users
and isn't going to be fixed by any one thing.
The community person should be a C level
@GeorgeStocker they used to have a vice president for that
They aren’t, which causes a lot of issues
1:12 AM
But don't you think that it's better to at least get rid of someone who is doing active harm?
@TheforestofReinstateMonica I've no idea if she's done anything new lately
actually I took a weekend off the site proper
Still recovering from the panic attacks? >_>
Watched the mandelorian
@JourneymanGeek I took two weeks off. Was actually nice.
also built a preliminary version of my new lab box
1:14 AM
@TheforestofReinstateMonica making light of actual issues does not improve our case.
though, I'm waiting on some parts for it
@GeorgeStocker I was referring to the "panic attacks" she mentioned, not the actual medical condition which is very severe and which I do not mean to make light of.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica I've had them
So have I. Drugs are bad, m'kay.
No drugs, except maybe excess caffeine.
1:15 AM
Drug-induced panic attacks are nasty. Non-drug-induced are nasty as well.
It's weird being unable to speak cohesively.
But yes
I can't even think of what we can do until SE works out what they want to do
@TheforestofReinstateMonica I recognize what you were referring to, I was referring to that as well. We need to take what they say at face value if we want them to take what we say at face value.
@GeorgeStocker I don't want to think that SE is so evil that they have people with severe medical conditions doing things that trigger extreme medical events. I'd rather think that she was just using the term "panic attack" as shorthand for "anxiety attack", even if it trivializes the suffering of those who suffer from genuine panic attacks by comparing them to those who just suffer from anxiety.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica the lede for me on this one is that our behavior is such that it can cause either an anxiety or panic attack
@GeorgeStocker An anxiety attack makes sense, but a panic attack?
1:18 AM
@GeorgeStocker I think a significant number of users and mods are suffering from both.
and quite a lot can't be mods or functional users cause of recent actions :/
And well - they don't get paid. They did it cause they like the place
@TheforestofReinstateMonica uhm, You might want to quickly consider what you equated this to.
That's a terrible comparison.
Erm. That's still a really bad comparison.
Panic attacks are rough. :/
They shouldn't be made light of. That's my point.
I mean, can we leave the digging themselves deeper into a hole to the professionals? Please?
What? I'm not talking about false rape accusations. Where did that come from?
I'm going to clear that out shortly. I want you to know why
3 messages moved to Trashcan
Huddled in the corner in fetal position screaming and shaking uncontrollably because of being asked to talk to a community of programmers? Saying you had a panic attack when you had an anxiety attack is like saying you were mugged when what really happened is you were pushed by someone.
fix'd ^ (better?)
1:24 AM
I suppose. I guess I don't have as much of an emotive response to that.
If you want mutual trust then you have to trust. I trust they meant what they said Re: panic attacks in the same way I expect them to trust what I say.
You can’t ask SE to listen to you if you dismiss what they say to you
@JourneymanGeek It's supposed to cause an emotive response.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica uhm. You're literally doing it again.
@GeorgeStocker but you're not going to solve that by antagonising the entire community
@JourneymanGeek I didn't know the word itself was what was offensive. Sorry I misinterpreted you.
As a new meta moderator, my first order of business was getting to know folks (better) and earning their trust.
I don't really see anyone higher than a CM even attempting to do that unless necessary
1:28 AM
@JourneymanGeek that’s their problem to solve. Arguing against SEs position only strengthens it and gives it weight
@GeorgeStocker It is
but that seems to be all they have been doing lately
Then let’s focus on us and our behavior
@GeorgeStocker as far as meta goes? We can't put out the fires if there's random fuel dropped on it.
@JourneymanGeek In the future, please be more specific. Thanks.
We can list issues for days on end and stay focused on actions and not words
@JourneymanGeek it’s no longer our job to put out the fires on meta se
1:31 AM
@GeorgeStocker to a certain extent - there's pretty much no one else to.
With the latest from SE, they’ve very clearly taken on the role of moderation on meta SE and it would be disappointing if a community moderator assisted in that effort
@GeorgeStocker In a sense though - there needs to be an effort if meta needs to have value to the community, in spite of, not in assistance to, their action.
The company can handle anything legal demands.
Let them dig their hole, it’s bad to interrupt your enemy when they are making a mistake.
But there's still a lot of things going on that affect folks who are not doing it
Depends on what your enemy is trying to do ._.
That mindset is being used against you
1:33 AM
but its my mindset
The “I need to keep this above water because SE isn’t” allows them to not see the real cost of their action.
And it hurts the community because it masks the extent of the problem.
I don't think we can do much more than take the rough edges off.
So it may feel good but it’s at best a bad move for everyone involved.
It prolongs the collapse and the introspection needed to actually solve the problem.
I don't agree with the "let it all burn down" yet
but if I did, I'd quit as a mod again.
Well, you could do a lot of damage as a mod if you wished.
Even without doing anything explicit enough to get your diamond removed.
1:35 AM
@TheforestofReinstateMonica eh, no.
Forests burn down, they grow back stronger.
Sorry Forest.
@GeorgeStocker sometimes they do. Sometimes they just end up a wasteland.
But you don’t solve anything by putting out the brush fires, that just makes the inevitable Forest fire worse
Well ferns will always grow.
1:36 AM
Any typos from here on out are the rum/eggnog plus me typing on my phone
Before it was just the phone
Mine are mostly me :D
I'm sober and have a nice keyboard to hand.
I'm high but my typing is fine. Probably in part because I have a good mechanical keyboard.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica is that what “Forest” alludes to?
No. My name has a much more obscure origin that I'll always keep to myself. :p
But I do like the observation.
1:40 AM
A blog called "The Bias Blog" sounds like it might have its share of bias!
I'm curious, why is that your first reaction?
Because I like pointing out potential sources of irony.
Seriously though, it's because psychological studies and sociology have such a low reproducibility rate (~40%?) that I don't think kindly of them as sciences, and most people talking about sociopolitical implications of biases heavily base their arguments off of such poorly done soft science.
@Aza after a month? With people at each others throats? I still think trying to assume good intent is the only way I'm not calling for people to get fired, and suspending more people than I have :/
Disrupted status quos are tiring, and I don't see anything good coming out of all this yet
@Theforest I would encourage you to read the article. Your comment is not at all related to its content.
@Aza That's true. As I said, I like pointing out potential sources of irony. Wasn't meant to be more than an off-hand comment.
1:44 AM
> Fred insists this wasn’t fair, and Alicia owes him an apology, because he didn’t mean to step on her foot, and she made him feel bad. Your code of conduct says people should “assume good intent,” and Fred is lodging a complaint that Alicia failed to do that.
The foot stepping happened. The pain happened. If Fred did it on purpose he's a dick. If he didn't do it on purpose, and he hurt someone he should feel bad cause he caused hurt....
Ew, skimmed it. Don't want to keep reading.
There's no "always" there :/
Else I wouldn't kick @TheforestofReinstateMonica at all :D
It's one of those blog posts from upper-class privileged white people talking about how sad they are about their little 1st world problems.
@JourneymanGeek "Always" where?
in assume good intent.
oh lol
Well the last time you kicked me, I had no bad intent.
1:46 AM
If someone demonstrates bad intent, or at least the inability to understand where they cause hurt, that's different
As I said, I didn't know that the issue you had was with a particular word, so I misunderstood.
It was the concept more broadly.
The word, the concept behind the word. You know what I mean.
Point is, I thought you were upset because you believed I was comparing panic attacks to you-know-what. When I tried to explain what I actually meant, you kicked me. Only then I realized that the issue was the word itself (or the concept behind the word, whatever), since it was the only commonality between the two comments.
And its amazing how many of these issues would be caused by realising "I caused hurt, I should step back, and damn, I''m an idiot" over "Please explain how exactly my stepping on your foot hurt? Which bone broke? Can you show a receipt for your shoes, let me try again to make sure I understand how it hurt"
@JourneymanGeek Unfortunately, when I did that, you kicked me. :D
Without warning of course, in spite of your constant affirmations that you always warn.
But that's neither here nor there.
1:51 AM
@TheforestofReinstateMonica See this happens routinely
@JourneymanGeek Yup. It's a communications error between someone who has problem understanding certain English terminology, and someone who takes English literally.
It's become a self-fulfilling prophecy.
Now you stepped on my foot (figuritvely). I said it hurt. You stepped on it again. I happened to have a steel toed boot and kicked your rear.
@JourneymanGeek Not a lot of people do this, right now. And you can't really push 'em to, even if standing guidance is helpful. So any inclusive code of conduct... needs to be resilient to those cases. It's not as complicated as it seems, but it's a different paradigm about how CoCs are designed.
If you hadn't stepped on it, I wouldn't needed to kick.
@JourneymanGeek No, I asked why that hurt, and you kicked me for mentioning the event.
1:52 AM
I guess that's why I linked that article here.
I said I only stepped on it by mistake, and lightly, and you kicked me for that. :p
@Aza Our code of conduct has proven non resilient, and has back fired terribly
@JourneymanGeek Codes of conduct tend to do that pretty regularly.
also, I might have a certain attachment to assume good intent, since I personally feel we need that in the current absolutely horrible environment meta is right now
@JourneymanGeek Oh, yeah. The Stack CoC has some deep, structural issues. I 100% believe it.
1:54 AM
@Aza at this point, the community does
Usually, a CoC is either introduced when a community is already broken, or it's introduced and it is used as fuel to break the community. A good community does not need one. A bad community will misuse one. Hell, just a few minutes ago I saw someone rule-lawyer our CoC in a comment!
I think most people know something is broken, but not a lot of people are really up for thinking about how power differentials affect a CoC, because of the level of introspection it demands. "Assume good intent" only operates consistently when all people in a conversation have the same level of influence.
It's because assuming good intent is an easy, but ineffective, catch-all solution.
Same-level is not true, when certain users are marginalized in a broader society, no matter how egalitarian the design of a system.
Social interaction is much more nuanced.
@Aza Egalitarianism is in part responsible for some of the issues, if by egalitarianism you are referring to the equality of outcome school of thought.
1:58 AM
No, that's not what I'm referring to.
@Aza When folks are pretty much at each others throat all the time - for folks with actual good intent and bad execution, its useful
@JourneymanGeek Life isn't so binary. Good intent is not an all or nothing thing.
for the folks who are not. Sod them. if they're here to cause trouble, we can handle that. But there's gotta be an actual way to work towards common goals, which I don't see otherwise.
E.g. my intent here is generally good, but I do indeed like pushing buttons from time to time.
2:00 AM
So I might disagree with specific actions by the company
So you can't deal with me either by assuming 100% good intent, nor assuming 100% bad intent.
The same is true with most people.
If I assume they were done with the intent to cause chaos
I can't talk to those people.
People whose intent is purely to cause chaos are quite rare.
Usually even the most hardened, dedicated trolls are also solid contributors.
Oh, I've seen a few.
There are a lot of different conversations this could become.
2:02 AM
I'm not sure I'm really up for any of them.
Oh sure so have I. I just mean that what most people consider pure trolls are not.
@Aza Simple thing is - there had to have been follow up
there wasn't
@Aza I don't think discussions about trolling have been particularly dangerous.
and MSE's currently worse off with no real end in sight.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica Not for you.
2:03 AM
@Aza Who would add fire to it, though?
It's just sociology.
The ones here mainly to cause chaos are easy :D
Just keep suspending them till they learn or can't come back.
Those are low-quality trolls usually. They're idiots.
SE does not have many high-quality or dedicated trolls.
@JourneymanGeek It has little to do with what Stack Exchange does or doesn't do, to be honest. This is, at its core, a community issue. Stack Exchange may have done some not-great things, but these problems won't vanish if Stack suddenly becomes somehow ideologically consistent.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica we're attracting a whole bunch of those.
@Aza Its totally on SE's actions.
@JourneymanGeek Well better attract them than the shitposters who post drive-by racial slurs.
2:06 AM
@TheforestofReinstateMonica eh, nuke em all. No one will miss them
@Aza there has been no follow up after these. Its basically throw a grenade and run away.
@JourneymanGeek Not always as cut-and-dry. Remember the Spongebob post? :P
@JourneymanGeek Do you sincerely see no community issue?
(All community issues so far have been created by management)
@Aza - more that the community issues have been made worse not better
I don't think that's universally true.
2:07 AM
and that we're losing people that were allegedly supposed to be better protected from this
@Aza I'm seeing a lot of the crap from this. I'm seeing the flags and the drama.
To be clear: it's not Stack that's causing those people to be lost.
I mean, there are obviously a few problems here and there with the community, but nothing big.
@Aza Stack's making a fertile environment for it, by well meaning (at best), but completely clueless actions
Yes and no.
Stack as in the chat system? Or the Q&A sites?
2:09 AM
I mean, do you see SE being a safer place now?
At some point, you have to ask: why are you expecting better of Stack, and not of the users around you?
To say it's on Stack is to shift blame from the system created by users, to the executive authority of Stack Exchange for ever having made people realize there's an issue.
oh god.
I'm going to disagree
I hate to say it, but I agree with Journey on this. Stack Exchange holds the majority share of the blame.
I'm not sure how I can do so in a polite and compassionate way though, so I will leave it at that.
2:10 AM
@JourneymanGeek SE is not any more or less safe than it was before. What's changed is how transparent the community is about the intent toward unsafety.
I don't get how SE is unsafe in the least.
@Aza And... here's another place where I'd disagree but I can't do so in a way I'm happy with.
I've never had to wear a bulletproof vest here, nor have I had to breath through a wet cloth.
Hell, I haven't even had to carry a gun on SE!
I'd say we've attracted a lot of folks who contributed to the unsafety I've never seen before. We gave them a platform that is pretty hard to shut down. We've lost a lot of important voices from the folks that were supposed to be protected.
I'm tired of folks happy to see stuff burn down cause "it's always been that bad, no one saw it ... so its ok"
I get what you mean though, but I disagree that this place is unsafe either way. There are no dangerous trolls. There are no severe security problems. It's not Encyclopedia Dramatica.
No one is going to track you down for the lulz and swat you.
The worst that can happen is someone writes a snarky comment.
An unsafe community is one where you need to protect your powerword (real name).
2:13 AM
@TheforestofReinstateMonica actually... I've probably pissed off a few people who would have tried that if I was in the US
@JourneymanGeek A lot of the harm recently done to marginalized users has been done by regular users; people just don't know how to recognize it.
@Aza what's happening now magnifies the harm
Some of the harm has been done by new users attracted to the discussion, but they're feeding on what's already here.
@JourneymanGeek Well, moderators are a different discussion.
@Aza and.. what's the endgame?
let things keep burning?
2:14 AM
Endgame, for who?
@Aza What users are marginalized here? I've never marginalized someone on SE, unless you count refusing to answer a really bad homework question. I know no one who has.
@Aza that's also a good question
How do you see this helping marginalised people?
they're just all going to leave
@JourneymanGeek I mean with respect to your question. You ask me what's the endgame; whose endgame?
People like me would probably burn out without things getting better.
And we are kinda fighting hard to try to help
but there's literally too much to do
So the status quo is disrupted
Now what?
Bring the pitchforks?
2:16 AM
and I don't mean lovely posts by ivory tower intellectuals over ideal stuff
I mean "How do we salvage the situation for the people we are supposed to be helping?"
Cause I think stack's overwhelmed and has no idea what to do
I think the MSE mods are to a significant level too
I mean, you're basically asking me to lay out a manifesto for an ideal society.
No, I'm saying practically "Now what?"
no manifestos
just "How the hell do we fix this?"
Cause we have lots of lovely manifestos right now
Oh, I have ideas but I won't share 'em here. I'm essentially gone, I haven't touched this place in weeks.
I've kind of realized that the only reason I was ever okay participating here was because I could pretend, for a while, that the people I was working with weren't... like this.
So're a lot of people. And some who were never here.
2:19 AM
Now I can't pretend.
I am completely lost. I utterly fail to see why you have such issues with the community.
And here's something I noticed.
I've been in a few communities that broke away from SE due to previous... issues
nearly all somehow still keep track.
And SE kinda tends to have that effect of bitter breakups of folks unhappy with things :/
The process that drives me away isn't anything that's really being... talked about, actively, by anyone. It's as straightforward as: I can't pretend, anymore. So for me, right now, this is a question of "can I help people who will make better communities in the future?" And, "what can I learn for communities I get to make in the future?"
I mean, groups that break away from a larger main group tend to do so because of a set of specific ideological differences. It's not surprising those groups stick together better.
They already have a root of ideology to share. Most people don't bother to inspect what that root actually contains, though. Or, sincerely ask whether it's good. They've already assumed it is.
2:22 AM
SE is not a place with a large amount of community politics and "root ideologies".
@Aza and more also folks still seem to be unable to let go of the place, even in bitter circumstances.
Sometimes that's okay, sometimes it isn't. I can't really assess personally without knowing more specifically what communities to talk about.
The people who can't let go of the place also have a specific set of ideological values, and it's a much more surreptitious set.
Not all, obviously. But it's also worth inspecting who is going to stay and what about those people encourages them to; not just who is going to leave.
I think you're looking too deeply into it.
1 hour later…
3:49 AM
Q: How do I better protect myself on Stack Exchange?

Mari-Lou AThis is a FAQ proposal. Its aim is to advise and better protect users across the Stack Exchange network but especially to users who can be as young as 13. It is hoped that this guide will help users make informed choices about their safety online and what to do if they happen to witness abusive b...

I don't like some of the answers and comments here. Some of them say that it's enough to avoid revealing personal information, but given that you can get IP addresses through embedded images, it doesn't take much social engineering to convince someone that you know the school they go to.
You could then either find a plethora of information about them online or through various other sources, or use social engineering armed with that knowledge to get more information directly.
... now I kind of want to see just how easy it is to do that for the average kid on SE
But I have the nagging feeling that it would get me suspended if I did so.
Fwiw, although children who visit SE are not a representative sample, I have managed to do this a number of times with nothing but IP address and a little luck, so anecdotally, it's not impossible.
"How do I protect from a dedicated troll/hacker/whatever" has no easy answer on SE.
4:14 AM
Oct 25 at 18:10, by LinkBerest
@Cerbrus yeah, I noticed your GDPR request because I had also put in one (due to the increasing number of death threat/threats of violence I have gotten that link to Meta.SE - this is part of just being openly Jewish but there is an increase and many actually link to posts/comments on Meta which is new) and recieved the same message (assuming it was because I was in the US): so I'm interested, to put it mildly, in what they have to say
^ you mean like I had to do because of this?
Are you referring to those pseudocode trolling events?
I'm referring to unsafe
I assume that is what you're referring to. Those were obviously not serious.
They were meant to get a rise out of someone, not an actual threat of violence.
SE is just not as safe and I've had to change my username from my real name (luckily for me its only been my public email that has been effected but getting more death threats daily which link to posts on SE is not fun and dos not add to my idea of safe)
not on SE to my actual email referencing SE posts/comments I've made
To me, this type of linking says: SE is no longer safe enough for my real name
yes, I've been on Twitch too
Is Twitch like that?
I was talking more about old-school troll communities.
4:20 AM
with the swatting? yeah
Ok then I guess Twitch would also count as unsafe.
But has anyone ever been swatted on SE?
Or even been put on the list to receive 200 free bibles?
yes (or similar if we are counting false police reports about 2 weeks ago - hence why I haven't been on SE)
do not assume safety because you are safe, others had put more of themselves into this site (or sites) and have been burned because of it lately
Confirmed cases? Well, I officially retract my statement of SE not being unsafe.
4:23 AM
....yeah, when a detective knocks on your door I guess we can call that confirmed
Oh, I thought you meant true swatting. Well, false police reports are still nasty.
I'm out, I have a reputation I'm just building as a teacher and a family. SE is not worth it
But swatting can get you killed.
But yeah, false police reports against someone on SE is a scummy thing to do.
so can neo-nazi's finding out where you are (and lets not exclude all the other horrible groups that are targeting people in the lavender community itself -- as my own situation is more collateral damage)
not worth it anymore
From my experience with those communities, the neo-nazis and edgy skinheads are usually the least dangerous people. The most they do is try to spread rumors and make edgy threats.
They occasionally do, however, get people fired from their jobs.
But yes, using your real name is not ideal anywhere on the internet. And as I mentioned earlier, if you really care about safety, use Tor or at least some proxy so it's not so easy to find out your town.
2 hours later…
6:21 AM
What spammer thought "Bangalore Escorts offerings for Elite and wealthy individual" was an appropriate promotional post for Security.SE? O_o
It's the first time I saw spam there that wasn't for fraudulent "hacking services" in a while.
That's common actually
Smokey usually hammers that fast.
Yeah it was obliterated almost instantly.
I'm surprised though that their website actually uses proper English.
I used to troll spammers/scammers who posted things like that. I almost want to get back into it but it was so time consuming.
1 hour later…
7:40 AM
I see the weekend and transcript have been interesting
@Aza I place the blame for that firmly on the company for one reason. They have unified direction (or at least the potential for that), while we as a community do not. None of us have any lever over any community members that act out on meta. Most of us don't have any tools to do anything whatsoever that isn't drowned out by the protest wave. If anyone needs to step up to getting this under control, it's SE because they hoarded all the ways to exert influence. Instead, they
threw a live handgrenade in the room and then just left and haven't come back. What impact can even 25 or so coordinated users have in the face of the size of this problem? it's like putting out a raging forest fire with a watering can.
8:26 AM
@mag My weekend was mostly boring ;)
A good kind of boring though...
8:48 AM
> At the Rotterdam office Network is unavailability.
I somehow guess network problems aren't their only problem...
@SmokeDetector why
Company e-mail ;)
@Tinkeringbell oh wow lol. But why English and not Dutch?
(or German?)
@ShadowThePrincessWizard Big company, can't assume everyone speaks Dutch these days.
8:51 AM
IIRC, there's some pretty international teams working at that office ;)
@SmokeDetector f
@SmokeDetector f
Ruud was rude, but not on that one.
@Tinkeringbell pretty men or pretty women? :P
@ShadowThePrincessWizard I can only properly judge the men... some of those are pretty :)
And international.... ;)
You say that like it's a good thing? :P
@Tinkeringbell of course! Diversity is good. Get to know new things. :)
8:59 AM
Yes and no... ;) Having an international team can go horribly wrong or totally right... or anything in between. Communication issues and cultural differences can complicate A LOT
all other things equal, a broad viewpoint and experience diversity in a team helps cover blind spots in design and decision making you wouldn't have otherwise been able to cover

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