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18 messages moved to Trashcan
Well @Catija thank you for sharing with us. The babe is super cute and I was never very regular here so I never got to see them before today. (Well besides the pfp)
@Catija my mom is awwing over your kids. ;p
(hey, gotta pressure them somehow.... ;p)
@JourneymanGeek awww ! Say hi!
@AGirlHasNoName happy to. I figure something fun was in order.
Yes. Far too little of that of late.
@Catija the cashier at our local supermarket was nagging my mom about yanno XDXDXD
Maybe she’ll realize.
Their focus is still on the other thing
but that's been going on for... 4 years?
Oh. For some reason I thought that was practically resolved.
@ArtOfCode why?
you really want that to stay?
@AGirlHasNoName oh how it displayed it was unclear on my phone what got moved...never mind that should go
!!/watch- 6200764131
@TannerSwett There are several people who just can't pull themselves away from meta for reasons I can't explain.
yah I agree. I don't get why people can't put down the drama. whistles innocently
Awwww.. Someone deleted a bunch of the comments in @terdon's question.
@DavidA eh. If it matters it needs to be an answer
2 hours later…
With regard to meta.stackexchange.com/a/197731/386992, would 16 questions count as "a handful" that I can just do, or should I look for a mod?
@JosephSible I would totally suggest asking a question on meta
There might be some arguments for/against keeping the tag
and there may be more than one way to handle it (simple retagging, tag removal and expiry, or synonymnisation)
Generally, most communities frown upon having tags changed/removed on many questions at a time without a meta post.
Q: Why are tags on MSE being regularly removed/deprecated without discussion?

Josh CaswellFor a while now, on a daily basis, the front page of Meta.SE has been populated with old questions bumped because of retaggings -- mostly removals. Today ignore seems to be the target. As far as I know, burnination of tags should be well-motivated and accompanied by a Meta proposal to make sure ...

1 hour later…
!!/watch sarikastyle\.com
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog That pattern looks like it's already caught by Potentially bad keyword in body and Potentially bad keyword in answer; append -force if you really want to do that.
2 hours later…
!!/coffee !!!
@202324 brews a cup of Americano for @!!!
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I know I might seem disruptive at times - I guess I am to some degree. But I deeply respect moderation work a lot more than I'll normally appear.
If you respect it, it'd be appreciated if you don't try to stir up stuff better left alone.
I suspect that no balpha = no Bash this year. We'll see.
@user58 erf
That would be terrible
Fun fact: There have been roughly 6,000 comments posted on MSE in the past seven days.
By my calculations.
@user58 most of what trouble I seem to make is due to others misconceptions and not my fault.
@202324 Perhaps work on actively preventing some misconceptions, then. If you're constantly being misunderstood, something's wrong.
Naaah, no no no. If I happened to engage every single time others are wrong, as many do, then there would be something wrong about me. Those who (as a rule) can't let go are the ones who are wrong.
What... does that have to do with what I said?
@202324 maybe it is not the disruption as much as it is the surprise. And these days/weeks I'm not in for surprises so it is appreciated if you could keep that in mind.
> Those who (as a rule) can't let go are the ones who are wrong.
this is way tooooo farfetched
You are right.
guys? i've scrolled through the history and you're trashing more stuff then you write. aren't you worried that you'll turn it into a blackhole at some point and will suck in messages from other chats?
Yeah, we go out with a bang.
you sure of that? a blackhole is more like a un-bang or anti-bang
this is no fun here; nobody talking or are you exchanging thoughts wirelessly? wow, this'd be spooky
depends on your definition of fun.
text flowing, ppl saying things other people don't like, stuff like that
Oh, been there done that just scroll back the past two weeks.
@JeffDarwood Pineapple is best in juice form and does not belong on pizza.
@Tinkeringbell s/weeks/hours
@djsmiley2k-CoW Scrolling back a few hours won't keep Jeff occupied for the rest of the day :P
@user58 flagged as primarily opinion based
Worse. It's offensive to Hawaii pizza eaters.
@user58 not sure i'd find anything, it's all in the trash and even there things seem to be missing, you got more trashes?
oops, i guess i hit the wrong button, i meant to reply to the other reply but now i replyed to the reply i didn't want to reply, oh boy, i've lot the track
Could it please be unstarred at least?
@JohnDvorak sure, there is only one star and it's david hasselhof
Serious request
@202324 when you flag something as opinion based then this flag is also opinion based so the flagging technically should be recursive :o
@JohnDvorak why would you want it? aren't stars good? it means ppl liked it, or not?
@JeffDarwood that was a quick and easy joke, there are no qualified flags here in chat. I absolutely starred, of course.
@JeffDarwood also you're wrong.
am i wrong? how so?
@JourneymanGeek I wanted to thank you and apologise to you for the other day. You stood your ground and that is not a bad thing. I was taking it too personally. But you (ROs) here are collectively in a difficult position and overall, you're doing a stand up job. With the chaos on meta, this room has turned into a well moderated place. So keep up the good work. CC other ROs.
@JeffDarwood beco blaming opinion basing is not opinion based.
I like pineapple pizza, and I'd appreciate if I didn't have to read the message for whatever time it takes to push it off the starboard
it takes 5
unread unread
@Tinkeringbell I'm not going to ping you after this. I want to apologise for blowing your head off in TL. You're also doing a great job of moderating meta. Since you've returned I've noticed a change on the site and kudos for standing up.
Take care all of you
I realise I'm not best fit for MSE - to browse, but not try to take the whole thing on. There's a lot of people here doing just that.
I am brainfarting here... what's the way to get an rss feed for a SE site?
@JourneymanGeek There should be a question on that somewhere on here...
anyway - I don't like leaving things with a bad taste, so came back to try and make amends
I am hoping I can rubberduck this
@YvetteColomb no offense taken.
@JourneymanGeek oh I was lippy and giving you stick :)
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you were calm :)
@YvetteColomb Well at least on the outside XD
... so much for dietary freedom, I guess
i like it here, it's like a dumpster everything goes to trash
@JourneymanGeek hehe/ I realise a lot of us actually want the same thing. We just have different personalities and perspectives on it... creating more friction it not helpful hey
@YvetteColomb yup - at least broadly
@JeffDarwood I wish it was that easy to clean up my house I tell you
@JohnDvorak It's... a facetious joke about a well-known "contentious" topic inherently opinion-based, posted as a reply to "saying things others don't like". I can unstar it if necessary, I just think you might be reading too much into this.
@JeffDarwood there's no trashing in IRC. Consider it as an interesting alternative if trashing disturbs you.
@JeffDarwood Why do I get the impression I'm talking to a few raccoons in a trench coat here?
@YvetteColomb i think when your trash has enough flags it goes away by itself
@JeffDarwood goes around sticking real life flags into real life mess
@Tinkeringbell no idea, maybe you've heard them talking before
the back of my car had so much loose hay in it, I had to drive into a paddock and empty it all out so we could brush the hay into the paddock for the horses to eat. The flag didn't help at all :\
@user58 speak for yourself, some of us are old and something
hey, it's your anthem
ikr! :)
ok I gotta go. came in to say SOZ and to you too @user58
@202324 you mean like an alternative to stars? stars will be forgotten but trashed messages are archived so i consider it an award to be trashed, it's like the entire milky-way
doesn't do anything
maybe it should try it louder
@JeffDarwood never mind.
@user58 brews a cup of Americano for @user58
note to self: don't stay up super late when I have to think the next day
@user58 note taken
you're not me
unless something is really wrong
*squinty eyes*
there are doctors who would say that talking to oneself could be considered as wrong
@JeffDarwood some programmers do that all the time. They call it rubberducking.
They already know I'm psychotic. I hang around here.
wow, i can remove a message before even typing it
@user58 should we cut you off?
@YvetteColomb a leaf blower on the other hand...
no, that would be painful
i'd be careful
We could hoist you on the flagpole and call it a day.
oh, gone with the wind
i doubt it, you don't have my number how could you call me?
@user58 D:
Sure I do, it's 630853.
nah, this is just my IQ
Irritation Quota?
are we playing scrabble now?
No, I prefer Banagrams.
but you've lost two letters, i think you can't play it anymore
i see you're in the star-alliance
Of course. Terrans are the ones missing out by not joining.
That'spainful to hear.
stop starring me i'm not bart
But u r brilliant today.
I get a dry sense of humor when I get cynical enough. Should probably drink more.
stars are vanishing
@JeffDarwood not a chance.
and what if i start you?
gone, wow
Stars are short-lived. Better watch the Sun.
If that one's gone, you won't know for the next eight minutes. It could be gone already.
the Sun is a star itself
...yes, that's my point. My other point, at least. Not this point, which is at the end of a sharp stick.
I do wonder how the pineapple pizza joke came to be. It's false but not obviously so to the point it couldn't be mistaken for a genuine opinion. And I can't easily tell if people actually believe it when they repeat it.
@JohnDvorak I don't personally like pineapple pizza, but my sister loves it. So... *shrugs*
Oh dear... move on, that's a lost battle, there's nothing more for that stance beyond to consider it primarily opinion based.
some points are pointless like you last point
That was a rather pointed comment...
People put corn and tomatoes on their pizza here, for olive's sake. There's no telling what people's taste buds are like.
pineapple is underrated.
Hey, I like Vegetariana.
@JohnDvorak you mean like eating them?
Vegetarian pizza is among my favorites, after cranberries + camembert and pollo spinachi.
is vegetariana the wife of a vegetarian?
"vegetariana" is just italian for "vegetarian [pizza]"
oh, i was already afraid it was political
so why do you speak italian here?
Around here eggplant in pizza is underrated but is favorite pizza vegetal for pizzamakers themselves.
Oof, too late to edit my last message. I was going to link the "for olive's sake" to this.
Naming the condiments in Italian is just how we name pizzas where I live. Is that not universal?
@user58 Tink would complain about tomatos on pizza ;p
I normally complain about pizzas being too small.
@JohnDvorak margherita, prosciutto, funghi, pugliese, diavola, gamberetti... reading the local pizzamaker ad.
@Snow oh god.
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So, I like my pizzas with lots of cheese
and tomato
and nothing else
and preferably the last pizza so its super overdone.
lots of cheese, thick crust, green olives, and mushrooms
mom gives me the first one, has lots of veggies so its actually healthy
chilli-infused olive oil. Mmmmmm.
and it took me months to talk her into letting me use the pizza steel
I like the concept of pizza but haven't found a pizza chain that makes one I can eat
@Snow oh man. Pizza oil. Its like one of my food holy grails
oh, my pizza was trashed
@user58 what's your pronouns? I wanted to say "she's in charge" before but had to yield.
used to be sooooo common
A pizzeria near my location has this composition for vegetariana: tomatoes, mozarella, corn, spinacchi, garlic, cream
@202324 I have "they/them" set as my pronouns in my chat profile.
(and it pretty much isn't "too small" either)
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apparently it was
@user58 too bad I had gone directly to the main profile.
@JeffDarwood keep it sfw please
...and no, we're literally talking about pizza
@Magisch a specific dietary requirement?
pizza steels are literally a ... piece of metal sheet used to make pizzas browner
so I literally have a 1/8 inch sheet of steel for that
I used a pizza stone, and never wash it,
I ought to get a peel too
@194636 Not because of that (there are pills to eat lactose even if you're intolerant), but because it doesn't taste good
"never wash it" 0_0
I had a really good pizza some time ago that tasted amazing but I haven't been back to berlin since so couldn't go back to the restaurant
I thought most lactose intolerant people just deal with the bathroom time.
@JourneymanGeek Yeah, let the oils seep in. It always gets too hot for bacteri to form.
@Snow my mom would be horrified.
@JohnDvorak There might be different intensities but hell no
That sounds hellish
a pizza stone is literally an oven. Anything that could grow on there gets cremated
Well... there goes one more meme into the "extremely false" bin...
The places here sell "american style" pizza that has cheese in the crust
@Magisch also our oven is preeeety weak
I never understood that
thats a ton of extra calories without any extra flavor
@JourneymanGeek Cleaning a pizza stone - basically, wipe the crumbs off and wipe with damp cloth.
Isn't American pizza just a large toast with extra condiments?
@Magisch Your cheese must be flavorless then.
You've got to spice the cheesy crust. Lightly.
plain pizza cheese tastes like almost nothing
the only cheese I find to be extremely worth eating is specialty soft cheese, like the one you would call stinky
Like... basil. And oregano. Inside the cheesy crust.
but the good one is so expensive :(
I've never seen cheese-crust pizza before, but they sell sausages with cheese in them, which I never liked.
Paying 20 bucks for 100 grams of cheese just feels wrong
I'm an Edam junkie. Quite cheap and full of calories.
that is like the 80€ steak
it tastes great but not 80€ great
Sounds like a high-stake piece of meat.
Well it does taste amazing
but so does the egg and bean omelette with rice I can make for two weeks for 40€ in ingredients
My primary use of food is to make me not hungry, not to view it as an art piece.
"food" = "energy". "steak" = "enough protein that I need to go for a run afterwards"
(I don't watch what I eat or anything. I'm just very active, and if I eat a lot I feel a need to get out and balance it.)
To clarify: Here, "edam" is just a uniform slab of flavored fat, sometimes sold in thin slices. None of the paraffin nonsense that other countries have to endure.
All this food talk is making me hungry.
@user58 We have a joint of beef cooking in the oven right now.
@Snow If you cut it, is it still (a) joint?
After I cut it, it becomes lunch.
And my stomach becomes happy.
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k, so you don't feel like talking about it - what would you like to talk about instead? i feel unwelcomed here
I believe people were talking about food perfectly fine until you started acting up. They can continue talking about food, they shouldn't have to switch.
ok ok - didn't know switching is such a big deal in a public place
@rene wouldn't know anything about food. He photosynthesizes.
Sometimes you just don't easily gel into a conversation online. Happens to all of us. Sometimes you just have to leave and let people get on with things.
@JeffDarwood You could try Switching. I hear video games are fun.
Happens to me sometimes when I don't feel I can really add anything to the conversation.
maybe, but kicking ppl out is like super rude
Not really
Kicks are for when someone is being rude or disruptive. If you're getting kicked... consider that.
And, uh, keep your mind out of the gutter. Pennywise.
...or for when people aren't getting hints.
*hint hint*
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*try e5*
...wait no, the bishop
It's kinda weird being a mod and not having mod powers in a chatroom.
all we have here is the discount mod room owner thing
@Magisch Not entirely true...
and a blue parrot
@Snow You're telling me...
Yeah, I was there for about a week. It really did feel odd not being a mod.
I expect you're the same now, With that little void of helplessness.
It's a weird adjustment, but I think hanging around here makes it easier.
Just watching how bad we are at it?
However, you still retain the same amount of respect as you always have done. And that's the really important thing here.
No, since I've never had mod powers here, so suddenly it's like everywhere is the Tavern
@Snow As in given or received? Given, I certainly try, but received is trickier... especially if you had a habit of hanging around places as the resident chat mod and information source.
I normally give respect. I don't ever expect to receive it, I hope that my actions would result in me being shown respect.
notice to myself: ppl here play football better than me so be careful, they might kick you out
@JeffDarwood I've never played (American) football and I'm terrible at soccer...
I'm bad at most sports involving round solid objects.
Nobody is terrible at soccer. Unless your goal is winning.
Conkers. Now there's a sport involving solid round objects.
me not feeling safe right now -- ppl being not nice
@JoseAntonioDuraOlmos It's my country's favorite sport, and I have a cousin my age who plays at a national championship level. :|
@JeffDarwood Roll with it or leave, that's the way that all internet chatrooms work.
It'd be kind of nice to get through a normal conversation at some point this month.
If I have to head over to the Den for a normal conversation, something's very wrong. :P
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@user58 You can talk to my dog if you like, he's a mod.
@user58 it is going well there ;)
the secret mod-dog cabal of stack exchange
Your dog is larger than I am, practically.
there are many
user image
@Snow daw
Hey I recognize that shirt
Which proves my earlier point
1 min ago, by user58
Your dog is larger than I am, practically.
@Snow epic!
@Snow I found your traditional style mod profile picture.
On a crappy day, sometimes all you need is a dog to hug,
@user58 I hear dogatars are trendy these days.
@Snow On a crappy day, sometimes all you need is a dog to hug,
that dog is how I sort of imagine you @Snow
gruff and reserved but friendly
Yes, she's certainly gruff when she wants to be!
I'm generally a fan of dogs and cats
Dang avatar won't update.
It's cached, can take up to like an hour unless a diamond refreshes your profile.
Yeah. I've forced it on my site. Weird how users can't force their own chat profiles to update.
There it is
@user58 there :)
Sounds like a .
There I am! Woof!
ahh outside help
Well, sorta. I see the old avatar on my messages, but the new one next to the entry window. Oh hey, that'll sort out eventually.
@Snow Probably need to refresh your page I think.
Ah. ctrl-refresh did it.
Feeling refreshed?
Yes. And lunch was delicious too!
to have a second coffee in the middle of the afternoon of a very busy day or not, that is the question
It's been an insane month for me all around.
(That's not me, to be clear.)
@user58 I'm usually on my second cup before my eyes finish opening all the way
I rarely have coffee ever.
I usually down half a liter of water as soon as I wake up, though
but... today I needed the kick
I usually switch between coffee and redbull. depending on if I want a cool drink or hot
I have never actually had a Red Bull, despite the background photos of both my phone and my laptop involving their logo.
(My phone background is a picture of Kate Courtney, and my laptop Rachel Atherton.)
@user58 not a big deal of a drink, if I may.
@202324 I'll wait to form an opinion until I've tried it.
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