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Glad I could share.
@Stormblessed what was your ticket #, do you know?
I flagged this post for mod attention since OP seems to keep changing and adding to the question, but I do have a pending edit now removing the latest move-the-target addition.
^This is the way my sites handle it anyways.
Same here?
@Rubiksmoose I've approved it
Cool, thanks.
Some day I'll be a real boy and able to approve edits
I approve that
@Trasiva Some day I'll be a real boy and be able to make edits without adult supervision ;)
That's asking for a lot, haha
If anyone knows why I'm getting pinged on a 5.5 year-old and unrelated Jaydles post by people self-righteously taking a stand against my "censoring" position, please let me know. I don't want to link the post -- don't want to draw attention to it. But if you know the post I'm talking about I'd appreciate knowing where you found it.
Hi Aza
Three comments with upvotes does not a coincidence make. Either that post came up organically somewhere on Meta and people saw my name, or someone's stalking my comment history.
i mean, you're just asking us to look it up, heh
I'm asking if anyone already knows.
Hi, @AGirlHasNoName!
how could we possibly know why people decided to look at an old post of yours without looking at it?
It's a 5.5 year old Jaydles post about whether it's acceptable to be offensive about god in profiles.
It's pretty memorable.
They're just comments with upvotes? No downvotes to speak of?
@Aza Ah, then I know maybe. Let me do a little digging.
@Aza There's been a lot of talk about profiles and what people put in them lately. It may have just been linked somewhere (not Meta, even). At this point, I don't suspect people are stalking your profile for that, if that helps.
@Aza it was not shared on any of the SE chat servers, that is all I can tell for now.
@Aza I'm not sure the exact chain, but it probably started here: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/335701/…
@Tinkeringbell I've gotten a fair bit of harassment over the past couple weeks that I've largely tried to ignore, but I... have a specific reason for following this one.
@Aza there are scripts which search for keywords in comments.. I use one for my own comments on the site I am active on. It just needs userid
Honestly, I do not foresee anything useful coming out of this discussion.
@Aza Hmm. Can you put that in flag if it needs more investigating, please?
@ankii I know, but the comments are by several people.
Oh yea, I remember when that post came out
Some of 'em are flagged. I'll get rid of the bunch.
@Aza Then best is to search the post id of your post in comments using the same scripts.. or use Trasiva's memory ;p
Yea, that's some peculiar specific interest in that answer suddenly
Don't rely on my memory
I don't even rely on my memory
This looks like a sufficient explanation, thanks.
None of the answers, nor the question had any recent activity to bump it to the frontpage either.
Meh, linked elsewhere
Still think a flag is the best course of action
A chat conversation is bonfire at best.
And, hmm, pineapple on pizza at worst.
may I ask something else ? actually I am.. :p i.sstatic.net/CUQ8Lm.png is the link someone included to show what a particular app's icon looks like. And this content is now also under SE's license. Is it okay? related question:Company logos on tag wikis; are they allowed?
And fish and chips at between
@ankii No, you may not ask.
Wait, why did you ask?! I told you not to ask
@M.A.R. most probably comments, which I told the solution for. For posts, it's searchable directly.
@ankii What's the post in question?
Hey now, pineapple definitely belongs on pizza.
Yes it does
@Stevoisiak really required.. ? it is about telling users how to use this app.
@ankii I don't think it's an issue. I was going to see how important the screenshot was to the question
@ankii pretty sure the reason licensing rules haven't fallen apart yet is how these things don't cause trouble until they do.
@ankii I guess it is fair use? I'm not a lawyer ...
If it wasn't fair use, then every screenshot of a computer desktop would be illegal
@rene Yeah, that.
@ankii thanks ;)
@ankii (oops inline hippo)
for the inline that is
If the screenshot is important for the question/answer, I say leave it
@rene You have successfully gotten full access
If it's not, then it can be removed
Or got full access. Either way, you're controlling my next sentence.
@Stevoisiak I mean hypothetically, what if a logo is the answer? Do I post it on meta.se to get staff answers?
@M.A.R. hippos are lovely!
Copyright talk is how Isildur took down Sauron. That's how serious it is.
@ankii I would maybe add: This is what the icon looks like on the spring board, to make clear it is an icon users will see, not a plain copy of the logo.
The ring wasn't fair use.
Sauron was invading the servants' privacy, and spamming them with Viagra ads.
@ankii I don't know if there's a rule against logo-only answers, but I feel like it's implied somehow.
Actually, now that I think about it, it'd break the no link-only answer rule
@rene doing that is something that some blunt users can scold me for. context: I have 54 edits per month average.
meh, such things have survived on meta
@ankii You are talking to a blunt user. How may I help?
Cutting service not included.
@ankii ask Glorfindel to make the edit?
Or Peter (Mortensen)
I'm a blunt user, but I don't mind edits usually unless it takes some of the fire out of an answer.
@M.A.R. does he do Copyright infringement fixes?
@Trasiva Meh, everything is on fire these days
I could use some air conditioning.
I raised a custom flag: "I am not subject matter expert, but are we allowed to put a company's logo under CC4 license? – ankii 3 hours ago helpful - Moderators don’t handle legal or tos so the owner of the post or the owner of the product would use the contact us link if they had questions or concerns. Ask on meta if you have questions."
@rene his scripts also solve global warming and cure cancer, but those are scheduled to be executed later.
but I am trying to avoid any engagement with the meta people right now. Chat is an exception.
@ankii okay, I think it is fine in that specific post. I would happily defend it under fair use.
The Blunt King hath spoken.
@Froopy \o
@M.A.R. Froopy?
@ankii IANAL, but this article supports that it should be fine: tinytake.com/screen-capture-copyright-violation-or-fair-use
Hope everyone's having a good day!
@Stevoisiak That abbreviation is ugly XD
> It’s likely that if you are using a screen capture of copyrighted works to educate, comment, or criticize the topic the use of screen capture images are aptly deemed fair use
@ankii Rene the Great and Powerful
Froop Loops is here y'all
It's "I am not a lawyer"
And yeah, it is
@Trasiva I'm so gonna put that as my 'real name' on PSN.
Maybe here too.
@Stevoisiak ah that's where my thought train was going too.. Using it in another logo would be bad. That's just lazy and criminal designing.
@Froopy I accept royalty checks in the form of money, checks, and alcohol.
@ankii snort have you been to Play Store?
@Trasiva I got two beers in the fridge with your name on it.
Well, I charge a beer a letter per royalty instance soooo
@M.A.R. mostly iOS user here.. but yeah I've seen 100 apps for the same thing there... with little changes.
I take it you're trying to fill your pool with beer?
You mean logos? Well, that's relatable
That's a waste of beer.
I'm trying to fill my belly with beer.
We're 60 humans beings doing most things the same way more or less.
Then there's @rene
You're probably right. Then you'd get a friend over and someone would end up peeing in it.
Logos? What?
@M.A.R. How much of @rene is made up of SE's staff? I mean some posts and comments out there convince me that they are THE official position.
Joke's on you Froop, I don't have a pool
*kickstarter for Trasiva's pool
"I am not subject matter expert, but are we allowed to put a company's logo under CC4 license? – ankii 3 hours ago helpful" @ankii We have a lot of fun with that at Graphic Design.SE /insert sarcasm
Please no. I live in an apartment
You can kickstarter more 3D printers for me though :D
How is that sarcasm, it doesn't sound mean
I have a problem....
Like anyone who wants a critique on their work, as far as we understand, puts their work out there under a CC license
@Froopy No peeing in this chat. Go to Shadow's den
@Emilie or you could be like movie posters.
@M.A.R. We have "fun", as in, it's making things really complicated
i.e. it's not fun
Put Ryan Gosling staring at the screen and you've got yourself the perfect logo
@Emilie that must be jarring! I'd rather use private Drive link and later stop sharing.
ik it'll make post useless
I'd never post my graphic work on SE, we never got a clear understanding of what happens to our work once posted
@ankii on SE? You'll get smacked
@ankii We treat users removing images like any other defacing issues, it's not permitted
@Trasiva I could. Then I could get one for myself. I always wanted one just never got around to getting it.
@Emilie gets under the close inspection of an alien species trying to decide if humanity is worth keeping
You never know, it's plausible
Looks around for cameras
@M.A.R. A pedant user be like: well good luck talking to my lawyers if someone tried to take a screenshot and post it
@M.A.R. what is a Shadow's den and why is that the designated place?
@Froopy Pretty sure it's what gets someone's borderline goat but here

Wizards Den

Place for all wizards to share spells, words, and having fun w...
@Froopy It's dangerous man, I've spent like four grand between printers, upgrades, and filament.
For more info, see @Sha
@ankii Hey, us pedants have a code.
@M.A.R. which is: good luck getting answers then
Whoops, I dun goofed.
I'm still new to everything.
@Trasiva, but did you print awesomeness with it? If so, it balances out :D
@Froopy It is now my moment to make a jaded veteran Clint Eastwood look at you.
@ankii That's only when we've given up nitpicking already
@Emilie can I get some spicy meta post about it?
I realised I handn't replied to all your messages
@Froopy .... MAYBE https://photos.app.goo.gl/wKTUrVtjacyvmUo99
@Trasiva the link should be bold! ;p
@M.A.R. Do I have to hold my arms up?
@ankii Happy now?
That's some really cute and at times scary work!
@Froopy bang sorry what was that
-1 spleen
@Trasiva, I can't put it into words how much awesomeness.
I even have a Palette 2, but I need to get some rewinders built so I can use it to print my settlers of Catan board.
Which will then be multi colored ;)
@ankii There was one on big meta regarding images I believe but can't find it right now
It doesn't help that people tend to forget the implications and there's not a huge blinking reminder when people upload
WAT. You can do multicolored now?
@Trasiva 3D printing from home?
@Emilie well people don't bat an eye either when giant companies get ToS agreement that says we know/ will know all about you and make profit off it
Get ready for StackOverflow podcast banner on all sites.
@ankii The problem is if you're designing a logo for someone, typically you're also transferring rights to them. Not sure the client would be pleased if they knew their logo has a CC license on it
@Emilie Yea, I have two FFF (plastic) and one SLS (resin) printer
@Trasiva Any advice re: a good portable 3D printer?
@Froopy First one of the SoC pieces I color coded.
@Trasiva Catan tile? Nice!
@Emilie What do you mean portable? Like just pick up and go?
@Trasiva Something that can be brought in schools for demonstrations
If you're looking for just doing small demos and such, you can't really go wrong with the new Prusa Mini I'd say
not portable as in "taking it everywhere with me" but portable enough that it doesn't require tons of setting up
It's got like a 35cm cubed footprint
@Trasiva Cool! I'm looking it up. This is filament, right? do they make powder ones? I'd expect the powder bed takes up a lot of space
It's a FFF (Filament) one, yea.
Powder printing you mean?
That'd be more for metal based 3D printing, and those aren't portable because they're behemoths
I haven't looked into 3D printing for a while but my inclination towards powder was because it seems cleaner, but the examples displayed on the Prusa Mini don't seem to show much of the filament
You mean the layer lines?
@Froopy Hey froopy
Yea, the prusas do really well on that. There's some photos towards the bottom of printed stuff on it
That unicorn skull for example was printed on my Prusa
At like 0.1mm layer lines
The dragon was too as larger prints with smaller layer lines.
Because with the slicer, you can specify how thick you want the layers to be. The thicker the lines, the fewer layers to print an object, but more obvious they are.
Thicker lines are good for quick prototyping or demo prints. Or prints that you're going to do a lot of post processing on anyways. Whereas the thinner layers result in longer printing, but usually little to no post processing afterwards
@Trasiva Well that's really useful information (thanks Tavern?! lol)
@AdamLear 201910170345169028
@Emilie If you have printing questions lemme know. I'm probably more easily accessible on Discord though as I have that on my phone.
@Trasiva How long would you say to print something smaller (like those crystales) at 0.1mm layers?
I'm heading home. Give me like 3 minutes to walk home, and another couple to throw that into my slicer and I can give you a better estimate.
@Trasiva Would totally be interested to connect, I was JUST thinking this morning that I needed to find someone who could help with 3D printing
@Trasiva No rush :)
Heya, @Magisch. Good to see ya again o/
I'm in an out, but you can definitely ping me here. I'm on Discord too but sort of a noob
If I got a 3D printer, I wonder how long it would take to make ~3-7cm replicas of all the pokemon.
@Emilie Prusa slicer says at .1mm height and 25% infill, an hour and a half
@Froopy All all? Or gen1? Because even at 7cm a long time on FFF, but you can do batches at a time on SLS/SLA (resin) printers.
@Trasiva Ok good to know... So if I went in a class and did a demo, probably only one piece could be done
With FFF, yes.
hmm any portable resin? that could solve the problem
print a bunch at once
Transporting resin isn't the problem, it's the fact after the print you still have to clean and cure it.
Now that I think about it, gen1-2.
So 251 pokemon
@Trasiva Curing = baking or drying?
UV curing to finish the product
@Trasiva Ok so you need a special device to do that too
Need, no
@Trasiva It's typically included?
There's low tech solutions where you put the cleaned prints inside a box of aluminum or mirrors, and then put a UV lamp on top of them
@Trasiva Oh that works then...
You can put them outside as well
how fragile is the piece before curing? Can it be carefully handled by a child let's say?
@Trasiva even better!
I'd be real careful about letting children touch uncured resin
There's some less toxic stuff coming out, but you gotta handle it with gloves before it's cured
and filament? no curing, toxic any?
I guess an adult could do the clean up/curing if needed
We're kinda cluttering up the Tavern at this point
I know lol
I whipped up a discord server for discussion though
Anyone with interest is welcome to join
Hey, at least it's peaceful ^^
I would, but I'm at woik. It's a slow day.
Invite'll still be there
I'll jot it down. I think I still have a discord account.
@Stormblessed I checked with the support team, and I agree with their judgement there
Whoops, wrong chatroom
@AdamLear You know that feeling when you're in public transport and only overhear this side of a telephone conversation ... ;)
The people that actually take calls on public transport so loud that you can easily follow are often the 'fun' side of such conversations to listen to.
@rene feel free to roll your eyes and sigh heavily :)
Okay .... done ...
@Tinkeringbell I take public transport often, it gets embarassing if there is something funny said and you laugh out loud
I had a co-worker in the office who was talking to his wife and wasn't aware of how loud he was being because he had headphones in. It's now a running gag.
@ArthurHavlicek I've overheard conversations where I was seriously wondering if people had no sense of spatial awareness.
They're not necessarily always fun. Mostly just embarrassing enough that you want to kindly yell that you can hear them.
kindly yell ...
@Tinkeringbell I agree. Well my bf is one of the people that lack this kind of awareness, sadly, so I made it clear to him I won't discuss anything while we're in the buss
Were we the obnoxious travellers speaking too loud? x)
@Emilie It's... the most annoying address you could use to tell people their train broke down and they won't be TRAVELLING. I see it as a prime example of kindly yelling.
@ArthurHavlicek Sounds good. Wish I could get my brothers to understand this too... They crack the worst jokes that'll get them punched in the face if the wrong person hears it... :/
I, uh, I'm one of those spatially unaware people
My voice can rarely ever be low in real life, so I'm typically calm but my voice is loud
@M.A.R. It's hard. I still have it from time to time too (Mostly learned to control it)
i'm quite the opposite...
can't be heard even when i watn to be
Hi quite the opposite...
@KevinB Heh, all my friends around me are like that
@KevinB We hear you now :) Chat is a good solution :P
Except one, but he's our joker more or less
Yup, much prefer textual chat
@M.A.R., you and @rene have spawned an idea of awesome.
@Tinkeringbell A solution of sugar in water harharharhar
@M.A.R. Add something alcoholic and we're talking...
@Froopy Uh, you're welcome
If it involves world conquering or ice cream I want my share
It involves reviving an old IRC bot project I did for Shadow's Den :)
giddy excited
I inspired that?
I mean, of course I did, but
I inspired that?
You're the one who told me about the room :D
Then I got to talking with @rene about the bots in there and the urg to make one of my own flourished
Well, go get 'em tiger
Indeed. I'm planning on laying the foundation this weekend.
@Tinkeringbell advocaat met slagroom?
@rene That's for old people.
@rene I heard that
@Tinkeringbell oh ...
@rene Dat is voor achter de geraniums.
Even if they translate that they still probably wouldn't understand :D
you can sit behind me ...
Ich esse Kartoffel
@M.A.R. Gekookt of gebakken? Partjes of krieltjes? Gepoft? Gefrituurd?
. . . Yes. Ja.
Keine ahnung
I think I broke @M.A.R. ...
@Tinkeringbell Well I hope you're prepared to buy us a new one!
@Rubiksmoose Ehh. We're supposed to fix stuff, not just discard it and get a new one. There was a whole government campaign for that recently...
I'm not made of plastic. Decayable organic material, environment friendly
@M.A.R. I'll have you know I print in biodegradeable plastic
See? Definitely another reason to repair instead of replace. Do you know how much more expensive organic stuff is to plastic? :P
I think insurance will cover it though.
Actually, Makerbot released a bio printer that will print in stem cells and cartilage
@Tinkeringbell nah that boy is tougher than diamond
And welcome back!!
@Shadow :) Thanks!
@Tinkeringbell phew :)
2 hours later…
For people with shortcuts enabled in meta.stackexchange.com/users/preferences, when I use J,K for selecting questions, it get a not-so-good-looking overlay. how do I get out of it ? The same goes for comment box. How do I close a comment box. I read some shortcut update questions by balpha but couldn't find anything about it
@M.A.R. We can make that

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