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@radp NOT THAT !
@radp that!
@drachenstern Oh, then I don't.
@DanGrossman A counter!
could do that
A counter for what?
People using the service, or visiting the site, or something.
there's so much variability between laptop screens these days I worry my design looks like crap on other screens because of things I can't even see on mine
what's that screennshot about?
(just got here fyi :D)
@MaximZaslavsky about the question
@Josh is it you with the book open?
@MaximZaslavsky what @radp said... hoping for feedback on what to put there in my design
@DanGrossman oh okay. one obvious solution is leaving it as negative space; in other words, maybe putting nothing there would be better.
i think it looks really off-balance empty
on internal pages of the site I can shift the logo up there, but that doesn't fit the home page concept
i see what you're saying
@DanGrossman I concur negative space
Make the logo larger on the home page/landing page
Not much larger, just 25%
have it drive upwards a little
you didn't change anything
sure he did - neg. space
i think it looks somewhat okay
@MaximZaslavsky oh, well I saw that
@DanGrossman only if you rotate the text with something else ... a ticker of sorts? a WoB?
<~ no design skills
@DanGrossman so beg Jin ;)
rotating text?
@drachenstern How about keeping the negative space, but making that top bar shorter?
like a vertical marquee?
Please, no marques!
@DanGrossman that's what I'm thinking
@GeorgeMarian no no no
@drachenstern :)
Look at the Wheel of Blame
it's a vertical marquee just really really fast
implemented in jQuery to replace the contents of a real <marquee> tag?
something like that ... I'm thinking like 5 divs hidden and one visible, each to replace the other, with a slideup each time. One negative top slideup to leave the space, the other positive slideup to enter the space
I've done it before, can drag up some javascript if you like, but it's gonna be rather custom each time ...
actually my codeblock doesn't have vertical sliding, thought it did
I must've taken that out
that's an option
I'ld have to see what a content page looks like
idk, I liked the bigger bar for some reason, but the smaller one is nice
A: Just get rid of the lazy moderator flag comment box.

Jeff AtwoodAs a result of this question, I am seriously considering increasing the text input limit on the moderator flag box from 140 to 141 characters.

@Shog9 ouch.
If I went in and edited "141" to "9,001" would I get burninated?
@radp yes
No, it'd just get rolled back.
@Shog9 I made it awesome
@radp He's only three gravatars to your right, I think that's within striking distance.
@TimStone Fixed.
gets the burninator ready
:wants to know the history of the coding horror logo... did it come from the books? earlier than that? does jeff license it?:
@RebeccaChernoff You just have a burninator laying about? :P
@DanGrossman it's explained on codinghorror.com
@Shog9 Victory!
@radp yup just search for it
@TimStone I guess it's near the kitchen in the office.
@DanGrossman click on the about link on the blog
@TimStone All team members get one.
@radp That'd make sense.
@LanceRoberts was your request serious? what can't you fit in 140 chars?
ah, I missed that
@RebeccaChernoff Ah, like an office warming gift.
@GeorgeMarian @dan yes, it'd be better with a smaller top bar. you could even make it the same color as the one on content pages.
@JeffAtwood damnit, for a minute I thought you were a regular chatter. Then I saw the hair.
@JeffAtwood A long paragraph to inform a moderator of something that couldn't be done in a short one. Somebody got hosed bigtime, but it's too late now to do anything about it. I won't give the specifics because it was for the one specific moderator who messed up.
@RebeccaChernoff but it hasn't been six-to-eight weeks yet!!!
I blame @RebeccaChernoff
@LanceRoberts You could've sent him a "PM" if you really need that sec -- star -- recy.
@JeffAtwood and /assign ?
@drachenstern Burninating you pesky users is a top priority of my job. Burninator was required on Day 1.
@LanceRoberts I'll look at increasing it some, but I doubt I want to increase it any more than maybe 50% in size
In support of Lance's request, it's happened to me when suggesting - I always try to write something in justification of it (since I don't know if the mod reading will be familiar with the subject matter) and usually run out of room then.
jarrod is working on redesigning the mod flag dialog and moving it server side -- all the other dialogs are server-side now (close, mod actions, etc)
@JeffAtwood Hey, don't you remember the no-blame clause I negotiated? (;
(So I fly into a rage, delete the entire text, and just write "MERGE BITCH!)
@drachenstern so .. wrong
@JeffAtwood For some reason this made me think of the lyrics to I'm My Own Grandpa which are ensconced in the comments to a recursive function in this one codebase I've worked with. Don't ask me why. I have not idea. lol
@drachenstern oy
@Zypher and yet someone starred it :p
don't drive the only woman in the room away
... oh ... wait
@RebeccaChernoff as if you would work on a glass floor with devs under you anyways :p
<-- scared of heights anyways ... I believe it's a natural selection thing
that would be an interesting building
someone should build it
I guess I don't need these glass underpants I am wearing, then
@JeffAtwood ouch ... the first time you moved ... shred
@JeffAtwood we have deciding that upgrading to plexiglass makes things more awesome
talk about shredding
So besides my dumb sense of humor ... Jeff are you moving it up by 50% then?
make it an even 200?
I remember a library with glass floors in the stacks... Most were translucent, one floor was transparent. That floor was fun.
all field size limits should be powers of 2
140: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean scelerisque metus mattis lectus feugiat ultrices. Maecenas convallis nullam.
200: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut enim sapien, ut mattis elit. Aliquam nec mauris eu neque aliquam egestas. Duis sed facilisis tortor. Proin venenatis cursus turpis duis.
210: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet sapien a libero sollicitudin interdum vitae nec turpis. Praesent eget lacus in neque porta tempor nec ut felis. Nulla enim mauris posuere.
I'll have to look and see how big the database field is, but I can support it being a little larger, up to maybe 140 + 70 or something
@JeffAtwood just crush twitter, whatever you do ;)
@DanGrossman Eh, I prefer a check-in policy of commit messages being haikus honestly.
we can't have Lance upset, now can we? that would be calamitous!
@JeffAtwood I wasn't kidding when I said it was 150 chars
It's "140 chars left" after you write the required first 10 chars.
Either that or you discard the last chars of sufficiently long mod flags :)
@radp wouldn't you?
@DanGrossman ok that's awesome!

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