there's so much variability between laptop screens these days I worry my design looks like crap on other screens because of things I can't even see on mine
something like that ... I'm thinking like 5 divs hidden and one visible, each to replace the other, with a slideup each time. One negative top slideup to leave the space, the other positive slideup to enter the space
I've done it before, can drag up some javascript if you like, but it's gonna be rather custom each time ...
actually my codeblock doesn't have vertical sliding, thought it did
@JeffAtwood A long paragraph to inform a moderator of something that couldn't be done in a short one. Somebody got hosed bigtime, but it's too late now to do anything about it. I won't give the specifics because it was for the one specific moderator who messed up.
In support of Lance's request, it's happened to me when suggesting - I always try to write something in justification of it (since I don't know if the mod reading will be familiar with the subject matter) and usually run out of room then.
@JeffAtwood For some reason this made me think of the lyrics to I'm My Own Grandpa which are ensconced in the comments to a recursive function in this one codebase I've worked with. Don't ask me why. I have not idea. lol
140: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Aenean scelerisque metus mattis lectus feugiat ultrices. Maecenas convallis nullam.
200: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam ut enim sapien, ut mattis elit. Aliquam nec mauris eu neque aliquam egestas. Duis sed facilisis tortor. Proin venenatis cursus turpis duis.
210: Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce sit amet sapien a libero sollicitudin interdum vitae nec turpis. Praesent eget lacus in neque porta tempor nec ut felis. Nulla enim mauris posuere.