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Personally, I never see any of these candidates around. The only person I've seen is Martijn Peters - Him being the only person I've voted for in the election, because he's the only person I've ever seen being helpful (or really, the only person out of the candidates that I have ever seen at all!). — Joehot200 3 hours ago
@pizza I think the idea there is to categorize this set of questions which should be closed.
@ZachSaucier This is the problem with StackOverflow though! I come here to ask a question about ArrayLists hanging my program, and an hour later I am still browsing through meta posts and elections without having asked my question yet! — Joehot200 2 hours ago
^ That could end up being a problem.
Most people don't seem to care, though.
So "spam" is questions that should be nuked because they contain just ads. "duplicate" for questions should be closed because another question answers them fully.
@AstroCB I saw that comment, but that seems like a good problem to have, honestly.
Whether or not it's good for that user specifically, it's certainly not a large portion of the community, so whatever.
How do you call a question that needs to be closed? He named it "inappropriate" which could be or could be not the best term.
@SecondRikudo Off-topic?
@AlexisKing "How do I program facebook?"
In a comment, I suggested "cannot be properly answered" instead of "inappropriate".
That question is not off-topic to Stack Overflow.
It's clear, and it's about programming
@SecondRikudo Custom close vote reason -> off-topic because this question sucks and I will now hate you forever. ;3
I'm really qualified to be a mod! :D
Haha he deleted it
I hate it when that happens :D
(You try to hit ' but hit enter instead and finish early)
Whatever you do, don'
I used to do that all the time, but then I found this great way to make it never happen. It's really easy, so just listen closely and I'
@SmokeDetector fp
@pizza Registered question as false positive and added title to Bayesian doctype 'good'.
@pizza It's still a terrible question.
Yes, but that's something for the site's users to deal with.
ignore would be better I guess.
Wat, powerskewl said I got 33/50 on a fungi quiz. That's not possible. I've never gotten a C before. Either the key is borked or I am horrible at bubbling.
morning all
Good, someone fixed the bot
@pizza yeah, I'm guessing that's the best we can do.
It's confusing that you posted as an answer to a question about Triage, but the proposal (as I understood it) is for question-flagging in general.
I think that you may be misunderstanding what this site is for or how it works. We don't fix homework, but we do answer specific questions, so if you have any specific questions about something Java that confuses you, please ask. One suggestion though -- ContactList should not extend Contact as this fails the "is-a" relationship. A collection of something is not a specific type of something. For example, a library is not a book. — Hovercraft Full Of Eels 34 mins ago
@pizza I never realized it was a problem until Triage made me use that damn dialog
^^ This is one of the best responses to an off-topic question I've seen.
now I hate it
@Shog9 I didn't realize you were behind the great de-boldening of 2013.
14 hours ago, by tchrist
@J.Steen I’m sorry, did you say something? My computer does not understand bold.
@AlexisKing I like bold. As long as I can read something by just picking out the bold text
it is ... it is... it is... - that's not helpful.
Someone needs to make a Shog9-mode userscript that hides all non-bold text on a page.
I like bold in titles.
Whaja think? jsfiddle.net/ycepk0vu @shog
Not clicking that viral link.
SO’s bold weight is too heavy on the page; messes up the color. Should have custom CSS to fix that.
@bjb568 You had me up until the "Tho"
Aww, come on…
@bjb568 fewer options and yet more text?
Q: Measuring typographical emphasis: the “lawler” and “lawler weight”

MετάEd RegDwighт said: @Robusto wow, that's formatting to the max. Bold and italics and monospaced and in quotes. John has outlawlered himself.¹ It occurs to me that this is something we can measure. I propose that a single character’s lawler weight (lw) be the standard unit of measure of the typ...

@Shog9 The last should have sub-options. But yeah! Everybody loves text!
I want pictures
And everybody on the internet reads ALL THINGS.
Bold. Italic. Titlesized. ALL CAPS. FUGLY MONOSPACE. Easy to get to lawler_weight(text) == 5.
Give me a picture of a bad question
bad enough?
@tchrist Is it bad that I really want a SEDE query that finds the post with the highest lawler weight on SO?
@AlexisKing Somebody on ELU did that once I think. Go for it!!!
mumbles something about being "busy" with "important things"
The ransom-note-like texts do get to me though.
Lemme see, I think I can find some.
A: Proper use of the <kbd> tag

Air Is this acceptable usage on SO? Sure, why not? You can mark-up your posts however you want, with some exceptions. - Excessive or inappropriate emphasis formatting may be destroyed in the course of **normal** peer editing. Any text that you're quoting verbatim should probably use a >blo...

@bjb568 I'm sensing a few biases
@Shog9 I thought you had those already --
in CoGro Musings, Mar 19 at 19:18, by Tim Post
In the quality project, we started examining the 'shape' of a question by turning it into a picture that its characteristics painted. Vowels become green blocks, consonants blue, punctuation purple, space black, code orange - you get the point. Running this against posts with a known good / needs help history showed it could actually prove to be deterministic. Someone with a bit of time might enjoy picking that up.
@tchrist You Don**'t* lo***ve* *it*?
I forgot about blockquoting.
Aw, man, I broke the Markdown parser again.
That's interesting.
!xkcd find interesting
@xkcdBot delete
!xkcd you suck and are the worst bot ever
@AlexisKing Unrecognized command. Use !xkcd commands for a list of commands.
𝘗𝒍𝑒𝒶𝔰𝕖 𝘥𝗼 𝗇𝘰𝚝 𝙗𝑟𝕖𝔞𝘬 𝐭𝚑𝙚 𝕄𝙖𝚛𝙠𝕕ℴ𝔴𝒏 𝗉𝗮𝚛𝕤𝙚𝗋.
𝙋𝗹𝖾𝚊𝚜𝐞 𝑑𝖔 𝐧𝒐𝔱 𝔟𝗿𝒆𝚊𝙠 𝗍𝒽𝑒 𝕄𝕒𝘳𝘬𝑑𝗈𝘸𝚗 𝗉𝘢𝙧𝓈𝖊𝗿.
𝙿𝑙𝒆𝗮𝕤𝕖 𝒅𝔬 𝒏𝕠𝗍 𝖻𝔯𝑒𝘢𝗄 𝙩𝕙𝖊 𝙼𝕒𝕣𝕜𝒅𝕠𝔴𝐧 𝙥𝘢𝖗𝕤𝒆𝖗.
𝒫𝓁𝕖𝒂𝖘𝑒 𝖽ℴ 𝚗𝕠𝘁 𝒃𝖗𝖊𝔞𝕜 𝕥𝖍𝑒 𝑴𝘢𝒓𝓀𝘥𝙤𝒘𝕟 𝙥𝒶𝓇𝑠𝕖𝓇.
ℙ𝖑𝙚𝙖𝕤𝘦 𝙙ℴ 𝐧𝔬𝕥 𝒷𝒓𝗲𝐚𝐤 𝙩𝒽𝖾 𝘔𝖺𝒓𝘬𝒅𝒐𝑤𝑛 𝖕𝙖𝒓𝒔𝘦𝖗.
𝑃𝓁𝐞𝖆𝗌𝑒 𝖽𝖔 𝖓𝙤𝑡 𝖇𝗿𝗲𝕒𝐤 𝒕𝖍𝗲 𝙼𝑎𝙧𝕜𝕕𝒐𝕨𝒏 𝗉𝙖𝕣𝖘𝚎𝑟.
𝔓𝓁𝒆𝗮𝕤𝑒 𝖉𝕠 𝘯𝚘𝐭 𝒃𝒓𝚎𝐚𝚔 𝓉𝒉𝑒 ℳ𝕒𝑟𝐤𝚍𝕠𝑤𝐧 𝐩𝒶𝗋𝘀𝚎𝔯.
@xkcdBot Case in point.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
I will not break the Markdown parser.
Oh, should I add random markdown too or is that good enough? :)
I only got three characters out of that, should be fine
tosses out a few wooden nickels
Mar 21 at 16:25, by Braiam
@Unihedro get a real browser on a real OS
!xkcd blame Alexis King
It's Alexis King's fault.
...I'm going to milk this one dry.
Probably it would be easier to read with FUGLY MONOSPACE:
𝑷𝖑𝑒𝕒𝖘𝚎 𝐝𝗈 𝔫𝖔𝘁 𝖻𝗋𝕖𝗮𝐤 𝚝𝕙𝔢 𝕄𝒶𝔯𝒌𝚍𝒐𝓌𝖓 𝒑𝖆𝗋𝒔𝙚𝗋.
𝐏𝒍𝚎𝙖𝙨𝑒 𝒹𝒐 𝘯𝚘𝙩 𝑏𝕣𝘦𝐚𝗄 𝚝𝘩𝕖 𝙈𝐚𝒓𝖐𝚍𝙤𝐰𝔫 𝙥𝕒𝑟𝖘𝖊𝗋.
𝙿𝘭𝙚𝕒𝘴𝙚 𝒹𝘰 𝘯𝐨𝗍 𝔟𝗿𝗲𝐚𝑘 𝖙𝕙𝚎 𝙼𝐚𝐫𝗸𝒹𝑜𝘄𝗻 𝕡𝚊𝑟𝖘𝘦𝚛.
𝗣𝘭𝕖𝖺𝘴𝐞 𝒅𝗈 𝒏ℴ𝘁 𝑏𝔯𝖾𝙖𝚔 𝑡𝗵𝑒 𝘔𝕒𝘳𝚔𝒹𝖔𝑤𝒏 𝐩𝚊𝐫𝐬𝘦𝗿.
𝗣𝐥𝐞𝖺𝖘𝕖 𝐝𝚘 𝘯𝘰𝓉 𝗯𝓇𝙚𝚊𝒌 𝖙𝐡𝔢 𝕄𝙖𝙧𝗸𝘥𝗼𝘄𝙣 𝗉𝘢𝖗𝖘𝖾𝙧.
𝐏𝗅𝕖𝒂𝚜𝑒 𝒹𝕠 𝖓ℴ𝐭 𝕓𝘳𝙚𝑎𝗸 𝚝𝖍𝐞 𝕄𝕒𝗋𝕜𝗱𝗼𝘸𝑛 𝕡𝑎𝘳𝘀𝑒𝚛.
𝐏𝗹𝖊𝒶𝑠𝔢 𝔡𝗈 𝖓𝚘𝙩 𝕓𝙧𝖊𝐚𝔨 𝘵h𝗲 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝖐𝖽𝖔𝘸𝘯 𝒑𝚊𝕣𝓈𝗲𝚛.
@AlexisKing That's the most reusable quote in the Tavern.
Especially when tchrist is here.
Unicode: destroying its supposed goal of only conveying semantics since day one.
Well, I’m being evil and using the mathy letters. I know how you guys love ’em so much what with all the algol talk here.
2 days ago, by Jan Dvorak
@yellowantphil not before BJB
@pizza somehow that morphed into the profile redesign. Designers are inscrutable creatures.
This is also surprisingly reusable.
As soon as we get MaθJaχ in chat, I will stop using mathy letters.
I second that.
Also, give me some training wheels like a WYSIWYG mathjax editor.
coz it confuse
supposedly there are bookmarklets that do mathjax in chat, but they never seem to work for me (I've even seen non-math rendered as math a few times)
Well, you can just use the Unicode for WYSIWYG. Not as pretty though.
We should just start using MathJax on Stack Overflow for use with a userscript, then demand users install the userscript to understand our posts so that eventually, SE will have to add it to SO! >:D

If everybody has it without them doing anything, that's the opposite of having to do stuff.
Stupid li
ne breaks.
Stupid linrs.
@tchrist Why do pieces of that begin to disappear when I highlight it?
@AstroCB Are you approved for the Inner Mysteries, my child?
I don't know; I haven't taken the polygraph test yet.
hands over obviously forged parent signature
Jan 15 at 1:50, by Louis
Hook a polygraph to a plant. Works just as well.
I just searched "polygraph" in the chat search box and got that. I was not disappointed.
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: How can I prevent Selenium from dropping my session? by user1971092 on sqa.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector ignore
@pizza Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
⎧   ₙ  ⎫
⎪   ⌠  ⎪
⎨   ⌡  ⎬
⎪   ₀  ⎪
⎩   ⅀  ⎭
Do you have Musica installed?
All of those rendered for me except for the top one.
Top one?
You mean the first line of the braces?
This thingy: ₙ
It's a box for me. :p
tchrist% uniprops -a ₙ
    \w \pL \p{Lm}
    All Any Alnum Alpha Alphabetic Assigned InSuperscriptsAndSubscripts
       Case_Ignorable CI Cased Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded CWKCF L Lm
       Gr_Base Grapheme_Base Graph GrBase ID_Continue IDC ID_Start IDS Letter
       Latin Latn Modifier_Letter Lower Lowercase Print
       Superscripts_And_Subscripts Word XID_Continue XIDC XID_Start XIDS
       X_POSIX_Alnum X_POSIX_Alpha X_POSIX_Graph X_POSIX_Lower X_POSIX_Print
It has Unicode character property \p{Age=6.0}. I never realized it was that new.
Only a few years old.
Well, it works on a Mac. :)
@tchrist seems to be liking blank boxes. :)
Never realized how antemillennial the prisoners all are. Poor things.
joyería is almost entirely vowels
You have to put thumb in centre of green.Because scaling do from centre of view but your thumb button can't scale left side because it pinned to left. — bhoomi 13 mins ago
@bjb568 3 consonants, 4 vowels.
what? where?
The y is a consonant there.
y functions as a vowel.
No sir.
In the word boy, it is a vowel.
Or estoy.
12 hours ago, by Infinite Recursion
@AstroCB I kicked @xkcdBot for bot spam. Please add an appropriate invocation sequence. Random oneboxes are bot spam.
But not in jo-ye-rí-a, where it is a consonant.
@Inf I just found this in xkcdBot's code:
// Match context phrases in regular discourse and offer up relevant xkcd cartoons (risky – xkcdBot may be kicked)
Ok, no need to explode my brain.
@AstroCB …
@AstroCB Are you one of those people with multiple personalities? If so, which one of you wrote that code and which one is currently reading it?
Why can’t people . . . you know, space their ellipses prettily? Squishtigating them is quite uglily done.
@AlexisKing Don't you know that we're all Shog's split personalities?
You can tell by the tectacular aroma.
@tchrist On my computer, … renders even closer together than ...
@tchrist We may be prisoners, but we're working on it.
Found Shog porn!
@tchrist rule 34
tako nono
@tchrist What is that?
@tchrist Shog's porn stack?
Some of Shog’s relatives.
Well, ex-relatives.
Sexy isn’t it?
What is it?
tako = pulpo a la gallega
@bjb568 Ask not what it is, but what it isn't. </zen>
What isn't it?
@tchrist Er what characters are those?
fancy ones
too good for your windows chrome, eh?
Too good for Windows, apparently.
@hichris123 Ones that would blind you with their elegance and beauty.
Segoe UI Symbol doesn't even render them.
surely you can find another font that does
Not much of a symbol font then.
@yellowantphil Lucida Sans Unicode doesn't either...
I don’t know how to tell which font my computer is choosing
...but something works
@tchrist What class of unicode characters do they belong to?
@tchrist 9m? Aint nobody got time fo' dat.
that tells you fonts that support the first of tchrist’s characters
@hichris123 General Category = Letter
tchrist% uniprops 𝕄
    \w \pL \p{LC} \p{L_} \p{L&} \p{Lu}
    All Any Alnum Alpha Alphabetic Assigned InMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols
       Cased Cased_Letter LC Changes_When_NFKC_Casefolded CWKCF Common Zyyy
       Lu L Gr_Base Grapheme_Base Graph GrBase ID_Continue IDC ID_Start IDS
       Letter L_ Uppercase_Letter Math Mathematical_Alphanumeric_Symbols
       Print Upper Uppercase Word XID_Continue XIDC XID_Start XIDS
       X_POSIX_Alnum X_POSIX_Alpha X_POSIX_Graph X_POSIX_Print X_POSIX_Upper
@yellowantphil Ooohh!!!! And sure enough, Cambria Math renders it.
isn’t bjb supposed to be the one spamming us with pictures?
Firefox is so much better on font-fallback support. >.<
Gosh, she is funny!!
@hichris123 don’t want to use Firefox?
Now I'm all hungry
I know. Me too.
lets all drop in Shog's house, he is going to make Pulpo!!!!! :O
It really is scrumptious.
Fortunately, got mac'n'cheese in the oven almost ready
Oh right, Braiam groks. Nice.
hey, tubes is tubes
tubes como tu ves
@yellowantphil Nah, I'm a fixing.
Newest question title in the tag:
> How can we remove the white spaces in the scheme !
@hichris123 try not introducing a out-of-bounds, free after use, or any other shenaigan, please?
@Braiam I currently need to figure out how to append something to a UChar[].
@AlexisKing Look not to remove the white spaces in your brother’s scheme but rather the one emblemishing your exclamation point.
@tchrist In truth, I am withholding vital information from you. The full title is this.
> How can we remove the white spaces in the scheme ! we are given the string to the program
See? Now it's all clear.
//blame bot
\\blame git
@AstroCB plot twist: all bot owners are Shog's bots
@Braiam So...the bots are self-replicating?
@AstroCB that's the level of intelligence they have acquired

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