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4:00 PM
ND>eval 1+1
Pfft... inb4 tavern becomes eval carnival :p
ND>eval "@bjb568 wake up"
Bot killed manually
Well, that was a bit easy to bork :P
4:01 PM
Bork Bot
Oops... I forgot that my laptop would auto-suspend (cc @ProgramFOX)
@Doorknob冰 Oh, so my infinite loop did nothing? :/
@ProgramFOX I hope? :P
4:14 PM
Bot initialized. Type ND>help for help.
ND>eval system('rm -rf *')
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation - system
ND>eval File.delete 'bot.rb'
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation `delete' at level 4
ND>eval 999999999999999*9999999999999999999
4:14 PM
Eval result: 9999999999999989999000000000000001
ND>eval loop{}
Eval result:
ND>eval 1/0
It has a three-second timeout :P
4:15 PM
Eval result: Error in eval: divided by 0
ND>eval "@bjb568 wake up".upcase!
Eval result: @BJB568 WAKE UP
ND>eval "ND>eval 1+1"
Eval result: ND>eval 1+1
4:15 PM
Try to bork it now :P
What does it use to evaluate?
ND>eval sleep(100)
Eval result:
@anorton It just runs eval in Ruby.
@anorton Ruby's eval function.
4:16 PM
With a little wrapper to make it safe.
Like this:
ND>eval system('rm -rf *')
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation - system
Does it check to see if I make it print obscenities? :P
(Teasing, of course... but it may want to censor itself when posting messages)
ND>eval exit!
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation `exit!' at level 4
4:17 PM
ND>eval sec.send_message('muahahah')
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined local variable or method `sec' for ChatbotEval:Class
Does it only run messages that start with ND>eval?
argh how have you called the variable containing your wrapper?
Here's the eval code:
eval: ->a{
    code = a
    class ChatbotEval
        def self.safeEval code
            Thread.kill $mthread
            $mthread = Thread.new {
                $SAFE = 4
                result = begin
                             eval code
                         rescue Exception => e
                             "Error in eval: #{e}"
                Thread.current[:evalResult] = result
            Thread.new { sleep 3; Thread.kill $mthread }
4:19 PM
ND>eval "Hi"
Eval result: Hi
ND>eval "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b"
Eval result: 
ND>eval sec.send_message "test"
ND>eval asdfghjkl
4:19 PM
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined local variable or method `sec' for ChatbotEval:Class
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined local variable or method `asdfghjkl' for ChatbotEval:Class
Is that... Ruby?
ND>eval "\b\b\b\b\b\b\b\b "
Eval result: 
Yes, Ruby
ND>eval "Hello World"
4:19 PM
@NotDoorknob But it is called sec!
Eval result: Hello World
@ProgramFOX It's wrapped in a class. Can't access outer local variables.
Makes me want to learn Ruby now to try and bork it...
4:21 PM
ND>google bypass ruby safe
Unknown command `google'.
ND>eval pls write my website
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined local variable or method `website' for ChatbotEval:Class
Did anyone finish editing that Wikipedia page.
ND>eval $sec.send_message "test"
4:21 PM
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined method `send_message' for nil:NilClass
ND>eval "\b\b\b\s\s\s"
@hichris123 Which one?
Eval result: 
ND> eval undefined
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined local variable or method `undefined' for ChatbotEval:Class
4:21 PM
ND>eval $globalvarsdontwork
Eval result:
@ProgramFOX Stack Exchange & SO's.
ND>eval email
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined local variable or method `email' for ChatbotEval:Class
ARGH! I want to get rid of part of the feedback prompt...
4:22 PM
uhhh, whoops, maybe they do :P
ND>eval eval
Eval result: Error in eval: wrong number of arguments (0 for 1..4)
How to run a regex in ruby?
ND>eval eval('1+1')
Eval result: 2
4:23 PM
ND>eval /foo.../.match('foobar')
Eval result: foobar
ND>eval File.expand_path File.dirname(FILE)
@Unihedro ^
Eval result: Error in eval: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected '<', expecting ')'
File.expand_path File.dirname(<b>FILE</b>)
(eval):1: unterminated regexp meets end of file
lol, oops, hang on, have to make it un-Markdown-ify stuff
4:23 PM
ND>eval File.expand_path File.dirname(__FILE__)
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation - expand_path
ND>eval (1..100).select(&:odd?)
Eval result: [1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35, 37, 39, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 51, 53, 55, 57, 59, 61, 63, 65, 67, 69, 71, 73, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83, 85, 87, 89, 91, 93, 95, 97, 99]
You don't even allow me to look at your source?
4:24 PM
Ruby has a sandbox security model built in
@ProgramFOX Well, it has @NotDoorknob's email and password in it. :P (I know, I know, I should be storing those separately but I'm lazy)
ND>eval eval("system('shutdown')")
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation - system
Also, it's Ruby's fault, not mine :D
ND>eval (1..).select(&:odd?)
4:25 PM
Eval result: Error in eval: (eval):1: syntax error, unexpected ')'
(eval):1: syntax error, unexpected $end, expecting ')'
ND>eval "l = lambda do |string|
if string == "try"
return "There's no such thing"
return "Do or do not."
puts l.call("try") # Feel free to experiment with this"
Bye Andrew T.!
ND>eval /^([a-zA-Z]+ *)+$/.match('dssdfsdfdsf wdasdads dadlkn mdsds .')
Eval result:
4:25 PM
oops, I should probably remove those "greeting" and "goodbye" messages as well
ND>eval __FILE__
Eval result: (eval)
ND>eval __FILE__
4:26 PM
the code currently being evaluated comes from a string...
Hi TGMCians!
ND>eval /((([a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z]+)+ *)+)+/.match('dssdfsdfdsf wdasdads dadlkn mdsds .')
Eval result: dssdfsdfdsf wdasdads dadlkn mdsds
4:26 PM
gah, it's being rate-limited
@Doorknob冰 Good morning Doorknob. You have a 10 a.m meeting with your chatbot today, don't miss it!
ND>eval /^((([a-zA-Z]+[a-zA-Z]+)+ *)+)+/.match('dssdfsdfdsf wdasdads dadlkn mdsds .')
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation `[]' at level 4
that error message is helpful...
4:27 PM
haha, good job Ruby
ND> [1,2,3][4]
Unknown command `[1,2,3][4]'.
ND>eval __FILE__
Eval result: (eval)
4:27 PM
ND>eval ENV
Eval result: ENV
@hichris123 Someone did edit it to remove some of the more blatantly wrong stuff.
Can I define functions within eval?
ND>eval (1 while 2)
Eval result:
4:28 PM
ND>eval $0
Eval result: ./se-chatty.rb
@JanDvorak 3-second limit
ND>eval ["@pro, @uni, @inf, @jan, @doo, @hic"].each do |line|
puts line
4:28 PM
Q: Please svgify The Snowflake

nicaelAround the time when mobile update happened (don't remember when it was exactly), inbox and achievements icons were svgifgied. Now plz svgify The Snowflake too :)

I am waiting for tasty cake from KyleMit!!!
@Doorknob冰 laame
@Sompuperoo It doesn't work with multiline messages for whatever reason.
ND>eval Socket.gethostname
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation `gethostname' at level 4
4:29 PM
ND>help help
ND>eval File.read($0)
I'm So Meta, Even This Acronym
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation - read
Hi Cerbrus!
ND> eval (f=->{f[];f[]})[]
Unihedro starred that.
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure: can't modify instance variable
4:29 PM
nooooooo File.read no worky
nicael starred that.
Doorknob 冰 starred that.
Jan Dvorak starred that.
ProgramFOX starred that.
Nobody really cares who starred what.
anorton starred that.
Jan Dvorak starred that.
... oops, I forgot to remove a bunch of stuff like the "hello"s, "goodbye"s, and "x starred that"s
ND> eval (f=->{f[];f[]})[]
4:30 PM
stappit @NotDoorknob
Bot killed manually
(hang on, removing annoying message things)
good :D
Question: can I define a lambda and call it within eval? (I don't know Ruby, so I'm doing a lot of Google learning right now. :P)
seems legit
4:31 PM
@anorton crash course? ;)
Who pinged me?
I said "Someone did edit it [Wikipedia page] to remove some of the more blatantly wrong stuff."
Bot initialized. Type ND>help for help.
ND>eval File.open($0).read
4:32 PM
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation - initialize
ND>eval ["@pro", "@uni", "@inf", "@jan", "@doo", "@hic"].each do |line| puts line end
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation `write' at level 4
@Sompuperoo puts triggered it
@Sompuperoo stappit
4:33 PM
@Doorknob冰 ...
ND>eval IO.read($0)
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation - read
ND> eval (f=->{f[];f[]})[]
Unknown command `<code>eval'.
4:33 PM
@JanDvorak did that ping you?
... still need to un-Markdownify
ND> eval (f=->{f[];f[]})[]
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure: can't modify instance variable
@Sompuperoo yep
@Sompuperoo yes, absolutely
4:34 PM
ND>eval sec = 0
Eval result: 0
ND>eval sec
Eval result: Error in eval: undefined local variable or method `sec' for ChatbotEval:Class
ND>eval open('http://www.stackoverflow.com')
Eval result: Error in eval: Insecure operation - open
4:34 PM

Botlings practice room

A room for bots to try their own logic and that of other botli...
What's that Y combinator code? Hold on...
Bot killed manually
(moving to the Botling room)
@rene Did we get too obnoxious? :P
4:35 PM
I couldn't hear my own thoughts due to the noise...
Q: I can add moderator only tag via an edit, and I got no diamond!

nicaelLook at this. I didn't really expect that I would be able to submit the edit adding featured tag, but I could! How is it possible? (seems that usual users can add mod-only tags without moderator help!) I thought it was fixed, because I can't add this tag to that question anymore, however it's n...

- I can't bounty it because I already have 3 active bounties.
Do you want me to kick @NotDoorknob, @rene?
@nicael ... it's not incredibly urgent...
4:44 PM
@InfiniteSnowflakes Not any more, they evacuated this room and are now nicely playing in the bot room
@hichris123 It is, because can be abused. Nobody wants to fix it, so I can still use this power legally. e.g. meta.patents.stackexchange.com/posts/226/revisions
@nicael "so I can still use this power legally" - no, and that's grounds for suspension. You don't go to the police and say "This should be illegal"... and then go right out and do it.
@hichris123 Seems that very employee knows already, how can everybody miss it? I bountied it 3 times already.
4:47 PM
@hichris123 But mine is urgent :(
@Uni rushes into every room :D
and demands RO
@inf :D
@rene At least it works most of the time :p
Look and learn from me @uni, I chat only in 2 rooms on the network :D
4:51 PM
@nicael Urgent compared to what? This is annoying, yet it hasn't been fixed in years. This too.
But are they urgent? Meh.
@InfiniteSnowflakes :D Nice!
...and never demaded RO
@InfiniteSnowflakes What's the second?
"room for uni and sam"
@InfiniteSnowflakes Because you don't moderate :p
4:53 PM
I'm trying to think of something star-worthy now. :P
@hichris123 By the way, have you already seen that SmokeDetector can get a hat now? ;)
2 hours ago, by SmokeDetector
I'm tired of not having a hat...
^ got starred :D
Wait till Bart comes back, @hichris123
@hichris123 But mine can cause the serious abuse.
4:56 PM
@nicael If someone abuses it, the mods can simply ban that person.
@nicael It's a very edge case.
It has to be a question that previously had a [status-*] tag.
And it has to be a suggested edit, right?
You can only suggest edits to posts on mSE.
And reviewers can get suspended as well for approving it
@ProgramFOX So why the hell wasn't I banned yet??!??!???!???!???!???!??!?!!!!?!??!?!!???!?!?!??!?!?!??!?!?!??!??!?!??!?!?!?!‌​????!??!?!
@hichris123 No
@nicael I dunno -- want me to flag and find out? ;)
@hichris123 Seems to work only with [featured]...
@hichris123 Oh no, let me do it myself :D
4:58 PM
@nicael Okay, how many questions have had a [featured] tag at once? Probably less than 1000?
@nicael I don't know, but probably because you reported it and didn't abuse it further.
@hichris123 eugh
missed that
@ProgramFOX I did. And mods even rolled back some edits and didn't do anything further.
Well, then I don't know why.
5:00 PM
Suspend the mods now!
@nicael Maybe it's lots of work to fix and it is in the priority queue.
@InfiniteSnowflakes seems fair
@InfiniteSnowflakes Btw, mods can extract themselves from penalty box and put into it whenever they want :D
@NotDoorknob OKAY!!!!!
How would I flag this to be closed? I don't see an option for "better to ask on Stack Overflow".
5:03 PM
@ProgramFOX fixed
/ should it be closed?
@bjb568 \o/
@Sompuperoo MEW
!comp 5*5
Go to botling room plz
5:05 PM
just a test inf
Bot running here.
@gunr2171 I flagged for closure and then Off-topic/last option -> StackOverflow.com
wearing boot here
@rene missed the migration option, thanks rene
I'm used to close vote stuff ;)
5:11 PM
user image
and I wanted to type "yet", not "it"...
If they can decipher bjb's flags, they can decipher your "it" @nic :D
Huh? Was I summoned?
hehe, we killed the bot of @Doorknob冰 by starting lots and lots of new threads >:D
No FSM, go to sleep
We almost reached 3000 threads.
5:15 PM
Turns out those secondary threads are not subject to the 3-second timeouts
Either that, or the kill thread didn't get a chance to run... yet
^ NotFriendsOfDoorknob praise the @Doorknob冰
There were no threads left to run the kill thread?
How is that possible?
I don't know why it works -- but we created lots of threads and the bot now doesn't reply anymore.
5:18 PM
Thinks Doorknob's computer isn't responsive anymore
Thinks node > ruby
@Unihedro Wouldn't it say "Bot killed manually" in that case? Like it did previous time?
@ProgramFOX not if it spends all of the time doing nothing
I am worried about the door, because Doorknob and NotDoorknob are missing.
@ProgramFOX Eeeeeeeeek
5:21 PM
@Doorknob冰 success!!!
ha! :P
gah, and now, while Doorknob is fixing the issue, I got the idea of a thread spawning threads spawning threads, because there is no timeout in threads. too late :/
livelocks are bad
5:35 PM
hmm, as what?
Low quality?
It is closed now
mod - suspend-pls
Go edit some questions instead! You get points for each approved edit that improves the site. — Unihedro 7 secs ago
@JanDvorak nah, not worth the mod time, let's get enough downvotes on it to get him automatic banned...
I have that FPS memory cpu thingy in IE. How do I get rid of that?
@rene Get rid of IE. Easiest solution.
> The Stack Exchange community is so good that I can't think of any substantial questions that haven't already been answered.
yeah right
5:39 PM
Terrible tag used by OP , the other question in that tag needs closing
-> repeating
@InfiniteSnowflakes that was my next stop as well
5:41 PM
One more and you have your 15 points.... — rene 12 secs ago
When roomba removes that post, will be burninated \o/
done and counting
@ProgramFOX if you think that is funny wait till the moderator handled my flag: Abusive comments towards Internet Explorer
5:44 PM
closed already and -17 score
^ The OP is a DivineComedian...Must be Bart's sock!
lol @Jan, the hat is great on u
@Frank Holy tree, this post is yours! You are always able to review your edits instantly... Anyway I already approved it :)
should I keep it?
5:46 PM
@JanDvorak It won't fit.
@nicael Oh I see.
@nicael Most of teh answers there are mine. Well, 4 of them...
^ can someone investigate that please?
@Frank Aha, self-promotion ;)
@Pham Consider the question, "Has Anyone Heard of the 'Central Library of Medicine Foundation'?"
I think a statement from the organization itself, with affiliation disclosed, is perfectly on-topic there. It can be asserting things about organization; that's what statements are for.
5:50 PM
Not Spam, don't flag. It's a valid answer.
@ProgramFOX CTRL+SHIFT+U (wrongly called performance dashboard, better named: Annoy the crap out of you with useless stats)
for the record @Behaviour, it was picked up by Pham for having an email address
That site allows such posts from valid sources.
@rene :P
I am the fastest ever upvoter!
Nobody can click upvote button that often ;)
5:54 PM
anything you can click I can click faster...
is Massive a thing in c#?
@rene Never heard of.
@Behaviour Go there and try ;)
We don't upvote @nic. It's incompatible with our worldview.
@InfiniteSnowflakes So downvote!!! It is compatible with your worldview?
5:55 PM
@nicael So that was you, you weirdo.
@ProgramFOX it said Massive here and for a moment I thought it was something like Unity...
@rene It is about a massive string, not?
Looks like it... but it is hard to tell... anything massive might be involved
Unspeakable things even?
Wait, I just created a rep hack. Unlimited Rep Gain Script! Who wants to see it? ;)
5:58 PM
@nicael Yes, but am feeling lazy to vote at present :P
@nicael a demo will do...
Oh, it fell on the floor hardly and it didn't worked since - always the black page then since yesterday my friend adviced me installing ubuntu with a key — user96483 26 mins ago
^ guy trying to figure out why his system does random things
I saw that

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