iPhoto is not as wrong as one might think.
Examining the first picture carefully i indeed found some faces:
Dramatically increasing contrast and saturation of some channels and lowering brightness of the residual channel the villains come to light:
While the two inside the oven are just inte...
Is there ever a case where you would want to accept an answer, but not upvote it?
I can't think of a single situation where this would be the case.. So would it not make sense to have the "Accept" button upvote the question too?
After making a total hash of a first time question, the OP now has a -7 score on his/her first question, and was quite rightly closed as 'unclear'. After some coaxing, the question has been formatted and sufficient information now exists to assist the OP in solving same.
I am however of the opin...
Your advertisement put it back on the path to getting reopened. Whether you actually did anybody a favor is fairly doubtful. Him arbitrarily switching to another JS framework, posting a wall of code and making the question [tags] invalid surely won't make this a candidate for a lasting Q+A pair. — Hans Passant4 mins ago
@JanDvorak Just for fun I tried it a month ago... and succeeded :) Of course, direct editing is better, so I didn't do it since :D Suggesting gives you points however (if approved).
@bummi If they have entered the close vote queue you can filter on the tag and so the attendees of the close vote event will and help clear out the queue and clean-up a specific tag. But that requires that the questions that probably need to be closed get some close votes to start with
If you have done that I'll ask tonight if people are interested in filtering on any of those tags.
@rene that's fine :) I would have expected to get it done in a view hours from some people reading on Meta, but the interest there does not seem to be to big. Some of them have answers which would fill the VLQ or Spam "Queue" over time ...
@Doorknob冰 Never been there of course, but I assume the parent site is SE, so even if it would count, there would be no site on which the hat would be awarded.
The Sombrero Galaxy (also known as Messier Object 104, M104 or NGC 4594) is an unbarred spiral galaxy in the constellation Virgo located 28 million light-years (8.6 Mpc) from Earth. It has a bright nucleus, an unusually large central bulge, and a prominent dust lane in its inclined disk. The dark dust lane and the bulge give this galaxy the appearance of a sombrero. Astronomers initially thought that the halo was small and light, indicative of a spiral galaxy, but Spitzer found that the halo around the Sombrero Galaxy is larger and more massive than previously thought, indicative of a giant...