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@Frank Ugh. I'm not excited about asking more or less the same question on both sites. In general, we ask that people tailor their questions for the site they are asked on.
@JonEricson Should I only have answered one?
@JonEricson They were made slightly different.
@Frank No. It probably makes sense to answer both. But the Gardening question has a "so what?" quality. Unless you add in pets (or, I suppose, wildlife) I don't know why these rates matter.
@JonEricson OK, thanks
@JonEricson retagged
@Frank That helps.
Now you can find me in 4 categories in the leagues.
@Pham del
Curious on everyone's thoughts about reopening this. The OP made substantial improvements : stackoverflow.com/q/26385560/656243
@LynnCrumbling I'm not sure ... I think it helps if the OP points out how that works in ruby...
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 92.4407: how can i make this simple program better on codereview.stackexchange.com
^ Well, Brian, start with some punctuation, grammar, and use of case in your sentences. Then worry about making the program better.
@LynnCrumbling We could post the question on ELL?
@rene laff
@rene Or maybe some new hybrid of english language / code review = english language review?
I'm out of cv now...
@LynnCrumbling Needs one more cv...
@sam yeah; both do.
@TGMCians has some left...
@LynnCrumbling closed
@LynnCrumbling closed
I hope you've got your math-hat on because a single-layer DVD is a mystical 4.7GB so after some intense division we can estimate that you need about 4 DVDs. — MonkeyZeus Oct 10 at 13:42
^ lol
@TGMCians yay.
[ SmokeDetector ] Score of 60.9708: Cheap telemedicine solution on fitness.stackexchange.com
^ legit
@Undo thanks
@Undo if you have privs on that site, you may want to add a comment to the q stating "Please read before you flag as spam; it is not."
@JanDvorak Remember the recovery toolbox spammers? That's why.
@LynnCrumbling Mmmm, I hope cooler heads prevail. If it starts getting downvotes, then I'll do something
So I was right
@hichris123 fairly good looking
@Undo I like everything but the onscreen buttons... the house and back arrow are replaced with a circle and a triangle, respectively.
But hey, it's actually coming to my 2 year old device!
Any experienced users could tell me why this answer was converted to a comment? (on this question: stackoverflow.com/questions/26389331/…)
laughs at android people overjoyed that a 2-year old device gets an update
@Undo ... hey, did the iPhone 5 get all the new features of iOS 8?
@hichris123 Well, my iPad 2 did, including the slow UI...
@PatrickHofman Yeah, that is a problem with old devices (both iOS & Android) getting new updates: they're simply not new enough in hardware to run the OS. So things get slow.
My 3rd gen iPad is going like a champ with iOS 8
@hichris123 Yeah, except for the hardware-dependent ones.
@hichris123 Well, my impression is that nothing has changed to iOS in the meantime. They removed transparency on a lot of places, and still it is much slower than with it.
Opening iBooks takes 40 seconds now here, was 5...
@Undo eh, okay, but I know on older updates Apple has been notorious for giving an "update" to older devices, but they get like none of the new features.
@hichris123 Pretty much only for the 3GS, which was supported for like five years
Really, they should have killed that off a year or two before they did
And besides, Android has a very decoupled approach with Google apps, and there's Google Play Services... most Android devices even from 4 years ago are getting the latest and greatest version of apps...
@Undo I remember Siri didn't come to the 4, only 4S+
@hichris123 That was specifically a 4S feature, not really an iOS 5 feature
So a little different IIRC
@hichris123 chatting w/out you on ES
@Undo Well, yeah, but... you're really going to leave your users in the dust, and force them to upgrade?
One user wants to delete some of his accounts, and I say no. ;)
@Frank I need to borrow your plant identification powers, again (if you don't mind). What's this called?
@Sam Coleus, I think. Not sure which variety
I'll go look it up.
Thx :)
@Sam There are quite a few coleus that look like that, not sure which it is.
Np, Coleus is fine.
@SmokeDetector delete
Low Quality A (100%): quiero que me mandas una foto desnuda, by maikel, on security.stackexchange.com.
@Pham ahahaha
He He
^ I want you to send me a naked picture
flaq plz
@Sam Why?
Why not?
@Sam Oh, I thought you were asking...
lol no, no.
@Sam k, good. Yeah I flagged the answer already
6 mins ago, by Sam
^ I want you to send me a naked picture
Everyone go star that out of context
It's come to my attention that I have no clue what the code review site is for. I thought I knew what it was for, but twice now, I've proven myself wrong.
@LynnCrumbling Wow. The one posting the question has already his account deleted.
I didn't think code provided by a teacher and asked to be modified in a certain way had any hope of being reviewed.
@PatrickHofman Why? Did they request their own account to be deleted? I'm sure you can't answer these.. just thinking out loud.
@LynnCrumbling Yeah, or really pissed for not getting his answer :)
@PatrickHofman I'm not about to get into an argument in comments with a 30k user on that site, so I'm not going to reply.
@LynnCrumbling That's a wise decision
@PatrickHofman I strongly suspect that they are looking to get as many questions as possible, in order to make it out of beta.
@PatrickHofman For now, EOF. :)
@LynnCrumbling Lol
Both spam still there...
Still there (first -6/second -2).
@JSBᾶngs not it's not (trying to see if this bug still happening, your name got unicodes in it)
@Sam one gone
Oh nice. Me just in time. Someone shut off the computer...
Second gone. gg
Nice work, @Pham!
Is this a bug? I was awarded a nice answer badge for Does a pine needle mulch make your soil acidic?, which has a score of +9, -0. Is this from a quickly reversed uvote?
@hichris123 ok. I will be forever bugged by it.
@Frank upvotes
@bjb568 I noticed. :P
@bjb568 Now I willl not be forever bugged.
@bjb568 Go do that some more! (just kidding)
Huh. Must be new.
OOh, another nice answer badge with only +9 -0: gardening.stackexchange.com/questions/3273/…
Night all.
@bjb568 What does that accomplish?
@AstroCB Great things.
@bjb568 YES.
@Pham ... oh dear
I've never seen that message, as I never vote unless I've read the post and find it worthy of my +1.
There are... people... that occasionally upvote, unupvote, downvote, undownvote, repeat, with the goal of making your rep inbox, and subsequently you, go insane :P
Whoa! I have 4 nice answer and 2 enlightened badges awarded today.
That's a lot.
@Undo Not on GL - yet.
@bjb568 I know!
All those badges and only a +129 on GL.
GL me^
Go to the LQP-HQ with it.
But nobody looks there.
It isn't like I'm posting a huge flood of LQs… oh wait.
They are manual…
It's easy to scan a tag page and click title, click annoytavernandvlqflag button.
@bjb568 There is always an endless amount of lq posts on SO, so I'd probably only bring stuff here that needs attention right away, otherwise post in LQP-HQ. That's just imnsho.
@bjb568 shakes head
wonders which axis head is shaking
wonders more about how trees could have heads
@Frank you don't really need that bark, do ya?
waits for lecture on tree bark

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