This question appears to be off-topic because it is asking about a code review which is off-topic. This should be on codereview. It is also too broad, opinion based and 'code without a problem`. — Jarrod Roberson2 mins ago
I've always been searching for a way to make Visual Studio draw a line after a certain amount of characters:
Below is a guide to enable these so called guidelines for various versions of Visual Studio.
Visual Studio 2013
Install Paul Harrington's Editor Guidelines extension for...
@AndrewT. Reading thisPlease note that you can always comment on your own posts, and any part of your questions. However, commenting on other people's posts is a privilege. I would think he should be able to do so. Maybe he didn't try and only assumes he can't comment on answers under his own question?
This isn't really a complaint about this specific audit (although failing it did give me a review ban despite the fact that I've only failed two in almost three months).
I thought that we had an official stance on link-only answers: we have a canonical question and even a delete reason in the qu...
I still fail to see why 3 people think that my Meta.SO question is a duplicate of this one. Not only are they asking different things, but the answers on mine show a much wider array of opinions than the other one.
So, if anything, it should be the other way around.
FYI - The last of the swag backlog we've been hammering at goes out today, so if you're owed something, it's out of the warehouse this week. Apologies, technical difficulties and such, I think we've got it back to normal.
That shiny profile you just payed $1500 to polish? Yeah, it's not so shiny when there's a big fat notice of being suspended for rule violations on the top of it.
I always thought rep would become more of a commodity than simply 'unicorn points' ever since the time I applied for a job and they remarked about the score that I had on the site. This was long before I worked for Stack Exchange, I was doing mostly freelance consulting work and it amazed me tha...
You start with flag weight 100. You get +10 per helpful flag, -10 per declined flag [1]. +0 for disputed flags. If you go above 500, it increases nonlinearly[2]. The higher your flag weight, the higher position you get in the flag queue (and thus your flag is reviewed faster). If it reaches 0, yo...