Wait, seriously Google? When i add the email address that I'm paying for, it makes me verify that email address in order to pay for it? That doesn't make any sense...
And that's how I feel about a lot of other bug reports I see on Meta about the resolution of random, tiny images in the interface not being high enough, and UI elements being off by a tenth of a pixel in some browsers.
I found out that using the network/wifi based location on my android device I can get quite an accurate position from my home wifi router (without using GPS). Obvoiusly for that to work, Google must know the position of my home wifi router.
So my question is: how does google know the position of...
I kind of like flagging obsolete comments. I have infrastrure I've built around flagging obsolete comments. Like, 50,000 row MySQL db's and queues and things.
It all is very, very good at finding the obsolete comments - but flagging them actually turns out to be rather difficult.
I'd like to ma...
I'm not going to mark this as a duplicate, but you are essentially asking the best way to show notifications using jQuery. And that has been asked before. In a nutshell, in your basic setup all you need to do is show a div and fade it in, but there are a lot of plugins out there that handle more ...
Yeah, I didn't realize that until I read it in a bug report on Meta at some point. The post contents are basically "markdown'ddd" at the time they're saved, and then the HTML isn't updated again unless the post is edited.
(or the devs do a mass rebuild, which I think they've done before)
I just ran across this answer while on comment patrol. It seems normal in almost every regard... Except it isn't. For one, it's cut off - look at the source and you see that there's quite a bit more that isn't shown.
Another thing: the code block formatting is.. um... overflowing:
I don't kno...
Yeah. Like animuson was saying. If there was a bug in the markdown code / HTML rendering at the time the post was edited, it would still be evident in the post.
Two things missing:
There used to be direct link to http://stackexchange.com/ when opening the multicollider:
Now I can't find direct link anywhere.
"more inbox messages" link in the bottom of the inbox. Convenient shortcut to going to my Stack Exchange profile and to the inbox tab i...
@michaelb958 we don't support text zooming, since every supported browser has full page zooming which is way more reliable - there's good reason every browser moved this direction
> 'Error #1000' is basically the catch-all error message of Google Apps, and usually occurs for transient errors. Therefore, I suggest you try reproducing this action on a different computer as well as on a different browser and see what happens. If the error appeared recently, just give it a bit of time. However, if after you tried during some time you still encounter the message error, just let me know and I'll certainly see what I can do for you from there.
Ok I don't understand what trying in a different browser or computer has anything to do with receiving an instant 500 Internal Server Error from Google, but whatever...
@jadarnel27 Well, you seem to be exactly like me. And, didn't we have this discussion before? It involved web cams... or, am I thinking of someone else?