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@M.A.R. Folks is always plural, while people is both colloquially the plural of person as well as a singular word meaning an identifiable group.
Some folk might disagree
It's not really the plural of person, that's persons as in "Police are searching for persons unknown".
It's just more, well, folksy than people. And more UsE, I think.
yeah that's why I qualified it as a colloquial plural
It's a weird word, people. It can also be singular: "The Hittites were a proud people".
thanks for hiding that from [...]
@PaulWhite is it normal that that feels a lot like "I hope people will be able to see we were right and did the' less worse' possible action at the time" in my head?
@202324 Careful. Using his name can summon him. Like Crestomanci.
@SPArchaeologist-様 I certainly wouldn't consider it abnormal?
Whoa hey, I think I sparked a huge grammarian debate
@terdon So let's summon @Nog instead! ;)
@terdon I think you need to say it three times in a row.
I just meant Shog typically uses "folks", and well, I would copy him, wouldn't you
Can you imagine a world full of shogs
there's no third call because I self moderated mine
ohno there was another one before
Sep 3 '14 at 14:33, by SPArchaeologist
@bjb568 Just boot up an emulator and set it to play castlevania. Every time someone plays castlevania and enter a room with the flying medusa heads, @Shog9 is bound to be there, floating amongst them.
@SPArchaeologist-様 q_q the good old days
I'm shogged. SHOGGED, I say!
It was even before Documentation
There's a past message for all occasions it seems
It's denoted as B.D.
@PaulWhite of course
@PaulWhite Spa/Derpy is versatile
@DavidA Hey! A Diana Wynne Jones fan!
@AnsgarWiechers if you were shogged you would know it.
If you're shogged and you know it clap your hands
common symptoms of being shogged include a temporary chat suspension and an acute sense of shame at having had it coming
@PaulWhite 👏
And timeless life advice
Common side-effects include inadvertent y'alling and waxing lyrical about waffles.
@Magisch and floating a bit above the ground.
@Shadow Is that a stop sign having an existential crisis by staring at the mirror?
Why is my laptop so dark?
@M.A.R. nope
Put some glasses @Bart ;)
@Shadow 👏🏼
english.stackexchange.com/search?q=folk So this sort of thing has been asked before.
@M.A.R. bettery saver is enabled. find a power source.
@Snow not dark dark, angst anxiety dark
They ask anything there
@M.A.R. ^
@PaulWhite it's.... white!
Yellow is race neutral.
I think
@M.A.R. Turn it on?
Can be so easily taken out of context..... ;)
@AnsgarWiechers Good point
@Shadow Seeing as "yellow" has been used as a racial slur for East Asians, that really seems like an odd decision.
still there, @Shadow
I still have that userscript running.
> When a human emoji is not immediately followed by a emoji modifier character, it should use a generic, *non-realistic* skin tone, such as RGB #FFCC22 (one of the colors typically used for the smiley faces).
Can't I go review some stuff without this falling down into a sequence of pics!
@SPArchaeologist-様 One could even say you're a SPA (single purpose account)
@202324 no.
So they're using a bright yellow specifically because it isn't normal.
@SPArchaeologist-様 it's been waaaay too long since this happened
@DavidA FWIW, I can verify that we sometimes do look that color behind crappy camera lenses.
And we're not even East Asian
@DavidA it's simpsonized.
@DavidA Tell that to The Simpsons
happy to converge
I was gonna make a joke too but OK.
Wording is important. Jokes need good wording.
@SPArchaeologist-様 missed that!
Actually, me too.
And I only ever got it . . . twice, I think
@M.A.R. not sure that's the lens, more the film and process
Yeah that picture stuff
@terdon huh, never thought of it. Since the color choice vary between white, black, and yellow, always assumed yellow is the neutral choice. :/
@terdon I bet emoji implementers asked them all, and they didn't care.
Q: Asimov's story where a man's speech contains no information

houcrosI am trying to remember the name of a tale or novel by Isaac Asimov. I am positive I've read this some years ago, but for the life of me, I can't recall the name. In the story, one of the characters, some kind of diplomat, speaks profusely. Only after recording and analysing his speech, the main...

Facebook? Is it called Facebook?
Eh, close enough
@Shadow there are literally no unoffensive choices for defaults in most cases. So it's usually best to choose the least default offensive
@Mgetz so that's what the Simpsons were for. Hmmm.
Well there are, but they're be offensive to my eyes
@Shadow green always choose green
@202324 not really? or not sure what you mean
@Mgetz they predicted this time of getting offended, so they decided on chooseing some arbitrary color and draw a plan to make it a reasonably neutral choice.
@202324 oh, possible. Regardless color has connotations. There are no good choices
@Mgetz which is?
Well they have predicted everything else so your theory fits well with experimental data.
actually, choose blue because I am blue and if I was green I would die
@StephanS u r missing the da ba dee
@StephanS blue eyes
dat song
@Shadow White/Pink: Racial, Black/brown: Racial, Green: Envy, Red: anger, Purple/Blue: death, Indigo: WTF
Amazing how the human body contains or can produce all possible colors....
No it can't
@M.A.R. which color it can't?
Basic color, duh
@Sha produce magenta for me
Not some "lemon peach"
Octarine. Duh.
@AnsgarWiechers I can, as a Wizard.
Come along I'll show you.
evil grin
At least someone didn't demand Klingon emojis.
Doesn't bother me. I have a wizzard at my side.
@AnsgarWiechers are you @Derpy??
@M.A.R. No it's a wizard duh
Trap wizard.
in Shadow's Den, Oct 28 '14 at 8:58, by SPArchaeologist
@ShadowWizard Ever considered changing your name to Shadow Wizzard?
@Shadow Am I what?
@AnsgarWiechers never mind, lol
Just one person ever called me that, lol
Aug 11 '10 at 19:41, by Popular Demand
See yinz.
Random thought: I think splitting the metas may have ultimately led to the current situation
A: Why doesn't Meta Stack Overflow have real reputation?

Martin TournoijI agree with Zizouz212's answer, but I feel a more important reason for the lack of reputation on meta is to encourages constructive debate. I recently posted two answers on meta that I knew were going to attract a certain number of downvotes (I've been around for a while, so I know what's likel...

I'd post a feature request to make MSE not really have rep, but instead pull highest rep from network but it would get closed
@Mgetz closed? Why? Maybe downvoted to oblivion, but can't see reason why closed.
Must be a dupe?
"repeatedly violating our existing Code of Conduct": citation needed. "CM’s repeated requests to change": citation needed. — Monica Cellio Oct 3 at 15:54
can comments even get 4 digit upvotes ?
@Shadow am I fyre-flye?
it's at 962
I don't think MSE should have rep per se
it massively discourages engagement and involvement because it penalizes for engagement and taking risks
@SPArchaeologist-様 hmm?
it also encourages pile on and pandering to the masses
@Shadow Yep, I should remember that not everyone would recognize that user name
@StephanS maybe there's an easter egg at 1000
But W/E for the very reasons aforementioned I won't bother posting it
@PaulWhite is it called the url crashing
we'll know in 38 votes' time
FWIW posting feature requests at this point is a waste of time too...
@Shadow are you hacking with CSS
@StephanS no CSS
This is how it would really look like if/when having 9999 upvotes.
@Shadow and the back end doesn't have some weird bug.
@Shadow anyway, fyre-flye is Lauren Faust's Deviantart username.
Unless the check to know which class to apply will crash, but... unlikely.
And please, don't ask me to explain who Lauren is ^_^'
@Shadow What about 10000 then ? D:
what about 10000 upvotes?
@Shadow if I had wrote that I'd left an assertion at some number
I write slow.......
@StephanS im po ssi ble !!!
@SPA no worry, I don't think you're Lauren.
A sensible system would have a TRUNCATE TABLE dbo.Comments trigger when upvotes hit 1k.
@StephanS Yes:
Did you really stumble upon that exact situation in a real-life scenario or was this question only meant to be a puzzler -- just for the fun of it ? — Costi Ciudatu Jul 27 '11 at 8:42
1409 so far.
@PaulWhite rofl
I know that's how I'd code it anyway
let's bring Costi to 10k
Julia Silge on October 16, 2019



years of professional coding experience,

what kind of coding work you do, and

the technologies you use professionally.










holy one box
@terdon stop it, that's illegal
@Shadow I can see the dev team's response now
@Shadow it's still going to crash at 2^31-1
@Mgetz well Shog already break the design will all his badges and they're not fixing it.... ;)
now that's lazyness
@202324 not sure, maybe they use other field type
@Shadow a back end written ten years ago
stackoverflow.com/a/6841479/11168559 is this where Jon skeet got all his points
@StephanS nah
Very small part of his points.
it only comes out to 52,585‬
has 1 upvote always been +10? wasn't it +5 at one point
@StephanS yes, question upvote used to give +10 in the beginning, I think
At least as long as I'm here it was always +10 for upvotes on answers and +5 for upvotes on questions.
But it was all recalculated
"$seventy /hour at the internet"
Q: Should the weight of question upvotes be reduced?

Jeff AtwoodAfter thinking about Should the weight of downvotes be increased? which I declined for the reasons specified in my answer, and Please charge rep for questions after threshold I have a proposal. How about if question upvotes were only worth +5 rep instead of +10? And this was applied retroact...

64 messages moved to Chimney
that has to be my favorite from a post
did... the DeltaRune site change lately?
nope, seems the icon was always animated. Weird.
Never noticed that
Missed those vague messages. ;)
I see the crisis brings people together here.... wonder if we might even see Normal Human back.... :D
@Shadow "Normal Human back".... this site is now full of flowers, and terriers
@StephanS no humans though, surely not normal..... ;)
@StephanS Should I be terrified now?
I hear there's a wizard somewhere
bolts out of room
@Shadow he leaves out of the door to the gym
the Dumbbell Door
@DavidA the one I posted seemed more appropriate, but since we are at it now...
@JourneymanGeek it's "CoC" not "COC", if it matters to you anyhow, maybe edit those in your recent posts :s
@user1306322 no
If there's other stuff to fix, maybe
but meh
I get a noticeable amount of "user was removed" in my inbox lately
(yes, it's the amount, the non-integral measurement of substance)
@JourneymanGeek hey that's my job.. ;)
in the real world that would be against some other laws, like in this case it's against the "be nice" rule, as it is not nice to other users
@user1306322 again my point: they’ve thrown out the Be Nice because of this
coz they're gonna have to undo these changes, because we all still view that information as noise that has no place in these posts
mm idk about that
technically maybe but not in spirit
@Tim No, the rules protect you if you do it for a particular reason.
1 message moved to Trashcan
:7978931 They don't, but let's imagine they did. If you choose to be obnoxious and spammy because you believe the rules allow it, you're still being obnoxious and spammy. So don't be that person, yeah?
Folks are trying to work out the rules.
@terdon Lets not feed him ;)
@JourneymanGeek I'd rather talk things out. But fine.
You can feed me, I'm hungry.
FFS. We're already being accused of hooliganism.
hands @user58 the pepper
@user58 Uh, no one knows Beowulf from memory, sorry
@JourneymanGeek that's a burn you have to have the context for :P
@JourneymanGeek I've had enough pepper for the next few days!
what about dedder or qeqqer or bebber
@ArtOfCode Context? Where we're going we don't need context!
I didn't know pepper was an essential nutrient
We need LaTeX. Harharhar
@user58 take this! ;)
@M.A.R. \begin{document}No, we don't. \end{document}
@SPArchaeologist-様 Interesting, thanks
@Shadow Probably can't have chocolate quite yet. :(
@Shadow Oh my God what is it with you people and chocolate
Every second food has chocolate
@user58 They say it's toxic for dogs or cats or something.
mole (and other chili based chocolate) sauce is one of my favorite sauces - takes all day to make though
granted you don't have to use "chocolate" as your sweet or bitter (depending on type of chocolate) ingredient but I like the ones that do :)
@user58 it's Parve. Why not??
@M.A.R. dogs
@M.A.R. it's yummy :D
@JourneymanGeek "The toxic dose for cats is even lower than for dogs.[8] However, cats are less prone to eating chocolate since they are unable to taste sweetness" en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Theobromine_poisoning
@Shadow stomach bug still not quite gone
@Shadow I thought that was a paper coffee filter for an in-cup brew
@user58 I eat sweets even with stomach bugs. I won't let them win. :P
@user1306322 nope, lol. No such things in Israel as far as I can tell. ;)
@Autar never accidentally got a cat so never looked it up
until you bring it, that is
check out any coffee shop, they should have coffee filter paper
very useful for making cups of mate
hmm what if I brewed matcha through that paper...
@terdon yeah I have stopped.
@user1306322 wait, what paper? The paper below the bread?
Although the user reverting all my edits is doing exactly the same which is frustrating
it comes in round, square, satchel and cupcake holder shapes
Wouldn't work for mate though, would it? It filters all the good stuff out!
of all the teas the only one I don't have in my warehouse is matcha so I can't experiment with it right now...
if by good stuff you mean dust and twig chips, I think it's great that it stays out of my mouthhole :x
@user1306322 That's why you use the special straw!
nuuuuuuu it's impossible to cleeeean
But the whole ceremony of mate depends on having one cup which is slowly refilled as it goes around. So I'm assuming you really need to let everything in there to seep for long enough.
ceremonies are for monks >:(
@Tim now stop for a moment and consider how everyone else feels 😁
I just wanna drink hot leaf waters
@user1306322 Ah no, the mate thing really is a particularly nice one. There's not much ceremony involved, you just pass the cup around, but it's a very nice way of bonding with friends.
Feb 18 '14 at 14:41, by SPArchaeologist
@ShadowWizard - would you believe me if I said that I am a tea ceremony student?
some people turn tea into a hard drug by letting it steep for long enough...
so, I guess I must be a monk pony now.
I mean I've passed some certification tests myself but that doesn't mean I do as the academics say at work, I do what works and takes a reasonable amount of time :p
I could go full monk on these teas but I wouldn't get anything done in the meantime
@SPArchaeologist-様 SPA sounds very much compatible with tea
@AndrasDeak I think you misread the kanji I added in my name. It is "sama", not the kanji for "Onsen".
and SP means skill points in RPG terminology?
@user1306322 I think @Shadow once claimed it means Super Pony
... have to go for a while. Later
see ya
@SPArchaeologist-様 I knew it! I'm so used to seeing it as さま but thought I recognized that from some of my letters from Okinawa :)
@JourneymanGeek you’re right: I do get it. And I do sincerely apologise to the users here who it hurt / caused work for. It really wasn’t intended to cause pain to them.
I’m not going to do anymore, and I’ll stop discussing it now (no need to be banned from chat for the 3rd time eh 😉)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Mostly punctuation marks in body (25): Can you solve it..it's very specious to me.plese by Dinesh Gangavaram on puzzling.SE
@user1306322 We use a Chemex :D And an AeroPress.
first time hearing about it
how is it different from a french press?
The coffee is forced through the grounds more like an espresso.
that's a glass-crushing hazard!
@user1306322 Pressure!
I don't know much about the physics behind espresso but isn't it supposed to create a rather strong pressure? like you can't do that much with just your hands?
Which is why an aeropress is "more like" espresso and not an espresso :)
@SPArchaeologist-様 you are surely mistaken.
hand-cranked bootleg espresso
In a way. It's a bit too fiddly for my morning coffee. But then, I have now gotten used to grinding, weighing, frothing and making a cappuccino on my Gaggia every morning, so maybe I can give the Aero another chance.
nice I like that level of dedication to a brew
have you tried pu erhs?
No. Wazzat?
Pu'er or pu-erh is a variety of fermented tea produced in the Yunnan province of China. Fermentation in the context of tea production involves microbial fermentation and oxidation of the tea leaves, after they have been dried and rolled. This process is a Chinese specialty and produces tea known as 黑茶 hēichá (literally, 'black tea') commonly translated as 'dark tea'. This type of tea is different from what is known as black tea in English, which in Chinese is called 红茶 hóngchá (literally, 'red tea'). Pu'er traditionally begins as a raw product known as "rough" máochá (毛茶, literally "fuzzy/furry...
the dark souls of teas
the chinotto of citrus
also if you ever get chinotto fruit or juice add some to pu erh it's wack
> Shóu pu'er tea, shóuchá, brewed from a brick
that sounds like meaning business
pan galactic gargle blasters come to mind ;)
Ugh. That looks like it was written by Robert Jordan. Oh, the apostrophes! Oh, the diacritics!
it's like black tea with lemon but from a dank parallel universe (⌐□_□)
@user1306322 so...dank Earl Grey? :P
Earl After Dark
ye I got a couple bricks, it takes like 40 minutes to crush one fully, at least for me, maybe there's a faster way idk
bricks are more compressed than those round bowls
there's a popular aromatized variety where it's called "pu erh in orange peel" but it's actually artificially flavored, it's not just the peel
and I like tangerine/nectarine/clementine juice better anyway
@NogShine your profile picture has been bugged for a loooong time but I never posted a bug request about it
it's not looking good on your profile page
@user1306322 Oh! What happened?How is it looking like?
the opposite of thicc
I think it is due to the image size. It was contracted.
the url at different sizes is different as you can see
and it produces different results
at smaller sizes it's cropped to a square but at certain sizes this bug appears
meta.stackexchange.com/a/335704/183800 for public amusement/bewilderment
for context, user's name was "attack helicopter" and avatar a poorly lit 3d realistic render of some helicopter
it just got updated on all sites to generic now but I was able to grab an outdated page and see for myself
didn't see any offensive profile bio text
don't know how to react honestly
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer (93): Magento 2 : Import product with custom csv by Armand on magento.SE
@user1306322 When in doubt, shrug.
oh, I forgot about super mario land - I run into him on the XML tag sometimes (when I am forced to play with well-formatted, follows the rules XML - i.e. rarely)
@user1306322 eh, would have been better if user was given (and we don't if they were) a notice to change their username instead of just resetting it - i.e. assume good intent & give a chance to change to a better choice. However, there's a lot of work to do so I'm not going to fault the mod/CM who just changed it considering how strongly charged that phrase is and how unlikely that the user picked it not knowing this
I mean, they'd likely do the same thing for a bunch of expletives in a username or a user named "I_hate_(insert group here"); and I wouldn't have a problem with that
what people are missing is that the "attack helicopter" is a hat tip to a bunch of flat-out intolerant crap being thrown around
but honestly I'm weary of having to explain this time and time again
Do explain that on that MSE post
Jaydles is ahead of me
@user1306322 well they should have checked last changed date
@AndrasDeak I'm not missing it, I'm just thinking that this could have been a case of innocent customization. But without knowing when they last updated their profile prior to the forced change I can't be sure
@Mgetz yeah, these days MSE is full of innocent people seeming like jerks
@AndrasDeak if you're looking for them you're going to find them everywhere
I'm not disputing the user could have done that. What I'm saying is that we need to be careful of bad faith
it's one thing to gently ask someone to change their avatar and username given the current situation. It's another to force it if they weren't acting in bad faith
if they were... different story
As late there has been a metric crapton of bad faith going around
and that should be against the CoC
1 message moved to Trashcan
Oct 10 at 19:53, by Rubiksmoose
Just as an FYI, any variation on the "joke" that goes like "I'm going to change my pronoun to [insert trolly ridiculous word/phrase]" is not cool and not funny. Firstly, you aren't the first or even the 1,000,000,00th person to make that comment. It's so old. More importantly, trans/NB have had to live with that attitude of the general public IRL every day of their lives. It's not a joke and it's not nice.
The other problem is 2 weeks ago I would have discussed this and posted, a week ago I would have at least discussed this, at the beginning of the week I would have more to add even if just in chat -> by this point I'm just beginning to ignore it
me too largely
which is probably for the best
and ignoring it is not good if it actually hurts people but disengage is the last strategy left
> The only way to win is not to play
.....actually I could have started with "a year ago I did post stuff about this" ..... and gone from there (and others have done even more)
I like Data's: "I didn't try to win, I tried to tie" line :)
I use it a lot in lectures which involve team dynamics and finding compromise

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