If so do we have a time to expect the floodgates to open (ie If so and I know it I'll try to be online at that time since whether or not I'm a voted a PT I have higher rep and can deal with some of the junk anyways)
anyway, @jmac - since these lazy folk aren't going to upvote that question past 100 I think you're gonna have to settle for that "death of an employee" post a while longer
why its showing the message that i need 20 rep for chat (in welcome message ) chat.stackexchange.com/… i mean i am logged in and have 27k network wide ?
@Shog9 Thanks, I think? I still don't think this is an ideal way of doing it though -- if the question lacks appeal, even through the stickied post here, I don't think it will gain critical mass. The goal of the hot questions (gaining eyes) and the sites (gaining more users) are going to be at odds indefinitely.
No, I want to discourage that by preventing questions like this from getting on the hot list and making people think that is acceptable for The Workplace
Because while that question itself isn't necessarily a bad question, it sure as hell doesn't deserve 200 upvotes, nor did TWP deserve the dozens of horrible questions asked afterwards by people who figured they would be on-topic based on that question
Yeah, I know, and that one is actually a decent question
Also note that it has zero answers from non-regulars.
Yeah, I didn't want to pick the one that was already on the hot list
What I always say when talking about TWP is that none of those hot questions are what will drive up the value of our site (the one currently there may be, but the super-popular ones won't).
Nobody is going to search google for "How should I deal with an employee who has slept with my wife? "
But in an ideal world, we want to help with practical things that have a wider appeal. But a lot of the hot questions are borderline primarily opinion-based and skirt the good-subjective bad-subjective boundary
And the reason for that is because anyone can say how they think you should tell your boss he should treat developers better, but you actually need expertise to tell people how to list a skill on a resume.
And those types of non-sexy questions are the ones that will drive large amounts of search engine traffic to the site, and those searches are what will give our site value as a resource.
So the conundrum for me is how do we attract people who can answer the expertise questions? And having questions about how to deal with an employee who slept with your wife on the hot list isn't going to attract any HR managers.
I totally agree with that. There are some good questions -- death of the employee one in specific is a good general question for TWP.
But that's the exception rather than the rule from the ones I've seen on the list.
Part of the issue is TWP's problems with voting early and often, which I'm trying to get people to do mroe
Had a question abut tagging of Javascript questions, and posted this meta.stackoverflow.com/q/221687/251765 , note that it is not stated as a feature-request, nor a opinion as in "this is how it should be". My question is (because of the rapid down votes) if this is a bad question?
@Bart: I also got a declined flag, but it is ok because the author updated the link-only answer into inline content. This is the minority though, so I will not stop flagging those.
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spam in several occasions with the same content....
looks like worthwhile to remove the user?
wait, I gave three downvotes in a row for his posts, so I might be a serial downvoter.
I am a bit confused about the points a user can gain on this website.
There are many users who have points like e.g. 250
And many users who have points like e.g 15k
So can you please explain the difference between these points values?
can I have the support of all the present to upvote if I reply something along "It depends on the nationality of the user: when you see the K, it indicates that his reputation is measured in Kelvins"?
Don't think it's likely to happen soon. You could feature-request it, but you'd need to have some good reasons from a visitor to stackexchange.com perspective.
@TimPost actually my house is clean, we have cleaning lady. Even the office is clean. Even my DESK is clean.... well, no used coffee cups at least. But hey, you're always welcome, no need to break into anything. :-D
@TimPost maybe the view of a man garbed in ninja clothes running around the building may give them the scare they need (yes, we tried many time to make them their work already)
@SPArchaeologist nah, don't buy that. No need to hide anymore. We all know that you actually work for Microsoft, leading the SharePoint development team and spying in leading sites to see how other programmers treat your product. ;-)
@ShadowWizard Probably. It happened to me a long time ago. One day I was just going on the computer, and then I felt stuff crawling on my hands, and I was like WTF!>!> And they were all over the keyboard and inside crawling around... But they were like no where else. It's like they came out of no where.
This was up North.. most the articles I found where just mainly about ants found in the south.
This was up North.. most the articles I found where just mainly about ants found in the south.
@LowerClassOverflowian On the more serious side, do you have the habit of eating while working at the pc? maybe some sugar felt on the keyboard and then attracted them.
Yea I did when it happened. However, its like they magically formed inside the keyboard. I don't think they came from outside or anywhere. They were just magically created somehow inside the keyboard. I'm having a tough time with google.. I know I found a good article on it before.
Pff, how do you protect and user against himself? I'm sure this Maurizio posts with the best of intentions, but this is heading towards nothing positive.
Well, semi-public. If the masses can figure out how to get into the Tavern to find where I laid out "the process", I'm fairly confident they can figure it out without it :)
They did also suggest an edit to the excerpt, so it's possible that they somehow added a new line to the end of the text without realizing it, which got submitted along with the excerpt.
We want answers that explain how the recommended product matches the requirements and fits the purpose of the question. What you've written here is little more than a link to the product. Could you expand it to demonstrate how this product fits? See this meta post for tips on writing an answer. — Undo1 min ago
Yes, I did feel weird posting that to an SO mod :P
I have a shiny userscript that gives me a button to push to automagically leave that comment.