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7:00 AM
@bjb568 I thought bjb went to sleep; it must be a bot feature...
Time to bork the borkey?
@pizza What?
7:01 AM
@pizza There were 30 people who nominated themselves; so to enter, you had to have more rep than the person with the lowest rep there, which was 3,195.
@ProgramFOX it's showing 1 answer for me in the meta profile since days, but nothing on aviatioon
@bummi link?
Okay, I concede the point.
@AstroCB there's also a yellow box below that one
7:02 AM
(of the argument)
Interesting... create a morning train bot
@ProgramFOX Oh – he meant the reputation threshold.
I'm amused. Of the people in here, a significant portion are mod candidates.
@J.Steen People in here are very moderation-oriented.
7:03 AM
But nobody's elected, then Tavern revolts.
@AstroCB Yes. As am I, I just don't have the time or the actual reputation, I suspect.
@bummi Hm, I see.
probably caching, indeed
since days?
@J.Steen It may also have something to do with the fact that we had a nomination-encouragement session (and, subsequently, a concession speech one after we realized that we were all going to lose) earlier.
7:05 AM
@AstroCB I wish real politicians would do that.
@bummi The caching of network profile is buggy in some mysterious ways. I would let the SE devs worry about that... though I don't think they care.
Oi vey.
You can do that with jQuery. — ataravati 7 hours ago
@bummi I cannot find any post from that user, then I have no idea why it shows "1".
My network profile shows 0 posts for some sites where I do have a post. So...
@ProgramFOX I pondered the idea of excluding emails preceded by = or #, which would avoid fps from an email (or similar string) used as a URL parameter, like here.
7:06 AM
@ProgramFOX I reported to Contact us on Meta, together with 2 other Site wide spammers and 3 suspected site wide spammers ... we will see
Couldn't come up with an appropriate regex, though. :(
@pizza I see, I'll try to find a regex for that.
@AstroCB Honestly, though, until we all withdraw, we should probably stop pretending our concession speeches were real, heh.
@SmokeDetector tpu Spam
@AstroCB Blacklisted user.
7:13 AM
Holy crap, offensive formatting.
But it's bold and italic, how can it possibly be spam? If it is, it's very well disguised.
@JasonC freedomlovespelltemple.yolasite.com link
@JasonC Those clever spammers...
at the end of the answer.
@SilentKiller I suspect Jason was being sarcastic.
7:15 AM
Oh hey thanks, I never would have suspected.
@SmokeDetector gone
^ Understatement on "too broad".
@JasonC not gonna vote for you in elections because you wrecked the train :P
@J.Steen Understatement, on understatement
@DroidDev I thought it was a proper caboose.
7:17 AM
@J.Steen The phrase 'honking great' come to mind
now replace the word honking with a string of expletives that would curl someone's beard, and you are close
missed by 1 sec. :P
I may have picked the wrong close-reason, but ultimately... that's what's wrong.
User has no idea how code works. Ergo, typo-error.
@JasonC wrong thought :P
7:20 AM
Why do I smell egg.
@pizza I found one (?<![=#])\b[A-z0-9_.%+-]+@[A-z0-9_.%+-]+\.[A-z]{2,4}\b
I'll apply it now
@J.Steen because of your nose :P
Doesn't that mean you're about to have a stroke?
Oh wait that's toast. But it's still breakfast.
@DroidDev Gee, thanks.
@ProgramFOX Cool, but this will not be surrounded in extra boundaries like other regexes, right?
7:21 AM
Hahaha. The other team are talking about sprints like they know what it is.
God I need a new job.
Let's test bjb's bot again.
And there you have it.
7:23 AM
@AstroCB no!
I wonder how long the threshold is.
Holy unclear, batman.
One post?
7:24 AM
@AstroCB or it could be bjb just screwing with us, making us think he is a robot again.
@James Possibly, but I doubt it.
breaks chain for further testing
7:25 AM
Breaks again
maybe it is time based
!comp antipode of antipode of current location
Nope. They clearly have a timeout.
7:26 AM
39° 8' 24"N, 84° 30' 23"W
or just doesn't respond to me
Post "Morning!" in a chain to see how long the timeout is.
7:27 AM
Morning XYZ
7:27 AM
Now which one of us was that to?
7:28 AM
!comp Good night!
Good-bye, human. I hope to calculate for you again very soon.
!comp Today
Tuesday, April 7, 2015
7:28 AM
!comp Make me breakfast.
How to distract Tavern so that spam goes unnoticed:
Step 1. Create a bot that speaks in unclear patterns.
Step 2. Place bot in chatroom as bjb
Step 3. ???
Step 4. PROFIT!!!
1 | verb | eat an early morning meal
2 | verb | provide breakfast for
3 | noun | the first meal of the day (usually in the morning)
!comp Call police
!comp James
rank | 13th
fraction | 1 in 139 people (0.72%)
number | 13416 people per year
(US data based on 2013 births and other SSA registrations in the US)
7:29 AM
!comp Kick a puppy
!comp @bjb Didn't learn his lesson...
@AstroCB that's not me
!comp stappit
that's the other James
!comp Vote for me
7:29 AM
1 | noun | the act of catching an object with the hands
2 | noun | a spell of cold weather
3 | noun | tender green beans without strings that easily snap into sections
4 | noun | a crisp round cookie flavored with ginger
5 | noun | the noise produced by the rapid movement of a finger from the tip to the base of the thumb on the same hand
6 | noun | a sudden sharp noise
7 | noun | a sudden breaking
8 | noun | the tendency of a body to return to its original shape after it has been stretched or compressed
What the hell noun is that
!comp shutdown
It's everything at once
noun | termination of operations
!comp $(".leave").click();
7:30 AM
eval command to let us execute JS directly in @bjb's browser.
gone, okay, move on to botling again
!find ProgramFOX
7:31 AM
@AstroCB As long as it's vanilla JS, bjb should be happy.
@bjb568 how can the third definition contain the noun???
!find pizza
@bjb568 Spam
7:32 AM
!find bjb568
!find subway
!find recursion
7:32 AM
!find Google
!find "ProgramFOX"
@SPArchaeologist Same from the WA site
!find Spam
7:33 AM
!find DroidDev
^ finally, it found me
7:33 AM
> Interpreting "stappit" as "snapping"
mystery solved
!find shog9
so Snapping == tender green beans without strings that easily snap into sections
ok, great
7:34 AM
Mm. Edamame.
!find "FOX 9000"
!find "bjb568"
!find where am i
7:37 AM
@SilentKiller dispossible :P
!find AstroCB
I'm afraid to click on that link.
@bjb568 spam
!find find
@bjb568 Well, that's depressing.
!find !find !find
!find How do I kill a chatbot?
[[Guide] Rogie's Epic Bot Killing Guide! - Guides and Tips ...](forums.zybez.net/topic/1496415-rogies-epic-bot-killing-guide)
!find movie
!find ソニック
!find 2015 Stack Overflow Moderator Election
!find anything that is not on Google
7:39 AM
!find Stack Overflow review
!find Cthulhu
!find naruto
!find Stack Overflow
!find Stack Overflow review
!find "Twilight Sparkle"
This is great – @bjb is your new link-finder.
!find Stack Overflow Help & Improvement Queue
!find nearest location
@SmokeDetector gone
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in username: fake hublot watches and spa tubs by babylisscurl on drupal.stackexchange.com
7:43 AM
@SmokeDetector tpu
@ProgramFOX Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
!find Nearby
^ Spam
!find stahp it
!find Me
!find My profile
!find Bart
Well, elections sure are a whole lot easier this time round. Plenty of good candidates
!find pr0n
!find weight loss pills
oh god stop
7:48 AM
!find muscle enhancers
ok, should I flag that?
!find out how to keep my parents from getting divorced
Harrah, stahp!
7:49 AM
!find out how to build a bomb, then do it.
!find virgin
!find "It's Me"
!find google image
!comp virgin
@bjb568 not what I hoped for
1 | adjective | being used or worked for the first time
2 | adjective | in a state of sexual virginity
3 | noun | a person who has never had sex
7:51 AM
!find Freddy
well, thank god it's not returning any images (since it's Google Text Search)
!find waldo
@AndrewT. it's based on google search?
!find Chuck Norris
7:52 AM
No, that's what I asked you.
!find Carmen Sandiago
@AndrewT. I thought it was DuckDuckGo search.
!find a clue
7:52 AM
!find "conway's game of life"
!comp is Wolfram|Alpha, !find is DDG
!find me a girlfriend
Oh, just a guess, I stand corrected.
7:52 AM
Oh sweet.
Disappointing pictures.
well...something just happened
I don't know if it's lovely or disturbing to see how much you all enjoy a search engine
Unlike most of SO.
ok, upload button is also not working for me :/
!find deez nutz
!comp deez nutz
!find yoyo sex
!comp Jon Skeet
!find Jimmy Hoffa
!find Jon Skeet
Oh look, turns out Hoffa was just hanging out in wikipedia this whole time.
!find an awesome gif
8:00 AM
something weird happening in chat
I don't know about you guys, I just got totally distracted by that last link, lol.
cv off topic
8:08 AM
@Roombatron5000 Unpinned both for fairness (because both of them are now mod candidates). Thanks for noticing it. :)
You could run for mod and pin yourself to the top @InfiniteRecursion :)
@Bart Nooo, I am happy being the evil RO of this room
And let's be honest. It's the most important part of the network.
8:15 AM
Yes, and kicking bjb is my most important contribution.
@jakekimds The gender of the moderator shouldn't matter. You should judge the moderator by how they act on the site, not by anything else. — bluefeet ♦ 10 hours ago
!comp borked
8:17 AM
city population | 41088 people (country rank: ~~265th) (2007 estimate)
@AndrewT. Whaddya mean, 'wut'? Humans...
So, we have this.. blackbox.. called bjb568, that we're trying to understand how it works...
8:21 AM
vb4all is going to delete his account or not?
@InfiniteRecursion typical woman ... <-- jk bluefeet. Please don't hurt me
just asking, since he just commented on SO Mod Election. I don't know if that will reset the timer or not, or it will be handled by mod
(and yeah, I just realized I couldn't get the permalink for comment on that post)
8:24 AM
@Bart cough will clear all your stars cough
12 hours have passed with 25 candidates.
Look at the star wall, @bjb568 is the new @Bart.
@Sam haha, you already came across bjb's Morning!-bot :D
@ProgramFOX Yeah lol
8:29 AM
@Bart but....it's true....
You retired :D
Damn you life and responsibilities. I was perfectly happy with procrastination, and now you made me productive and responsible. shakes fist
shakes head in disbelief
Are you giving out lollipops?
Free lollipops for new signups — Jean-François Corbett 42 mins ago
5 Lollipops, if it's possible.
8:37 AM
5.1 more stable
whats the connection between drink and moderation ?
tooo many NAAs. :P
Have been a long time since I saw his name... old rival on
hahaha rival
@SilentKiller you're probably going to need hard liquor as a moderator ...
@SmokeDetector tpu
@ProgramFOX Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@SmokeDetector gone
@Bart strange.
@InfiniteRecursion that's why I always like downvoted answers more than upvoted ones :P
!find thank god this nonsense is over
!find ponies in "Tavern on the Meta" chatroom
no-not at all.
8:47 AM
Low Quality A (TPA'd by Sam): ccccccccccccccccccccccccccccccc, by user23747, on crypto.stackexchange.com.
@Pham answer by same user, not sure about it: crypto.stackexchange.com/a/24834/21382
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in answer: What is the probability of breaking the AES algorithm? by user23747 on crypto.stackexchange.com
8:51 AM
Google thinks that is a Chichewa language... flagged
@SmokeDetector tpu
@AndrewT. Blacklisted user.
Low Quality A?: hi ponga pa onume purila kodumaiya iruku :-(, by user23747, on crypto.stackexchange.com.

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