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3:00 AM
Lol, dammit, I really need to start watching what I say now.
Why @astro no has outspoken?
Fix XSS vulnerability - always a good commit message
@bjb568 What?
Oh – the badge?
I don't participate in SO chat.
3:02 AM
^^ same
Is that considered a participation badge for mod?
@hichris123 You can thank @JeremyBanks for that. :)
And the subsequent "Tim you dumbass pay attention to what you're writing" commit.
@AstroCB yes
That's ridiculous.
@JasonC I suspect that English competence may be part of the problem here. :(
3:04 AM
@AstroCB "Noteworthy Badges" in mod candidate pages
@TimStone Well, you were very fast. :P
@tchrist Mine or the OP's?
@JasonC La suya, no la tuya.
Well, time to get some stars in the mod chat...
3:05 AM
@SmokeDetector wakaranai
@AndrewT. These are the ones used to calculate candidate score:
yay osx
yoyo sex?
BTW, those don't update
@AstroCB Yes, which means there are some inconsistencies in the system :/
3:06 AM
@tchrist I… am not aroused.
@bjb568 I am. Now I'm not. Now I am. Now I'm not.
@bjb568 and I think we can all agree that that is a good thing
There are too many good candidates this election. =(
Stop being good at this, candidates!
Like me?
3:07 AM
@minitech Indeed. :(
@bjb568 This is why we have spaces.
in Stack Overflow 2015 Moderator Election Chat on Stack Overflow Chat, 56 mins ago, by Doorknob
Oooh, a wild @slugster nominated. This is getting more and more interesting. So many good candidates, so little openings!
Let's just give diamonds to the entire tavern and call it a day.
Make more openings by firing the existing mods.
3:08 AM
Let's fire that @minitech guy. I hear he's a slacker. :P
It’s funny, because I was considering that
Considering what?
Leaving to make a fourth space
nooooooo :(
3:09 AM
My fourth pick could probably get more done than I do.
Aw, why? Are you getting burnt out?
But let’s just turn this into motivation to pick up the pace on flags \o/
I like you.
Oh man, that would annoy the people I work with to no end, if I got mod status for doing pretty much nothing.
@JasonC Nah! I’m just graduating this year, so, scholarship letters to be written, exam preparation, etc. etc.
It is a big time sap and will continue to be for the next three months.
3:10 AM
Oh. Insanity awaits you. But only temporarily. Maybe.
Graduating from what level?
s/Insanity/regular expressions/ (how meta)
@bjb568 Just high school =P
Oh ok.
Lots of us here are in high school.
/middle school
@TimStone I don't know what you did to the "Meta participation" tab, but the stats are wrong for all of the candidates.
@bjb568 Yeah, it’s funny how that happened
3:12 AM
@AstroCB How wrong?
And some of us are way past high school, but apparently still have the vocabulary of the average 5th grader. ... :(
@TimStone very wrong
@TimStone The numbers are just...wrong.
@JasonC There’s a test for that. :) testyourvocab.com
@TimStone very very wrong
3:13 AM
Hmm hmm hmm.
Congrats to @HoboSapiens who is now #5 in downvotes on SO, overtaking Peter Mortensen.
@tchrist Yeah I know, I took it. :P
They look correct to me?
The meta profile link links to the main site though, that's wrong.
Man, I remember applying for colleges. I told my parents I submitted like 15 applications, but really I only applied to the two hardest schools I wanted to go to, and somehow got accepted to one of them.
That could have turned out awkward.
That one's for me, but they're all wrong on my end.
3:16 AM
@AstroCB You're comparing your Meta numbers against your SO profile
You have 143 answers and 19 questions on MSO
@TimStone Oh.
I'll figure out why that link is wrong though, sec
Then you're right about the link.
@JasonC lol
I skipped that process by dropping out of my senior year of high school and getting a job. ;D
I suppose that’s less expensive!
3:18 AM
@minitech Quite the inverse, actually.
Haha. Yeah... I only lasted two years in college. I ended up with an internship freshman year that turned into my dream job.
@AlexisKing Oh, the whole “basic human needs” thing?
@minitech hmm?
I might do that with DD.
Of course no ads, so GIVE ME TEH MONEHZ!
@AlexisKing Food, lodging, etc.
3:19 AM
School is hard.
@minitech Oh, I just meant that getting a job was the opposite of expensive. :p
I actually somewhat regret not graduating though, although I'm not sure why.
@JeremyBanks agree
(Now, admittedly, this dropping-out business might not have been by choice... mumbles something about depression and a suicide attempt)
@AlexisKing Oh. I was saying that getting a job was less expensive.
3:20 AM
@JasonC meh, how much calc did you do?
I dropped out after one year and now I work at Stack Exchange.
Stay in school because it'll make it a lot easier to get a visa if you ever want to work abroad.
@animuson doin' it right
@animuson yay you!
3:20 AM
@AlexisKing Congratulations on recovering
@bjb568 In real life? A decent amount actually, but I was more heavy on the linear algebra.
Ah, ok. No PhD, but nobody likes a douche phd anyway.
@minitech Thanks! I'm still not exactly 100%, but I'm better. :)
I took two years of calc in high school, anyway.
@AstroCB Link should be fixed, sorry.
Only 2?
3:22 AM
@bjb568 Haha, part of my first job entailed helping said douches get their PhDs, then taking the IP. I'm sure they thought it was a good deal at the time. evil cackle
@bjb568 I wasn't aware many people took more than two years of calculus in high school. o.O
I'll take 3! Or maybe more if I do some over the summer.
I got the job I wanted after dropping out, but getting the visa so I could actually start the job took annoying amounts of time and money.
@bjb568 Pre-calculus doesn't, doesn't count.
I took half a year of calculus!
3:23 AM
@TimStone No problem; thanks.
There’s only one course at my school
@AlexisKing I KNOW
@minitech You win! You didn't waste your time. ;)
@JeremyBanks Shouldn’t you get her permission first?
@bjb568 I'm honestly curious what those three years are, then.
3:23 AM
@AlexisKing It wasn’t a waste of time! It was a lot of fun.
@tchrist Ba dum, bum.
It helped prepare me for the math competition I can’t go to.
@minitech I'm kidding, I loved calculus.
@tchrist o.O
@AlexisKing BC exam this year, multivariable next year, then probably stats, then something else as dual enrollment
3:24 AM
Pistols at dawn?
@bjb568 That's neat. I only took single-variable because I took statistics.
@bjb568 stats isn't calculus.
@JeremyBanks (Work a broad)
@JasonC Oh. Ha. =V
@pizza hence 3 not 4
3:25 AM
I don't know how high schools manage to stretch a semester's material into a year; with more class time per week, too.
@bjb568 I would've taken a third year, but... y'know, I didn't take my senior year of HS. :/
@pizza Very dully. :(
@bjb568 Which courses?
I get the feeling that my calculus is… less… than everyone else’s
We didn’t do multivariable anything
3:26 AM
@bjb568 Oh – didn't get that far.
Addition to mod questionnaire: how much calculus have you learned?
@pizza It's very important for moderation.
post it!
3:28 AM
@pizza Learned? Or retained?
So what sort of other fun things is everyone working on this instant
@minitech I'm about to give you guys tons of comment flags from data.stackexchange.com/stackoverflow/query/297140/…. Also, writing documentation for a project I just finished.
@minitech Lately, several of us have been ███████████████████████████ -- what a riot!
yeah, that
3:29 AM
@JasonC “fun things” “writing documentation”
@minitech It's true. My life has reached the point where documentation is the fun part.
Sounds like a great life.
I want to be Jason C when I grow up!
Well, it's better than waiting around in an airport for delayed flights, which was my weekend.
ay, the weather, yeah, that
I'm working on convincing my team at work to direct all of our customer support questions to Stack Overflow, to reduce costs.
3:31 AM
Nope. Not weather. The runway construction at JFK, causing average delays of 5-6 hours at departure airports all around the country.
Way more annoying than weather.
@bjb568 Is this built in Node?
@bjb568 Without Express?
@JasonC they couldn't plan that out? O_o
@minitech Yes!
@bjb568 Good. Express has terrible query string parsing >=(
3:32 AM
@bjb568 You clearly have never been to JFK.
There's simple enough querystring modules.
(Throwing user input into arbitrary structures is my idea of fun!)
@JasonC I've heard about it.
@minitech s/input/
Everybody watch out, @minitech is encouraging @bjb's vanilla js rampage.
3:33 AM
aww, used all my stars today already
@AlexisKing What?? What about my vanilla JS rampage
@minitech Quiet, you, you're being a bad influence on this young kitty. >:|
Down with jQuery and Backbone and Bootstrap and Ember and Angular and CoffeeScript and the internet and computers and electricity
Haha I just realized what your poster was @bjb.
3:34 AM
@minitech You had me until "and".
Which reminds me... I have some photoshopping to do.
… and user-agent sniffing. I am suddenly disappointed, @bjb568 =(
Mar 30 at 3:57, by Alexis King
@bjb568 Are you manually using string concatenation to generate your webpages? o.O
@minitech That's just an insult message for IE users.
3:36 AM
I mean, what is this
if (navigator.userAgent.indexOf('Mobile') == -1) mainContentEl.style.minHeight = Math.max(0, innerHeight - (footerOff ? -4 : footer) - mainContentEl.getBoundingClientRect().top + document.body.getBoundingClientRect().top - (innerWidth < 1500 ? 6 : 12) - mainBottomPad) + 'px';
Media queries!! Media query it all the way
Already asked q on SO.
Not possible.
Maybe you shouldn’t be doing it then!
… what is it doing
JS is required for the body to expand so footer is on the bottom
I guess I might be able to hack thru it with table layout, but no.
Oh, no, that’s not necessary
Let me see if I can remember how to do that
I can give you access to the repo.
3:37 AM
you do it like this
display: flex;
@bjb568 Sure, why not
@AlexisKing <3
@AlexisKing Me likes, but gah those browser incompatibilities.
@bjb568 Flexbox is pretty well-supported now.
hm… may start using
@minitech What's your github username? minitech?
@bjb568 It is!
3:40 AM
Don’t tell me you have the GitHub education pack…?
@minitech no, they denied me
27 mins ago, by pizza
Congrats to @HoboSapiens who is now #5 in downvotes on SO, overtaking Peter Mortensen.
@bjb568 … they do that? Why?
"I want it" "It looks like yer not qualified"
3:41 AM
Did they say why you weren’t qualified?
"why? what? I should be…" "no reply button"
Just got pinged for this, although I have no idea when it was posted. It seems I'm famous, or infamous, or notorious...or something
@HoboSapiens It says "27 mins ago" in your quote.
When you're out of a room, pings arrive in 15-20 minutes.
@pizza So it does, but the transcript said 3:30am, or thereabouts.
3:43 AM
@HoboSapiens UTC time. I don't really know why the transcripts don't adjust for local time.
@AlexisKing UTC would make sense, since it's 3:44pm, UTC+12 here
It would help if the time gave the timezone, at least.
Tab indentation? Can I be your friend @bjb568
A: Can *too* upvote comments under an election nomination

Geoff DalgasVoting for comments has been disabled during the primary phase for now. We want to make sure that we are at consistent when it comes to elections.

@minitech YES
@tchrist AND I WANT interred? wat
3:49 AM
And the Internet loves thee.
I'm helping with your Spanish. :-)
Y ME ... reads like Spanish.
Well, I have to write this letter for tomorrow
A lazy half note.
There you go @bjb
ugly code tho
3:59 AM
Somehow people don't mind using Soviet symbols for a lark... doing the same with Nazi symbols is generally frowned upon, though.
@pizza I laugh at swastikas, too.
@bjb568 Yeah it's from some google thing, I was looking for something with no whitespace.
The transparency annoys me, but I couldn't come up with a good way to compose all the parts. That's why I don't do graphic design.
Is this feature new? Seen in the sidebar on front page.
4:03 AM
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in title, Bad keyword in body: Buddha, Jesus, Prophet Muhammad, Mahavir, Sai Baba - Vishnu avatars? by user3750229 on hinduism.stackexchange.com
@pizza What, frequented tags?
@TimStone Yes, that...
@SmokeDetector Not sure which one you meant... so many there.
It's been around for a while, though it only appears under certain circumstances on sites where you don't have other tag preferences set.
Hm. This was a byproduct of me farming rep by suggested edits in order to vote in their election.
4:05 AM
Apparently, posts about Photoshop were the ones with the most typos.
That room is sad. They have one good candidate. End of story.
its urgent ! its urgent ! — Code0987 Dec 13 '10 at 13:49
4:12 AM
urgent isn't a flag keyword?
@JasonC unclear
No, but its should be.
@tchrist What, have a problem with its unapostrophe'd form? ;)
Its annoying not to see it's apostrophe.
Careful, lest you unwittingly bring down the righteous wrath of the Apostrophic Jihad upon your heads!
Or was it riotous rats? I can never remember.
4:18 AM
@pizza Aww.
At least I didn't get banned.
@tchrist What'ever.
Just what you'd expect of a C student.
^ reposted what Seth said since I couldn't upvote — Roombatron5000 34 secs ago
Nice @Roombatron5000
4:25 AM
Aww shuck, I just realized I left "i"s on that edit D:
lol i seen your edit thought you already voted. :P
4:31 AM
@inf I think Martijn does great job and may end up voting for him, but I'm long ways away from making any final decisions yet. I've seen many other tavern dwellers nominated already, does maybe your pin give an unfair advantage?
Also the question is spam seed.
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: dailyLimitExceededUnreg error with google blogger API by ddesai on stackoverflow.com
^^ same question.
4:36 AM
@JasonC The one on the right, тревога
@SmokeDetector isn't that an answer though? that the problem was he just wasn't including the api key? so adding the api key solved it for him?
I got it; I managed to login. Spam is the second from the bottom on both questions and answers, right?
> Though I'm in 10th grade
That spot is already taken
@Roombatron5000 Ask slugster, it wasn't Smokey editing.
> @BoltClock I'd definitely second that. The rep-drive is slowly fading and that's what I'd do next. I just decided to throw my name in the nomination because I had never done it before. My vote would go Martjin Pieters :) – Amit Joki 51 secs ago
4:36 AM
(I agree, btw)
@Roombatron5000 then it should be off-topic for problem can no longer ?
I wonder if he realizes that with his high rep, he's shoving people out of the election.
Probably not.
@bjb Do you want to respond, or should I?
You can
any meta complaint yet?
4:39 AM
From April 3, I might add.
@bjb568 It's 00:39; I might as well write one.
@SilentKiller not sure
Nobody else is up for flagging spam+seed on ru.SO? :( The spam is in English.
i'm done with spam. just not sure about seed to be flagged or not.
4:42 AM
blacklist candidate unlimitedclans.com
@SilentKiller Eh... the author of that question also posted freelancing spam I linked above.
is this borked for anyone else right now elections.stackexchange.com/#stackoverflow
@pizza question nuked.
@pizza But the UI is in Russian.
> @AmitJoki I can understand wanting to throw your name in, but it's important to consider that only 30 candidates can move on to the primary phase of the election. If the number of nominees goes over this threshold (which, at this rate, it probably will), only the top 30 candidates by reputation will move on.
> Considering your high rep, you could be pushing possibly more qualified candidates out of the election by deciding to move on, so while it's entirely your decision, you should be serious about running if you're going to fill a spot. – AstroCB just now
@bjb568 There – I hope that wasn't too harsh.
4:45 AM
@JonEricson I gave translation above: flag = тревога
@AstroCB was fine
> Reticulating Splines
any meta complaint of pushing of lowreps yet?
spam gone \o/
4:47 AM
@bjb568 Will write.
@pizza gone
@bjb568 Now that it's fixed, I feel more comfortable sharing it: greasyfork.org/en/scripts/9045-election-comment-voting
> If you feel at any point, my participation is causing some one worth more, then just feel free to ping me, and I'll think of withdrawing. I am a passive reader at Meta and know the SO's spirit, how it should be. Yes, I may not be active at Meta, but I'm more active on the actual site which is to be moderated. Anyway if you feel at the last minute that any one more worthy will be missing out because of me, just ping me and I'd withdraw my nomination. – Amit Joki 5 mins ago
He sounds sincere enough.
SPAM drupal.stackexchange.com/questions/154198/… and there's another one there, still alive
4:54 AM
I'll write that Meta post now, though.
I can now approve tag wiki edits on MSE. I don't know if I can handle this responsibility. I should probably withdraw my nomination.
I hate it when I'm out of stars.
Sorry, it was my vote pushing you from 4997 to 5002.
@JasonC tag wiki's on meta's are pretty straight forward compared to main sites
4:59 AM
@Roombatron5000 unless you are dealing with the tag

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