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02:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

:9528454 ADS
why removed? @Exam
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack brb need to order a plane ticket /s
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack, what do you think about privacy on the 'modern' internet? Time to RESET the internet. Too many issues with it.
@ZoestandswithUkraine yay! cleaning house, buying flowers, and sending kids away
@Exampleperson fact it, most people don't care about it. So no reset is needed.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack, until they do care about it
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack sending 🤔
There are some who do, and it's fair, but by sheer numbers they're not much.
@Exampleperson rare, the common person won't post something bad enough to really regret it later.
@RocketNikita not to the street! To my sister, they love her too. :D
I'm not a monster.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack afaik, it will increase suddenly on one day. Not only about posts 'bad' enough, but about everything they have done on the internet. The amount of data collected about their brains to create generative AI.... and so on/
@Exampleperson worst it will lead to, for average person, is targeted ads.
@Exampleperson What are you on about? What is "data collected about their brains"?
:9528523 That sounds like the exposition of a story that ends up suggesting we wear tinfoil hats.
@GcL lol..
@GcL actually that might happen as a fashion trend! :P
@Tinkeringbell Spam account posting AI-generated answers: meta.stackexchange.com/users/1364609/md-hridoy-hossain
heh without the spam it could stay.
we could instead archive all potentially AI generated answers, and perform analysis on them. But don't ask me how we can perform analysis on them (i literally don't know). @Shadow, can we?
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack The answer text states explicitly that it was written by an AI-generated model.
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog can be edited out easily.
And still not proof enough. lol
@Shadow can we do that ( see my prev comment) ? what do you think?
@Exampleperson probably someone can, but unlike comments, deleted posts can be viewed by ordinary users with enough rep, and easily searchable for mods. So not much point in archive.
I mean, for easy data access, they could be archived to one place
@Exampleperson Saves.
Someone today commented they have thousands of those already in their Saves.
@Exampleperson they won't tell, it would make those posting those answers to be able to avoid detection.
Stop deleting everything please. I don't see point to reply if you keep doing it.
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack, oops. forgot about that
Anyway, the fact they're detected is known, so no need to delete any mention of it. Just not give the details.
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog Just spammer suffices ;)
Another one mentioned using scripted detector.
@Tinkeringbell so using AI was just to rub salt?
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack but without the spam I would've suspended for AI generated content because it meets certain strict criteria :)
@ShadowWizardStrikesBack In this case, yeah. Spammers get their profiles destroyed, AI posters don't, the latter only get their post deleted and a short suspension ;) so I prefer to treat spam as spam regardless of how it's generated :P
@BigJoe I'll leave it. Only staff can tell if it's completed (they actually fixed something) or no-repro.
@Tinkeringbell good!
Thanks @Tinkeringbell
4 hours later…
@Exampleperson if we had known it would be a problem for the company we might have kept better track 😁
@JourneymanGeek 😁
02:00 - 18:0018:00 - 00:00

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