So, they're Announcements / FAQs released by the Team's management (that they probably don't want edited, save for spelling - locked). Questions without answers, Games without frontiers.
There nothing on MSO, and if there's a way (method) to specify that you are posting an "article" it's not jumping out at me (though the new banner certainly does). Maybe it's just for the Team moderators.
@LinkBerest it's going to take some effort and I'm not sure it's possible for everyone (it never is but it's not a solitary bloc.) I think it'll depend on if we embrace that Teams is excellent for non-devs and let people share content with other sites.
@Catija I was an advocate for using SE's model (to the point that we actually tried it) and there's still a chance it could move to a solid model if it embraces non-technical sites - my hope for SE actually embracing that chance just fades each year
sigh not that I think you haven't advocated to this - its just a sore point when a committee finally listens to 2 of your recommendations and you have to pull one back :\
@LinkBerest The Q&A model's solid if you can get buy in.
part of it is though, SO is a site and a brand. It feels like a 'natural' way to do this would be to have rather than having a per-topic/site team
Other than the original trilogy (and not even in 4 parts), the rest are in the SE domain
yep, but buy-in is much more important than model in committee cases (and if SO continues to be seen as a "solve my homework" site - I ain't overcoming this anytime soon)
The thing I'm not convinced on for articles is that they're default locked down for editing, which is completely counter to our usual paradigm. Heck, even Confluence doesn't do that.
actually physics and literal postings of pictures of homework assignments was brought up (they are closed pretty quick but not always quick enough to avoid FGITW answers)
By default, only the creator can edit. They can appoint individuals or groups to have access to edit. I think they can also make it editable by all but that requires a little poking around to figure out... there's not just a "allow editing" button, as far as I can see.
Yeah. People can only upvote, but they can comment or they can leave private feedback that the article is either outdated or incomplete with an explanation.
That last part is useful for outdated stuff... I know we need to figure out how to "flag" when an accepted (or other top answer) needs to be updated... I'm not sure how best to do that.
@Aibobot which we destroy with fire the same as SO but perception is reality and if people aren't motivated to defend Public Q&A at SO (i.e. me and at least 3 others who were for at least 2 years prior) - shrug
no system is done evolving and covid has forced a lot of platform changes so - who knows what tomorrow will bring. (and if SE could start giving some love to the bio people and history people it would have significant impact on the backing at least at the 3 universities I'm involved with)
I really should start using this profile to answer SU questions and get back to my 10k but I've been working on MS Questions lately for all that (with Joe Friend shockingly - okay semi-shocked)
...note, shocked point is that we agree on stuff not the MS factor
> This funding will allow us to hire additional support for the Community team. We’ll be opening CM roles, a second PM role on the Public Platform team, as well as additional developers and designers to help support the things we need to build.
I'm seeing a product designer role up, there were 2 PM roles (PM and senior PM), 2 dev roles (Senior Developer and Developer)
@Catija oddly enough the last post by him I saw was about SO (not in chronological order - I've seen more recent posts but this was just the latest I encountered despite the calendar date)
which was told to me by one of our JAG officers (military lawyers) proving he had a sense of humor and making us want to work with him .... that sneaky....
@Aibobot it involved the pepper spray we used not full "range" mind you
@LinkBerest A "solve my homework site", that seems partly like cheating and partly like teaching; but certainly it's a better spin than: "It's a: I used to work in tech (electronics technician / computer programmer, etc) but instead of being paid to do my work I do someone else's work for free site.".
@LinkBerest That's an extremely tiny amount of OC. Here is a couple of videos with a one second long shot: - you should see the joyful face when someone gets a few seconds.
@LinkBerest Bear can is much bigger / better than human sized can; though maybe only 50% strength of military grade, the application (dosage) is at least 20x more.
@Tinkeringbell I used to work with 4th and 5th graders and in this area there was a big donation (and grant) for Chromebooks (which was in itself a great thing). I particularly remember teachers being shocked at how students homework grades were improving but they couldn't recite the information when asked - until I showed them what happened when you typed the first question into Google
and they discovered the scourge that was HomeworkHero (or with math, when teaching order of operations that Google just gave the answer)
We had a bigger can (think fire extinguisher size) with our riot gear but we never actually opened it or had any inclination to use them (not just because all that nasty blows back at you)
To be fair, we only had 2 times when we were suppose to "break out the riot gear" and both times we ignored that called our field MP buddies and let them mobilize (one was a bank robbery - and the look on their faces when an MRAP with .50 cal rolled up :)
@Rob true - but as these school had had old Windows 7 devices which students could only use 5 at a time (versus every student had a device) teachers had a bit of a culture shock is all
Actually equations are supposed to be MathJax there: but because their reputation is very low (everywhere) they get a pass; at a few hundred it gets mentioned, expected by 500 (or so) and you'll get some DVs after that level if you're posting images - book images are probably going to draw a faster warning than .PDF screenshots.
@LinkBerest I'm not going to pretend I'm a saint and didn't know my way around the homework sites when I was highschool ;) In the end though, the only person you're fooling is yourself :)
@Rubiksmoose And that's what it feels like to clean up after SmokeDetector :P
(mostly because I stopped paying attention somewhere around the second half of the fourth year out of six, so I'd be stuck not understanding a single problem anyways).
== Dutch ==
=== Pronunciation ===
IPA(key): /ˈjoː.rɪs/
Hyphenation: Jo‧ris
Rhymes: -oːrɪs
=== Proper noun ===
Joris m
A male given name, equivalent to English George.
==== Related terms ====
Sint Joris en de draak (= Saint George and the dragon)
Joris Driepinter...
In honor of International Talk Like A Pirate Day, I’d like to ask a question about the pirate dialect of English. Most pirate sentences begin with a standard pirate-sounding hedge to lend authenticity.
A frequent hedge is arr, but the variations yar, yarr, and yargh are also quite common. Is t...
@user400654 heh, "allowed". My dad was an engineer and was not spending 150$ on a calculator I "didn't need" in his mind. We had Basic & C though - its pretty much the same thing, right?
Also I was not allowed a graphing calculators for tests at all (because they were only like 6 year old technology and the school couldn't afford one per student so if not everybody can use it - nobody can was my teacher's thought)
yeah, Dr. Force was a good teacher (retired math & CS professor who moved to highschool) - people either hated his class or went "FINALLY! SOMEONE WHO KNOWS WHAT THEIR TALKING ABOUT!!!"
^ you can guess which group I belonged to :)
He also gave me my first formal class in computer science (& programming): was in Fortran & C which I never use anymore - or ever in Fortran's case - but the principles are still ones I use today
> Dr. Force has a national reputation as an outstanding thoracic surgeon whose research focuses on outcomes in and thoracic diseases with a particular interest . . .
But I'm dealing ATM with a milder version of the exact kinda professor you're talking about so
Libraries here were starting to give rent-able wifi "hotspots" (like jetpacks or the like) for low-income families to help with student internet access (combined with the 4th & 5th graders having chromebooks)
I'm hoping they'll be able to start that again this year (covid kinda crushed the amount of those they had to rent - not enough data that was paid for through grants and donations)
Not so good in The Sticks, but in the city it's fair (for free); some places (restaurants, malls, libraries, community centers, schools, etc.) have fast Wi-Fi for free. Some locations out of town you're lucky to get cellular coverage.
Wi-Fi saves me a fortune in cellular data charges - if it wasn't free I could afford to pay for it with a portion of my savings. You should lobby for free Wi-Fi:
Noticed that a couple days ago, a moderator was appointed on Ask Patents, but looking through their meta, I don't see any election or nomination posts, or even an announcement. What happened and how?
@Mast SE has never sought out moderators there. It was originally moderated by people affiliated with the project from their sponsors, then those left, and it was moderated by SE staff only.
Gendered adjectives in books -- Interestingly, one conclusion to be drawn is that "men writing women" is mostly a myth, or at least it's not as significant as [I personally] thought.