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Yea I noticed that you wrote that question, but the answer was against your favor wasn't it?
SO mods have chat mod powers on chat.so and chat.se
what's chat?
Hit enter too soon
Other mods like me only have mod powers on chat.se
Okay well I seem to have been banned from SO chat and main-site chat even though I didn't do anything on either chat
Are mods allowed to remove stars in chat?
I'm not able to flag for moderator on that chat site anymore, can someone please take a look at this? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/74398/the-classical-channel
My comment was removed, I do not think it was worthy of removal at all. And 2 stars were removed (one from me to another guy's comment, and one from that guy to my comment)
@user1271772 yes and RO too.
What are the guidelines for removing stars? Surely you can't just do it because you don't like the stars right?
@user1271772 we can. We don't.
No guidelines. Stars are even less considerable than comments... They have no real value.
There's no real guideline - we remove them if it seems necessary
You can get badges for getting a certain number of stars, I don't think you can for comments
Okay but I think this brand new mod is abusing his privelages, I said "congratulations to craig-gidney for reaching 3000 points!" and someone starred me, now it's gone.
And iirc blue has been a RO there for a bit
No he was forced to resign because he was deleting too many people's messages
@user1271772 sure you can.
He ought to have an idea what he is doing
@JourneymanGeek, appreciate you giving him the benefit of the doubt but can we just look at what happened?
Only SO mod can really see what happened.
On the main-site chat?
We can only hear your side of the story.
Oh, it is chat.SE? So yeah @Journeyman can see deleted messages there.
@ShadowWizard There is not really any "side" to the story, there was 5 messages
I haven't used SO chat for 5 days, how did I get banned there?
@Blue: what was your reason for banning me from chat?
A: Could we tie site suspensions to chat suspensions globally?

wizzwizz4 Of course the counter argument to this is that you are stopping a user participating in chat rooms linked to sites where they are not suspended. – ChrisF To which the counter-counter-argument is that if you don't do this, they can still participate in chat rooms linked to the site where...

@user1271772 you are not suspended there. You never posted on SO chat. Something here isn't right (accounts merge? Sock puppets? No idea). I am bailing out. Good luck!
@ShadowWizard : What about this one? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/84174/…
It's my own room on SO, I haven't written there since 5 days ago, but now I'm banned.
@ShadowWizard ya but I am on not phone
@ShadowWizard : The only deleted message in the whole chat is "I think it's rude that someone starred your comment but not mine." the rest is visible
@user1271772 that's on chat.se
Yes. No messages on SO were deleted.
@user1271772 You are currently suspended on the main site for using a sockpuppet to artificially inflate your rep. And given your current behavior in chat (calling other users rude for not starring your message), we (the QC mods) have decided to keep your chat account suspended until your suspension on the main site is over.
Is he supposed to tell the whole world what the reason for suspending me is?
It's only an allegation anyway
Is "I think it's rude that someone starred your comment but not mine." worthy of being banned from chat?
@user1271772 Well, it is already sort of visible as a reason on your public account - "suspended for voting irregularities". If it's against the rules I'd be okay with having it deleted.
With having what deleted?
"suspended for voting irregularities" is not the same as "using a sockpuppet to artificially inflate your rep"
A: Avoid the Streisand Effect - be clear about the reason when suspending an account

Jeff AtwoodIn general, it is a private matter between the moderators and that particular user. Note that other moderators have access to annotations on the account that will provide more context for the suspension. I believe it is the reponsibility and right of the user who was placed in timed suspension t...

"Moderators don't discuss suspensions. This is because when a user is suspended, we don't mean to publicly shame them. We want to take them out of the action for a bit, and then reintroduce them to the community. Discussing what exactly a user did wrong or encouraging speculation is the wrong way to do that."
Q: Why was [userX] suspended?

GravitonI came across [userX]'s account and noticed they were suspended. May I know why they were suspended? The suspension was certainly not discussed anywhere.

dude... you were discussing it
@user1271772 you brought it up
And specifically called out a mod
i can delete all of this if you want, but next time please... don't talk about things you don't want talked about
@Shog9 : Thank you, however did I bring up the reason for my suspension?
is that yes, delete?
You're going to delete all of it?
I just wanted the part that alleges what I was suspended for deleted, because I thought that wasn't supposed to be discussed publicly
all or none; you cant just tell your version
dont mean to be impatient, but im typing onehanded while making pie dough
mmmm ... pie
Okay none then, please
It seems all the mods here are great cooks
Every time someone's busy they say they're making lunch!
Last time it was sandwiches
<-- great glutton
Are mods allowed to tell the whole world why they think a user was suspended?
everything is permissible, but not everything is beneficial
I guess you're right.
Q: Why we don't keep public records of suspensions

Jon EricsonWhenever the topic of a suspended user crops up, there's often confusion about what information moderators ought to share and what they should keep private. Sometimes moderators are just as unsure as other users. This can cause all sorts of unnecessary problems. The immediate effect of a suspen...

I saw that one
@user1271772 quite honestly fussing about it like this doesn't help
If you don't want the drama don't bring the drama
@JourneymanGeek : Okay, but what am I supposed to do? I haven't posted in SO for 5 days and just now I got banned
I don't think you were banned on SO chat
If you were it may be something unrelated cause as I said, we can't do that
I'm not able to write in my very own SO room
@Shog9 What if a user authorizes the suspension details to be publicly disclosed?
That's not an SO room
Oh what is it?
that's your chat.SO user
you should be able to access that site as yourself
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog nothing really changes
it still may or may not be beneficial for anyone to discuss it publicly
generally, it's not
but, there are exceptions
Well this is not one of those exceptions
@Shog9 What if the user insists on making the details public?
is it?
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog usually it ends badly for the user
There was no reason to come here and tell everyone what they think happened
@user1271772 drop it please
@JourneymanGeek : Okay
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog people do lots of kinda dumb things. We tell folks - in the UI and in person if they ask - that you're best off discussing suspensions with the mod team on the site that suspended you, or failing that by sending us a note via /contact. If they wanna hash it out in public... Well, that's their call. It usually doesn't make 'em happy. YMMV
@Shog9 : Is this one not a SO room ? chat.stackexchange.com/rooms/8
@user1271772 no
What is it's parent site?
So rooms are chat.stackoverflow.com
that's... a mod-only room that's been frozen for like two months
it's associated with WebApps
One can make an excellent argument in public, with "evidence", about why the suspension should be lifted, and thus sway the public and force the moderator team to respond.
..... It would have been helpful if I had noticed that...
@JourneymanGeek noticed what?
@user1271772 That's a room on chat.SE that's parented to SO. It's still a chat.SE room, and your chat.SE account is suspended. Hence, you can't chat.
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog never happens
@ArtOfCode : @JourneymanGeek just said that I'm not suspended there
@user1271772 You are suspended across all of chat.SE. You are not suspended on chat.SO. That room is on the former.
I don't understand why suddenly today I got suspended from my own chat.SE that's parented by SO, just because a brand new moderator chose to suspend me from a QCSE chat site
OH I see
@user1271772 ok... Now....
Oh so I can't chat anywhere on SE other than SO and Meta ?
because no one can suspend per-site on chat.SE. It's... a bit of a hack, really: we can't spin up a new chat server for every site, so SO and MSE have their own chats and everyone else shares.
Yup. You can chat on chat.SO and chat.MSE, but not chat.SE.
@Shog9 Why is this implemented that way? Why not implement the ability to ban a user from a particular chat room?
@user1271772 the bit about a brand new moderator was not nice
because chat
chat hasn't seen any non-security-breach development in years
SO/SE could/should have made chat a product, then it would have got more dev time
@JourneymanGeek : Okay, I guess I didn't need to include "brand new moderator" in the comment
We don't moderate in a vacuum - new mods draw on the experience of other mods, both on and off the site
@PaulWhite also we'd be rolling in money
And we often discuss stuff internally
but, y'know... Hindsight.
@Shog9 alas that market is crowded now
yeah, now
@Shog9 I thought you all were now anyway with the runaway success of teams/channels
@JourneymanGeek : I don't disagree with that in general
I hear there are solid gold taps in the SE/SO washrooms now
still not lighting cigars with bathtubs full of caviar
I don't agree with it in this particular case but that's just my opinion and I'm not going to push it any further
plus, to compete we'd have had to made chat 1000x slower and completely unusable on all but the fastest mobile connections. And that would've sucked.
I now have the peculiar image of Shog trying to light a cigar with a bathtub 🤔
@Shog9 Unrelated topic: What kind of vetting is done to pro-tem moderators being appointed, or winning a non-competitive election, other than the usual rule that they can't have been suspended in the past year?
Is "I think it's rude that someone starred your comment but not mine." enough to get an 18 day suspension? I haven't even appeared on that chat for several months
@user1271772 specifically? He is someone who the site voted in. He also has the responsibility of making the determination of what's the right thing to do.
@Shog9 Why would it have had to have been slower?
@user1271772 On its own, no - but the fact that you were using a QCSE chat room when you were suspended from QCSE and that you made a borderline comment... yeah, that's enough.
As a mod - it's a long term work on progress. As a RO? Doubly so
@ArtOfCode : Okay I didn't know it was so harsh man
@PaulWhite you wanna sell to the enterprise, you gotta have a checkmark in every column that your competitors do
@user1271772 The rule in the official moderator handbook says that longer suspensions should be favored over shorter ones; if the problem is resolved, it should be lifted later. I'd suggest waiting a while and then apologizing for what exactly you did wrong and humbly requesting to reduce the suspension length to time served.
18 days?
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog Thank you very much for the advice.
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog Huh? I ain't never heard of that rule.
we'd have had to hire Nick & balpha's collective evil doppelgangers to rewrite chat's scripts in some fancy new framework
I mean I get a bit of an antagonistic tone cause he's new but... You don't know who suspended you in the first place - only that he chat suspended you.
can you imagine the pain? Or the funny beards?
Is this "I think it's rude that someone starred your comment but not mine" really rude though? No one knows who did the star, so it's not directed at anyone
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog Post 1: Already recently reported [ MS ]
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog there is no handbook
@user1271772 see, you keep bringing it up, even when asked to drop it.
Q: Can we get some official guidelines for chat suspension lengths?

Mad ScientistTo call the moderation on Stack Exchange Chat inconsistent would be somewhat of an understatement. A flagged message might be handled by any of the 300+ moderators, the result is highly variable. While there is a rather fuzzy line between acceptable and inacceptable behaviour in chat, in most ca...

I've been using the same escalations as the main-site lately. 7 days, 30 days...
@JourneymanGeek : I dropped the part about the new mod and all that
@user1271772 You were asked to drop the entire topic.
@Shog9 Probably worked out for the best then overall. Still, I hate Slack with a passion and refuse to believe SO/SE could have turned chat into something worse. Perhaps I lack imagination there.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer (60): Do we need a "blank" character in Markdown? by pain pills on meta.SE (@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog)
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog that, uh... isn't what's meant.
@PaulWhite Do you mean Slack the app for working in teams?
@user1271772 but you were also politely asked to drop it.
Then kicked.
@user1271772 Well I only know one thing called Slack, so I mean that. No idea what else might be known by that name.
@PaulWhite I'm mostly joking, but... It is a bit scary how so many folks can tolerate using Slack all day
Slack has a funny history
> When in doubt, err on the side of suspending for more time rather than less; it is always possible to lift a suspension early if the matter can be resolved in less time than expected.
That's aiming at suspensions used when you've given up on rectifying a user's behaviour; those need to be long. The most important line in that guide is the bold one just below: all suspensions are left to the judgement of the moderator.
@PaulWhite : that app (Slack) is so slow man, all my other apps but Slack is so slow
It even says "offline" when all my other apps are receiving emails and messages
@Shog9 For a long time, I thought I was just doing Slack wrong. Turned out I wasn't, which amazes me still.
I can even use youtube when Slack isn't working
@Shog9 I have.. slack for folks who ragequit SE chat, matrix for SU off-site chat....
And ..
If someone had told me in 2000 that in 18 years I'd have abandoned AIM for a chat app that only allowed two simultaneous conversations but required literally 20x the memory to even load and still is unable to keep up with my typing...
WhatsApp for work
...I'd have probably taken up goat farming then and there.
@JourneymanGeek : Okay I want to apologize, but how do I do it when I can't chat?
@Shog9 that's probably modern programmers tho.
@user1271772 you wait for the suspension to end
ain't like AIM was particularly well-written
@JourneymanGeek : Someone just said that it can be lifted earlier if I apologize
And well - consider your next words carefully
@JourneymanGeek : It's 18 days. I think it's extremely harsh for just saying that I thought something was rude
@user1271772 Generally, mods send a private moderator message, which you can reply to.
@JourneymanGeek I find WhatsApp quite tolerable.
Still prefer this chat.
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog That's if you're suspended from main, not from chat
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog : I didn't get any message about my chat ban
@JourneymanGeek for perhaps the first time ever, I feel pity for ragequitters
@PaulWhite I have a burning hatred of whatapp
@user1271772 "generally"
@JourneymanGeek I'm not a huge fan of that app either
@JourneymanGeek Oh really? That's interesting. Why? Because you are forced to use it for work?
I only really use it to chat to my wife and a couple of close friends so.
@user1271772 If you feel a suspension is absolutely unjustified, and a moderator made a blatantly incorrect decision to suspend, you can follow the instructions at meta.stackexchange.com/questions/28867/…
@PaulWhite and it's tied to my phone
@JourneymanGeek Ah true.
Thank you @SonictheAnonymousHedgehog
Oh it's that generic meta post everyone always sends when people complain about mod behavior
"Flag for moderator attention and request a second moderator to have a look." can't be done while suspended
And that I am forced to use it
I've actually never contacted the SE team. Mainly because of "It's often best for you to try to work things out at as low a level as possible. "
Anyway guys, I learned a little bit here. For example that chat bands are network wide except for Meta and SO. Thanks.
@PaulWhite I'm a member of several international group chats consisting primarily of Indian users, who post around several messages about several things
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog Are you Indian?
@user1271772 American, of Indian heritage.
"Indian Americans are the third-largest Asian group in the United States alone or in combination with other races after Chinese Americans and Filipino Americans."
I guess "combination with other races" means combination with Pakhistani, Bangladeshi, etc.
But I guess in American "Indian heritage" can also mean what the Canadians call "native Indians"
@user1271772 No, not Native American.
oh "Native American" is the term? I thought they called them Indians or something
There's some baseball teams named after them right?
27 mins ago, by Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog
@Shog9 Unrelated topic: What kind of vetting is done to pro-tem moderators being appointed, or winning a non-competitive election, other than the usual rule that they can't have been suspended in the past year?
@Shog9 This ended up getting stuck in the mud because...because; can you please respond?
nice questions, I didn't notice it when you first asked 27 minutes ago
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog I believe the standard is generally known as "not insane"
is "large animal" an answer here? I feel like "large animal" should be an appropriate answer. Let's go with "large animal".
@Shog9 Blue whale?
@Shog9 I honestly don't understand what you're talking about. It would be great if you talked in a serious tone, rather than using obscure jokes. Those come across to me as dodging or evading the question.
any short answer I could give to that would raise more questions than it would answer, I'm afraid
and I'm trying to saute onions
@Shog9 Please don't tell me you don't have a way to dictate chat messages while you cook.
"not insane"
we look at their history, both on the site and on the network
it's a good standard
Is it good enough?
@Shog9 Site history means, beta participation mostly? and "on the network" merely means "not suspended in the past year"? Are there any other checks done?
For instance, is chat history checked?
Or meta history?
i told you it would raise more questions
you can't know this, but you're essentially asking me to summarize 3-4 lengthy answers on our internal company Stack Exchange site. I'm not gonna be able to do it justice.
@Shog9 I'll be specific. Pro-tem moderators also become moderators on the global SE chat. What's to stop a user who's persistently disruptive in chat, but hasn't been recently suspended from any main site, from becoming a chat mod by participating a lot in a new beta site and being nominated as a mod there?
chat profile annotations
we're pretty good at annotating persistently disruptive people
There's an internal stack exchange for only employees?
@ArtOfCode Are chat profiles checked though?
@user1271772 Mods don't have access.
it would be a pretty gaping hole if they weren't, so I'd assume yes
@Shog9 And also if they get appointed as a result of a non-competitive pro-tem election?
What if such a user gets elected in a competitive election?
then they do
it ain't like we haven't had to de-mod folks who couldn't [fill in the blanks]
@Shog9 Doesn't that present the Super Mario problem?
insufficient mushrooms to continue playing? Yes.
@Shog9 Conduct that would get a non-mod suspended would get a mod merely de-modded.
that's explicitly by-design
it ain't like we can't do both
but speaking of mushrooms, I just poured half a shot of whisky into the pan full of mushrooms and onions. My kitchen smells amazing
only half? ;P
all it took to deglaze
huh, that's a neat trick
narrator: we can guess where the other half went
ha, "neat"
ok, quiche is in the oven
now... Here's the thing to remember when discussing policies surrounding suspensions, de-modding, etc
the point is always to protect some community from bad behavior
if that takes suspending for 300 years, so be it
if that takes a half-sentence warning, also good
recommended / default suspension lengths, prewritten warnings, processes for removing moderator privileges... All work toward that end.
They're not intended to impose fair or immutable punishments, nor do they make any real effort to do so.
These are little Q&A sites on a big Internet, not The World Government
As a result, we can and often are pretty fast & loose with the precise parameters of these things. Suspensions escalate from 7 to 30 days, and from 30 to 365: often 14 days would suffice, or 90, or 271... And those can all be imposed, if desired, but there's a very small cost to over- or under- suspending; the important thing is the message that it sends, not the precise number of days someone has to do any of a million other constructive things instead of participate here.
And the message is: please, work with us, or go do something else.
That's it, really. We're all humans, and all flawed, and the only way anything like this works is for us each to admit that & try to make due with what we got. Put aside our egos & get along with all these other flawed humans as we work toward some greater goal.
There's no ultimate rule book that'll solve that problem for us. It's a constant struggle, and fraught with danger.
As is anything involving groups of people.
So, we do our best, use these tools when talking doesn't suffice, eat our quiche and go to bed. The next day is another struggle.
@Shog9 Why is it a struggle?
because humans are selfish, self-centered, cruel, arrogant, stupid creatures
and yet, we try to work with one another
in spite of our core nature making that all but impossible
existential crises with Shog9: a meta tavern tale
the only hope something like this - thousands and thousands of people coming together to build something that not a one of them could build alone - the only hope it ever has of working, even for a little bit, is for each of them to agree, consciously or otherwise, to put aside their own wants and needs, their own selfish goals, and think about someone else's
That's hard
@Shog9 hence the secret of being a better person. Be a dog
@Shog9 Wikipedia?
But, the little ray of hope is that it doesn't take much to be a little better: 10 minutes here and there, from thousands of people, adds up to a heck of a lot of selflessness
@Catija Wikipedia has its share of horrors
you don't have to be perfect; you don't even have to be good; if you can be a little better than your nature for a little bit now and then, then together we can build something from that
@JourneymanGeek if you want some fun on that score, go look at Requests for Arbitration
@ArtOfCode Where do I find it?
A request for arbitration is the last step of dispute resolution for conduct disputes on Wikipedia. The Arbitration Committee considers requests to open new cases and review previous decisions. The entire process is governed by the arbitration policy. For information about requesting arbitration, and how cases are accepted and dealt with, please see guide to arbitration. To request enforcement of previous Arbitration decisions or discretionary sanctions, please do not open a new Arbitration case. Instead, please submit your request to /Requests/Enforcement. This page transcludes from /Case,...
Oh Wikipedia
Is there one for stack exchange?
no, thank god
I looked at that link you sent from Wikipedia, it looks pretty cool
"Statement by Fred:
If Maxim had relied in good faith on an emergency request from an administrator, any such request should be honored without requiring a thorough investigation. It could have been an actual emergency. Although, a glance at my contributions history might have helped."
I wonder if they have their own Shog09 over there too?
You know... there's no 0 in his name...
== Welcome! == Hello! My name is Jimmy Wales, and this is my user page. I go by "Jimmy" in real life, but often by "Jimbo" online. People sometimes assume that "Jimmy" is only a nickname for "James", but it's actually my full first name. I was born on August 7, 1966, in Huntsville, Alabama. I founded Wikipedia on January 15, 2001. Since 2006, I have been the Chair Emeritus of the Wikimedia Foundation, set up by Larry Sanger and me on June 20, 2003. In 2004, Angela Beesley and I established Wikia (now Fandom), a completely separate organization unrelated to Wikipedia and the Wikimedia Foundation...
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog Wasn't this guy controversial?
@user1271772 True, but he retains power
Ugh... just realized the chat.mse/chat.se divide means tavern doesn't show up in "other rooms you're in" on the .se side. Anyone have any hacks to bridge the gap?
"On the following day Wales announced on his Wikipedia user page that he was no longer in a relationship with her. Marsden, who learned about the breakup by reading about it on Wikipedia, turned to eBay and put up a T-shirt and sweater with brown stains for auction that she said belonged to Wales.[17][44][46][47][48]"
@nitsua60 not that I know of
@ArtOfCode blech. So, like, two tabs for chat?
That's what I do
Two? I have like... 12.
I don't know if this is going to work for me.
@Catija Yeah, but you get paid to chat =)
The number has probably decreased since I got hired...
(I suppose I get paid to chat, too; I just get paid to chat with people in the same room with me.)
I used to keep one tab open per room but that didn't scale.
@PaulWhite I do RA, here and others
chatty morning...
Tho I sometimes do tab stacks and have 4 windows visible at once
I finally posted my nomination on Android.SE...
and feeling inferior XD
@JourneymanGeek what's a "tab stack"?
@PaulWhite something something Vivaldi's feature?
TIL: Real Shogs eat quiche
@PaulWhite @PaulWhite my desktop browser let's me combine and tile tabs
@JourneymanGeek @JourneymanGeek @JourneymanGeek which browser?
I'm guessing Firefox?
Oh so @andmyself was correct. I had never heard of it.
I am a fan
anyway, looks like I missed shog's existential crisis?
trying to catching up the convo...
1 hour later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): What is a protected pick? by Richard on sports.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (87): Why did the presidents of US and Romania contradict each other about the Visa Waiver Program? by Witney1 on politics.SE
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially problematic ns configuration in answer, blacklisted user (69): How does the Bitcoin network deal with bad actors? by zack paul on bitcoin.SE
@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog Longer suspensions should be favored over shorter ones? That seems fucked up. What moderator handbook is this?
Or was that just a joke that went over my head?
5 hours ago, by Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog
Q: Can we get some official guidelines for chat suspension lengths?

Mad ScientistTo call the moderation on Stack Exchange Chat inconsistent would be somewhat of an understatement. A flagged message might be handled by any of the 300+ moderators, the result is highly variable. While there is a rather fuzzy line between acceptable and inacceptable behaviour in chat, in most ca...

[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body, pattern-matching website in body (163): How to Solve Troubleshoot in Sage Accounting Performance? by Roy veer on mathoverflow.net
> When in doubt, err on the side of suspending for more time rather than less; it is always possible to lift a suspension early if the matter can be resolved in less time than expected.
Ah, that makes more sense.
Looks like I missed (already not) the chat suspension drama...
oh well, time to return to daily SE life now...
I missed it too, only was able to read through the scroll log.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer, link at end of answer (152): How can I view all of the flights in/out of two cities across all dates? by Puspack Travel on travel.SE
SO shirts spam. Still spam.
Doubt SE/SO gave them permission to sell such shirts to begin with.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported answer (94): What is the current Stack Overflow t-shirt? by Maria777 on meta.SE (@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog)
@ShadowWizard Post 1: Could not find data for this post in the API. It may already have been deleted.
@SmokeDetector poof
@Tinkeringbell good morning?
Started my day by reading about businessmen smuggling diamonds inside their bodies. Part of huge scam done by a Israeli/Russian billionaire. That kind of ruins a day... :/
This is the first report, today police told how it worked, technically. Still didn't find it in English.
It's a bit fucked up when a billionaire is the one running a scam.
Huh, what, Ponzi scheme?
@forest well, his son, but surely he knew about it.
@andmyself no. Plain smuggling and selling in black market.
(smuggling means getting it into Israel without paying taxes, which is lots of millions of dollars.)
Okay, where is my coffee?
!!/coffee rene
@ShadowWizard brews a cup of Macchiato for @rene
Here ^
@ShadowWizard I don't know yet ;)
I'm going to get coffee in 5 minutes, I have a refinement followed by a standup in 10.
So far, the drive here was ... not so good.
@Tinker can you please explain once and for all what is this "standup" you have every day? I still don't really understand what it is, for me "standup" is this, which I'm pretty sure is not what you mean... thanks! :D
@Tinkeringbell you mean vibe?
@ShadowWizard 'drive'. As in, I sat in a car with two co-workers, and the one who drove has a style of driving that makes me scared.
@ShadowWizard Does 'daily scrum meeting' make more sense?
@Tinkeringbell oh, thought you are already in office. Yeah, being in a car with someone who drive in unsafe way is scary, agree! :/

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