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@EKons Depends. I like the sweet kind, which is more European (or so I was told). I've heard across the ocean the waffles aren't sweet? That doesn't sound tasty :P
um, are those waffles or thick painted embossed paper?
@EKons Which ones, the first or the last?
I'd say they're real waffles. I like stroopwafels best though :P
the...at the other side of the pond
I'm currently in Europe :P
@EKons Oh. I've heard embossed paper is a good comparison. Mind you, I've never tried either! :P
I haven't had waffles in years...
so, I'm not the only one to try to compare waffles I haven't tried like that
@EKons I'm going on witness accounts here.
We actually discussed waffles during lunch recently, co-worker went to America once ;)
you don't have to go to America for waffles
I have blueberry waffles in my freezer, they just might have to be dinner now
or am I missing your point? :D
@Tinkeringbell mmmm stroopwafels. Someday I want to try one that hasn't been sitting on a grocery store shelf for who knows how long.
@Ash Go splurge :). I ate an entire bowl of strawberries with a load of chocolate sprinkles for breakfast this weekend so waffles for dinner doesn't sound weird at all ;)
@AndrasDeak Yeah, you missed it ;) we were discussing the quality of American vs. European waffles
thank goodness, how I read it made no sense
but I know the Dutch can be weird, so... :D
@Ash Can't help with that, I guess. By the time they arrive they'll be two weeks old too. I think Catija know a place in the US where they sell stroopwafels freshly made
@Tinkeringbell That's awesome.
@Tinkeringbell ...way to make the room jealous...
@Tinkeringbell I wish I could find somewhere here that did because that would be amazing
@Mithrandir Hey ... That's kinda the point of being online, amiright? Making people jealous about how amazing your own life is? :P
@Ash I always get one (and stroopwafel crumbs) whenever I see a stall here. :D
The crumbs make for great sprinkles one ice cream or other desserts.
So jealous.
Ice cream, caramel sauce and crumbs :D
@Ash Come visit someday, and I'll make sure to include a stroopwafel stall in the tour XD
@Mithrandir eh, not "the room"... I can say I've put the stop on eating for today... and fresh strawberries aren't exactly the sweetest thing in the world, although I haven't tried with sprinkles
nutella and banana waffles are best waffles
@EKons Add a scoop of sugar if you like them sweet :) mix and then let it stand for a while (at least 15 minutes)
Then add the sprinkles and if you're feeling really, really bad add ice cream or whipped cream
Oh... Chop up the strawberries before adding sugar. It works better if the berries aren't whole
And now, having shared my only and thus best recipe with this room: goodnight!
Please make sure @JourneymanGeek doesn't start shouting during the night ;)
I'll bring the chloroform, someone bring the duck tape
(scolding face)
@Tinkeringbell Deal!
"breakfast" for dinner is totally normal for me
i have pancakes/waffles/etc for dinner fairly often
And lunch?
@Dragonrage Same, because they're easy and fast
@Tinkeringbell I'd probably use vlokken instead of the sprinkles but that's just me
I always liked the flakes better
@ShadowWizard occasionally, though not as often.
@AndrasDeak Bah. They "positively had to do something about those titles"? What nonsense. They could've said "no, this content is perfectly acceptable" and carried on with their lives. I find the failure to take responsibility frustrating; the company was not being coerced, and the staff do not lose their free will when we get criticized on Twitter.
@MarkAmery but it wasn't acceptable for what and where it was
I'm not sure there's anything to be achieved by trying to demand a real explanation, though. I don't see one ever coming.
or at least handle the situation (even while "doing something") in a way that doesn't crap on the community
though I probably can't say anything new in the subject
That's not something you should have on a professional site that people look at at work
@MarkAmery just because you don't expect to win on the lottery doesn't mean you can't play
demanding and expecting explanations/apologies are separate things
@ArtOfCode Obviously, I don't agree, and I find it depressing that there are people on board with the idea
Were they terrible titles? No. Not by a long stretch? Are there all-too-common places where you would be reprimanded for having them on your screen? Absolutely.
Would you still be reprimanded if you showed your boss that it was SO, though? I'm curious.
@ArtOfCode Yeah, well, I simply don't believe that such workplaces exist at all, to be honest, let alone that they're common. Even the most insanely politically correct, hyperfeminist workplace is not going to reprimand someone for viewing a programming site where those titles happen to be in a sidebar.
at least the titles didn't contain a reference to Tiananmen Square that would've hindered millions of people
@AndrasDeak An apt comparison
We previously discussed a user that had such a reference in their name and agreed to not censor it, despite it making it more difficult for people in China to access the site, because we do not implement third parties' censorship regimes for them
It wasn't Ciro Santilli, was it?
Apparently that's not true in this case, though
Yeah, it was, I think
oh, "agreed to not censor it" as in the mod side, not the user side. Because in his case "agreed to not censor it" would sound like an understatement
Ah yeah, I see the grammatical ambiguity there
I meant We previously discussed a user that had such a reference in their name and WE agreed to not censor it
yeah, thanks
I assume such a highly punishing work environment has uBlock as standard issue? If so, they can just add an extra rule to it to hide HNQ.
Come on, none of this happened because what if people get into trouble. It happened because someone loud enough was offended.
And if not, people are going to end up punished for the ads they see
At the school I went to in the UK any reference to homosexuality was caught by the internet filter and resulted in account suspension (much to the ire of some of the teachers). I imagine there are still many schools - and workplaces - with such filters. If avoiding triggering workplace censorship machines was the goal, purging all reference to homosexuality would be a higher priority
But of course that's not really the goal, and if that suggestion came up we'd all be aligned in opposing it
The correct way to handle such a filter is uBlock
Actually, the correct way to handle such a filter is to change the school government
change all the governments while we're at it
every other government
Ok, I've finally gotten around to reading Tim's answer
> And those priorities aren't always open to negotiation. I hate to say it, but revenue really matters. That's not to say what you want doesn't, but we're not always able to talk about stuff that takes precedence or why. We didn't have that problem when our only source of revenue was ads and everyone knew who our customers were (well, everyone that disabled adblock).
this may be the first official acknowledgement (I've seen) that revenue is a thing and we're not just here for hugs and fuzzy warm feelings
and time to sleep :)
@AndrasDeak well that's always been a thing.
All I've seen these past years is "we're building the best thing ever, together, community, yay, we love you all, peace, yay"
I probably didn't look in the right places
@AndrasDeak So, if I'm reading this right, Tim pretty much acknowledged that you're not going to get anything done through meta and Jeff advocates applying twitter pressure instead, provided you've got the juice to do so. Alrighty...
@AndrasDeak Link?
@AndrasDeak feigned offense.
@JourneymanGeek only every Next Big Thing and DAG announcement ever. Nothing specific.
"'How do I tell a friend they might need glasses without hurting their feelings?' COOL ABLEISM" sigh...
@canon the thing is you can never know
Whether every offending needs action is another question
@AndrasDeak it's worth remembering this feels like the first mod/user 'mutiny' en mass.
@JourneymanGeek there was a similar brouhaha after the welcoming
And ya, that making revenue is a priority has been clear for years
And strong pushback on some SO-specific projects
"Look, Community, we made this for you" "No thanks" "It's great!" "It's not and you need to fix <these>" "Look, this is what we made for you!" "..." "Oh, whatever went wrong?"
With similar staff MSO posts in the negatives if I recall correctly
Ah. I don't really do SO much
Like facebook for SO developer story meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/313960/…
I'm trying to find exemplary posts about SO Documentation but that was a long process
Don't use that phrase again!
"Trying"? :P
"SO documentation"

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