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oh, Google Translate...
@Magisch huh, that sounds like me... :P
@Derpy well... he is obnoxious for those opposing him, especially from the inside. Probably. :)
@Somewhat needle?! lol
@Somewhat didn't they shut down Hangouts?
I mean... with WhatsApp and Telegram... it really has nothing to offer. No?
It's still integrated on Google
including Gmail
> Typing the Konami code, ↑↑↓↓←→←→BA followed by ↵ Enter, adds a video-game like background scene to the chat window. This is only visible to the user who types it.
Well, they will shut it down sooner or later same way they shut down Google+ and all the rest of their non-profitable services.
try with "insert coin"
anyway, while catching up... today's(?) conversation...
8 hours ago, by Journeyman Geek
I don't remember the details off hand but I know it's a mod privilege. I think God badges can do it too.
that is one heck powerful badge...
@Somewhat SO cruel!
@Derpy at least on SE sites it's not case sensitive, tried now with BA and it still works. ;)
And still waiting for a secret hat triggered with it....
@Somewhat ._.
@ShadowWizard u caught me lurking
@Magisch Well, he's one of the 3 people Jeff trusted to replace him so... I think his opinion has weight.
@Quill of course I did! You can't avoid the Ping Master! :P
So, did you have another haircut? :)
@Somewhat HAVE A STAR!
@ShadowWizard I think this hat has the precedence this year.
I haven't in nearly two years
Is it already hat season
@Quill thats why you don't have it as avatar anymore? :(
@Somewhat Star the star, quick!
Star Spree!
Mario: looks like I have a job to collect more stars on here...
in Wolfram Mathematica on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Sep 20 at 7:04, by xzczd
I got the differential-equations god badge!
@Somewhat ^
also as I remind people, I rely on spellcheck a lot ;)
A god is someone who can lift a hammer?
something changed in expired cookiehandling: meta.stackoverflow.com/a/375709/578411 ?
@JohnDvorak Which brings us back to the never ending conflict... "Can God create a hammer they can't lift?"
But being all powerful means God can do anything
Conflict --> God does not exist.
But then there's a hammer that he can't lift so he can't be all powerful if there's a thing he can't lift.
That's what I heard some people say in the past, at least.
An all-powerful god has the ability to revoke his own privileges
omnipotence just doesn't work out
as soon as he does, he's no longer all powerful then
@JohnDvorak so he can lift the hammer if he wants.
He can't want to want not to lift the hammer. It's an endless loop.
An entity incapable of restricting itself isn't all-powerful
an entity capable of restricting itself isn't all powerful, because unless it can break that restriction at will, it does not fullfil "able to do all things" after the restriction goes into effect
inb4 the hammer is god...
Exactly ^^
@Magisch and that's where your argument doesn't work
"Restricting" implies something done by free will. This same free will can then decide to lift the restriction, hence God can lift the hammer.
@rene how is it related to expired cookies? Sounds like a browser bug with handling/storing cookies.
I can tighten a knot with just one wrist, but I can't loosen it with the entire hand.
Because you're not all-powerful.
God doesn't need hands to tighten or loosen knots.
I can untie any knot as long as it's not attached to my wrist
@JohnDvorak but can you willingly create a knot you can't ever untie?
I think the answer is "no". No?
Clearly I can
You can choose not to untie, but that's... kind of trivial.
@JohnDvorak reminds me when by mistake I switched the only user on a linux mint system from administrator to normal user...
Just make an ordinary knot and then attach it to my wrist. Hypothetically, of course.
@Derpy Perfect analogy
@Derpy hopefully not production server? ._.
@ShadowWizard test machine at home
oh good
But we can also remove ourselves from being room owners in SE chat, leaving a room with no owners at all.
And nobody except mods with the ability to add new owner.
Can a mod demod themself? What if they are the last one on that site?
@JohnDvorak CM/dev/staff
@JohnDvorak no
@ShadowWizard IIRC if your cookies have expired you get a new set. If that code path is broken you'll get what the OP experienced. Doesn't need to be a browser bug.
If they could, then the site would automatically close.
@JohnDvorak but no, mod can't take their diamond away, only suspend themselves, I think
That requires a CM, and possibly specific ones
I suspect CMs would hold new elections in that case
@JohnDvorak not in case of honest mistake. :)
@JohnDvorak I was almost going to say 'or appoint someone' but even pro-tems mostly get elections nowadays.
I move to coin the phrase "bootstrap cutting problem"
I just had an idea
@ShadowWizard 💡
still waiting for @Magisch's idea
@JohnDvorak that looks like a foot print.
@ShadowWizard 🕯
Let me zoom...
@Somewhat blank square, nice! :P
Maybe they haven't responded yet because they're waiting for shog to come back
and thus, Shog prolong his vacation... then Joel came
What kind of OS turns a lightbulb into a footprint?
On one hand, shoeprints can vary a lot. On the other, I'm curious to see a shoe with this shape.
That's a lightbulb
Bit better at 500% zoom
That's an exclamation mark
@JohnDvorak because you know what you posted... on first glance I thought it's foot print. :)
a balloon!
a bird!
@Somewhat and then, 6-8 days later, SE headquarters receives a postcard photo of shog on a Caribbean beach in front of an ice-cream shop he just bought and a single line of text "So long and thanks for all the spam"?
Understandable. And yet I'm still longing to see that shoe. Or foot, for that matter.
starting MSE question "Where can I ask identify-this-icon question?"
@Derpy *phish
@Derpy spam is the least of his worries
@ShadowWizard A: highlight the icon, then choose "Search with Google"
Try "thanks for all the feedback"...
@Somewhat ha! It works!
Even for your empty square!
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Username similar to website in answer (51): How to Add new Currency in Magento2? by BelVG on magento.SE
@AndrasDeak nah... more likely reaction from Shog when hearing about all that happened: i.sstatic.net/9cncv.gif :D
He's already locked up in the basement
This is what I imagine Shog will look like when he comes: media.giphy.com/media/zPOErRpLtHWbm/giphy.gif
Haha, knew what it was before clicking
@AndrasDeak in a cage?
A: I wonder what a company cage looks like?

Nick CraverNo no no, you obviously misread this. We have a cage downstairs that we stick other companies in. And yes, EA is in there for that whole SimCity debacle.

mumble.... I can do better....
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in body (98): What is an "indirect dialogue/discourse"? by Des.X on english.SE
@JohnDvorak hehe, good one. We do have unwritten rule in the company I work for, that whenever someone comes back from vacation (only abroad) they must bring something for everyone, usually some kind of chocolate. ;)
With only 8 employees it's not a big problem. lol
aboard, or abroad?
And I can totally see Shog bringing pizza instead of chocolate, if they have similar policy in SE. :P
@JohnDvorak lol thanks!
@ShadowWizard Can I be a bringer of the bad news?
returned back from vacation sorry, but looks like the project deadline is pushed to today
@Derpy better cage?
@Somewhat no that is not allowed! :D
@John BTW, now that I understand you're quite the religious type (or at least believes in God) why aren't you more active on christianity.stackexchange.com? :)
I do have an answer there
One... 5+ years ago... doesn't count as "active". ;)
@ShadowWizard no, better parody image
I also have one answer on Pets.SE... posted only to get a hat... it doesn't mean I'm anywhere near active there. :D
user image
Obviously, the staff is the Heir.
@Derpy oh, so please do! :)
eh, you did. lol
@Derpy unfair fight: the "Twitter User" boss has "Summon Followers" power.
@ShadowWizard so does this boss
@ShadowWizard you played the game that one is from?
@Derpy nope
Time to fix that mistake
But played more than enough games with boss fights. ;)
well, then a brief explanation is needed.
@JohnDvorak which boss?
@JourneymanGeek Do you have an exciting update to share?
The move pictured has the player (not pictured) choose one of the player characters (on the left). This character is then 1HKO'd.
> The Heart of Darkness is the final form of the final boss of the Darkest Dungeon. Classified as COSMIC, it has a terrible ability called Come Unto Your Maker, which instantly kills a hero - regardless of HP or stress. The player must select which one of your heroes dies, meaning you have to be strategic as to who should stay and who should die.
now, remember who I said gets the Heir (aka the player) role in that image?
spoiler alert!
well, it is kinda what you said too :P
@Derpy huh
6 mins ago, by Derpy
Obviously, the staff is the Heir.
I'm in the final stages of Ni No Kuni 2, which reminds me I still didn't ask the question.
@PaulWhite :p
On my phone
@Derpy do you remember how many citizens you had before finishing the game? I have 94, and read somewhere that the remaining 6 can only be recruited after finishing the game. Didn't read in detail to avoid too many spoilers.
(just wanted to see if I missed something obvious)
We're talking to folks from the community management team about stuff that's going to happen
Who are "we" and talking where??
@ShadowWizard .... I think that 4 of them are strictly post game only, not 6
and TL (I got permission!)
@Derpy hmm.... I'm still in chapter 9.... so maybe 2 more will pop up during the main quest?
Anyway, there should be news from the CM team in a few days, over their social media stratergy, stuff that happened with mods and so on
Not that I need the 4th level kingdom, just.. well.. it's nice to have. :)
What I've heard so far seems positive and its a start
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad pattern in url answer, potentially bad ns for domain in answer (71): The sustainability of Spotify by robticker on sustainability.SE
@JourneymanGeek any plans to post actual answers on any of the MSE questions, including one you started yourself?
Hopefully it won't just be talk but they'll also announce some consequences
@ShadowWizard I assume so
Or will it just be in the form of blog posts and/or tweets?
@Magisch I don't really want concequences
I kinda do
talk is empty
@ShadowWizard well, the blog posts are kinda the "official" voice of SE
@Magisch I want change
@JourneymanGeek still, prefer answer to actual questions.
change is another word for consequences
Change is what we mean by consequences
@ShadowWizard some quests' availability need certain conditions (I don't play the game, so I spoiled myself)
@ShadowWizard things are really in the "we need to polish this up" stage
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer (86): Installation Error of Elmedia Player by Tina Holden on askubuntu.com
@Magisch concquences mean people get punished.
Physical punishment may be entertaining to watch, but it bears no long-term benefit for either party
@JourneymanGeek reminds me of the replies to questions like "Is the Welcome Wagon working?"
(i.e. "we still collect data", ask again in 6-8 months)
But yeah... better than nothing, I guess. Thanks! @Journeyman :)
@ShadowWizard trust me. I think a few of the CMs probably think I'm annoying at this point XD
@Magisch sounds like you were asking if someone will get fired over this... personally I don't want such a thing.
Journeyman's annoying!? What are we then...
@ShadowWizard No, not at all
Nah, not interested in getting people fired
or fired up
I'd like something like "Here's what went wrong, because of X Y and Z. We've decided to use A process to ensure that it won't happen again, address X by making some changes to B" etc
@Somewhat heh, y'all haven't seen me vocal and pushy too often ;)
@Magisch that's exactly what's been promised
nobody wins if we just get random people fired for honest mistakes
@Somewhat hmm... well, I think I did all the possible side quests, including that insane 9 mazes... will see soon about the two missing citizens.
I also read one needs to do 80 random errants, but without your MCVE, I couldn't guess
@Somewhat thorny?
@Somewhat MC what?
MC Hammer?
@JourneymanGeek That means there was consequences though, that's what I meant by that
Minimum, Complete, Verifiable Example? Like, all the citizens you already got...
oh, the Swift Solutions quests? I did hundreds already. @Somewhat
Stopped when reaching 1000 tokens, lol
"MCVE" would be a walkthrough, not just listing the game state
@Somewhat that would be hard to copy... :/
@SmokeDetector vlq
yeah, that's why... because there's also one "after researching a high accessories level at Evermore Outfitter"
@JohnDvorak nah, think @Somewhat wants the equivalent of error log
@Somewhat yeah, got him. That was hard one, had to spend tons of money in a stage where I didn't have much to spare. :)
I think that's the best hint before I spoiled the chapter no, location, and the name of the citizen...
as far as I remember, none of them is missable, so he can just wait.
no point of no return, great!
@Derpy you mean "lose-able", easy to miss many side quests. :)
I just check every place for the quest icon.
And try looking for new places on the map with the zippelin. :D
> The name "Zippelin" is a portmanteau of zeppelin and Zip's name.
duh! lol
@Derpy yeah, know that too well from other games. :/
Also know as "Why a postman bird on Dragon Rost island disappears after you complete an unrelated dungeon"
Well, in such cases I just move on, I'm not one to reload old save game just to complete some side quest.
I do try to find and complete all side quests, but not really insane about it.

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