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undo's minirant of the day: Any freeway that is capable of an 80mph speed limit, but doesn't have it, is totally doing it wrong.
In my experience, 80mph (~130km/h) greatly reduces the number of people speeding, makes people more patient, and generally makes traffic flow smoother.
People don't tend to want to exceed an 80mph speed limit, because... most non-fancy cars get kinda scary above about 85
Some are better than others, but IME most start floating a bit
Come to Germany: there is no upper speed limit on the Autobahn.
@Fabby Apparently the highest speed limit on the Autobahn (outside of the anything-goes sections) is 81mph
@Undo It depends on the hour of day and what condition the road is in and whether you're close to a town.
anything else has no limit.
(obviously you cannot drive at 150mph next to a town in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping)
Anyway, I think the mosquito is dead... Good night again.
4 hours later…
@Undo Texas has a toll road with an 85 mph speed limit, the highest speed limit anywhere in the U.S.
Then there's germany...
the speed limits on some roads are on cars, not roads ;)
2 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek hehe, didn't you discuss is just few days ago?
Did I?
cause dude, I already deja vued once today ;)
Jun 21 at 21:42, by πάντα ῥεῖ
Unless there's a speed limit, you can go at any (Ludicrous) speed at German freeways:
not you... others.. :D
and he's german, so he knows ;)
@JourneymanGeek well at this point... most of the things we say have already been said... ;)
I did that of course :D
true of much of chat
might as well shut it down ;)
@JourneymanGeek noooo
@Mithrandir I think y'all know how I feel about chat
If SE closes chat I'll be the first one pointing people towards alternatives, cause it would be a waste of a perfectly good community :)
I like the system... alternatives aren't really good. I don't like IRC, or Slack, or Discord...
We run matrix, and there's a few things missing (starwalls and proper replies)
Miaou comes close - but its a bit of a pain to set up, and has no easy way to manage your own logins.
2 hours later…
heh, just read today that WhatsApp will allow group admin to put the group in "gallery mode" so that only admins can write, and other group members will be able only to read. Wonder of they copied the idea from SE.... ;)
1 hour later…
babaji returns
baba, we did not miss you! Go away!
bob strikes again meta.stackexchange.com/questions/311893/… @Bart @rene @JourneymanGeek @TravisJ
@ShadowWizard wait, did he ask that again?
Cause that feels like a valid question to answer no to
OK, sock suspicion is cleared, it's just some clueless user.
@JourneymanGeek no no... he asked some useless stuff before.
Jun 14 at 1:39, by Catija
Second post from this user that's just junk... Seems suspicious. https://meta.stackexchange.com/questions/311278/why-am-i-even-asking-this-rhetor‌​ical-question
you need a doc? you "ah" a lot
I now know who you thought that was a sock of
and I felt he didn't sound/smell the same.
I did... but now not. :)
.... now I wonder if he's a sock of someone else...
He's still around?
oh well, if its who I think it is, he will out himself
Mr. X is fine, all good.
Hopefully it's behind him.
Did a user had offspring ?
Not heard anything about that?
bob2? until bob9?
that is how it works I think
... who is bob?
I know a lot of bobs
and they should be numbered
I think user[number] is all we need
they are all socks
of user1
nah just dupes
Let's close them!
Your user account is closed as a duplicate of user1
Your question is closed while we wait for an answer to come in
Not accepting any question until there are less than 1000 unanswered questions
That's a whole new level of soup naziism question alt-rightiness
It sounds like some Charcoal testing goes on?
I hope he got that ...
I was suspecting charcoal testing regarding that famous @WingDings username a while ago.
a he who shall not be named
or she, I suppose
That's how KI really works :3
For your reading pleasure, here's a conversation with a spammer. What should I do better next time?
> Also, we need to talk about the ducks.
Man, I wish my parents had had the talk about the ducks with me.
(email gotten from this spam post)
bored? ;p
It was... a long night
I am rarely that bored
it's a fast day today, and the fast started at ~4AM. so I decided to just stay awake, eat before it started, and go to bed
so... i had some time on my hands, which was mostly spent combing through metasmoke looking for wordpress pharma sites to report and emails to troll
I'd suspect Ash just porters them ducks and fine ;)
For those who wonder...
The Seventeenth of Tammuz (Hebrew: שבעה עשר בתמוז‎ Shiv'ah Asar b'Tammuz) is a Jewish fast day commemorating the breach of the walls of Jerusalem before the destruction of the Second Temple. It falls on the 17th day of the 4th Hebrew month of Tammuz and marks the beginning of the three-week mourning period leading up to Tisha B'Av. The day also traditionally commemorates the destruction of the two tablets of the Ten Commandments and other historical calamities that befell the Jewish people on the same date. == History == The fast of Tammuz, according to Rabbi Akiva's interpretation, is the fast...
(Personally not fasting, but....)
it should be optional, technically
Well... luckily religion itself is, i.e. anyone can choose to not be religious or not follow all the religious rules.
True for most sensible religions ;)
After all, its between you and your deity of choice, not other people ;)
@JourneymanGeek more like countries, some do force people to be religious.
@ShadowWizard those countries are... less sensible :)
Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice,Beetlejuice
> The paranormal entity you have attempted to summon is currently not available. Please try again later.
submitting bug report to meta
submitting bug to a drink
hmm, this passport guy just responded again, apparently not caring that i just said i'm 8 years old
> Special requirements apply for minors (under 18 years of age). -- Wikipedia
you still can get your Brazilian passport!
I'm trying to get a passport while becoming a vampire while hiring this guy to hack a spam site!
> Look at the pictures you sent . I don’t see any human picture or fingerprints in the attachment. I see totally different things
oh, so you noticed
looks like both of you are bored ;p
no, he wants $2700 $400 (I made a bargain)
Those to be unspoken names are chosen fairly good anyways :3
E.... Naw I don't think I want to actually summon him
These were mentioned by U.K. Le Guin (RIP dear) decades earlier to me (Earthsea)
ah ;)
This sounds serious, you need to attend a Doc ;)
Probably just dyslexia and filler words ;)
Please don't mention that POTUS guy.
He's a hard nut to bear in their life streams, but I am not likely to mention them here.
cheezburger.com/3309829/… @Mithrandir (contains NSFW language towards its end)
@JohnDvorak huh? Who? What?
1 hour later…
This makes me think of a potato with a GladOS monocle and a Trump hair
... glados has a monocle?
How does one have one eye and pull off a monocle?
... GladOS eye, I mean
@rene nah, just crap.
(doesn't deserve red flag)
@JohnDvorak must be one happy OS!
@ShadowWizard It's not inaccurate, just not an answer.
@SomewhatMemorableName President Of The After-Trump United States? You sure there will be united states?
@ShadowWizard ok
@MartinJames hmm? inaccurate? When did I mention anything about it? I just said "crap" as shortcut to "useless post that does not answer the question and is of very low quality". Both NAA and VLQ applies, but not spam/offensive.
@ShadowWizard Agreed:)
@MartinJames USA will be United Survivors of America
Union Soviet of America
1 hour later…
Am I the only one who can't load their profile (on any page)? Neither here nor on other stacks. Internet works fine.
deja vu
Jun 27 at 16:52, by gnat
For last day or two I am getting "Oops! Something Bad Happened" when trying to get to my network rep graph and to my Stack Overflow activity tab. Wonder if it's just me or the issue is for real. Profile tab has no such problem
Now it works
Good for you ._.
Do you get the error message?
@AnneDaunted it's buggy for weeks, yeah. For me it's "only" slow, about 10-20 seconds. Lucky me! ;)
Shog said something about PostHistory table making trouble.
If anyone wants, easy 100 points waiting here: the "Questions that may already have your answer" that appear when asking is better method than my answer... :)
@ShadowWizard better? or different? ;)
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog already hammered
@rene Wasn't at the time I posted the message; too late to self-delete
trolling intensifies
@Tinkeringbell according to everyone... better.... :D
Thanks .. sir ShadowWizard .... there should be a politeness limiter
when flowers call me sir... I'm starting to worry...
Do worry
worry level increased
@ShadowWizard Huh... okay. Guess I've been doing it wrong all along then ;)
@Tinkeringbell not really, I rarely use it myself, just because I'm used to the "ordinary" search, but from the few times I did, it was indeed better. :)
1 hour later…
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog IMHO intentional harmful act is practically impossible in this case. He simply didn't know, that multiple SE sites are existing with many topics. The correct reaction had been to move his question to the SO on the spot, without downvotes.
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog Well, it had been closed as unclear there
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog The learning curve of the site network is too hard. The OP could probably easily learn, that he had to ask. Maybe his English is not very good... maybe he could become a productive member of a hindi StackOverflow, if he had got nice treatment here.
It's an NRE. SO will just close it as a dupe.
spam ^
@peterh I do that for two reasons: 1. if people are talking here and aren't on the site, they'll go step into action and vote to close the question, and 2. it provides a permanent archive of links to these questions, so that <10k users can file feature requests based on them and have enough data as evidence.
@peterh Two possible responses from me, depending on your intent: "Thanks for letting me know", or "That doesn't mean it's on-topic here."
A: Why do users often ask blatantly off-topic questions here on Meta?

Sonic the Inclusive HedgehogUpdate (January 23, 2018): This answer previously contained a canned comment containing a link to a survey I was running to determine why users post off-topic questions here. Per a request from an SE employee, the link has been removed, and the survey is no longer accepting responses. The team i...

Also read the linked answer from Tim Post
undo's minirant of the day: turn signals should make progressively louder sounds the longer they're on. Might help people who are apparently deaf, oblivious, or otherwise incapacitated from driving eight miles down the freeway signaling a turn.
@Undo Why didn't the above notification work?
I'm recusing from this discussion. Anyone else who wants to participate is welcome: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/311955/…
@Undo actually sounds like a good idea

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