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@user5389107 not quite
@Taryn Were you bluefeet at the time or had you used a different username in the past?
@Catija only ever been bluefeet and Taryn
Extra gross: gross edition: people trying to pick up women on SO
Q: Would having a romantic relationship matching feature be worthwhile?

two black lines in the middleI'm not personally interested in such a feature, but I just want to put forth the idea of an optional, possibly monetize-able, romantic relationship matching feature for SE users. Is this a bad idea? If so, why not?

"Hey there, I notice the way in which you indent your functional jQuery is pretty gracious. Care for a fish and bytes soon?"
the infantilization is real: stackoverflow.com/questions/15262908/…
notice how nobody ever thanks "cute coder boys" for their accept vote
yeah that's bullshit, it should be more equally shared.
@user5389107 thanks cute male floating smiley head
No guy on the internet is as cute as my Bennett. :D
@FélixGagnon-Grenier let's get to work
awww ;)
The one before that was nuked; did it already have two pending flags, or was it 1-flag deletable?
@Catija he looks startled in the picture
@Catija he's classified as a WMD
as a flower I feel left-out
Did you know the fatality rates caused by the cuteness?
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog Started with "Thanks" ... I think that's a trigger.
@rene very nice and pronounced petals today rene
@rene we established you're one of those huge, smelly non-flowers
@user5389107 He was sick but starting to feel better... getting photos of him with Hippo is getting more challenging.
as far as I can observe, most comments that have "thanks" and less than ~8 words in them are autodeleted on no longer needed flags
@Catija Maybe that's why I started experiencing technical difficulties a couple days after meeting you at the airport?
on a serious note I can see being referred to with infantilization and sexualization when you're trying for answers for your technical questions can be immensely off putting
This isn't a meat market what happened
Not proposing this, but maybe comments containing the word "girl" should be made 1-flag deletable?
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog That... seems like a bad idea.
that's a slippery slope. what about those that have boy?
Especially when you consider other sites in the network.
seems like it'd be abusable
Especially on Parenting and Pets.
and not very useful
On SO only, plus comment flags do leave a paper trail
Not... really.
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog Yeah... they don't...
Gosh, that's a long username.
@Catija heh, has he found other best friends?
I too was surprised just now
@ S [tab] [tab] [tab]
Or just press Reply
There was an incident on SFF recently about this.
Throw the hippo out so he starts off Toy Story 3
"Sonic the Anonymous Hedgehog" was just as long
And don't forget "Shadow the Hedgehog Wizard"
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ He has friends at school. :D And one of my friends had a son three days before, though they live in San Antonio.
well this has been a .... sobering experience
@M.A.R.ಠ_ಠ Isn't there already a Toy Story 3? Also... Hippo is my plush friend... not Bennett's...
@user5389107 Were you drunk?
@Catija Let's see if your new baby can be even cuter :)
@Mithrandir no but I expected a lot more and a lot less blatant BS
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog It will be a challenge. Even the midwife was impressed with him.
@Catija It's quite possible that the "Emily" who threw Jessie out was actually Andy's mom
in toy story 2, i presume you mean?
I don't know that I've seen either of them.
It came out in 1999
So... I created a Slack account today and I'm not a fan of their account creation process.
But I hadn't seen it until much later, because Disney Vault
@Catija yeah, it's a play on the plot of toy story 3 (toy gets thrown out, gets angry, takes out anger on other toys, woody and gang caught in middle - bad explanation, but yeah)
(clearly i've watched the toy story movies too many times.)
@Catija I experienced a bug with their app...after leaving a team, my account was deactivated (as expected). However, I couldn't disable launch at startup because I needed to sign into an account to access the app settings, which I couldn't because my account was deactivated.
ewwww. but... isn't that OS controlled?
I had to create a workspace that I will never use just so that someone could send me an invite to their workspace... That seems like poor design... I can understand not wanting to allow people to spam random invites out ... but ... Discord does it better, I think.
Yeah, in retrospect I could have just gone into Task Scheduler and disabled the startup task, but in the end I solved it by creating a new account on an open team, signing into that, and then from there disabling launch at startup.
@Catija I think they're doing it wrong
The way it's supposed to work is that you're supposed to request an account, and then they have to grant you.
@heather Yeah, same...Woody always has vestiges of being selfish
Comment of the day:
@TimPost I think we all appreciate and thank you for volunteering to be the wheat between two grinding stones ;-) — Thorsten S. 5 hours ago
Next blog post: "meta.SE is being too welcoming to site managers" :p
I love that figure of speech
@JohnDvorak IKR, sometimes you just wanna read this kind of stuff instead of "wow, what happened to SE?" and they're not even directed at me
welp, good night
70 some comments flags is enough for today
I should get some sleep too
Today's Dilbert re: StackOverflow for Teams: dilbert.com/strip/2018-05-03
On the internet, most of the things are free - unless you want privacy and no ads, then you have to pay :D
The irony is that you already pay for the internet.
One has to pay to mail a postcard, too.
and for the envelope and paper, even.
most social animals have no privacy too
Is left nav going to bring any filtering options that New Nav (2.0) aimed at? Or is that coming 6-8 weeks later. Or simply abandoned.
Yeah, but when you mail a postcard, there is no "don't read my mail" clause.
Could you imagine if you mailed a postcard, in an envelope, and it came opened, with ads on it?
That's how letters from the front used to arrive, right? Inspection in case any classified info was mentioned.
Most social animals live in the open in vicinity to each other, except they are not forced to watch/read ads. I can't imagine humans doing the same ~_~
Internet is just another warzone.
The internet is international waters. That is why there are pirates.
I get it now, the only cost to privacy is actually being social ... like if you don't need to social, you can device your place to never compromise your privacy.
technically a stamp can be an ad
> I want to like it, but I keep having to quit Reddit and delete my account based on the terribad combination of opinions + downvoting. Particularly dispiriting on small subreddits; they need an "upvotes only" mode for subs. -- Jeff Atwood at 3:54 PM - 3 May 2018
Jeff not feeling welcomed because of downvotes
Isn't he one of the biggest proponents of DVing?
@bro If I were to set up a service where users could give me their information (which I'd keep safeguarded) and I could send a letter to SE on their behalf with an arbitration opt-out, would that be legal?
@TravisJ I like the way you wrote it, soo true
Sorry, I don't talk to inclusive people.
@bro I'm a hedgehog.

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