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5:04 PM
Diamonds are (not) forever
Stars, however, seem to last a little longer ;)
Discord and Slack still don't do replies well.
I want Channels Chat.
@JeremyBanks does it offer that?
5:06 PM
@JeremyBanks no one does replies like SE chat
Well other than clones. ;p
It doesn't offer anything yet.
@TimPost Layoffs at stack?
I transferred the domain stack.chat to my Corp google domains account. Not sure what'll happen to it now. I dreamed there might one day be a product worth giving that to.
Jeremy and Oded nooooo
@JeremyBanks currently that redirects to chat.meta.stackexchange.com
redirects to internal chat
5:09 PM
Oded was let go? What the fuck?. I gotta go figure out who all is gone.
@JeremyBanks - I blame interactions with Shadow Wizard.
@JeremyBanks @Oded <3
@JeremyBanks same. Lotta picking up pieces here for a little while
I'd help pick 'em up, but...
5:11 PM
This is a sad day for stack exchange
@Oded ah, gallows humor
FWIW, it's been a rare pleasure to work with both Oded and Jeremy. I'm super jealous of whoever gets to work with them next
Shog for CEO.
@JeremyBanks I've been staring at stackoverflow.com/company/team but unfortunately I haven't memorized it
@JeremyBanks *runs to check of Joel still has a diamond*
5:13 PM
@JeremyBanks @Oded 😢
Here's hoping both of you will find something nice soon @JeremyBanks @Oded
As a general observation today... We're saying goodbye to several Tavern regulars who we were extremely blessed to have a chance to get to know as co-workers... And it was exactly as good as their public interactions here would suggest. May the wheel always show you favor!
Personally, I'm taking a long (and long deserved) break.
5:16 PM
@Oded Good plan! When you decide to look for your next thing, let me know if I can help.
you here @Desire?
Wait Joe, did you have a diamond at some point?
@JeremyBanks Same goes for you
@Magisch no, he only has one on Stack Overflow
5:18 PM
he's not a CM or Q&A dev so no everywhere diamond
So you're still here :)
@Mithrandir as I understand it, even CM diamonds are as needed.
But I suppose they are, a lot
@JourneymanGeek Nope, CMs get diamonds on all sites upon hire — I had to register for 130+ sites on my first day ;P
I think Tim may be the only exception though
Isn't tim like a super CM
the CM team lead?
5:20 PM
...and Joel
@JNat and more ;p
@Mithrandir Joel's not really a super CM ;p
Arguably Jeff wasn't either even if we saw him a loooot in the early days
joel probably has a diamond because there is nobody in the company that could decide he shouldn't have
@JNat 0_0
and because the whole trust thing doesn't really apply for CEOs in the same way
@Magisch eh - or founder ;p
5:21 PM
@JourneymanGeek ^
Jeff probably can get his diamonds back when he wants em ;p
Thanks @joe.
@JNat hah. Manually?
Oh yeah :P
Joy ;p
(But I suppose worth it!)
5:23 PM
and presumably someone had to flip the switch on all of em too
That would be on the account level, not on the profile level, I believe
so a single switch would be needed
@JNat it's per-profile, but there's a dev route that kicks it off
there you go, then
5:25 PM
@JNat Or a prodcedure that does something like updating all sub-users with the flag at once
Joe may have gotten off on the wrong foot on meta but he's learned a ton since then and does have a pretty good grip on the community's concerns. I remain more optimistic about the sites direction now than I was a year ago; I think things are turning in the right direction.
@JeremyBanks meta is hard
people are... uh, difficult
Well, meta is vaguely politics ;p
5:26 PM
Unfortunately, as you probably already know, people
meta is fickle
and people
@Magisch eh, you do ok once you figure it out
Yeah but we (you and i) don't have to defend company decisions
:( I didn't even know y'all that well and I'm sad. I hope you don't become complete strangers.
5:27 PM
I can choose not to comment if my opinion is wildly unpopular
There's that!
A CM ... doesn't have that luxury
But I think I've done it a few times, and got downvoted
informing the community and engaging is their job
@Magisch well, that's what mods do, on a smaller scale
5:28 PM
is neither a mod nor a cm
hope you'll still be active on Science Fiction & Fantasy @JeremyBanks
(which is why a bunch of em are former mods)
My opinion on meta matters just as much as any other non-high-rep user's
although how you got 1k+ rep with 2 questions and 2 answers is beyond me
on a certain level, that is pretty liberating.
5:29 PM
@Magisch Its actually not about reputation. To a certain extent, its about finding your voice, and tailoring it to your audience
@JourneymanGeek People do care less if you don't have a lot of rep
or in a sense, the soft skills ;p
I've had success on meta by trying to be honest and nice
which is something that only works on stack. On almost any other internet community, being too nice will get you torn apart
@JourneymanGeek not those skills again ...
I have it on good authority that people on meta are mean.
5:31 PM
@JoeFriend will do - thanks!
@Catija yes, thanks.
@rene hah. I almost want to dig up my taken parody again
@Catija people on ips meta were pretty nice...
@Catija sure. But that's half the fun
@Magisch we're specialists.
^ joke.
5:34 PM
The IPS moderators definitely try hard
IPS users are quite often lacking in IPS.
@Catija if they had good IPS they wouldn't need to ask random strangers
@Magisch two of them are great. That Catija person has no clue, though.
@Catija some are born mods. Some are thrust into it. Others stumble into it face first... ;p
@JourneymanGeek Pretty sure that's not how the Shakespeare goes...
5:36 PM
It does in the orginal Klingon
I thought that only the tragedies were from Klingon.
6:11 PM
@Oded @JeremyBanks and all the friends at Stack Overflow. My thoughts are with you.
That said: I'm still expecting winterbash hats this year.
so am I
although I can't see where they'll go with this newfangled stopbar
I fear my earlier willingness to work on haberdashery has come to naught.
@Sklivvz there'll be hats. Many hats. On fewer heads, but still... Hats.
6:18 PM
If you can't afford to develop them, we can crowdsource them on meta and let Nick Craver optimize them later
Someone suggested this might be a good year to revive favorite hats from past years, which... Ain't a terrible suggestion.
@Shog9 Is the finance situation really that bad?
@Magisch eh... I'm not really qualified to talk about that.
oh right, sorry
shouldn't have asked
It's fine
We're not closing up shop or doing anything crazy-desperate.
Which is presumably what you're most concerned about.
6:23 PM
@Shog9 You bet, this website is my favorite hobby by now
When I said "if you can't afford them" I was merely trying to lighten the mood folks. I have no inside information
@Shog9 You're not selling your own line of beer as an additional source of revenue?
Are you sure?
I need it all for myself
Don't judge
It is the early investment in waffles that's caused the current situation. Must be.
The waffle bubble is busted ...
6:32 PM
Bits of batter everywhere...
@Shog9 Given that this means we don't get any I certainly will!
Oh fine. Stop on by and I'll share. A little.
I still need to stop by in Colorado. I miss you Shog :-D
@Shog9 Excellent
@Sklivvz Yes. We didn't get to do a brewery tour at the meetup
6:55 PM
Holy carp. I stumbled upon a big bad news day I see. So sorry for everyone involved.
7:08 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in body: Remote neural monitoring by Robert Horney on sound.SE
(╯°â–Ą°ďź‰â•Żď¸ľ ┻━┻ I'm starting to put together an actual list of people, and I'm speechless. So so so sorry
7:32 PM
(╯°â–Ą°ďź‰â•Żď¸ľ ┻━┻ So I recently learned that's a table flip and not a field goal celebration. Suddenly a lot of things make a lot more sense.
(╯°â–Ą°)╯︵ ┻━┻
┬─┬ ノ( ゜-゜ノ)
@Sklivvz I talked to someone who was let go today and they mentioned starting a Facebook group for alumni. I'll put you in contact with them, if you want.
they meet at the Atwood unibomber shack
Sure thang
7:37 PM
holy crap he blogged about blogging about blogging...
it's blogception.... from like... 2009
Can we still have whatshisface ping Oded directly about site stuff? :/
What huh?
There was a guy we had here in the tavern who was pinging Oded multiple times a day... for stuff that didn't really need his involvement.
I ended up ignoring that user; so, I can't recall his name.
7:53 PM
@Sklivvz just use the backdoor you left, push your code to prod, and we will all enjoy! 😉
Oh, it was Sagar V
does that sound right? I think it was him.
@ShadowWizard heh
@canon ohhh, SagarV. He renamed like 100 times since then, lol.
I've only got one person on my ignore list and it's "Optimus Prime"
I thought, that can't be right... he's like a robot king.
Generally speaking, we can ping the devs about bugs, but rule #1 is to not bug them. One time and that is it. No response is the expected response, so in case of actual response we can rejoice. :-)
pun totally intended?
7:57 PM
@canon yup that is his last incarnation.
But he learned his lessons, he stopped fooling around
1 hour ago, by Bart
Holy carp. I stumbled upon a big bad news day I see. So sorry for everyone involved.
Same here.
@jadarnel27 why? :(
4 hours ago, by Tim Post
Today was a rough day for us - you'll notice that some folks no longer have diamonds. We had to make some tough decisions and cuts in order to continue to advance toward some pretty critical business goals. While we're usually very open and public about our operations, please allow some privacy for folks that have been affected; the biggest thing for anyone to take away from realizing what happened is that we're taking exceptional care of the folks that had to leave us [1/2]
@Bart ❤
@ShadowWizard Well you pinged me back here. Just in time for all the sad.
Best wishes to all you folks. Considering how awesome you are, I'm sure you'll find another great opportunity.
8:00 PM
@jadarnel27 oh my missed that.
Thanks man. Appreciated.
You hiring?
Must go now for a while will have lots to read later... @Oded one good thing is that you won't get pinged here anymore with bugs to fix.... ;) (aka thanks for all the fish bugs and good luck in your next job!)
@ShadowWizard we can still ping him
But not bug him about bugs...
So no fun. ;)
@Oded for how long did you know? Why didn't you say anything?
The only employees_array.pop() on the Community Team is Pops.
8:06 PM
oh, @Desire, you're here
I wanted to talk to you
Are you available for a few minutes?
@ShadowWizard we can also do that. and yes, they won't be fixed. So: just like now :-D
@Oded we've actually recently done some downsizing ourselves.
@ShadowWizard I found out oh... 6-7 hours ago.
employees_array.splice(0) :/
just start fresh
@jadarnel27 t'was but a joke
8:09 PM
we should crowdsource a beer fund for ex-employees of Stack Overflow.
The fact I'm one is totally unrelated, of course
@Oded I thought so =) But didn't want to be rude and assume haha.
You mean bacon fund.
:-/ too soon
beef as in cow or beef as in animosity... are we funding retaliation?
bummed for you guys, though. Good luck.
beef as in beer*
8:11 PM
Wonder who gets the fun job of clearing out the employee page.
your DAG robot, Joe "Friend"
That's actually connected to bamboo hr ;-)
I think that's automated now.
Well... I am still there.
As is You, @JeremyBanks. And a bunch of others.
On the Design Team, it's only Jin as far as I can tell. (Some of them never had diamonds to begin with.)
8:14 PM
@Oded caching
Can't you all just show up for work and claim it's caching?
I don't think that would guarantee a salary though
Caching != Cashing. Got it
@Bart funny enough I know of one case at Fokker where that actual did work. They found out when the guy turned 65 ...
8:21 PM
putting your employee badge into the prikklok was all that was needed.... for 4 years ...
In Engineering, I counted 8: Jeremy Banks, Andrew Brobston, Oded Coster, Adam Maras, Xavier Nicollet (SRE), Konamiman (used to be esSO pro tem mod), Steve Trout, Alex Warren.
I guess a pro tem mod doesn't get the diamond back if the site had an election since.
It's up to @TimPost
I am continually humbled by the extraordinary behavior of people I consider family past, present, and future.
@Bart that's ka-ching!
8:28 PM
Two PMs: Sam (the) Brand and Brian Mak
@Desire wait, pops is gone?
He is.
This may be a morbid question... but are you guys using careers to look for jobs?
Honestly there aren't many remote jobs on careers
womp womp
8:37 PM
...if Twitter can be trusted, Stack Overflow took a dive by 20% in employees today.
I started working remotely in March of this year... first time ever. I don't know that I could go back to commuting to an office.
@Mithrandir ouch
@Mithrandir :/
Is this because we didn't support docs? :/
@canon too soon. Might take a look when my mind is in that place.
@canon Nah, Docs were never a part of a monetization strategy.
Probably would've been eventually, but we never got to that point.
8:44 PM
Ah, good. I'd have felt pretty guilty for turning my nose up at that.
Analysis did show that had you participated, @canon, Documentation wouldn't have been sunset.
well, I was one of many
TBH - I didn't participate all that much either.
@Oded - I tweeted, but I work at CVS Health - If there are any positions you (or others) would be interested in, get me job req #'s and I can at least ping the hiring manager.
I don't know why, but I now imagine a future of you all being picked up in various roles at Experts Exchange
8:48 PM
Don't think docs was an income source?
@Oded - Also, the founder/ceo at turbine-labs is a fraternity brother. They don't have a career list on their page, but I pinged him for a list of openings.
@Bart Because it's never happened that people cease work at one company and go to work for (or create a new) company that do pretty much the same thing. :P
^ blasphemy
@JohnP - thanks for the ping, but if not in the UK / remote, probably not relevant.
@Bart trolololololololol
@Oded Ah, yeah, US centrism raises its head again. :|
8:51 PM
Turbine would be potentially remote.
Also hit up Enderland, his company has locations in UK and others.
@Desire Correction for Design team: in addition to Jin, it's Stevie Boxall and Nohemi Olvera
A disturbing ELU question: Is sunsetted a valid word?
@Desire Is there one about "winningest" too?
8:59 PM
What is all this? "Trump's dictionary of the best words"?
Don't make me smite you
With your smitingest stick?
@Desire Desiringest?
It will be the hurtiest thing you have ever experienced.
I think I made myself throw up a little
9:12 PM
@Bart I thought the exact same thing earlier.
Do I miss something with these retags: meta.stackexchange.com/q/302766/158100 ?
Nah, either "how dare you edit my tags" or simply trolling
@rene Attempt to get around you being able to dupe hammer by switching meta tag? :P
That only needs 10 more answers from me, so better don't p*** me off now or I will post those 10 answers in 6 to 8 minutes ....
That question isn't even a markdown question for as far as I can tell. It's plainly off topic
9:25 PM
Though, it is a support issue... so?
Never mind, getting confused.
Doesn't look like it from the original question.
"Support" is for "how do I do this on SE" questions... that's literally a "how do I do this" question... right?
@Bart ah, you're probably right
It is edited into a support question by others
> How do you change the font size (very important word) INLINE in markdown syntax?
How is that not a support question?
Strangely enough it is now delete voteable ...
9:29 PM
@Catija where does the body match with that title?
@Catija but in rev 2 they seem to talk about a program. It is not all clear if they face the issue on any of the SE sites. They only have an account on MSE.
@rene Ah, I see what you're getting at. Hmmm. dunno.
let's just delete it and steal the 30 rep from @JourneymanGeek
I can't. Sorry.
9:36 PM
Get some rep, will you ...
If people would start serially upvoting me, this wouldn't be a problem... you ask so much!

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