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12:11 AM
1:00 AM
So I had my first programming club meeting. I gave everybody a quiz there and the highest score was 1/3. The questions were "How many legs does a cell tower have? In Java what do you get if you print 0.1 + 0.2 == 0.3? and What do you get when you do 5/2 in Java?"
I was kinda trolling them.
That's cruel
yeah, seems really Android-specific.
What happened to DevDoodle questions?
@Shog9 I only used Java because it's basically the same thing in any C-based language and they teach Java at my school.
oh, I was referring to the cell-tower thing.
1:24 AM
12 hours ago, by Telkitty
I have an app that's on the market which I have written 5 years ago and have not touched since
received an email from apple this morning: 'that app of yours is not compliant'
really should hide dirty laundries under bed and not showing them around on the internet, although it might just be coincidence ...
2:27 AM
@Telkitty that's incredible
7:25 AM
@JamesENL Could you explain why you marked metasmoke.erwaysoftware.com/post/40500 as true positive? It isn't downvoted in the 1 hour it existed, and doesn't look like spam to me
ahhh shit
@SmokeDetector fpu
Eyes are twitchy today
7:58 AM
too much coffee or too little sleep or both? ... or maybe too much alcohol ...
All of the above?
8:55 AM
The pain...... it burns......
I have just found a DEV branch for a project I will have to do some rework on....
And the DEV branch is children of the PROD one....
So it is MAIN->PROD->DEV
9:53 AM
@Derpy so lots of merging ahead?
@JamesENL too much crying?
10:10 AM
@ShadowWizard oh... don't worry. I have now discovered that that wasn't even the most up-to-date version of the project.
Because I was so gullible to search for the project "FooBar" in a folder called "FooBar" on the source control system.
Instead, I should have looked into
all while ignoring
Poor @Derpy... But who or what is to blame?
@ShadowWizard Don't get me started on that one....
@ShadowWizard I bet some git
10:44 AM
20 messages moved to Sandbox
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in link text in body, blacklisted website in body, pattern-matching website in body: How are matrices used in everyday life? by Adellesigmund on mathoverflow.net
@Derpy OK, so start from the end... ;)
@Bart who is git? Is he a nice person?
hello @ShadowWizard!
11:03 AM
Sep 2 at 11:01, by Shadow Wizard
@Tropiks oh, hello!
that's handy
how have you been?
Dec 30 '13 at 22:21, by Shadow Wizard
I'm fine thanks for asking! :D
11:06 AM
Aug 9 at 14:22, by Shadow Wizard
hmmm how to catch him out....
What is your favourite kind of zombie?
in Shadow's Den, Apr 22 '15 at 22:58, by Shadow Wizard
@ASCIIThenANSI Zombie ;)
11:09 AM
Sep 12 at 14:46, by Shadow Wizard
if you were chased by 1000 rampaging Trump-zombies, what would you do?
holy old banana peels!
Nov 24 '15 at 15:29, by Shadow Wizard
evil grin
11:13 AM
Here's one - what do you get if you cross an elephant with Darth Vader?
in Shadow's Den, Apr 28 at 13:24, by Shadow Wizard
@ClemensHimmer hugh?
lol no... an 'elevader' (elevator)
I think my reply is better....
11:15 AM
true - I was on a trunk call to get that answer
11:44 AM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Chinese character in title, messaging number in body, messaging number in title, mostly non-Latin body, mostly non-Latin title: 卡尔加里大学学历认证*毕业证Q|微信158167775加拿大文凭UC毕业证学位证成绩单学历认证University of calgary by kdkdkdd10 on bitcoin.stackexchange.com
12:08 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer: Sport that is less stressful to knees? by Martin B. Romano on fitness.stackexchange.com
12:25 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: "Unfortunately xxx has stopped" by JAVED AHMED Siddiqui on android.stackexchange.com (@qwer)
1:13 PM
You can find Jerry in the C++ chat (Lounge<C++>), here you will be met with heartily hospitality of friendly loungers. We consist of brillant kids like Jerry, lovely teenage such as ven and older professionals such as CatPlusPlus (although he's in the hospital right now due to a minor heart failure). We are the great examples of Stackoverflow's 'Be Nice' policy. Join us now! You will soon realise how wonderful this world really is ... — Telkitty 4 hours ago
1:42 PM
"We are the great examples of Stackoverflow's 'Be Nice' policy"
@Telkitty Once again, I can only suggest to search on Youtube for a song called "Life in Pink" - you can easily find it by searching for "life in pink mlp". May be the same concept you are referring to in your comment.
obviously, as long as we will continue to think that the only way to make our lives better is to make others feel more miserable than us....
There are a lot of love going on in the lounge ... if you are the right person
1:57 PM
feels the love
2:12 PM
@Telkitty Are you sure they didn't mean "LOVE" instead? I have seen some "friendship pellet" flying around...
Here's a little feedback on the help>tour page:
> The best answers show up first so that they are always easy to find.
This is not quite correct.
I can actually point to one answer of mine where the accepted answerer actually says mine should be accepted.
That makes this statement a lie.
If this site is all about the canonical answers, there should be a way to better showcase great new answers with fewer upvotes than ancient sloppy answers.
We need a "Hot" sort.
Where "hot" provides some differentiation of votes made in the past year versus votes made a decade ago.
@AaronHall there will always be outliers
For new users that introduction is just fine
2:27 PM
I want an optional sort on "hotness"
Make it a feature request if that hasn't been requested before
What if it has been requested before, but it was rejected because the site being so new the need wasn't apparent?
Make a new request, clearly indicating how the situation has changed with respect to the original request
1 hour later…
3:33 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in answer: Need sim card (mobile internet) in Baltic Schengen countries by Rikke M. Dam on travel.stackexchange.com
^ false positive
4:33 PM
@SmokeDetector f
4:50 PM
5:30 PM
1 hour later…
6:37 PM
requests reviews
robo-reviews "Looks OK"
6:48 PM
It is Friday, no-one to pull
@ShadowWizard Sure
7:49 PM
Q: Add kick option to mobile chat UI

Shog9The kick-mute feature in chat is... Wonderful. Instead of letting rudeness or idiocy derail a conversation, savvy room owners and moderators can quietly remove the disruptive person from the room for a short time, and continue chatting without breaking stride. The person responsible gets a polite...

This would be so nice.
I just figured that was on some internal to-do list...
Oh, hey, long time no see @Mooseman.
@hichris123 Hiya! Life is too busy for internets... gasps
If I win the lotto I can devote all my time to working on userscripts here though. Unless SE is hiring userscript devs then count me in.
1 hour later…
8:58 PM
1 hour later…
1 hour later…
10:00 PM
1 hour later…
10:19 PM
Yay! Me am getting an Apple Watch.
Right now I'm thinking black aluminum 42mm series 2 with a Milanese band.
that sounds pretty fancy
Meanwhile, I'm drooling over this: newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?item=N82E16834154277
MSI makes good equipment. I'm planning to build my own tower soon.
10:38 PM
@Shog9 That's pretty low-res.
Ooh, exciting. The Apple Pay for web buttons are out.
@bjb568 it's a laptop. What am I gonna do, balance it on my feet and type with pencils glued to my fingers?
You could.
now that sounds kinda fun
But, I have a 30" monitor already. 1080 is fine.
I have 150% more pixels on my 15" laptop.
I've found that for my purposes anyway, more pixels is more important than more inches.
That's why my desktop is only 27". And 5k.
I'm getting old. Gets really hard to make out the pixels at that kind of density.
10:46 PM
Bah, old people problems.
Soon I'll be an old man with a huge monitor too.
You'll give your eyes plenty of exercise rolling them at kids with their 4K VR goggles
I may have 3x bigger and improved eyes to roll by then.
11:27 PM
11:38 PM
So creepy

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