The criteria for migrating a question are:
The question is off-topic on the current site.
The question is high-quality.
The question is on-topic for the target site.
Or, as stated in the faq,
Don't migrate for the sake of migration. We only migrate questions because they are off-topic ...
This came up recently, where a user had taken the time to look at the link on a post and realized that the post wasn't just off-topic, it was actually half-decently-disguised spam. So he flagged it as spam, and an overworked mod declined it, giving the questioner the benefit of the doubt. And we ...
@HoboSapiens I think @Bummi and I were the two additonal spam flags that jumped on that Safari-Apple-Rejected-Spam-Flag thing.
> However, the question then gained two more spam flags in quick succession so I took another look and conceded that I'd made a mistake the first time in not just deleting the post.
@nicael Hi nicael, AFAIK you are collection possible bugs, I upvoted this before on and was able to upvote again on meta (just tried, took it back) I'm not sure if this should be possible.
I just saw a question migrated from MSO and it immediately made me think about my confusion long time ago. The reason was, of course, the fact that the number of views doesn't get migrated and always resets to 1 after migration.
For example, the question I just mentioned now has 218 upvoted and ...
No biggie-I'll catch up with you later here or in the other room. Can you just leave me a note with the most up-to-date IOS version? I'm running 1.2.2 which is what's in the App Store, but my screen shot looks different-no buttons along the bottom. Is it based on my iPad's iOS version, which is 8.1.1. There's an update to 8.2 but I haven't done it because you never know what will happen!
Cool-be right back. Since you so kindly offered to discuss the app with me, I've been doing lots of research (@Frank knows I love research!), and want to make sure I'm looking at the right version. There's tons of awesome new stuff since I last used it though!!
@Frank That's what I meant. Was on Ask Different yesterday. I flagged the post but didn't know if you do anything about the name, which is f***1 or something like that.
@Frank It may have been Android but I can't find him now. I was actually reading the transcript here and saw the post come in so I flagged it, but the username was still there later.
@BrianNickel I've been meaning to ask for this on Meta, but I didn't get to making the demo showing how many steps it takes to get to a child Meta site.
Last evening. I think it was Android. I have an account there so when I saw the request come in I went. Three downvotes came through while I was reading the post, which already had 5 when I got there.
My question was similar to my iOS issue-I have the right Android system for the newest version, and my phone's set to update, but I'm a version behind and my play store is too. Do I have to do something like I just did with IOS?
I did flag the post but not the user. I should check to see if it was a "helpful" flag.
Yikes-he's still there! I got a helpful flag on the post but they left him alone. His username is F***itunes (he spells it out). How do I help get rid of him?