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@Catija sure, but they make the majority of askers, I think.
What if you could flag but you didn't get one of the default options, you had to write a custom explanation?
"someone downvoted my post plz halp"
@Catija that would deter many, yeah... but still, pretty sure 90% would write "this comment is rude"
Part of the problem I've seen is that y'all obscure who flags comments... so unless we use a script, we can't even tell that it's the OP who's flagging.
@KevinB hehe, or this, yeah
@Shog why you ask anyway? Any change planned?
@KevinB And that's easy to dismiss - from the flagging dialogue.
You don't even need to look at the comment or the chain, it's easily, obviously, dismissed.
hehe, and to think @Cilan said this room is boring.... :D
I would think a metric ton of flag misuse
!!/blame flag misuse
@ShadowWizard It's ThiefMaster's fault.
so here's what I'm thinking: custom flags ONLY, and mods get to see who raised the flag
@ShadowWizard Well, think about it - SE needs to be more welcoming. -> new users need a way to feel like they have a voice if they feel attacked -> we specifically prevent them from flagging anything until they have 15 rep -> How can we let them flag in some cases but still reduce the likelihood of abuse? -> Let them flag comments on their own posts? This requires that they have posts...
and then we review after a month & see how many are "waaaah, they close-voted my post and I hate editing!"
y'know, like we did for user-profile flags
...did i ever tell that story?
@Shog9 Making that the default for all custom comment flags would actually be good... and might be easier.
I meant to
@Shog9 I think that has a signposting problem
I think most OP's aren't going to know they can flag nor what that entails
@Catija easiest would be "mods see attribution on all flagged comments"
@Magisch Yeah, lots of even high-rep users I've seen aren't aware that comment flags are a thing.
what with y'all working around my careful restrictions with insideous userscripts
@Shog9 no. When could we flag profiles???
SE in general has signposting problems
@Shog9 Well, your own userscript (intentionally?) breaks the show flagger script, anyway :P
feels like you need a degree in meta to know how the fine print works on here
@Catija WIN!
What would the rep levels for MSE be for different degree types? Now that's a fun thought experiment.
@ShadowWizard ...it was live for ... a month maybe
@Shog9 when?
...good grief, how long have i been working here, dredging up emails from '13
What's the process for community-wikifing all of my posts and disassociating myself from them? Custom flag/email support/sacrifice a chicken in the middle of a hand-chalked pentagram?
@canon Why?
@canon I would guess support ticket
@Shog9 the shog has always been
CW and disassociation are two different things.
@Catija just curious
november-ish 2014
It's pretty unlikely that you'd be granted that request. It'd be easier to just ask for your entire account to be deleted.
Disassociation is something that's pretty rarely done.
Replace "$" with rep ^^
quoting verbatim from an internal email I sent on 7/11/2014
According to this, @Shog is a Doctor!
if you ask for all your post to be disassociated they'll probably just tell you to delete your account
> During my week handling these, I saw *very* few legitimate reports. Those that were reasonable fell mostly into two categories: spammers and trolls. With only one exception, the latter were already handled by site mods by the time I processed the ticket; the former we should probably just be handling automatically. The rest of the tickets ranged from seemingly-arbitrary profiles (including the system's Community user) with no description of any problem, to problems that were difficult to diagnose because they concerned a specific post rather than the user, to folks just upset because the
afaik disassociation is a manual process
Eh, 75k for a bachelor's seems a bit steep
@ShadowWizard i sure don't make 100K
But you have 300k+ rep.
1 min ago, by Shadow Wizard
Replace "$" with rep ^^
I dont even have a degree
yeah, but that's spread out over 10 years
's like the idiots who talk abou t how everyone's a millionaire because you can make that in a lifetime
seeing SE's salary calculation numbers, do CM's make a lot less then devs?
Seems like it'd be the other way around
oh yes
@Catija yeah it's bit too linear
Well, my question wasn't about rep/year... it was rep accumulation... also, some people miss out on a bunch of rep because of having CW posts.
I still can't get used to a Bachelor title being something that gets you a job. Granted, I did Uni right before we switched to Bachelor and Master in NL, but back then you would have been seen as someone who quit Uni.
ok. So...
I got a job literally shoveling shit with no credentials at all
I'm pretty sure CM is more difficult and stressful then dev as a role
speaking as a dev myself :p
Then I wanted a job putting food into boxes. I had to get a GED for that.
... I'm guessing Nick must be paid well considering the amount of LEGOs he assembles.
Then I wanted a job typing in code. I had to get yet another piece of paper for that.
Since then... Jobs have been based on what I did before I got the job.
even the DPO thing is less stressful then even only the public parts of CM work I see
@Shog9 well written!
Lesson is: if you want a job that doesn't involve literal feces, you have to have a piece of paper with words on it. What goes into getting that doesn't much matter.
maybe my perspective bias is showing but dealing with people seems to be a less straightforward thing then writing code
@Shog9 isn't that this job? :P
code doesn't complain and has no emotional needs
@canon figurative shit
My code complains all the time @Magisch
So figurative shit needs papers literal does not... good to know.
@Magisch people who want code have both attributes
idk though
I'm really surprised CMs make less then devs
dev seems like an infinitely more generic job
CM is not what you'd call a "well-defined role"
based on what I see you do on a daily basis, I'd not be upset if you'd make twice as much as me, given that I'm a dev
@Magisch programmers always earn more
considering that my code does not cuss me out or insult me on a regular basis
Well, teachers make a lot less than sports stars or Hollywood celebs... but that doesn't really mean you can compare them.
Think it's more of historical tradition than something that makes real sense.
@Catija might be perspective bias again, but I think developer is actually a really easy job for what you need to do with it
you're basicly solving logic puzzles with a couple rules all day
SE has to fight with some of the top companies in the world for great devs... most networks don't actually care about the quality of their community management, so SE can get great people at lower cost because there's not a lot of competition...
maybe I'm just shit at software dev
Or maybe you're amazing at it, which is why you undervalue it.
in CoGro Musings, Aug 19 '16 at 23:15, by Shog9
It is a job that should consist mostly of listening to the people using your software, but often ends up being a Benny Hill routine of alternately chasing and being chased by them.
the dev portion of my current job is just about the least demanding thing I can concieve of that I could be paid for
People who do things with ease tend to assume that everyone feels the same but, in reality, it's probably that they have a special ability making it easy and the people around them find it very difficult to perform at the same level.
hey, that's why I did dev work for about a decade. more time for sleeping and drinking
adhering to coding standards and documentation is more work then the actual logic
It's... really astounding the kind of shit you can get away with as a software dev
@ShadowWizard lol
this is a bit embarassing but sometimes I get assignments where they expect it to take a week but in reality I just bum around on stack for 3 days and then do the entire assignment before lunch on day 4 and spend another day and a half prettying it up unnecessarily to make it look like I'm actually working for my money
@Magisch y'ever read that "Dilbert" cartoon?
That's why I got out of dev work
maybe I'll install and read how to write a webapp for fun because I need some variety that isn't making reports for ERP systems
I was becoming Wally
You get to a point where you realize that everything expected of you takes maybe 3 hours a week, and you can bullshit through even that if you don't feel like doing it.
Thats also why I wanted to get into SE moderation so badly ... it's something work acceptable I can do at work that is also interesting
@Shog9 it is rather peculiar. Yet the employers think they're still getting a bargain
@Magisch because if they hire a consulting company they get billed for 10x the price for 10x less work
I know the entire spiel about nonlinear productivity but I can't help but think if I could motivate myself or be pressured into spending maybe 70% of my work week productively I could x10 my output
address parsing breaks my brain
makes me feel like a fraud most days
I'm literally doing almost nothing and still get positive reviews
screw your address... give me the lat/long/elevation of your door
I did that bit too. There was a point where my only opportunity for advancement was managing an offshore team. I had... Like a 1 hour window in which I could talk to them. They didn't know how to write code. Or read code. Or any time in which to do either one. I'd ask 'em to do something, and they'd come back with.. a very verbose nothing and lots of excuses.
They were very nice people, mind you
desperate, people
but nice
just... completely unable to do any amount of work
I went back to writing code for 3 hours a week and counting my employer lucky for getting even that
considering they were paying my salary to a consulting company for 3 programmers and getting a big fat nothing in return for it
I shed a lot of that attitude already but when I started my apprenticeship I got lots of pangs of guilt over spending a lot of time bumming around between assignments
but it's not healthy in the long run
constantly afraid about being discovered as the fraud I am
it's not good for humans to not be working
we're not built for idleness
thats why SE feels nice to contribute to
something you can pour energy into and do something with it on your own terms
can't think of another reason why I'm sometimes really aching to solve some rando's sql server query formatting issue #4432923444
Yeah, well "on your own terms" doesn't necessarily apply to Shog.
sure, but shog has a lot more interesting options in doing stuff
You assume that... have you asked?
I'd kill for access to some of these statistics and the DB to query and make things with
@Shog9 I once had the image of the mockup screen that was in the functional spec implemented by an offshore team. They literally hosted the image in a JSP page...
I know quite a bit about the background and mod workings
I could probably spend weeks just analyzing voting patterns for funsies
If there's anything I've started to learn in the last day... it's that what we assume the CMs do and what they actually do... isn't necessarily the same thing.
SEDE gave me just enough of a taste of it to really want to get into it
@Catija Had an interview?
@rene I once gave an off-shore team the code for implementing a small hover pop-up window. They ignored it and stole the code it was based on from CodeProject, stripped the comments, and sent it back to me. And it didn't do what I'd asked for, which would literally have required changing two lines in the code I'd sent them if they'd been willing to read the comments that I'd added.
oh boy ...
sounds like people who didn't even want to pretend to do their job
...you see how that becomes demoralizing? When the time it takes to send an email is greater than the time it would've taken to do it myself and it still ends up being my responsibility because the fuckwads that we hired don't know how to read code?
...that's why I quit programming. It's not a good place for people with limited amounts of patience.
So how do they get hired in the first place if they're incompetent?
the idealist in me wants to say go to the managers and show them and hope they do their jobs and get better contractors
@Magisch you got three levels of execs to drill through, and the top two don't care.
the realist in me wants to just do it myself and write off the contractors as dead weight
manage expectations and all that
@Catija off-shore is cheaper, in direct labor costs, That counts in the Excel sheet that is used to budget the project.
Competent is not a factor that fits in the Excel sheet
@Catija Read up on Cognizent or Infosys at some point. Essentially, these large consulting orgs work by selling the cheapest consultants to folks who pay to train them, then selling them again to slightly less cheap clients who pay to train them more, then finally sell them to discerning clients for the small window of time between them becoming competent and them quitting.
apropos excel. A big credit insurance company (think multibillion multinational) a acquaintance of mine works for uses a excel 2010 worksheet with a boatload of macros to track big industrial credit risks
If you're paying for crap and expecting gold, you might want to find someone named Rumpelstiltskin to try spinning it... you have a better chance of success.
It's a gold mine for extracting money from orgs who have no idea that there's any skill involved in any job and are willing to negotiate for the lowest price on warm bodies.
how do corps like that stay in business?
surely paying a boatload of cash for people to do nothing irks on the bottom line at some point?
If they don't know that they're "doing nothing"... what's there to complain about?
Governments are happy to gave a 60M euro overrun of an ICT project
the lack of actual things getting done
software products are tangible in that it is self evident if they fail to materialize
@Magisch Imagine you have a 100-year-old business. With thousands of clients, world-wide. A sales team that dwarfs small cities. And an insane cash flow...
@Shog9 mhm
You could actually be up front with your employer... do the work in three hours, make it look good, turn it in early and ask for something else to do... anyone in your position could...
...And by "you" I mean "a version of you who somehow got a CEO role in this org despite not having the slightest inkling of what it does or how it got there"
@Catija I tried that and got told "write docs and test it"
So how do you do what's best for you?
I fail to see the utility in continuing to document and test something for 37 hours that got fully and feature completly done in 3
You negotiate a compensation package based on stock price.
... Um... that's important stuff, from what I understand? Shouldn't you be doing that anyway?
yes, that's included in the 3 hours
you sell off all the wings of the company that exist only to support the core (money-making) org
Then show them the unit tests and the docs and say "already did it".
this works with managers who know what either of these things are
you fire or lay off all of the expensive people who know how to build the stuff that keeps up the company's reputation, or support those people
or can tell them from markov chain word documents
And then, when the next quarter's profits roll in... You retire with a massive nest egg based on all the money you "saved"
it's not too bad. I have support helpdesk work and the data protection stuff to sink time into now
Nevermind that you've now set the entire organization, hundreds of thousands of people, back at least a couple of decades
idk I don't value money over personal fulfillment that much
I couldn't be a CEO I don't care enough about getting boatloads of cash to put that kind of emotional work in
being malicious is stressful and not easy
There's no emotional work. There's just boatloads of cash.
You're able to stand up in front of those thousands and thousands of people, and talk to them as though they were nothing.
Depends on the CEO, I would think.
presumably you can't just say "Hello I have no idea about any of this anyway's i'll proceed to mess it all up fully well knowing"
And then retire on your massive pile of cash.
how do you overcome the massive guilt of knowing what you're doing?
rationalizing away being a jerk is also hard emotional work
You're able to take what once was a family-owned business and run it into the ground for your own gratification at the detriment of literally thousands of families and sleep at night.
it's easier and less painful to not act like a jerk
I'm lead to believe that the money helps... and some people just don't feel guilt.
I'm not sure getting a couple millions would be worth not being able to look at myself in the mirror anymore and knowing what I did
What am I gonna buy with that? More therapy?
But you feel guilt, have a conscience... that's sort of the point... lots of people don't.
Or they don't see the harm they're causing.
the american dream
I act like a jerk from time to time despite my best efforts not to but doing so with full intent seems to me to be a lot of work to fool my own conscience
@Shog9 I have seen that happen in person to many business in my industry.
If you have no conscience or consideration for others what is your point in even existing then? If you took that away there's not a whole lot that it's worth even working towards left
you're the one that worked hard to put yourself in that position, you deserve every penny
@Magisch Self gratification.
I'm sure I'm capable of extreme scumbaggery given the right motivation, but money doesn't seem to be it
the right motivation, that is
@TravisJ I got to watch it happen to three business that underpinned the town I was born in. One of which I happened to be working in at the time.
@Magisch And there may not ever be one for you. I don't think I could ever do that, either... but I've never been tested.
I didn't think I could willingly hurt people physically either until I broke someone's nose with full intent at age 12 :p
rename Magisch Ender
I felt bad about it later but not when I was doing it
Some people have things they want - money (and the things it buys/allows), renown/fame, love (or the semblance of it), "winning"...
@Shog9 Well, we're assuming the person isn't dead, though... I hope...
I'm actually magisch's ghost confirmed
living through my own personal purgatory
No, the person you punched...
or whatever you did to break their nose.
no he isn't, but he got expelled from school
@Shog9 - We (my company) worked on a shared site. They sold roses. They were bought by a consulting firm. The firm proceeded to then take deposits for an extra year in advance, lay off 70% of the employees, slowly distribute and sell their inventory, and then lay off the remaining 30% over the period of 18 months. The company had done the inaugural rose production for the white house for 50 years.
but tbh my intent at that time was to just punch with as much force and malice as I could think of
so there but for the grace of chance am I not a murderer
It is almost more prevalent in tech, where firms are bought, all general staff is laid off, any talent is attempted to be moved to the umbrella company, and all the IP is moved.
thats what firms want when acquiring startups
they want some of the talent and the IP
sometimes the only thing stopping you is that consequence slideshow flickering through your rage
or just to shut it down to prevent competition
@canon meh, I'm pretty sure I was seeing red at the time
emotionally unstable is probably an understatement
@Catija well... It's not like Magisch would know...
He wouldn't know if he did but he seems to know that he didn't... which is the same, for this example, I think.
The guy got expelled from school for what he said to me that led to me punching him
"I was told they were expelled..."
and I got no grief from his parents
But did you ever see him after the punch? Alive?
I'm also a massive wuss and pretty sure I couldn'T kill someone in a punch if I tried my best
yes as we were in the principals office
he had a bloody nose and was moaning about it being broken
I suppose he could have gotten a blood clot and died a week later.
I don't know 100% actually if it was broken
I probably would have heard about that, he didn't move afaik and it's a small town
... I'm starting to guess that you haven't actually read Ender's Game... You should consider it. It's an interesting book.
I didn't talk to him again after that though. Actually I'm still not sure if I could do that without yelling or getting aggressive
11 some years later
I did not
gonna add that to my list
It's like...a Bible for a bunch of geeks who excel in the art of missing the point
But it's also a fun story, if a bit dated now
I'm pretty adept at that myself
what is it about SE that efficiently dries out my cynicism that I carefully cultivated over years of internet
we're just so full of love and unicorns
...or maybe, uh, even more acerbic cynics?
maybe I just need a different kind of cynicism
almost disappointing disagreements here are so objective. It's easier to dismiss people when they're insulting you
here you gotta entertain the arguments and consider them
Heartbreaking: The Worst Person You Know Just Made A Great Point http://clckhl.co/cqCR190
@Magisch So consideration is based on entertainment?
@TravisJ no I mean. If someone makes a point respectfully and adhering to rules of etiquette and conversation ... you can't just dismiss it
You have to analyze it and consider its merits ("entertain it") and then come up with a conclusion
that's ... a lot more work and your opinions and stances change more frequently as a result
overall a good thing but also more work
it's way easier to just tell a long, distracting story
> these aren't the droids you're looking for
@Shog9 but also less fulfilling. If someone insults you you can dismiss them with all the righteous indignation and feel good about it
Think of yourself as so sophisticated and objective ...
@Magisch mmhmm, common courtesy, I like it
tell us a story @Shog9
last week in Lake Woebegon...
...a bunch of bachelor farmers got all riled about a sidebar
...that's not a very good story. Sorry, I'm distracted. Got like 4 bikers here right now, begging me for cinnamon rolls
you have an interesting life
I wish I had time for yeast breads.
the nice thing about yeast bread is that most of the time... you can be doing something else
It never fails. No matter what site/room I look at, if I'm hungry, some ......users will be talking about food:(
there's no food in js chat
Yeah, well... the nice thing about working from home is that you're right there for the 10 minutes you do actually have to do something.
Not all of us have that luxury!
I still hope you'll be the new cm @cat
HAHA. Thanks. :) Me too... then I can make more yeast breads. :P
Sorry I sort of ignored you earlier... I'm not really sure how much I can/should talk about it.
@Catija get hired already, dammit
@Catija I figured
Yeah, well... that mod newsletter sure makes it sound like I'm fighting against a lot of great candidates... so. :/
you are
you just need to be better :p
Hey... I went and started looking at MSO... that's got to say something.
... something other than "I really like Teams and want to help make it better"... which is true but...
✓ glutton for punishment
Those Teams patches are really awesome, by the way.
yeah... Now i gotta get a jean jacket
curse you, '80s!
Do they do that for all of the product launches?
Letterman jacket instead?
imma remake the "born in the usa" cover w/ a Teams patch instead of a hanky
Looks like a hat.
really? It's been a few years. Anyway, gonna be a Teams patch now
You're talking about this:
ah, yeah... I guess it is a hat
I want to buy a nice bottle of whisky/bourbon for Andy... any suggestions?
What type of whisky?
Nothing too peat-y
Only scotch has peat, so a non peated scotch?
I would suggest a 12 year glenlivet
18 year if you want a fancy one
Dunno? He's not super picky, I think, except for that. The stuff I have gotten a lot is Willett... It's lower ABV, I guess, and smooth. And has a cool bottle... but they don't usually actually have it in stock.
> Receiving a 90 from malt advocate and a gold medal from the san francisco world spirits competition this bourbon doesn’t disappoint. Very drinkable and smooth with notes of vanilla and creme brulee throughout. It has a long finish introducing flavors of maple and oak.
I don't really have any bourbon suggestions :( That one looks good though
He likes them both... he used to drink Macallan a lot, I think.
I would suggest trying to make sure that the bourbon is aged though
Macallan is lightly peated
It is good scotch, you could go that route too, especially if that is what he likes
It's such a struggle. :/ Thanks for the suggestions, though. :D
On a scale of 1-10, how nice were you thinking?
@Catija 291 rye is pretty good. Local distillery
Or stranahans from Denver
Wisers Very Old is a good Canadian blended
@Shog9 Single year aged whiskey is a serious drink
angel's envy is a pretty good value for bourbon
@TravisJ their unaged corn whiskey is amazing
@TravisJ Under $100 or so? Welcome home/father's day present.
@Shog9 I'm guessing they probably don't have it here... but if I have more time sometime, maybe I'll see if I can order it.
Are you in Houston?
I was going to suggest going to Vom Fass, but yours was closed :(
You could get a cat and have it wear a collar that says "In lieu of whisky, enjoy this companion"
@Magisch I wish. We'll need to wait for the house renovations to be done before we get a cat... and then we need to find one that Andy's not allergic to.
Non allergenic cats are hard to find. If you can stomach the hairless ones...
He wasn't allergic to the one we had before... it was from the pound. I have a vague recollection that cats have several different types of dander... or something... and people are often only allergic to one or two of the types, so you can find a cat with a different type... or something.
Hm, didn't know that.
... dunno if it is... just something I remember hearing... and... well, you know how reputable that is. :P
Got it, pure canon, the sole definition of truth, the pillar of which all other truth is built on.
:D Pretty much.
Refiner is freaking hard to get (Edit and answer 50 questions (both actions within 12 hours, answer score > 0).) That anyone made it to Illuminator (500) is ridiculous.
Does the order you edit matter? Half the time I edit the question after I answer it...
Order doesn't matter
Happy hour!
in four minutes.
Happy hour always coincides with me having to fight traffic for 90 minutes :(
:( Sorry. At least you're going home? I'm still at work for another hour.
It took me more than 90m to get to work today because there was a stopped train blocking all the RR crossings.
… which subsequently caused gridlock on the adjacent road.
The one good thing about my job... 15 minute commute... So, I may not be working at home but at least I'm not stuck in that. :/
90 metres to work is no distance...
Happy study hour!
@Catija You roll out of bed straight onto your computer??? :O
Huh? I don't follow.
15 minutes of commute, slightly exaggerated...
:-) :-) :-)
@Catija that you have gotten this far clearly shows you have some qualities they find useful in a cm. You can do it :)
@Catija (I work from home so my commute is rolling out of bed on top of my computer...)
@Fabby that sounds painful. I work sitting on a chair, not lying on a computer
@Fabby Oh. :) Yeah, I roll out of bed to my phone because SE pings.
@JourneymanGeek Erm... Actually...
@Catija :D :D :D
@JourneymanGeek I work lying down...
Nice thick carpet, pillow under my chest, computer in front of me...
Now that I think of it... I got approached by security in our Amsterdam Data Center because for half an hour, they could only see my feet through the security camera.
(the only way of installing a switch was to put it on the BOR because the TOR switch was full.)
crawling on top of the same rack half an hour earlier to dump 16 pairs of fiber cables down the top didn't help...
:D :D :D
I find a reasonable chair essential
I currently have a ikea one but I've been eyeing a secret labs
Meh... I've given up on most worldly posessions: a hol ein the ground with a tent on top, hot and cold water, an Internet connection >=16 Mbps and a decent laptop constitute my "bare essentials"
So... Leeta's accommodations with ulkesh?
@JourneymanGeek nice! I like it! secretlab.eu/products/titan
@JourneymanGeek :D >:-) :D
Energy-based lifeforms need little...
16Mbps is eeer, slow :-/
You did read what the other bare essentials are right?
And I'm talking about SDSL, not ADSL...
4 hours ago, by Shog9
OK! Brainstorm, y'all: what could go wrong with allowing post authors to flag comments on their own posts, regardless of rep
What kind of comments? The ephemeral kind?
I don't think there's a way to limit which kinds of comments... comments are comments, right?
@Shog9 I suspect little.
At worst people using flags for look at my posts
Or just flag everything

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