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I could grab the pitchforks and torches, if you guys would like.
@RyanM No, it just means "life", or "soul", or something like that, in Sanskrit.
@RyanM You might laugh, but its true :D
I probably need to be a little more careful with deadpan sarcasm on SO now that I've got a diamond...need a winky face or /s indicator.
Though I mostly do that in chat around people who are used to me anyway.
@RyanM Eh, yes and no
@Catija Occasionally accuses me of being a troll in disguise :D
But yeah, whatever you say has a little extra weight, and I don't mean the extra weight I gained over covid
@RyanM Having a diamond doesn't stop Cody :)
Well, yeah, in chat anyway. He seems to keep it rather light on-site.
@Spevacus I wouldn't say Cody's record of no one misinterpreting his snark is entirely unbroken, though neither is mine...
@RyanM FWIW - meta.stackexchange.com/questions/245822/… was as a newish mod on SU, and way before I became a MSE mod :D
Whew, nicely handled Mr. Geek.
@JourneymanGeek I'm certainly not opposed to writing long meta posts explaining things :-)
Well, in theory you can also do mod messages, as necessary :D
In the wise words of Machavity, "if someone wants to start something on Meta, I'm more than happy to finish it."
Lets be honest here, and I'm not tooting my own horn. "Finish" here is generally the equivalent of a bouncer shaking his head, picking up a belligerent drunk by the feet, and dumping them outside less than gently :D
Most mods have meta experience + an idea of the full events, even if we need to be careful over what we share
7 hours later…
@JourneymanGeek accuses, yeah. Definitely just accuses.
Pardon your French
Well I'd never
@DavidPostill now I was thinking of a fun way to reply to this, but then again your from England, so replying in English isn't as fun.
@Luuklag pfft
Mae govannen.
Hello, everypony
@Luuklag I did live in NL for a few years and speak a little basic Dutch ...
@tripleee gone
@DavidPostill Yeah we Dutchies aren't too great at learning foreigners Dutch, we always immediately switch to English
At least that's what I notice myself, and hear from others.
@Luuklag Yeah, that was my experience as well. Plus I also worked at a company where the common language was English as there were many native speakers from different countries working there.
did you change the color of the five icons in the right of the menu on SE sites?
it seems like they're brighter now than they used to be
@b_jonas Well - this happened, they're white, and no one's really happy with that
// ==UserScript==
// @name     Save My Eyes
// @namespace   EquestriaCraft
// @include     https://*.stackexchange.com/*
// @include     https://*.stackexchange.com/*
// @grant    GM_addStyle
// @run-at   document-start
// ==/UserScript==

GM_addStyle ( `
    .s-topbar .s-topbar--content .s-topbar--item
        filter: brightness(85%) !important;
` );
adjust @include and brightness percentages to your liking.
A: Can I dim the top bar?

SPArcheonThis is only a temporary workaround until they hopefully revert the change. Just use GreaseMonkey / ViolentMonkey or any other custom css tool you may have. Luckily, CSS offers a brightness filter that just seems made for issues like this one... // ==UserScript== // @name Save My Eyes // @inc...

leave a comment there if the fix breaks something else. I'll try to look at it
Just a quick question.
What's this font?
@JourneymanGeek Soon, on Law.SE.... "Can I sue StackExchange for causing pixel burn in on my new smartphone with their new topbar design?"
... closely followed by "Can I sue StackExchange for causing retina burn in with their new topbar design?" on MedicalSciences.SE
@SPArcheon More the latter tbh
BTW, any idea if that other mishap
22 hours ago, by SPArcheon
user image
can be also fixed with a two liner custom style?
@MarkGiraffe Le Monde Sans Std Extra Bold maybe
... almost....
It's.... doable....
but basically you have to add back everything they borked manually....
ended up with a 1.5k rows script....
@SPArcheon you know it can change again any moment? And render all those efforts as useless... :/
@M.A.R. it should show a sword being taken out of a forge. Never paid much attention to details. :D
@SPArcheon I tried something else myself, just removed the color line from the code, that made things darkblue, that's also pleasant.
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar yeah, but only if they change something on the main site too.
There is no way they would do something on the chat site specifically.
everything has to be a consequence of some update to the main site.
.... or maybe you are right and those "issues" are really made on purpose and disguised as side-effects of updated to the main site layout in order to force everyone out of the chat sites and finally be able to shut them down
@SPArcheon It doesn't really bother me, I just noticed the news.
@SPArcheon that's a decent theory, +1
@b_jonas what news?
opinion: should I roll back this one? Because ye know... there IS a purpose to make it evident that the script has been updated if someone else could be using it...
@SPArcheon yes and no, so to avoid conflict, I've added this as note, not "edit" message which Peter has a point saying is not needed.
Not every edit should be explained, but of course one can explain certain things in the post body, regardless of edits.
@SPArcheon LOL how you managed to do that?? :D
I'd say "I told you", as I always say userscripts cause exactly such horrible side effects, but I'm being nice so not saying.
back to coffee
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar Actually, I was hoping that someone would fall for it and run panicking to check the site.
@SPArcheon I did check, not in panic though since RtL is supported by SE.
but well, maybe someone is right, this year's Fool is "There's no April Fool"
@SPArcheon lol not me, and you just boasted with your new userscripts. ;)
@MetaAndrewT. nah Cat already confirmed there will be one, SO only though.
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar which as everyone knows is obviously the totally fun-loving community that will appreciate another "back to '80" style thing the most :P
or maybe... the top bar got reverted...
@SPArcheon blinking top bar would be better.
Here you go:
user image
Blur and loss of shape on purpose of course. :P
(not me being lazy with paint)
Wonder how many people will keep using SE after whole day with this. :D
Interesting, they keep adding status planned tags to the top bar bug reports, but keeping silent about it. Afraid of downvotes, or people like me with snarky comments, I guess.
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar If you want people to leave then just have an actual jumpscare playing randomly. Saddly, we can't put Shog in a Fazbear costume anymore, but maybe we can force Catija to wear a Vanny suit.
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar or they need to actually discuss and make the necessary changes
Some of the changes from yesterday are already fixed - such as the buttons on the mobile view. We just haven't updated the posts yet.
The scroll bar thing is actually (from what I understand) browser-specific and relates to what the browser does - they're trying to figure out how to force the scroll bar to show.
@SPArcheon You do realise we have a CM called Vanny right? :D
@JourneymanGeek I... had another Vanny in mind.
And while not being flayed has never been on the job description of SE, I think its a basic right of the worker to have their hide intact, and not be removed.
@JourneymanGeek fits perfectly, see also Punyon Beard.
You wear a beard, you can wear suit.
I am sure Punyon's Beard was never removed either
@JourneymanGeek and don't forget Abby, Jon, etc. Well, you didn't wear them but there were hats with trigger directly related to specfic CM's.
I only remember Hairboat's revenge
@JourneymanGeek it was revenge because previous year there was hat given if you left a comment under one of her posts, or something like that.
And probably Jon's idea? Not sure. And maybe I also got it wrong lol.
I don't remember TBH :D
1 hour later…
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar It should be a bouncing bar, with the five icons constantly shuffling around
meta.stackexchange.com/a/377614/622284 >:( Invisible usernames, now? Probably just this but still.
Hey there
Has anyone reported incorrect reputation summary in rep tab if I visit it to see new rep changes?
I.e., I thought I have 5 upvotes, but appears that only 4
@Spevacus Looks ok on Super User. Maybe he chose a white square on Meta?
looks ok on meta here
@b_jonas yes!!! "D
@Spevacus annoying people thinking they're smart/funny/both. They're none of those, they're just childish and annoying.
Because of such people there's the saying "That's why we can't have good things".
And if you look in the URL of the link/profile page, you'll see the unicode being used, can decode it if you want, I'm too lazy for that. ;)
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar Which has nothing to do with his profile image i.sstatic.net/OmfkE.png?s=256&g=1 which is a white square
@DavidPostill yeah this too.
@DavidPostill Yeah he's got a Meta SE specific profile that's all about having zero content, it looks like. White profile pic, zero-content username, zero-content about-me.
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar now I want cheap hotdogs
@Spevacus That's not against the rules though ...
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar "people like me with snarky comments" I'd love to see an actually savage snarky comment by you, but it's not in your nature. Try me.
@DavidPostill why would you link sup . . . OH I GET IT
Flags as spam
@DavidPostill Nah, it just makes it difficult to navigate to their profile in places where their avatar isn't displayed (clicking the avatar will take us to their profile) - And it also makes it difficult to @-mention them. Not really abusive or anything, just... Odd.
Q: Reputation tab in the "time" mode is ill - shows ghost votes

nicaelUnfortunately I have recently received some upvotes, which means that new bugz are uncovered... Either it's a new bug, or this is a duplicate report. I couldn't find anything related (though not banned in google). meh TL;DR: if there's a day, on which you receive upvotes on post, then you check r...

I will be very surprised if it's not a dupe
OMG WTH is the main site supposed to look like that?
I wasn't paying attention, but now this seems very attentionable
@nicael what is this, 2015
Hmm, works with a VPN. Some CDN or whatever being censored for being too American or whatever
@M.A.R. 2013!
54 messages moved to Chimney
is it still possible to hide communities? I remember such an option approx. 8 years ago
@nicael that's like, old
Well, lemme update you on how we do it these days.
There is no fun status tagging and puns.
No fooling around with spammers
No high fives with various Shog entities
No katspeek
No staying up after 9 P.M.
We now only have one mission in this chat: Rant about broken site features
Pick one member of staff as favorite and then leave backhanded comments against what the others are doing
Wait, no, that's 2019
Now we just sigh
sighs again
remembers nostalgic thing from 2016
2016 was the best year
im only aging since and no more
sigh aging sigh
Throws anti-aging cream into the room
If I use it, can I avoid turning 20?
@Mithical wait
Am I aging faster than you
@Tinkeringbell if I use it, can I avoid turning 10?
Are you?
Weren't you like a year younger than me?
@Mithical technically, on the internet you could ;)
@nicael Careful with that, or I'll have to report you for being underaged...
@M.A.R. I thought it was more than that.
I turn 20 in a few months, officially.
Still, like, 3 years?
Man you're a kid
20 seems so long ago XD
@M.A.R. No argument there...
Yiss, my wisdom is higher more than just the margin of error
sigh but aging
@M.A.R. You could also call it 'slowly dying' for added drama ;)
@Tinkeringbell I mean 100, sory, meta.stackexchange.com/a/239626
I don't die my hair
In Ma R, the hair dies you
@nicael Fun fact: The age field also didn't allow ages under 13.
@nicael Ah, now the rest of us here can all feel young again, thanks!
@Mithical I couldn't report that because I would get uno-reverse report otherwise
"oh, yeah, lemme just give you a reason to delete my account real quick"
@nicael are you gonna discover things one by one and post them on chat
I mean, sure, why not. Beats Smokey's sophistry
1 hour later…
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar They aren't on my team. :-). I was updating for my team.
@Philippe Perhaps something to put on an off-boarding to-do list somewhere?
@DavidPostill also not answering the question
3 messages moved to Chimney
that darn chimney keeps on smoking
btw, does anyone know what happened to stackoverflow.com/users/237838/andrew-barber?
I remember interacting with him around 2014-2015, but he has never visited a single stack since, neither posted in his twitter
he was arrested
yeah we don't talk about it
we don't talk about brunononono
I also found funny that nobody ever raised a question about him on stack overflow
@Mithical wat
well that's plausible
what's the point of search bar taking so much space?
@nicael What would you put there instead?
I think that anything except the search would be better, I do rarely use it, the google search looks to be better
I mean I do filter questions sometimes of course, but for that purpose there's a sidebar with my favorite tags
2 hours later…
@Mithical Wow, I've never even heard of that.
Is it the same Andrew Barber?
@forestdistrustsStackExchange If you want to find out more, you can search the SO chat archives.
Do note that the search box position has moved due to a known bug with the top bar.
@SonictheSaveUkraine-hog I don't care quite that much, although it is rather amusing that he'd do such a thing on Twitter in public. I'd have thought a programmer would be a little less... foolish?
Ah ok
Spam nonetheless
Is that really spam?
That’s a strange looking site and far from minimal reproduceable example
Maybe 🤔
It does look enough like spam that I reported it, but there's a tiny chance that it's not.
Ah well, I missed a screenshot with Wordpress panel
Bad question either way
You know, I'm going to retract my spam flag. OP even used proper tags.
So if it's spam, it's really well done and rather subtle as far as spam goes.
Imagine helping to design a spam site
Once we help, he posts actual plug
I don’t like the new text which came as replacement to “possible duplicate” by the way
I don't see any edits.
neither I like the new duplicate notice, it’s way too massive and holds too much info
@forestdistrustsStackExchange that was a joke

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