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I can only check for here
@forestdistrustsStackExchange Dec 2019
OK so I should be good.
unless you got suspended elsewhere
First and only time was on MSE.
Hey, if you run, good luck!
@JourneymanGeek What happens if no one nominates themselves for an election period?
I nominated myself, just in case.
If it weren't on such a slow and well-behaved site, I'd probably pass up the opportunity.
@forestdistrustsStackExchange If nobody nominates, a decision is typically made by the CMs on whether or not to extend the nomination period. If after that extension there are no candidates, the election is considered a failed election and is cancelled with no appointments, barring other unforeseen circumstances.
@Spevacus Ah. How many moderators are accepted in each election?
Typically the CMs chat with the current mods and discuss how many mods they need. Then the number of "positions available" (on the election page there should be a label for this, for Crypto this is 1 position) is set.
Sometimes, due to additional moderator demand, the runner(s) up will be called up after the election. This happened on Stack Overflow today, actually: meta.stackoverflow.com/q/416887/11171084
If there are no runners up, then I suppose the existing mods could request that the CMs schedule another election sooner than normal, but only if there's some assurance that it won't be a failed election.
@Spevacus The first extension is automated by the new election system. If there's not enough candidates, it gets extended without our intervention.
Hooray for automation!
We only call up runners up if that doesn't mean calling up the last person running - so if an election for three had four candidates, we'd not call the fourth person up.
3 hours later…
@forestdistrustsStackExchange hm, even then, I'd have some concerns :D
You wouldn't really want to disappear for a few months at a time (and that happens) and even on a less active/well behaved site, you probably want to spend at least 30 minutes a day
@JourneymanGeek I just travel a lot, but I can get on the Internet most of the time. I just usually don't.
Lol someone is now accusing me of being a pervert because I have an anime girl as an avatar.
@forestdistrustsStackExchange manga actually but guess only few know the difference, I'm not one of them. ;)
Well it's manga and anime. I watched the anime.
And yeah, users of InfoSec aren't really the type to like anime/manga.
So, they distrust the different, as all people.
Crypto, not Sec.SE. Info sec folks don't seem to mind. Fwiw it's our local troll who's making the accusation. :P
oh lol
Well crypto people are just cryptic. ;)
s/troll/person who gets in fights with everyone because all their answers are conspiracy theories/
@forestdistrustsStackExchange well, ignoring them is the best weapon...
I do admit anime can get a bad rap. It's not for everyone.
yeah, ignore and report :p
@forestdistrustsStackExchange I can bet it won't work in SO case, like I said before, way too many people, some very talented, really hate SO with all their heart, so it's a special case. And SO management should be well aware of that.
Same is true with a lot of projects. You may underestimate just how many people hate Linux devs!
And I mean viscerally hate.
Well not familiar with that, but Linux was open source from the very beginning.
Solaris wasn't, and it worked out fine. But then it went closed again because Oracle bought it and killed it. :(
Remember, someone did manage to hack themselves an admin account even without it being open. :P
@forestdistrustsStackExchange yeah, so imagine what could happen if it was open. The exploit that person found by chance (probably) would have been visible for everyone to see, and if blackhats saw it first, they could launch very massive attack, get like 100 admin accounts and use them in same time to, well, nuke SE out of orbit.
It's a Russian Roulette.
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar More realistically, it would have been caught by a whitehat and fixed via embargo.
@forestdistrustsStackExchange maybe. Maybe not. I don't want SE to take such risk.
There are more whitehats than blackhats out there. And I say that as a blackhat.
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar It's taking more of a risk remaining closed, statistically.
I'm not a big fan on SE, but don't want them to shut down either.
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar Remember too, a lot of the vital code SE runs is already open source.
Hell, a significant portion of Windows is actually open, surprisingly.
And let me put it this way. Like I said, I'm a blackhat. I can't speak for all of them, but I personally find it more difficult to find bugs in open source projects because all the low hanging fruit has been fixed, whereas a serious bug in a closed source project is often an hour's fuzz away.
Good points, but I still think it's a risk not worth taking.
The risk is in keeping it the way it is.
Not after all those years, at least. If it was open source from the beginning, it could be better indeed.
Oh, I think I get what you mean. Like the initial inrush of scrutiny?
@forestdistrustsStackExchange yeah
That's an issue if it's all released at once, or released in a very poor state. Based on the size of SE, I'd estimate that the maturity of the codebase is high enough that it would stand up to scrutiny pretty well. If components are open sourced over time, the risk is mitigated even further (which is often how it's done).
@forestdistrustsStackExchange I agree with this, yes. My objection is to make it all open source at once.
OK fair enough. :P
Anyway, is it common/normal to feel as if you're diving in water when you have a big sneeze?
goes to post question on Medical.SE
I don't know what it feels like to dive in water, so I have no idea.
I hate water.
@forestdistrustsStackExchange oh. Well hard to describe, it's pressure in the ears, and inside the head when you dive deep too fast.
(not in the ocean, my experience is swimming pools, max 2 meters.)
Well, a sneeze does result in a momentary spike in blood pressure.
And diving too fast probably does the same thing.
@forestdistrustsStackExchange oh this might explain it.
@Philippe hey, just curious, why didn't you update Anita and Lisa when updating the Community Team list? Or are they still working for SE and just somehow lost their staff label, i.e. a bug?
@Luuklag might just be a bug with staff label, you have other source telling they don't work for SE anymore?
Both of them still have About Me saying they work for SE.
Or didn't bother to edit
Deja vue
> The Community Strategy team (led by Philippe) consists of the team leads for each of the teams, as well as Nic, our data analyst, and Berthold, who is the main CM for Collectives on Stack Overflow, and looks after our liaison work with the product team (this is time spent consulting on tooling, new features, etc, and communicating them out to you, as well as collecting and sharing feedback to the product teams).
Is vaguely interesting
With emphasis on "vague"?
@forestdistrustsStackExchange lol
oh sorry, @Luuklag ignore my previous ping, at least Anita isn't working for SE anymore indeed, most likely Lisa too.
Now, I make it a hobby to try to work out what SE is doing
> Product Line ManagerProduct Line Manager
> Aura · Full-timeAura · Full-time
> Mar 2022 - Present · 1 mo
When it comes to people who aren't working here anymore, I think whatsherface's profile still says she works for SE.
so basically this means 1) Organic Data analytics capability in SE
At least she keeps her LinkedIn up to date...
So that vaguely covers some of what Shog was doing
Hope they didn't leave on bad terms.
"This message cannot be edited before reaching the server" woah
Never saw that error before.
Having a collectives CM is kinda hmm, but liason work also covers basically what Jon was doing at the back end of his time here
@forestdistrustsStackExchange huh? Which? Where?
also a cynic might say its badly needed
@forestdistrustsStackExchange happens if you edit 'too fast'
Tried to submit AJAX edit of a post with Official Post lock? @forest
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar I was editing a post and pressed submit, and that popped up.
Official Post lock?
@JourneymanGeek ah
@forestdistrustsStackExchange basically no one but staff can edit
Oh. Nah, I don't think SE has great security, but I don't think it's so bad that I could edit an official post just by bypassing client-side restrictions. :P
Oh. No the error happened here in chat.
Trying to edit normally gives "post is locked" but didn't try to bypass it and see the actual response from the server.
Oh. Lemme check that and see what the error response is.
watching @forest hack the lock
Lol if it's so insecure that the edit goes through, I'll be laughing all the way to my next suspension.
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar I still think its not a huge priority for most to edit their SE profiles, and its a very sticky thing unless there's a real risk of confusion
Interestingly, it seems to be a 404 error?
Where's the "fixed font" option?
@JourneymanGeek well it's fake info now. ;)
But meh, don't care enough to really do something, e.g. ask CM to edit/reset.
Think a CM did edit/reset Shog's profile, right?
Not a priority to edit profiles? Why not?
@forestdistrustsStackExchange not important enough
@forestdistrustsStackExchange oh if you're the person who left?
I mean... Almost all of us have edited profiles.
@forestdistrustsStackExchange huh, without text? So how the client side know it's locked?
@forestdistrustsStackExchange yeah lol ;)
@forestdistrustsStackExchange what do you mean? What context?
It's that which gives the 404. But I can't post the whole "show as curl" options.
curl 'https://meta.stackexchange.com/posts/376743/edit-inline?_=1648538910803' -H 'User-Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; rv:91.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/91.0' -H 'Accept: text/html, */*; q=0.01' -H 'Accept-Language: en-US,en;q=0.5'
--compressed -H 'Referer: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/376743/…; -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' -H 'Connection: keep-alive' -H 'Cookie: [REDACTED] -H 'Sec-Fetch-Dest: empty' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Mode: cors' -H 'Sec-Fetch-Site: same-origin' -H 'TE: trailers'
@forestdistrustsStackExchange oh, no, what I meant is directly sending POST request with the edit, bypassing any client side restrictions.
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar That is bypassing client side restrictions, at least to load the editor. I'll try bypassing that too.
It can be 404 to GET request but different for POST request.
It seems it sends the post twice, first to validate something?
@forestdistrustsStackExchange dunno, never saw it.
@forestdistrustsStackExchange yeah, might be, there's some sense in it. First check if the post is even valid, and if not, don't actually try to save it.
e.g. empty or too long post.
And then it gives some sort of UUID which is used in the URL of the POST.
E.g. meta.stackexchange.com/posts/376773/edit-submit/… for submitting the edit to some random question with -21.
hehe sounds like fun reverse engineering SE code. ;)
If only it was all open source.....
The stuff I'm looking at is open (it's the web stuff after all). I'm just crap at web stuff. :P
@forestdistrustsStackExchange well I just use jQuery via Chrome dev tools lol
Maybe it's x-request-guid: 2a24b46a-62ea-4e0f-ab80-4718a2ee079a.
Me too. Except Firefox here.
Haha the post request gave me 200 OK even though nothing went through.
Whoops, I think it logged me out.
That was weird.
@forestdistrustsStackExchange and one year suspension? ;)
Lol thankfully not.
If the thing auto-suspended me for an invalid POST request, I'd be pretty pissed, ngl.
aki ♦, 🇯🇵
1 2 4 7
How is this user a mod with 1 rep?
Mod on only one site, but also staff.
He's clearly written posts:
Q: 祝🌸スタック・オーバーフロー公開7周年をむかえ正式版へ

akiコミュニティのみなさんに大切なお知らせがあります。このたびスタック・オーバーフローはベータ版を晴れて卒業し、本日2021年12月16日より正式版として提供されることになりました。この卒業をみなさんにお伝えできることを本当に嬉しく思います。   今から7年前、スタック・オーバーフローはパブリックベータ版として公開されました。コミュニティがこのように成長し、質の高い有益なライブラリの作成を続けることができたのはなぜか。それはオンラインの向こう側で毎日コツコツと何らかのアクションをとってくださったプログラマーのみなさんの存在があったからです。今回の卒業はひとえにみなさんの日々の活動のおかげです...

@forestdistrustsStackExchange well there is your answer
@Luuklag Hm? Someone with multiple positive posts should have rep.
It's not like he's just staff and doesn't actually post.
@forestdistrustsStackExchange those are all meta posts
I keep forgetting meta doesn't award points. I'm too used to MSE.
@forestdistrustsStackExchange She
Given the current situation I don't expect April Fool to be a thing this year and maybe that is for the better.
@forestdistrustsStackExchange If memory serves, basically they got her to cover that site after Jmac (not @JNat) was downsized, and the whole experiment of having language specific CMs abandoned
But since this joke was made in another room... I will share it here too just in case I guessed right.
SE April Fool prevision: NTF on questions.
@JourneymanGeek Do keep up :)
A non-fungible token (NFT) is a non-interchangeable unit of data stored on a blockchain, a form of digital ledger, that can be sold and traded. Types of NFT data units may be associated with digital files such as photos, videos, and audio. Because each token is uniquely identifiable, NFTs differ from blockchain cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin. NFT ledgers claim to provide a public certificate of authenticity or proof of ownership, but the legal rights conveyed by an NFT can be uncertain. NFTs do not restrict the sharing or copying of the underlying digital files, do not necessarily convey the...
@DavidPostill I know what it is. Look closer :D
@SPArcheon count on SE to do it anyway.
@JourneymanGeek sell the right to own your question as NFT
Actually neat April Fools prank.
@JourneymanGeek of course, it's one titanic scam.
OK, made mockup to make it easier for SE. ;)
Did the font just change?!
@Tinkeringbell what font? Where?
Thé font, everywhere :P
Comments look different to me now, that's the most noticeable I think ;)
Maybe it's just extra whitespace though
Blegh. I only have 1 tab open so it's not like I can compare old and new tabs XD
Aaand nevermind... I accidentally zoomed. XD
@Tinkeringbell hehe
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar pretty sure they already made the whole thing, right @Catija?
@JourneymanGeek gone
@SPArcheon can always change.... ;)
Hello! I want to ask if you know that flowchart for posts like, if it reaches a particular score, it's on the low quality queue?
I saw it here in Meta before, and now it's gone. It exists, but only in my mind
@for-the-love-of-soupless huh?
You'll have to be more clear.... at least for my slow mind...
the flowchart for posts. say it was a first answer. then, it goes to the first answers queue.
i don't know how to describe it any further. just a good ol' flowchart
Yes, that's it! Thank you so much
no problem :)
hehe, only the legendary bluefeet could do such things.... :D
hmm. tinkering bell sent an image for the love of soupless.
Oh no, there isn't any love involved.
Also my username doesn't have whitespace :)
wait. you're right! forgot that one. also, it's incorrect since it should be for-the-love-of-soupless which is a noun
@Tinkeringbell last one for now. is there one for flagging? something like a tree diagram of some sort?
@Tinkeringbell could be worse, Tin kering bell.
@Tinkeringbell cold heart! ;)
(my favorite song these days, see avatar!)
@ShadowWizardSaysNoMoreWar Wooden heart. Perfect little Dutch song ;)
@for-the-love-of-soupless Don't think there is one for flagging, I found one for close-voting (which can be done through flags as well?)
A: Close reasons cheat sheet

jmacHere is an attempt at a flow chart discussed in chat here:

@Tinkeringbell I wish I had one
For flags, there's this post: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/89707/… but it doesn't have a graph/chart
Thanks for the posts!
@Tinkeringbell Thanks, though I can't vote to close posts though
i forgot, it should be yet
@SPArcheon Made what thing?
@Catija Since they seem to be sleeping.. the April Fools' joke ;-)
Ah. No, we specifically avoided doing an NFT joke. It... probably would have made a lot of people suuuuuuper angry.
But there is going to be a joke?!
Can't wait to see what is then. I hope for a return of the 90s design XD
There is. I think it'll be SO only again, unfortunately. :sigh:
I'll go make sure there's an angry MSE post at the ready then ;-)
@Catija or, like the copy&paste button, turns out to be something people would actually want... ;)
Should make MSE mod life slightly easier if April Fools' jokes are limited to SO though. Just migrate everything to MSO!
We don't want to sell NFTs.
In which case, having an April Fools' joke like NFTs that upsets lots of people... will be 'not my problem'... so I'd say keep it in mind for next year, SO only, at least ;-)
@Catija when every item will be sold for $1000000 things might be different.. and sadly that's what going to happen at this rate, lol. The world gone crazy.
3 hours later…
I just posted my first post comment(?) on Reddit and looks like I got 1 rep karma just by posting only
@MetaAndrewT. that is very welcoming ....
60 messages moved to Chimney
5 hours later…
@SonictheSaveUkraine-hog Whoops.

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