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00:00 - 19:0019:00 - 00:00

Welcome to the crowd. Here's your torch - flame not included.
when it's easier to read comments than the questions/answers themselves
(oh, wait, did i just doom comments to receive the same spacing)
䷝ ⋔
@JohnDvorak Scratches the torch against his butt like Tom & Jerry
I didn't have cognitive disability, now I have... I have trouble reading and understanding what is written... thank you SE.
Chat mini-challenge: define the difference between a dissociative identity disorder and regular player-character interaction in D&D
@ResistanceIsFutile It's not that bad. I swear it's not that bad.
@JohnDvorak One of them has Shyamalan movies about it and the other doesn't.
@M.A.R. keep repeating it... maybe it becomes true...
You lose track of his ideas when you find out how he tells if the devil is in the room
It is absolutely horrible for code
@ResistanceIsFutile Why do we have to sensationalize everything?
@ResistanceIsFutile That it is. You could've said this instead
@M.A.R. because it is 2020
Except in the USA, where it's 2020 instead
@JohnDvorak rather emphatically
In all fairness, the world has experienced a different 2020 than the USA
But don't let that stop the popcorn flow
to be fair, world is experiencing number of years quite differently
to outsider USA seems broken by design, I wonder why it didn't blew up sooner
@ResistanceIsFutile I think most places are. But most places lack a dimwit who turns his nation on each other
it's the same chaos that was always there, it's just the dirty little secrets are being proudly presented as good things now
don't know... I kind of have trouble imagining living country where some basic things like healthcare, education, payed sick leave... and similar stuff are not available (or not available to all)
@ResistanceIsFutile I live here and sometimes I have trouble imagining it as well
it's not as bad as it looks in the grand scheme of things.... for most people.
the state gov has more of an impact on your day to day than federal
and even there, city/county moreso than state
obviously those who are unable to get the help they need are at a major disadvantage
@user400654 what? This is not the impression I get from the news
For example, disproportionate penalties are given to black people more disproportionately in Republican states
This is what I've been led to believe
The Maison de Verre (French for House of Glass) was built from 1928 to 1932 in Paris, France. Constructed in the early modern style of architecture, the house's design emphasized three primary traits: honesty of materials, variable transparency of forms, and juxtaposition of "industrial" materials and fixtures with a more traditional style of home décor. The primary materials used were steel, glass, and glass block. Some of the notable "industrial" elements included rubberized floor tiles, bare steel beams, perforated metal sheet, heavy industrial light fixtures, and mechanical fixtures.The design...
@Rob Real honest building.
no, i think that is pretty much in... well, most states. there are few exception
some states recently have started getting better about it
but ultimately it's up to the states to make that happen
who gets elected POTUS doesn't really move the needle on that front, they can say whatever they want publicly but if the state doesn't support it... it's not gonna really do a whole lot
biggest thing they can do is raise/lower taxes
or regulate
@M.A.R. You may benefit from steel walls:
@Rob i read it backwards the first time
@Glorfindel Just letting you know, the recent changes to SE text styling broke your NSFW user script for viewing the contents of posts deleted as spam on the post itself. Can you please fix?
(To others: there's no NSFW content in that link, the name of that script is "NSFW")
sdc coffee ShadowWizardWearingMask
@Ollie brews a cup of Espresso for @ShadowWizardWearingMask
sdc tea
@Ollie brews a cup of jasmine tea for @Ollie
In light of my comment, "Does anyone know of any keyboard shortcuts to run a query in SEDE?": I found them - they're here: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/353558/…
Ctrl+Enter is always my first try :P
@ArtOfCode why didn't you tell me then? :P
Unless you saw it in my answer and didn't know beforehand, my apologies.
@Ollie because I didn't see you ask :P
A: Please revert the line-height change!

Aaron ShekeyI’ve split the difference between the original 1.3 line-height and the proposed 1.6 line-height. We’re now at 1.5, with additional refinements to spacing between elements. I’ve also reduced line height within code blocks back to near the original value.

Good call!
@ArtOfCode Why?
sdc tea Shadow
@Ollie brews a cup of darjeeling tea for @Shadow
sdc coffee Shadow
@Ollie brews a cup of jQuery for @Shadow
sdc tea Shadow
@Ollie brews a cup of green tea for @Shadow
sdc coffee Shadow
@Ollie brews a cup of Latte for @Shadow
sdc tea Shadow
@Ollie brews a cup of green tea for @Shadow
@Ollie brews a cup of jasmine tea for @Shadow
Going now
sdc tea Shadow
@Ollie brews a cup of jasmine tea for @Shadow
Whoa, how many gallons can Sha take?
He's upgraded his system from the last time I remember
Maybe added trunk capacity?
Clears the mind of the thought of imagining that
Unconsumed coffee is piling up Sha's desk. All but one will be cold come the time.
i need a new userscript extension
this one is a pain to use
Write a userscript to d... huh.
Here is one of the papers on which the w3 recommendations are based.
Note that it does not mention line spacing at all!
preferrably one that supports gists
using robo gist atm, it's good, but i have to manually create a regexp to match the urls i want it to affect.
This one doesn't either. Both of the papers only study font size and character spacing
> This SC does not dictate that authors must set all their content to the specified metrics. Rather, it specifies that an author's content has the ability to be set to those metrics without loss of content or functionality. The author requirement is both to not interfere with a user's ability to override the author settings, and to ensure that content thus modified does not break content
@DavidPostill There's at least one user with reading difficulties that admitted the new spacing was better for them in another. I dunno why we're fixating on this issue anyway. Is there a source for whether the previous line spacing was optimal for all users?
How can we know that people aren't being distracted by it because it's new and not because it's subpar (especially compared to the previous option)?
@M.A.R. And there is as least one (ex) user with reading difficulties who has said that the new spacing was worse for them.
People are now readily referring to the bigger spacing as "art". Something that looks good but might be indespensable for reasons of practicality. I don't see why that should automatically be the case.
@DavidPostill That reinforces my point: People are saying the new thing is bad or better, but humans have never been consistently scientific beings.
5 hours ago, by DavidPostill
> Stack Overflow has again made an optional design change that's hostile to the vision-impaired & quickly rejected complaints. They say it's for cognitive disability; to those of us w/vision disabilities they're saying "write client-side overrides for yourself, again". Inclusion!
That was Monica.
OK, it was Monica.
i mean... iunno.. this just all feels backwards
How many people have read 100 lines or more of text with the new spacing and compared for themselves whether reading was any easier?
major change that a lot of people will use userscripts to undo... for a smaller group... that coulda just used a userscript! :shrug:
I'm not advocating for huge line spacing. It did look a bit off, and most of it because of the darn font. But it's been hugely overblown that it makes text look like separate paragraphs etc etc.
The designers have said that W3 are specifying the requirement, but having looked at the W3 references cited in their guidelines line spacing is not mentioned. So where is it coming from?
@user400654 We can nevertheless optimize the site for the betterment of all. There's again the assumption that 1.3 was the best line spacing.
That's what A/B testing is for. SE just decided that W3 was right, without apparently bothering to check ...
I don't wanna make it sound like I have a strong opinion either way, and that's mostly because I lack the expertise to opine expertly. But what you're suggesting is any line spacing would have been bad. 1.4 would have been bad.
And almost everyone is working with that assumption. I wanna see the evidence for that.
no i absolutely agree that there's a lot of aversion to change here too
that if left alone, most people who dislike it would give up.
see the home page
@DavidPostill IIRC before they pulled any changes, they were asked something similar and responded with "it's too integral" or something like that, that testing wasn't feasible
@M.A.R. No I'm not. I'm saying it was changed because reasons which are not backed up.
I personally use the home page for my primary method of browsing. Fortunately SO keeps me logged in 100% of the time so i never need to see it
My personal experience, which I'd never cared enough about until this topic has been brought up, was that sometimes I confused the lines of a thoroughly verbose answer. They were too close for me. Granted, this was often when I'd already done a lot of reading.
@M.A.R. Yes, but now it has been changed it can be A/B tested (they already changed it once from 1.6 to 1.5)
@DavidPostill Well, we're trying to get past that. The 'meta' issues that led to disagreement aside, is bigger line spacing good, or bad?
@DavidPostill Shrug
another comment somehwat related to the research -> meta.stackexchange.com/questions/353525/…
@M.A.R. I've no idea whether it is better for users with cognitive disabilities. For me the change made it harder to read.
@user400654 Exactly in-line with my thoughts.
@DavidPostill And, with all due respect, you don't know that. :) Neither do I. You'd know it if you were given a certain amount of time of your choice to read 50 posts with one line spacing, and 50 with another. How well your eyes and brain would cope with what's on screen would be as scientific as we can get about this
We're subject to a huge variety of biases, esp. with something as subtle as this
am i missing something? this research consisted of 14 people with "low vision"?
From 2007, no less
The W3 on this is easy to find, so the problem extends outside of SE; at least as far as part of this conversation. To meet legal requirements there are certain standards to be met, that's why the change. My comment in the answer concerning the spacing provided a solution for Almost everyone and the information was easy to find: deque.com/blog/… google.com/search?q=W3%20disabilities%20%22line%20spacing%22
@Ollie thanks for alll the drinks! :D
that teal avatar seems popular today
Wait, drama?
Should I take the popcorn out the closet?
@user1306322 huh? Same person with different accounts?
um yea probably, definitely not caching or anything of sorts :p
css spritesheet is also always 100% correct and not bork
actually it could also be gravatar messing up and giving everyone the same avatar, who knows, so many parties could have failed at this point
it's hardly surprising these days
unrelatedly, shout out to random users who fix other people's old code blocks for extra whitespace and other obvious code beautification even on old af posts
when I had that much entrusiasm I also planned to do such cleanups but fizzled out due to SO fatigue
not all is bad
related to recent news, interestingly, chat seems to have line-height of 1.5 in a single message (space between single-line subsequent messages is different)
idk if they touched chat though, I can't immediately tell if there was a difference
I could immediately tell with normal post texts though
was there a link to the studies referred to, on which this recommendation was based on?
I wonder if it has anything to say about serifness of the fonts in addition to everything
and perhaps for special people like me who have an unnatural hatred for font aliasing, what it has to say about pixellated fonts
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