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> I ask a lot of excellent questions of all kinds,
the humbleness
@Mithical Yes.
And I am pretty sure they used a throwaway account to ask that.
They mentioned in that rant that they only used guest accounts because they're preserving privacy.
Pretty weird...
> this is actually the last place on the Internet I know about where it's technically possible to in any way communicate with intelligent human beings and (theoretically/sometimes) get answers to my many questions about this world.
These are all silly behaviors and assumptions.
Even insulting
Throwaways. shrug It'll probably get vote-deleted soon.
I am really biased now how to handle @PolyGeo's answer. I don't believe it's really helpful.
A: Add an immediately visible indication that a user is a staff member or an employee of SE

Sonic the Anonymous HedgehogFirst of all, here's my proposed markup for this. I think that this is lightweight (not taking up much space) compared to Spevacus's proposed markup, and is much easier to identify compared to the one proposed in user1306322's answer. It also helps better align with SE's brand guidelines. Here's ...

@SonictheAnonymousHedgehog what there a feature request for what you're talking about before?
if not, I think you should post that as a separate feature request
it could be a useful feature but idk if SE codebase is easy to modify to allow for it
He posted the feature request as an answer to the announcement of the Staff badge on profiles here
well… you shouldn't post feature requests as answers...
That was more of a feedback announcement, I think. Some of those were marked as status-completed.
Answers, that is.
I get that, but it still should have been its own actual feature request post
Absolutely agree.
otherwise it's like incorrect usage of the "bug tracker" :p
personally I think it makes sense to make it evident when a user made a comment while they were a moderator or staff at that point in time and have that symbol remain there for posterity
I just know this feature request will get lost in the dust if it's not posted as its own question
we don't really need this feature for work since if an employee is fired, they no longer have access to the Q&A site, but I'll put it in the to-do list for the public version
That's all worth a flush, yes.
@Mithical I'm more humble
@πάνταῥεῖ Is that like the hot thing these days?
I'm not sure if it makes it more fun, or less
Does anyone know since when that first bullet in the screenshot in this answer from Catija meta.stackexchange.com/a/307567/158100 was present?
@Magisch Good luck on your Workplace.SE election!
@rene The wording seems pretty familiar
thanks @Machavity
So I don't remember it as a bullet point, but it was at least somewhere
@Magisch Good luck on your Workplace.SE election! . . . even though I haven't even checked it
So maybe I should say it in German to make up for it.
voting has just started
Crap, when was the nomination phase
All the best!
@It'sOver It's not new. We always have seen that before.
It seems to be way more common recently
Hmm, not sure. Hard to gain solid data for such stuff specifically.
Anyone here hot on 'cheap' phones?
wondering if there's any reason to stay far away from the moto g7 power...
Well, put them to the microwave at 800 Watts for a few minutes, and see :P
I really liked my G5 play. When I had to buy out a relative's G6 play, I found it was incredibly crappy. That one is carrier locked, but kinda soured on Moto now
@djsmiley2kTMW There are 'cheap' phones with batteries that can keep them kicking for two months or what, and which you can use to make a call in the middle of a rainforest
hah i'm not quite that limited...
@Machavity see I've got a G5 (non-plus) and it's awesome
but wife is on a ~5 yr old Sammy S6....
So you're not "Lost"??
:D nope
@djsmiley2kTMW Only gripe I ever had with the G5 play was the fingerpint scanner was below the home button. Too easy to hit home when using it, and too easy to hit it accidentally in my pocket
G6 play moved it to the back below the camera. Was a smart move
I've never had that issue on the G5, interesting
wait, is there a home button on the back?
Fingerprint scanner
It has the Moto logo if you look at pics
but home button on the front?
It's at the bottom of the screen when it's on. So I'd open an app, try to use the scanner, and hit the little O that takes you back the home screen
Ah ok
@AndrasDeak Yes, the movie's directed by Jemaine Clement and Taika Waititi, starring them and a few others. I have yet to watch it.
@JAD Given the current state of air travel, the answer is clearly "all of it"
2 hours later…
@It'sOver You are ineligible to vote, otherwise you would have received a notification last week (for the 3 elections currently running); and 6 badges for participating.

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