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11:04 AM
oh right it's in the profile
Consumer of Worlds
Oh, you meant @djsmiley2k-CoW's name lol
yea, connoisseur of consumer products
@user1306322 Consumer of worlds
another satisfied customer :p
Live it? Consume it!
11:08 AM
@terdon-stopharmingMonica Wow... what filesystem is that?
Wait a sec... only 0m0.404s system time... that's not the filesystem's fault!
That looks like the fault of ls or wc parsing it. The getdents() takes less than half a second!
@terdon-stopharmingMonica still long enough that you generall don't want to put a million files in a single directory ;-)
Try time ls -f 1>/dev/null instead.
-f     do not sort, enable -aU, disable -ls --color
Though handling those kind of folders on the shell is still quite possible, but I don't know any graphical file browser that would make this not a real pain
or 70 million
Why do you need a graphical file browser? Previews?
11:12 AM
can't really preview torrent files, except for maybe file counts/sizes of target downloads
oh for torrents
Why would you need a graphical file manager for that at all? Just use bash or zsh.
for image hosting that's another thing entirely
I like zsh for the bulk file handling builtins, and because it's faster despite being more featured.
just, yea, I've been a windows person forever, I'm not gonna get into linuxes ever in my lifetime, I don't think
@TheforestofReinstateMonica I don't need one, though they are more convenient for some stuff. And I have made the mistake of opening a folder with tens of thousands or more files in a graphical file browser
11:14 AM
@user1306322 Maybe you should try it. Linux is fun. :P
at first I solved the problem by putting everything onto a ram drive, then also by zipping files together, then a friend took over and now it's not my problem anymore :D
nah I tried it a couple of times at work, it was not fun
What distro did you have to use?
Getting stuck with an aging CentOS server is a totally different experience from booting into a Mint PC.
some examples: googled up a hp/unix command, turns out it doesn't work on this particular version, you gotta use some other alternative, and then its arguments are also wacky because of its version...
codepage inconsistencies were a big headache
11:15 AM
that's not linux.
That's not even Linux! Everyone hates HP-UX. Erm, HP-SUX as most people call it.
ok then maybe not all is lost :D
I'm just glad I don't have to deal with that anymore
Yeah HP-UX is not fun. IRIX is a little more fun for the ancient *nix enthusiasts.
But you aren't alone if you don't like HP-UX. :P
@MadScientist oh, sure. But not so long as to make it really impractical. Especially since there's rarely any reason to actually list all files.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica yes. The slowest part will probably be actually printing the names out.
11:17 AM
@terdon-stopharmingMonica I mostly get bitten by accidentally triggering some auto-complete in such cases, when I'm not thinking before typing
$ time ls -f 1>/dev/null

real	0m0.464s
user	0m0.210s
sys	0m0.252s
@MadScientist yeah, that can be a pain.
Yep, so that's how long it takes the filesystem to list files. Much faster.
Plain old ls is pretty slow when it comes to gigantic directories.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica Of course. But that isn't really helpful since it doesn't represent what happens when you use it. That's why I let it pipe to wc, to get a more practical example.
Another thing I like for benchmarking is strace -e trace=getdents -T ls -f 1>/dev/null.
11:19 AM
If I remembered the syntax there.
SOmething like that. I never remember the details of strace.
I usually get everything and parse out what I don't need :)
I should remember, since I use it literally daily lol.
Oh, -e trace=getdents,getdents64 -T on a modern system.
I like that because I get to see exactly how long the target syscall takes.
Even if the act of being ptrace()ed slows it down a little.
It's looking too much like work in here...
This is what I do for work. Then when I get home, I do this some more. :D
You can't truly grok what you do for work if you don't do it for fun as well.
that's also how you reveal yourself through all these vpns and tors :p
11:27 AM
what is work-life balance?
sometimes you work for a game company and then you go home and work on a different game
@TheforestofReinstateMonica Sounds like the perfect recipe for overwork and burnout
also: don't work for any game company if you can help it lol
@user58 Only if you don't enjoy what you're doing.
I enjoy my work. I also enjoy not working.
11:28 AM
@user1306322 Knew a guy who worked for EA once. Apparently they way overuse macros.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica if you're doing any serious C programming, you need a lot of macros
for error handling and cross-platform support
Oh sure, but only if they're being used correctly.
Even for a large cross-platform project, whether a game, or glibc, can suffer from macro overuse.
Either way this is just second-hand. I've never worked for EA (thank god).
@user1306322 What, doing *nix and programming stuff at home? :P
@TheforestofReinstateMonica qa or actual development?
Actual development.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica if it's specific enough
11:31 AM
@user1306322 Thankfully, 90% of my work is done anonymously, since I like taking those dirty jobs for dirty people that no one else wants. They're a lot more fun (and can pay more).
So it's not like anyone will find me on LinkedIn based on what I say I like here. :P
I just don't enjoy most of the games that companies like EA produce
most of the things I like best in life are from smaller companies in general
"Ah so Jeff should of made a charity and tried to run the site as that?"

Jimmy Wales, the founder of Wikipedia, isn't super-rich, but still seems to be doing reasonably well. https://www.spearswms.com/jimmy-wales-net-worth/
I like shootemup games, which are all from smaller companies (e.g. CAVE games and Touhou).
Not that CAVE is tiny, but it's much smaller than EA!
@PekkasupportsGoFundMonica $1m is not that much for net worth.
More than most people, but $1m vanishes before you know what happened.
I don't know what must happen for a million bucks to just... oh
@PekkasupportsGoFundMonica *co-founder
he likes to take all the credit
11:36 AM
A lot of people think $1m is all you need to live life in luxury. It's not. It'll get you through hard times without needing to eat fast food to survive, but it won't be the good life. I'd say that starts at $20m.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica true, especially with three kids in the US where college isn't taxpayer funded, etc. But arguably there are much fatter monetization opportunities around Stack Overflow even if the core product were a nonprofit
@StopHarmingMonica Oh I had no idea!
You won't have any lambos with a mere $1m!
@PekkasupportsGoFundMonica Ads alone would be more than enough to pay for servers, sysadmins, and a skeleton crew of devs to help community devs along.
funny you say how fast food is something cheap
@TheforestofReinstateMonica True, but I don't think Jeff ever was the type to need one, or anything beyond having enough to live on a reasonably middle-class standard (well and loads of tech gear, lol). And Joel can have one if he wants, even without Stack Overflow doing well
@TheforestofReinstateMonica Yup
I've been hearing that for a long time but I actually don't know where it is cheaper than raw ingredients
11:38 AM
£2M is roughly what you need to sustain a small organisation indefinitely, though it of course depends on what they're doing.
@StopHarmingMonica My wet dream is some Silicon Valley billionaire setting up an endowment big enough to fund a skeleton crew virtually indefinitely
A proper investment fund of that size should be able to cover property and personnel fees.
@user1306322 Remember, a lot of people don't have the skills to make good food from scratch on top of going to college or supporting family. Sometimes a $1 meal with 900 kcal is really attractive.
@user1306322 ingredients aren't enough, you also need an equipped kitchen. Many people only have access to a communal fridge and a microwave.
just boil everything
or bake for 60 minutes on medium heat in an oven
11:42 AM
go freegan?
Looks delicious, doesn't it?
@StopHarmingMonica hmm, maybe 2 million is a bit on the low side for that though? Say it can harvest 5% annually. That won't reliably pay for much more than one competent developer, no?
@PekkasupportsGoFundMonica It's an investment, not the total funds for the rest of time.
That'd be enough to survive times of ads not bringing in enough money, or extra costs.
I've been trying to figure out recipes which wouldn't make me hate being in the kitchen, by removing dishes which require any vegetable peeling/scraping/cleaning and I basically eat noodles, rice and meats and for the rest of my healthy diet I buy salads at a local store after 8pm when it's 50% discounts
@TheforestofReinstateMonica as part of a business model with other reventue streams, it might work. True
also the prep amounts to "put in the oven/pot" and "return in 40 minutes"
11:44 AM
Ads are really the only thing that are needed for a site of this size.
For smaller sites, donations can also suffice.
I've run moderately popular sites entirely on donated money and even hardware.
You'd be amazed at who says "yeah I have a 400/400 symmetric unmetered connection you can use" if you say you need the help of the community to stay online and can't use regular hosting.
@TheforestofReinstateMonica SE isn't small anymore, they have hundreds of employees. This alone means expenses of millions per month.
yea I just feel like starting a clone just to "show em" how much free/cheap can get you, basically :p
@ShadowThePrincessWizard Yeah for the size of SE, you'd need ad revenue.
@ShadowThePrincessWizard what do all of them do though?
@TheforestofReinstateMonica or permanent investor with deep pockets
11:47 AM
@user1306322 If it's a serious endeavor, I can get you probably up to 1gbps + 16 core Xeon w/ 32 GiB RAM. Have one unused that may or may not be needed in the following months.
or, you know, an actual product to sell (teams etc.)
the core Q&A dedicated team can't be larger than 30 people
@user1306322 sales/marketing, mainly, I think
And 90% of the developers are dedicated to Teams/Channels/Whatever it's called these days. :)
of course, so if you account for the lack of those positions the payroll isn't that big
@user1306322 Even less if you let the community lead in the development and management.
Salary for one or two sysadmins, one developer, and datacenter costs is all you'd need.
Maybe an anti-DDoS CDN if it really matters.
11:49 AM
Typical headcounts IME are 1 developer to 2 managers to 4 sales/marketing
Which is a big problem.
Sales employees are cheap, because remuneration is usually commission/quota-based
I'm not the best to build high performance and low cost software like this would need to be. I can make things work 95% of the time, but it's not going to be done in the best way. So I'll support anyone who steps up who has those skills, with what I know how to do or with a couple extra bucks a month.
@user1306322 I'm in the same vein. I've done devops stuff for free, but with real life taking priority. Can't always measure uptime in 9s when I'm the one with the shell. :D
Also, my PHP sucks. And PHP in general sucks too.
lol why could you need php
11:54 AM
'd = would or did?
@TheforestofReinstateMonica That vastly depends on your expenses and situation
I can comfortably as in "the good life" live off of 15k€ or so a year. You can easily beat that in returns on 1m$
isn't SE using aspx/razor?
Oh maybe, but not all Q&A sites need to use M$ shit.
@mag Most styles people think of as "rich" as having very high expenses for life.
If you factor out his private jet warren buffet lives off of 30k or so a year
and lord knows he has the money to spend
To spend or not to spend...
11:57 AM
Really? Not on insurance for expensive cars and houses?
The annual insurance for his cars alone would probably exceed most people's annual income.
far as I know buffet lives in his own pretty small home and drives a modest car
Why insure if you can bear the replacement costs easily
@JAD You aren't going to own a Ferrari or Lamborghini without paying insurance through the ass.
I'm not no
I'm not Buffet either
aren't both of these brands limiting you with what you're allowed to do with the cars, like the deadmau5 case?
11:59 AM
Look at the if in my sentence. If you can bear the replacement costs easily, insurance isn't as necessary
Why would they limit what you can do with them? I don't know anything about deadmau5.
I have no experience with Ferrari, but I know they're both very powerful cars. They aren't just for looks.

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