@ArtOfCode No, the former was actually enabled on all sites except SO for a while, and the latter also applies to sites listed here. Additionally, to ask questions not about specific main-site posts on MSO, <5 rep users must be using Teams.
I actually spear-headed the request to have the former feature enabled on SO.
(there were concerns about disruption, but said concerns never materialized)
So on all sites except five, you have to have 5 rep to ask on meta without having posted on main first.
So in terms of needing to migrate meta -> main... still not likely. If you're posting on meta, you've more than likely posted on main first and know it's there and at least basically what it's for.
I couldn't be bothered, don't have time available, to look up the Meta but I'm pretty sure there's one about not translating NAAs (and spam) and fixing the post. It just bumps it and can invalidate flags, I thought my comment was helpful as it saves a half dozen people the trouble of translating it. Unfortunately it's fairly common for someone over 10K to edit junk.
@Rob True, completely replacing the original foreign-language text with a machine translation crosses the line IMO, since machine translations may not be accurate.
For future reference. From the Community Wiki on Meta: "Do posts have to be in English on Stack Exchange?", answer: "What should I do if someone else makes a post that is not in English? > If someone makes a non-English post on a site other than one in the above two lists, or in a language different from the site's accepted languages, first, check to see if it's spam.
A small portion of wrong-language posts are actually spam, so be sure to check for that.
If it's not spam, vote or flag to close it as "unclear what you're asking" if it's a question, or flag as "very low quality" if it's an answer.
Excuse me, what? My physical connection isn't supplied by either Google or Amazon. Not the copper wires my ISP pays for, and definitely not the WiFi router next to my TV.
@Rob Huh, there was a comment Robert Cartaino made on a per-site meta of some newly created site (don't remember which) that private betas generally last 3 weeks, with the possibility of launching one week early, or extending for some time. In the past, private betas used to last one week, but it was later extended.
You'll want to hunt through that to find the most recent answer, there's a lot of exceptions too. I'm sticking with what I said, 3 weeks is as much a guess as 2.
@Tinkeringbell I assume you're at home, stocked up on food and waiting for the severe weather to pass? I can report from the Rotterdam area what you're up for ... there is no snow here ... it is not even raining ... nothing ... I'm pretty sure this Code Geel will be laughed at by @bart ...
@ɪBᴜɢ Welcome to Meta Stack Exchange! This site is for discussions, bug reports, and feature requests *about* the Stack Exchange network of Q&A sites; unfortunately, we have to mark this question as "off-topic" for this site. Please post your question on the [correct site](https://stackexchange.com/sites), and check to make sure your question is on-topic for the site you've chosen.
"We'll use IPs and google analytics to find out which companies visited your website, and then automatically collect XING et al contact info for them, so you can contact them directly for marketing"
@rene Quote the scrum master: Something is only really done if it's live in Prod. Which is okay, were it not that for that to happen, we're dependent on someone to actually put it on Prod, and those people are now being difficult. Also, I'm being frustrated by slow reviews, only a single release per day (night) to Test (meaning I could fix something in 10 minutes, have it reviewed and merged in 5 and we spent the rest of the day 'waiting' until it can get actually tested).... Yeah, awesome :(
We've suggested soooooo many times to separate the building from the testing from the going live, just to make stories smaller (does that sound Agile? :P) and to not have a single huge story that needs 5 different people to even consider calling it finished
Also, that way I could actually 'measure' my velocity. But we're going lunching ;)
Should put big red blinking message on top of the wizard: "***DO NOT TRUST THE WIZARD****". ;)
But seriously, question wizard leading people to MSE to ask programming questions is the worst thing that can ever be, causing frustration to everyone.
@ShadowWizard I'm getting it. What do you want to know?
@Magisch Define structure. Sprint planning is at 1, it's now 12:40. This morning my scrum master mentioned putting me in yet another team (perhaps). So.... Insecurity, anyone?
@EKons I have no opinion about that. SE is free to implement it on whatever way they seem fit. I personally feel I'm not in a position to demand or suggest implementation to devs that are capable of delivering reasonable working software. They don't need our 'advice" specially if the implementation is a blackbox for us.
@Tinkeringbell Ugghh. yeah, let's remove the critical opinions so we can proceed with the process that is proven to be not working ... someone needs to be replaced, but it is not you ... :( shakes petals
@ShadowWizard Oh, we discussed that yesterday. The question wizard asks you to make a choice, then links you to the help-center of a specific site (say Super User). From there, it's only two clicks to MSE (e.g. the article on deleted posts, and then to the faq on community user)
There is no direct link to MSE in there, but it's still quite easy to get there via the help-center
@PetterFriberg nothing is black and white. That's what Shog's been trying to say. We need to use our brains to think things through. We're giving people examples. Passing things that can be handled by the community over to mods is not a good idea at all. NAA and Low qual flags bump posts into the review queues where they can also be deleted. A rude/abusive flag prevents a new user from posting again from that IP. It spam hobbles them and frankly, that's a good thing when people are here for fun and games only and not serious at all. — Yvette Colomb ♦4 hours ago
Even cows? I'm pretty sure cows can be black and white
@FreezePhoenix I assume you think that the show is just an happy and cute anime about random girls being turned into Magical Girls by a lovable plush-like creature from another dimension
Please notice that the first episode DOES NOT use said ending theme. Instead, a fake ending is used, still attempting to lure the watcher in a wrong idea about the show...
so basically you go like this:
First episode: this is just another magical girls show
Second episode: this is a magical girls show but the enemies/setting seems more interesting than the average magical girls show
The second paragraph of the Plot section is probably what Derpy is referring to. Another possibility is that they'll dress you up and parade you through the town.
still pretty dark from what I get, but at least in that case the girls where somehow informed about the situation (which doesn't mean they really get much options, just that they knew about the mess they were dropped into)
@JourneymanGeek yellow ... There's also orange and you only need to start worrying at red: that's windspeeds that'll damage your kite or an Elfstedentocht :P
@Magisch 'sprint planning'.. makes me really want to migrate though :P