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Sadly, that scene backfired horrendously. Someone thought that "Derpy" was her official name, and since "derpy" can also be used as a pretty offensive way to describe "people with mental disabilities" .... you can guess how that ended.
I didn't watch that clip but was she referred to as Derpy?
@forest the show NEVER used the name Derpy.
that is why the few toys of her usually are unlabeled.
even in the credits, she is now called "muffin"
Talk about overreacting :D
who? the smart ones who started the accusations or Hasbro never using that name?
In Hasbro case, they were practically forced into that.
The people freaking out over the name.
Even if they did call them derpy, so what? Dumb characters are a trope.
what can I say... people need to flame someone.
Seems like it...
Characters like Patrick can be far more "offensive" at times but I guess it was easier to blame Hasbro.
Back then, they even had to pull the episode off the ios store for a while.
sad story.
I hope the MLP community isn't usually such special snowflakes.
@forest who said that it was the MLP community that protested???
Well it wasn't the kids who watch the show.
Isn't it only watched by MLP community and kids?
Oh, parents?
the MLP community actually loves Derpy and that is because she is different.
@forest probably.
Makes sense
I'm amazed how sensitive people are nowadays.
You don't know what a mob of random parents in "Sacred Inquisition" mode can do.
Back when other kids' cartoons were airing, this never happened.
and MLP got away easily. Sailor Uranus being turned in a MAN in some countries wasn't so lucky.
Yeah that's freaking weird.
That's when the studio freaked out about lesbians and wanted to erase that?
@forest exactly.
anyway, as for the muffin thing, the fandom always associated Derpy with muffins (because she is seeing eating one in an episode and since in MLP cupcakes are far more common than muffins, some fans turned that in a character trait)
And since the show writers wanted to keep her, that basically turned into her "codename"
To be clear: never did the show originally stated that she liked muffins or that she worked as a mail delivery pony.
Those were things the community made up to give her a background.
Yet, in episode 100, while still not calling her Derpy, you have this scene.
( ^ which also proves that Derpy is probably JNat sister.... :P )
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in answer, potentially bad keyword in answer (81): Recover data from formatted SD card by captainfrey on superuser.com
@forest as for this last thing, you would probably be surprised by some of this "for kids only" show episodes.
How so?
By chance, ever heard of the short dystopian story called "Harrison Bergeron"?
Special snowflakes taken to the max. :P
> In the year 2081, the 211th, 212th, and 213th amendments to the Constitution dictate that all Americans are fully equal and not allowed to be smarter, better-looking, or more physically able than anyone else. The Handicapper General's agents enforce the equality laws, forcing citizens to wear "handicaps": masks for those who are too beautiful, loud radios that disrupt thoughts inside the ears of intelligent people, and heavy weights for the strong or athletic.
Yeah I read it. It's what some people actually think would be utopia, now...
well, then watch the MLP season 5 premiere...
and then tell them if that doesn't remind you anything.
It is difficult to find a good 'Derpy cupcake' image, most of the search results are muffins; here's another suggestion (with pretty good cupcakes):
Can't do YouTube, internet is way too slow.
this is just a clip. Quick explanation: they are in a prison, with a speaker that constantly goes like "embrace equality, give up your individuality"
you will also notice that the "symbols" on the pony flanks are replaced with "=" signs
In the show, the cutie mark - the symbol on the pony flank - is the essence of their personality.
Losing it equals losing who you are. And not just metaphorically - you actually become impaired and can't do anything you used to be able to.
again, reminds you anything?
No that one doesn't. Though I am imagining a tramp stamp...
the equality sign on the pony flank works exactly like the "handicaps" in Harrison Bergeron.
oh, sorry, you had too much magic. Now it is gone, enjoy.
the whole episode is about an "utopia" small village that gave up individuality in order to embrace equality, pretending that if everyone is the same, everyone would be happy.
problem is that they are just pretending to be happy.
and from the start it is pretty clear that the whole village is scared to talk because that would mean prison.
it is also the episode that features this somehow scary song lines
> Life is a joy in Our Town
We're all equal here
No one is superior And no one shakes in fear
In Our Town, in Our Town
We work as a team
You can't have a nightmare If you never dream
oh wow
so, don't expect anything at the level of Assassination Classroom or Death Note gray morality discussion...
but also keep in mind that MLP Friendship is Magic is not a didactic thing like Dora
Huh, I always assumed it was.
so if you expected something "Oh, no, we lost our rope! Kids watching, can anyone help us? Where is the rope?" thing... you are wrong.
I only think of border crossing memes when I think of that show.
It was never a part of my childhood and Robot Chicken corrupted me.
The only thing I know about Dora from a meme I saw is that apparently the show writers think you can reach Paris on a cruise ship.
And that should be a "learning stuff" show.
btw, I think that we scared away all the other users with all this talking about candy colored ponies.
which also means I can safely continue since no one is here to protest.
@Derpy I'd protest, but I'm busy doing other stuff anyways so ;)
@Derpy I think they stumbled into a plotline that some people of all ages enjoyed and then just went with it
@forest Anyway, know that while the show can do very weird thing that you wouldn't expect from a kid show... the comics apparently never planned to be "for kids"
^ unless this qualifies as "for kids"
If kids can handle Bambi and The Lion King, they can handle anything.
who writes a non kids comic about anthrophomorphic cutesy art style ponies?
I mean not judging but my hunch was it was definitely first and foremost concieved to be for kids in the lower ages
@Derpy Why wouldn't it?
@forest Not all kids can handle The Lion King!
It's like an initiate rite.
If you don't cry from The Lion King or Bambi, you will never get your adult license.
You'll be stuck a kid forever.
I mean I played Diablo 2: Lord of destruction at 9 years so I'm not a basis for comparison but that looks child safe to me
@Mithrandir the picture should already give you the vibes, but it is perfectly understandable that you still wonder.
Let's just say that the foes in that story are really close to what I would expect the Grue from Zork to look like.
You are likely to get eaten by a grue^Wpony.
Hey, chat.SO is crapping out and tavern barely loaded beyond the splash screen
Anybody else see this?
Happens on two unrelated Hungarian IPs
not really
Who do I ping :P
@AndrasDeak Nope. Check your internet signal?
Slightly worried that partial chat craps may go unnoticed
@Mithrandir wired laptop @ uni vs mobile data from mobile, both broadband
If I had twitter I could raise an official support request...
since she is busy at the moment, I will do the honors...
A parrody!
ROs: is it bad form to ping Adam about this to see if he knows anything?
I wont stop you, but use within reason
OK, thanks
@AdamLear sorry for the ping but I think the contact-us form would be too slow. Chat is crapping out for me all over the network: chat.SO, chat.SE and chat.MSE all have intermittent (or non-existent) page loads, rooms on chat.SO don't fully load. Others don't see it; I see it both from Hungarian university ethernet and Hungarian mobile data, laptop and mobile both. Everything else (including SO, SE, MSE main) loads instantly. Are you aware of the issue?
I'm worried that partial outages on chat.* might go unnoticed for longer, which is why I'm badgering you. Thank you!
@AndrasDeak ironically.... Twitter works well for this
hey journey!
Also try ping/traceroute/pathping
It could be routing issues
how's ash?
Amusingly I am having trouble on my unlimited connect
has he lost some weight?
I'm going to be taking care of him 2 weeks fully so I am hoping to get his weight down
Naw. He is a bit tubby
@Magisch still trying to ketchup.
@Magisch I know, I was just trying to pull of the Ash Ketchup joke again.
btw, I hope that the dog doesn't ever get to see an episode of the Pokemon show.
Intermittent page load here I come \o/
@JourneymanGeek tell me about it :'(
@AndrasDeak which uni?
btw hiya everyone \o
Heya :) BME. Also my mobile data. Completely unrelated
@Derpy naw. He likes documentaries
Which mobile operator?
It's perfectly fine from UPC/Digi business links, and from Telenor mobile too
But right now mobile is loading...
@AndrasDeak funny thing is I am having problems with an mvno, but not the isp they leech off of
@JourneymanGeek would be sad to discover you share your name with that character. Poor Red, the animated show turned him into a total fool.
OK, ethernet is loading too on chat.SO, still crapping on chat.MSE :D
Ethernet is loading on internet? That's something new :p
LAN over WAN (C) @AndrasDeak
Maybe you just discovered the term VPN :p
I mean via uni ethernet :P
chat message search takes 4-5x as long as usual here
reloading chat windows same
the two cases I have are 1. laptop plugged into uni wired, 2. mobile on mobile data plan
both were crapping out in parallel, with slow/timed out page loads, and chatrooms stuck at the loading screen at best
I have no Voda link here so can't test
I'm absolutely sure it's not an issue on my side
both stopped working at the same time
did you check the network tab on your browser?
to see if it holds some actual data
what do I check there?
to see which calls are timeouting or so
oh you mean dev tools?
nope, don't know how to read any of that
if nothing is working we can still blame @bhargavrao and @nickcraver
but page loads were stuck at the "TLS handshake to chat.*.com" stage
if the issue comes back I'll check the network tab
What a typo Nick Craver -> Nick Cracker
@Derpy oh. Ash was an Ashley.
I probably do too much pentesting these days :D
But we thought the name was too girly
... the poor dog was named after her....
a wild @BhargavRao appears
@kayess wait, why blame me? oO
and now is named after the Pokemon giveaway trainer.
@BhargavRao sounded like a plan :p
and the issue came back and I didn't see anything in the network tab
Don't be surprised if one day she discovers this and bites your finger.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Potentially bad keyword in answer, username similar to website in answer (54): can you tell me how to sell a car in duai by Car Wise on mechanics.SE
@kayess damn ... notes this act of kayess in notebook
@BhargavRao long time no see!
@BhargavRao gosh I'm doomed
hiya @Mag \o
hi @kay
@AndrasDeak I have tried refreshing a couple of times but no sign of any errors like yours, the only "weirdness" I notice is that *.stackexchange.com loads via HTTP/1.1 while all others are HTTP/2.0... might be totally unrelated
@Magisch hiya \o
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Manually reported question (93): can you tell me how to sell a car in duai by ahmed on mechanics.SE
@kayess thanks :)
The issues come even without reloading: the connection seems to drop and I get the "check your network connection" banner up top. Messages might bounce back a bit before that.
Fun and merriment over at politics.SE
@Magisch Link link link!
look for it yourself, it's on meta.politics.se
> Catch 22: anyone can hate flames wars on the internet , but if you are discussing politics over internet you don't hate flame wars
@Derpy *he
so, wait ...
travel.stackexchange.com/questions/129950/… ... I don't get it. You apparently always book a ticked from A-B, even if C is halfway and you will board at C? Strange...
the dog called "Ashley" is male? Ok, now it makes a little more sense...
@AndrasDeak chat.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/48455648#48455648 People have been experiencing errors on chat.stackexchange
The previous owners thought he was a girl and named him Ashley. Upon JMG gaining possession of the dog, he discovered that the dog was, in fact, male, and from then on the dog was simply "Ash".
If I'm remembering this right.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in link text in body (66): Lightweight Laptops in India by victor thomos on 3dprinting.SE
@Mithrandir I heard that happen to pets like guinea pigs, but not to dogs yet.
@Derpy It took me a lot of years to realize how bad most of the educational pop science books written for children are. I liked them as a child. We didn't yet have many educational TV shows yet, and was lucky enough not to have met the educational video games, presumably because they're hard to translate.
@Derpy It's a pity that a Phineas and Ferb episode from the later season, from when they started to make some really terrible episodes, depicts Ducky Momo as one of those "educational" shows. I think I should just ignore that and stick to earlier canon when Ducky Momo was a good series.
@b_jonas thanks, I'll try to read that link whenever my connection allows
@Derpy Didn't MLP also suffer from that? Some main characters changed gender in some dubbings I think.
@b_jonas oh, that would be to good if it was true. Any clue where to look ?
I mean, did any of those smart censor guys notice that mares and colts are clearly distinguishable anyway since they have different flash puppets body models?
@b_jonas I don't see errors on that link, only missing messages which happens often
@andmyself is you chat connection breaking up?
yes, Chat and API (cannot connect to app)
@Derpy Meh, there are many Hasbro-original figurines that use a different name from the show, so it's not like the name matters too much. It helps a bit when the figurine is so unrecognizable that the name can settle which of multiple similar characters they meant.
I've been the only one with that issue so far
connection problems all over chat.SO, chat.SE, chat.MSE
@Derpy Let me try to find that. And that may be obvious now, but probably not so when they started to work on the first half of S1.
same... couldn't connect to chat, but didn't see any report on StackStatus or anything...
I thought my ISP suddenly blocked Chat for whatever reason
@AndrasDeak Yes, missing messages only.
@andmyself I see issues from two independent networks, so probably not your ISP
@b_jonas that might be unrelated, thanks anyway
@Derpy Hmm, I may be misremembering that, it apparently happened less often than I thought. It's more just that sometimes male actors dub female characters or backwards, but then, that already happens to Spike in the original or something; plus that the episodes don't always specify genders and the fans watching it guess wrong about them, no wonder, they aren't wearing clothing and hairstyles in a fashion recognizable to use.
@Derpy However, mlp.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Friendship_is_Magic/… says "Serbian (Minimax) => Steven Magnet is a female in Friendship is Magic, part 2, but male in Slice of Life."
so... what did I miss... scrolling back...
"Serbian (Mini) => In some episodes in the Mini dub, Angel Bunny is referred to as a female and called Anđela."
@andmyself for what it's worth I pinged Adam so if the problem comes back (as it's come back already once) the powers that be will eventually learn about the problem
mlp.wikia.com/wiki/My_Little_Pony_Friendship_is_Magic/… goes into lots more detail than you want to know, at least about the earlier seasons.
@AndrasDeak thanks, appreciated it
I don't much care about the MLP dubbings so I probably just remembered wrong.
> We are encouraged to support our answer with facts and reliable references. The United Stated White House government, running the world strongest economy in the world is a reliable reference.

> Neither the other party or the media have the rights to speak for the country. They don't represent the country, the Trump administration does. Trump's views == US's views.
Interesting opinion
hehe, I wasn't going to bring that discussion here, but I was going to note that a guy who fits in an "I'm with ^ stupid" shirt doesn't exactly sound like a reliable source
@b_jonas ok, yep I kinda knew about Steven. Forgot about him since he isn't a pony so they were able to hide the change more easily
@b_jonas square head VS round head.
@b_jonas the "never say Derpy" thing seem pretty intentional, especially when you consider that the name is usually avoided even on figures that have her eyes clearly displayed with strabismus
@Derpy You see square head versus round head, but it's not clear for a while that that's related to gender. And most of the main characters of S1 are female too, with the exception of Big Mac, who has a rare body shape that nobody else in S1 has.
@Derpy Sure.
Oh, and Spike is male too, but he's a baby dragon, so that's not very helpful either.
Well, a baby dragon back then.
It gets a bit clearer by the second half of S1... I'm not sure how much delay there was when they started the dubbing.
Prince Blueblood and Uncle Orange are clearly male.
Hoity Toity and Twist and Snip and Snails speak in S1, but I'm not sure if we learn their gender. Maybe people who carefully read all the dialog, like translators, would.
I always assumed that Snip and Snails were a reference to the power rangers duo...
@Derpy Oh yeah, Snips and Snails are both male and have round heads.
And Twist is female, sorry.
you know... Bulk and Skull
@forest FWIW, I do this somewhat regularly (maybe a couple of times a year) and nobody has ever gotten annoyed at me for it. I've seen other users do the same thing, and think I've seen it being recommended on Meta in the past although couldn't track down the posts in <15 seconds of Googling
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Pattern-matching website in answer (80): Headphones for big head? by Clicker on hardwarerecs.SE
and now for something different...
Considering how real Tokyo looks at night... and even taking in account that you probably are in a more "periferic" city...
@Derpy "Isolated"?
I don't consider it isolated. It's merely the biggest.
@Derpy Rainbow literally says "careful, Derpy" in the fourth second of that video. How is that not Hasbro?
@Derpy ... show them Madoka Magica and Made in Abyss :)
@AndrasDeak ok, sorry, it was some faulty explanation on my part.
OK, I just didn't understand
The full story is actually a little more complicated than that, but you are right.
I should mention it for correctness
@Derpy Yeah, it's so complicated I don't even try to follow it. The "Derpy" name got removed from one episode; mentioned in merchadise or communications by Hasbro; she's sometimes called "Dinky" though I must be missing some English knowledge about how that's an improvement over "Derpy"; she's also called "Muffins" but never "Bubbles" apparently.
you see: that specific scene had to be redubbed.
Even mlp.wikia.com/wiki/Derpy can't explain the whole thing, it's so complicated.
no wonder it makes her eyes cross in confusion
@AndrasDeak basically.. the one I linked is the original version, the one when Dash uses the fandom-given name.
that as I said caused a lot of dramma.
so they went as far as to EDIT the scene
Oh, and starting from S6, the animators tried to do a lot of crazy faces in random scenes, really overdoing it, so now Derpy isn't the only pony who has cross eyes.
the voice was altered to sound more natural and more girly, the animation was changed to make her look less clumsy and the name removed
when once Hasbro isn't trying to be a jerk to the fandom
@Derpy Voice? No, I think she didn't have a voice until much later.
our Derpy said that the other Derpy had the first second appearance in the linked video, in which she had a voice
Oh, first voiced appearance?
But then the first voiced appearance was...the first voiced appearance.
too Friday for this, sorry
@AndrasDeak Yes, but that video is about S5 E9.
@b_jonas nope, he is talking about the other one
Season 2 episode 14
Whereas the episode that was edited was much earlier, as well as Derpy's first appearances, and that reference with name but without appearance in S1 E11 too.
^ That's the linked video that's from S5 E9 I think.
look better, @b_jonas, he was talking about the other video I linked
Oh, and she was called Ditzy Doo in S1 E11.
the one where she "destroys" the town hall.
The other video linked is S5 E1 or E2, isn't it? chat.meta.stackexchange.com/transcript/message/7486925#7486925
@Derpy Right, that one is from S2, when Rainbow addresses her.
compare the two version, those are before and after they had to edit the episode.
@Derpy at least it wasn't reanimated
@Derpy I'm at work, sorry, I prefer not to watch MLP videos at work.
As I said, I avoided going into too much details and forgot to mention that before the edit they indeed tried to use the fan-given name.
@AndrasDeak Undead? No, but those also appear in S2 first.
@b_jonas To be fair, I was suggesting that to Andras :P
No wait, I'm stupid. The vampires first appear in S4 E7,
@b_jonas nope, animated again, meaning they didn't "redo" the whole scene.
I think they were joking :P
the scary ghouls in S5 E21, the zombies in ... where exactly?
episode #IDontRemember "28 Pranks Later"
Although admittedly, Spike already mentions zombie ponies in S1 E9, and some ponies dress up as undead in the S2 E4 Halloween themed episode.
@Derpy Yeah, so S6 for the cookie zombies too.
which reminds me...
^ at least they DO chose the scariest costume at the end...
(before you ask, no you didn't miss anything, this is fan made)
@Derpy Yeah, that was obvious.
@b_jonas not after the "Pinkie tells Christmas tales with cookies" scene...
I totally expect her to go fully Paper Mario stile soon or later during one of her crazy scenes :P
@Derpy I've read at least the titles of the episodes and shorts I haven't watched, unless there are very recent ones.
I haven't seen the last fifteen or so episodes, the last long EG feature, or the last several shorts, but I am spoiled about some important things in the season finale.
It's hard to avoid spoilers, and I'm not putting too much effort into it anyway.
@b_jonas was talking about the scene on the train when they use cutouts / cookies to narrate the story.
this one ^
basically, by now I totally expect anything from Pinkie.
Wouldn't be surprised if she managed to randomly change the art style in one of the EG shorts to look like anime.
@Derpy Yes, I know.
@Derpy There's also the papercut ponies in two places.
Oh, and I'm missing a non-EG special and some non-EG shorts too. And soon S9 will start, so my backlog might grow quickly if I don't start catching up.
@b_jonas "Best gift ever" I assume
@AndrasDeak Hmm, not aware of any chat issues at the moment. Any browser extensions on your end? Did it just start happening or has it been ongoing for a while? I can take a peek at traffic logs and see if anything stands out... but I don't think there's anything unusual on our end.
@Derpy Yes, though I suspect that one is less spoilery and more stand-alone than the S8 episodes and the EG stuff.
@b_jonas brings one big question: either Fluttershy told Discord some of the dreams she apparently has (see: ep 100) or he has been doing Luna's work lately
Either way, the coincidence is somehow suspect.
but I won't go beyond that until you manage to see it.
@Derpy It's quite possible that Fluttershy told Discord some of her dreams.
@b_jonas you didn't saw any of the preview clip for the episode right?
@Derpy I haven't seen preview clips
I don't generally watch preview clips. It's not worth.
ok, then I will assume you haven't seen what I am talking about and stop here.
The preview is there for people who aren't sure if they want to watch the full thing. I know I want to watch the full thing, at least the episodes and specials, not necessarily some of the worse shorts but most of those too.
Oh, and any films too, obviously.
And THEN if I still have some time after all taht, I'll have to catch up on Steven Universe :-)
@b_jonas for Steven Universe stuff, you are better asking to the people at RPG.se. They seem to have many users that know the show pretty well.
@Derpy I shouldn't ask. I should write my opinion first.
Then watch the later episodes, because not much point to ask if episodes I haven't seen can answer anyway.
@b_jonas heh. I'm hoping to catch up on TV over my break. I have a load of shows I am behind on
oh, at least Japan is giving me an hand on that, by delaying Made In Abyss season 2
that said, would have appreciated it more if they just lowered the price of that Nanachi figure.
Every time I check the profile of a major Stack Overflow contributor after interacting with them and see they haven't signed in for a long time, I start worrying about them :/
Was relieved when Cody Gray signed back in after several months' absence, because it let me know that - whatever his reasons were for disappearing from the site, which are none of my business - at least he's not dead
But it happens that I just gained another person to worry about :(
people sometimes get overwhelmed with real life
funny thing is I actually let people know about planned disappearances for that reason
(for example, I may be less available all of feb)
@JourneymanGeek you know that you already accepted to forego any form of vacation or personal out-of-se activity, recreational or not when you signed the SE Moderator contract, right?
@Derpy oh more that internet in many places sucks
and less availble
@MarkAmery I want the duck back.
my last mod vacation was spent in in camp training
and where we are at it, were did the cat went to?
all the room mascots are disappearing.
I'm hoping we have reliable internet in india
@JourneymanGeek Which shows? I'm curious now.
I'm way behind on arrow and flash
I missed a whole season of wynonna earp
@JourneymanGeek Spoiler: season 6 premiere should finally have Flash meeting Trunks as the fans have been asking for a while now.
hm. oh and the last episode of titans
Attack on Teen Titans
you know... this one.
@JourneymanGeek the only one that can touch a timeline and make it MORE messy than whatever Flash ever did.
He came back from the future seeking help once and got the timeline split in --4--.
Then he came again, only to have an entire universe rewritten out of existence.
he needs to meet the Flash, just think at all the damage this dream duo could do.
There's a master of DB asker on Anime.SE, so I kind of following the... amusing storyline?
And why are my neighbors playing fireworks at this time and date...
@forest well to be honest it's much deeper than all other kids TV shows I've seen. But yeah... originally it was made for children and managed to get a big adults fan base. After seeing some, I can understand why. :)
oh no! @forest in danger!
Q: Is only 4% of original forest left in the US?

Jishin NobenThe 2009 video The Story of Stuff makes several rather incredible claims. For example: Where I live, in the United States, we have less than 4% of our original forests left. My gut feeling tells me to be skeptical of this number. Is it correct?

@Rob here is the $50 coffee:
How that 340g Cronat looks like? I saw only 200g containers.

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