@Tinkeringbell Israel got things upside down sometimes... ketchup is defined as something with at least 40% tomatoes in it, while "tomato sauce" can have 0% since it's just a name without formal meaning.
Iran blocks based on IP list, if I remember correctly, so that should evade it. Alternately, you could have a look at SSH tunnels, or even ICMP/DNS-based firewall bypassing (e.g. with the software iodine), if you don't mind poor speed.
Yeah Tor is blocked in Iran, but that's what bridges are for.
Trump has a lot of support everywhere. It makes sense that SE represented that. Now personally, I like Trump, only because I like seeing the US screw itself over.
@Magisch Also note that not everyone will write an answer, and (if done correctly) votes on politics reflect quality of the question/correctness of the answer, not a pro-/con- stance ;)
@forest depends what they're doing with those viewpoints, e.g. if they publish a post in Facebook that offend group of people, in the name of what they believe in, it's a cause for being fired IMO.
If someone is known to work at a company and expresses something that offends a lot of people, the implicit expectation is that the company distance itself from that person
Business-wise, we got the best AIs in the world (e.g. YouTube's) trying their hardest to convince people that the Earth is flat, since flat Earth videos get a lot more views, which gets a lot more ad clicks.
So subscribing to that you can make a convincing case that someone who wrote a horribly offensive post damaged the company reputation in the same way as wearing a company tshirt and punching people would
I mean yeah but a business has no moral obligation but to maximize profits. It's the paperclip maximizer incarnate. Any semblance of good moral practice has to be dictated by the market to be enforced.
And I think threats should be legally fine in terms of speech. Now, acting on those threats is different, and displaying an intent to act on those threats as well.
The problem with real bullying is that you can't walk away. There's no little [x] in the corner of the screen when two guys are pushing you into a corner irl.
@forest cyberbullying doesn't even have to take place with the bullied person being present, think people exchanging nudes/memes/remarks about you without you being aware of it. Clicking an X isn't going to help.
@ShadowWizard Depends on if you can block the number. POTS is a little different because you can call from spoofed numbers more easily than on, say, Twitter.
Here's the thing. I've been bullied IRL, and I've been bullied online.
@ShadowWizard Well then that sucks, but censoring them isn't the option. As soon as you start to censor one group, it's that much easier to censor another, even censoring victims. And yes, that happens even today.
Educate people. If some Nazi is saying the holocaust is a lie and Bush did 9/11 and the Jews are responsible for global warming, then don't ban the speech.
I prefer IRC flood thresholds. As long as no one posts more than 5 lines per second, everything's good. Far more liberal there. Of course there's also nickspam there...