@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog no parody. 1) felt like changing name, 2) didn't want Hedgehog Wizard again (nothing personal), 3) Welcome Wagon on the roll, and all in all bit funny here with your name. :)
@TravisJ Exactly. Probably the thing I need most when learning a new language feature is a working example I can dump into an editor and fiddle with. R (which is my current learning language) does ok with that because there are several standard datasets people use. But I still have a devil of a time when I need to use two different features together. Unless my case is common, I won't likely find a good example.
@JonEricson just for my understanding (I didn't want to leave another comment) you have dedicated teams that work on either Q/A, Enterprise or Teams/Channels. Those are not virtual teams that are assembled at will (which manager is yelling the longest/loudest), right? Roughly the same people that work the same amount of hours each week in a single team. And this per dev-team backlog would ideally be size estimated to be useful for outsiders.
@rene Yes, there are devs dedicated to each product. I know pretty well what DAG is doing, but there's work being done on Enterprise and Teams that could very well make it to the public sites too. Probably, but I don't actually know what's going on at the moment. Obviously, we can't have perfect transparency even within the company.
I posted an answer to your announcement @JonEricson . Not sure if it's a legitimate point to bring to the discussion, feel free to get rid of it if it's not, I won't mind or cry censorship :p
@JonEricson Okay, that looks good to me. It is not a problem if features from other teams "leak" into the Q/A team. It would be much less desirable if the public Q/A team has to dedicate (lots of) resources to the enterprise and/or teams team. Thanks for the clarification.
There was no official announcement of the app development freeze, we needed to "milk" the information from them, and dig deep to find out the mobile team was actually disbanded. So I'm 100% sure they won't announce when the apps are removed from the store.
and I miss the context, since Magisch's message mentioned "announcement"
so I naturally checked the featured meta posts, found nothing, and was confused for a moment :/
And now, an honestly curious question: should SO's official comment evaluator URL be hidden from the public? I assumed no, since no SE employees redacted the post...
@Magisch Oh... that reminds me. Does anyone know if mods can turn off surveys entirely? There's the survey option in your e-mail settings, but I've still had 2 so far. And I don't want any more.
@Tinkeringbell I'm the wrong person to ask, as I am not a mod nor have I ever been a mod
@JonEricson re this comment , does this mean this question and it's answers are just another source of stuff that the staff are dismissing? I have to admit, that comment has left me feeling uneasy
@Magisch My e-mail said that if I knew people that weren't invited but interested, they could e-mail a certain address. I wasn't allowed to forward the link/e-mail :)
quick observation: username in the comment is redacted... only if it's on the correct @-ping format (and some users mentioned others without using pings) :(
It is always a joy if you give up on fixing a server because you can't figure out why certain services refuse to start. Only to find out that a shutdown and reboot will not work because shutdown.exe relies on a service that won't start ...
Better then that time when I killed the server that wasn't on a KVM switch. A system engineer got in his car and drove 15 KM to the data center to turn the server back on for me ...
I never shut down my personal computers either, but that's just laziness: too lazy to wait 6-8 minutes every time if turning the computer on.
@rene but what advantage does shutdown has over just restarting?
People shut down computers to save energy/money, or when installing new hardware.... but other than that, really can't see any reason to shut a computer down.
Same as smartphones: doubt many people shut them down, ever.
I don't think they ever meant to give me the privileges but I was so detailed in my tickets and they found if they followed what I wrote down things went smooth so they simply handed me the privileges to manage the servers that were relevant for my project.
@ShadowtheWelcomingWizard people that really need it know how to reach the work phone. And nothing is urgent enough that it can't wait till after the show
@JourneymanGeek I like it a lot. It's the most money I ever spent on a phone, but it's also the one that I've been using comfortably for a long while now, without it noticeably slowing down or complaining about memory
@ShadowtheWelcomingWizard No... a 'huishoudpotje' :P Basically just give my parents some money each month, that they use to pay for groceries, and utilities.
@ShadowtheWelcomingWizard The 22 year old has already been living on his own for a year or two. But then he got the job at the zoo, and moved home again. Same for me: I lived on my own during university, but I had a retail job at home during weekends. I didn't get a job with what I studied, so I moved home and worked retail. I've only recently (three years ago, but whatever :P) started a job where I could start considering buying an apartment
The middle one is already looking to move out again, but rentals are criminally expensive over here and he doesn't really earn that much that buying is a viable option
@Magisch IF :P I had the good luck to start in 2008, right before the whole housing bubble burst in the US. So, during my studies, more and more things got no funding anymore, and more and more jobs got lost. From the '90 percent will have a job within a year of graduation' when I started to 'Only three people I know are still working archaeology' :P
@ShadowtheWelcomingWizard He works at the aquarium section. Feeds the sharks :)
nah, probably some format black magic... some formats on phones save rotation as part of the image itself, but it's lost when uploaded to other places, e.g. imgur
"Hah! Figured it out."
"I made a theory of everything-"
"Let me see! Hm... Wow! You actually joined quantum physics with general relativity. Amazing!"
"If you say so."
"And tied in with.. behavioural statistics?"
"Yes, so I could figure out where I left my keys."
BOT running since: Tue May 08 2018 12:19:48 GMT+0200 (CEST) for 113 days
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Princess Luna , seen 21 minutes ago (3291)
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Oh, bluetooth headphones. A while ago, I tended to wear BT earphones before sleeping to calm myself into sleep..... except it suddenly warn me "Battery low" in a loud voice and startled me back.
Can anyone actually see the colouring difference for visited links on MSO? I literally can't unless I look at it from some weird angle. Were they secretly just trying to fix the problem with that theme with this whole underlining thing?
@Feeds I'll just pretend there was an added pun in there because the correction contains "eated" and the topic relates to the past tense of "eat".
I suppose the brightness on my screen is such that it makes it hard to differentiate things of similar colours in general, but this specific one seems a bit much.
I think the first three entries under Hardware here need to be updated as well but I'm not sure in which combination. Maybe @Taryn wants to have a look and then poke Nick if that needs another edit?
@YvetteColomb I should probably delete that comment since it's easy to misinterpret. To answer your question, several of us are watching that question (as we have similar questions in the past) and adjusting the way we mediate between the community and the teams actually doing work on site features and bugs.
I was just talking to Abby about how we really haven't adjusted to the speed Joe and the DAG team are working at. We need to be better at getting things to meta sooner and in a form that is more easily understood.
We don't want to slow down the work being done (because we've had years of inactivity that's far worse for the community). Instead, we need to make sure we have hooks in place to get the feedback from meta at the time it makes sense for the work being done.
The same issue as Why was a vertical line added on the left for users who collapse the left navigation? Can it please be removed? has arisen again.
The bug was initially fixed, but it seems to have regressed. I'm posting again because SE generally prefers we file new bug reports if a...