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I really would like to hear from the SE team if there is anything really problematic about serial downvoting apart from being irritating.
@ThorstenS. Besides it not fitting the model? I always thought the voting here was about posts, not who wrote them?
the revenge downvoting has slacked off a lot lately on my account, but a lot of that is since the jay blog post i haven't been near as active on the main sites
Serial downvoting is usually handled pretty well for me, it's the one off revenge voting that isn't
just recently i received 18 downvotes, all got reversed
all but one of the posts i've downvoted today have been deleted, so i got my rep bak
not that it matters
@Tinkeringbell Yeah, but the thing is as long something bad is rare enough, it can be ignored. If people get 1000 votes, but 10 of them are voted because of dislike and not because of content, I see those votes as mere noise.
@ThorstenS. True... and I think it already is ignored?
That was the question. I saw Magisch talking about and so I wanted to ask....
exactly, I can care less about getting revenge voted... i mean, i don't even have to post an answer that day and i'll still come out with positive rep
it just doesn't have any real impact
@ThorstenS. Oh... I guess the thing Magisch was talking about was more about people upvoting each other... All the time.
And not because of good posts, but because they're friends/colleagues/socks
Reputation farming?
But for people with fewer posts, e. g. when they get downvotes on a stack they are not so active on, it matters.
It matters most for users with low rep, not like me
@ThorstenS. Sort of, unless there's also downvoting rings... I must admit I haven't been around long enough to hear about those ;)
@Tinkeringbell Or you just angered the wrong people ;p
@Tinkeringbell You need to be controversial.
@AnneDaunted If you are not so active on a stack....it does not hurt so much, doesn't it?
@ThorstenS. ? It's certainly not encouraging and may even cost you some basic privileges.
@SterlingArcher for which rooms? In which chat?
@AnneDaunted Hm...yeah. Do we have people who are stuck in low reputation scores for a longer time? Downvotes don't count so much as upvotes, so even negative score could get you out of the zone.
@Shog9 javascript. Back in the first phase of The Welcoming, you posted an activity graph of chatrooms
for chat.so then
I'm curious to see if the JS room activity since then has dropped
Yes please, if it's not an inconvenience to you
lol. i assume you mean by how much
it's not dead at least
there's certainly less active rooms
@KevinB Curiosity: What is interesting on the JS chat room activity?
it was really active, then the blog post happened, a lot of drama occured, and many of the regulars left
Usually you'd rarely see a "last message posted" unless it was super AMs or sunday nights, now they're daily and frequent
Ah, was that the initial explosion which caused April Wensel to castigate SE and the new reform movement?
i didn't follow that portion of it very closely
No comment
was a bit more focused on keeping the room from being shut down
@SterlingArcher Already forgotten it. Lalalala
(which is why my activity on SO Main tanked)
No it's cool, the regulars who left are still hanging out. So while a ton of room "noise" is gone, there's a lot of JS talk no longer happening in the JS room
@SterlingArcher So the people are still there and are staring now at each other?
You guys are talking about this?
No but there's lots of unanswered questions
The people that werent invited are out there... giving bad advice and stuff.
@SterlingArcher Messages per week for the top 10 rooms on chat.so over the past 52 weeks:
@Shog9 nice
According to the date on the blog post @AnneDaunted just posted (unrelated to the blog, just a date), The Welcoming appears to have had a significant impact on many chatrooms
Is that giant dip caused by the holiday season?
It seems to be nested right around christmas
Also, thank you @Shog9, I do appreciate you getting that information for me
Here's active users by week, same rooms, for the same time period:
("active" == posted at least 1 message in the week)
and yes, holiday season == dip
so, umm, is there any way to get a graph of my personal chat activity?
I've got the most messages of any human user
on chat.so
Interesting, so the users is going down slightly, but there's a rather large decline in chat activity
Why is Easter going up and Pentecost going down?
It's speculation but I suspect the few users lost were the highest contributors to the room
I know I was
that's a given
there's no more 3dprinting talk
or space/rocketry talk
I mean, the memes are down at least 85%
I'm not going to pretend I didn't meme or OT, but I did help quite a few users
Oh I absolutely meme'd, but I love helping people too
I was one of the worst meme'rs
@rlemon Ok... top-10 chattiest users on chat.so, past 52 weeks:
what I expected to see, just neat to see when I was the most active.
damn bots, I enjoyed my #1 spot on active users :(
Wow, that's a drop.
ssube, kendall, and rlemon
of course towc is on the list
Natty had more messages in 52 weeks than I had in like 7 years :D
there's no keeping up with that
also, thankyou very much for that @Shog9
for @ShadowWizard's amusement, top-10 chattiest users on chat.MSE for the past 52 weeks:
Will take some time until I catch up to you guys
@Shog9 I was... just about to ask for that. :D
...for the sake of completeness, top-10 chattiest users on chat.se for the past 52 weeks:
Leaky Nun? Lol ok
What about Parenting.SE chatroom?
@Shog9 Does this include messages posted in staff-only chat rooms?
of course
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog of course, in MSE at least
Nick didn't post at all here in a public chat room.
@Shog9 Can you please post another graph that only includes the messages posted in non-staff-only rooms?
I'd have to look up how to separate out those rooms, rewrite a query...
He posted a graph (or just leaderboard?) of top pingers, that was cool. :D
The only reason I posted any of this was that I had a trivially-modifiable query handy for chat.so
@ShadowWizard Where?
Feb 9 '17 at 22:24, by Shog9
All-time meta-chat top-10 pinged:
Chat user             Pings and Replies
--------------------- -----------------
shadowwizard          50613
nickcraver            42428
petergrace            38154
fox9000               32994
shog9                 30784
droiddev              26545
adamlear              26489
davidfullerton        25000
balpha                23156
kylebrandt            20832
@Shog9 Can you please post an updated version of the above chart that only includes the past year?
Interposed question: Is there a specific reason (thread, chat) for the graphics shown here?
Can you limit it to just you? I wanna see a year in the life of Shog :P
@SterlingArcher I'm not sure one chart would be enough for that ;-)
@ThorstenS. what graphics?
@AnneDaunted speculation, but I’d be willing to bet there is a correlation
@ShadowWizard Brrr...english. Those charts.
2 hours ago, by Sterling Archer
@Shog9 could I ask a favor -- you posted the room activities before, could I ask for an updated version?
chart -> Grafik in german.
@ThorstenS. you mean the chat activity charts?
Looks like it's automated, e.g. Excel or something similar that you feed with data and get back those charts.
But I think I won't go too far on a limb if I say that if we subtract the bots, chat activity has dropped significantly since...the "incident".
@ThorstenS. ohhh, so that's where you were getting... didn't read that far up.
I don't think the drop is significant enough to affect those charts.
But we'll see in a year, when the new CoC will be a done thing, and many old time users will probably find other places...
@ShadowWizard I think he was asking what motivated these questions moreso than the styling...
which, I can't answer, because I haven't read the backscroll
Chat user       Pings and Replies
--------------- -----------------
shadowwizard    13114
nickcraver      8167
alecgorge       6738
deanward        6442
princessluna    5642
shog9           4918
adamlear        4001
benjaminhodgson 3790
g3rv4           3783
max             3521
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog ^^^
Yup, I thought there was something which triggered the show of activity.
@Shog9 How about pingers? The above chart lists pingees.
I don't have a query handy for that
Usually goes both ways, those who get pinged a lot also ping a lot.
I am afraid to ask: Number of account deletions for the groups losing most members?
oh... actually, it's a trivial variation on the other query
Chat user                 Pingers and Reply-authors
------------------------- -------------------------
shadowwizard              14678
orion                     14088
nickcraver                8326
deanward                  7344
princessluna              6310
theeyeofprovidence        6187
joefriend                 5748
benjaminhodgson           4668
fox9000                   4549
sonictheinclusivehedgehog 4469
who is Orion???
define: orion
your bot isn't active here
Wiktionary doesn't know
On a staff-only chat room it is?
In Greek mythology, Orion (; Greek: Ὠρίων or Ὠαρίων; Latin: Orion) was a giant huntsman whom Zeus placed among the stars as the constellation of Orion. Ancient sources tell several different stories about Orion; there are two major versions of his birth and several versions of his death. The most important recorded episodes are his birth somewhere in Boeotia, his visit to Chios where he met Merope and after he violated her, was blinded by her father, Oenopion, the recovery of his sight at Lemnos, his hunting with Artemis on Crete, his death by the bow of Artemis or the sting of the giant scorpion...
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog yes they have cool bot
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@Shog9 oh, was thinking more of that Orion:
@Shog9 Do we have a chart showing the number of deleted accounts in groups?
...in groups?
sites, perhaps?
sites, yes
When I am anxious, my english suffers.
@ThorstenS. why are you anxious? :(
I heard tea can help. :)
I had a recent discussion in IPS when I analyzed the data (admittedly not very precise) and asked if the changes in IPS could cause a drop in activity.
So perhaps it was not the changes, but a result of a general drop in activity on all sites.
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog it works in regular rooms as well
Adjective: sonic
  1. Of or relating to sound.
  2. Having a speed approaching that of the speed of sound in air.
Sonic the Hedgehog is a video game franchise created and produced by Sega. The franchise centers on a series of speed-based platform games. Sonic, the protagonist, is an anthropomorphic blue hedgehog with supersonic speed, capable of reaching the speed of sound. Typically, Sonic—usually along with some of his friends, such as Tails, Amy, and Knuckles—must stop antagonist Doctor Eggman's plans for world domination. The first game in the series, released in 1991, was conceived by Sega's Sonic Team division after Sega requested a mascot character. Its success spawned many sequels and helped Sega become...
@Shog9 No chart for the sites available?
thinking about this
@ThorstenS. this is probably feasible, but it will take some work. If you're interested, post a meta question on MSE
@Shog9 Thank you.
@Shog9 What do you think of this request, considering you declined a similar request? meta.stackexchange.com/questions/312193/…
I think there's already a huge mismatch between the UI for flagging and the UI for handling flags. To wit: flagging every comment in a thread is already easier and faster than handling flags on every comment in a thread.
Until that's fixed, removing rate-limits just makes it even more appealing to generate a lot of flags without generating the context necessary for moderators to efficiently handle those flags.
A perhaps more useful suggestion would be a system that, upon observing a large portion of a conversation being flagged, offered to raise a flag on the post itself, providing an explanation of what was occurring is provided.
For example, "this answer has been edited; all comments prior to 2018/07/05 18:34 are no longer needed"
@Shog9 You should post an answer there
"a flame war is escalating in the comments"
"this thread is entirely off-topic; as much as I love a good debate about the existential nature of sandwiches, it has little to do with the practical considerations of optimizing array access in Java"
"your mom"
@SonictheInclusiveHedgehog go ahead
I don't see any reason this requires an answer from any particular person
@Shog9 You have more data than I do, and you were the one who declined the linked request
but less time. And, I believe I already explained myself once
Monica's suggestion on the linked question is sufficiently close to what I'm proposing
@Shog9 In that case, a simple comment indicating why the reasoning there is still valid would be great.
...the author of this request has, I would presume, read the previous discussion
There are also 500-some moderators, many of whom moderate sites that get more comments than Literature, so their opinions are probably worth a good bit more here.
1 hour later…
@Shog9 I'm only 10th? I am shocked sir shocked

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