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@Mgetz huh, you're almost famous! ;)
@Mithrandir ouch. What did you make your poor laptop do? ;)
oh god so chatty!
(lemme read the transcript ;p)
lots of drama... TL;DR - SE is becoming a social network.
@bro I honestly am starting to think that should be blacklisted
In order to avoid hurting the feeling of new users, we will be expected to greet each, ask for a/s/l, and of course spoon feed each until they have their problem solved and all the code in their hands.
@JeremyBanks Squeeky wheels get the grease?
Also, I actually think Don't be a dick was a great rule.
@ShadowWizard Asking for someone's sex? You retrograde asshole!
You need to ask their gender(s) instead.
In a practical sense you rarely if ever get someone who's "Asian" in the sense most americans consider it complain about, well things in terms like "Person of colour"
And then also their preferred pronouns, to avoid alienating them through assuming that any of he/she/they/it are acceptable.
As an indian growing up in singapore, I find the term POC absurd
@JeremyBanks heh, I just use what they use, or prefer cause otherwise its a bloody headache.
If they use xir or something though...
The x- pronouns have been my favourite since the long past, because why are our pronouns gendered in the first place? But that's not my point.
@JourneymanGeek How can we know what a new user prefers? If we want to avoid alienating users, we need to ask on sign up.
@JeremyBanks and there's perfectly good non gendered pronouns in common use
I use "they" in almost all contexts now, personally.
ah. When do you need gender in a programming question? ;)
> Please ignore Journeyman Geek's comment's, they're just an asshole.
@JeremyBanks I have to admit, I'm not the biggest fan of the 'x-' pronouns. I would like to demolish the concept of gender though...
@JeremyBanks Flagged because it fails the Be Nice test
(also, I'm still amused that this is laser focused on SO. Does SU have a inclusiveness problem? Does cooking?)
cough ServerFault
@JeremyBanks oddly enough, I'd consider that not nice because....
@JeremyBanks Serverfault is equal opportunity hatred
@JeremyBanks a/g/l is a thing? I'm too old. ;)
and there's a few prominent SF users who are... female or POC
(ugh. I really hate putting things in those terms. My perfect Ideal stack is a simple pure meritocracy. We live by our words, we die get downvoted into post bans by our words)
@JourneymanGeek By using the word "meritocracy" you have now been auto-classified as a bigot to many.
@JeremyBanks I'd ask them to check their privilege then. And my record ;)
also watch them flail helplessly while I try to nice them to death.
@JeremyBanks look who mentioned that word first in Tavern!
Sep 6 '13 at 21:09, by Laszlo Papp
Pops: it is clearly not smart people doing the voting at times. That is why many think it is not really about meritocracy either.
Also quietly wait for them to accuse me of being white and nerdy or something. Then point out I'm brown, bearded and nerdy.
Is he still suspended? Or was he just chat banned for nagging all CM's whenever he got downvote?
@ShadowWizard ugh
@JourneymanGeek hey there, brown has only one master, @jadarnel27. You can't take that title away from him! :D
(that is to say, I once got my bag checked every single day by a security guy at a train station...)
One day I was like "Oh, no worries, I know the drill. We do do this every day"
"He was like sorry sir, I'm"
"Doing your job, its cool"
@JourneymanGeek maybe he was just doing his job... :)
.... never got bag checked again.
@ShadowWizard he was!
Probably didn't even realise he was stopping the same guy every day.
To be honest, that shouldn't really be relevant... if a person pass the check once, they can totally carry a weapon the next day. Good security guard will check regardless if they know the person or not.
Yup. Then he stopped.
But but
Yelling at that guy wouldn't help
what what
being mad at him didn't help
he literally stopped stopping me
You probably scared him! :D
But very implicitly!
And that's what I mean by dealing with people by being nice.
The problem I have with many 'activist' folks and (SORRY FOR SOUNDING RACIST) I wonder if its some kind of euro/american thing where everything is framed around grand conflict
its a gender war, its our people fetting oppressed.
I'm unhappy about a few things on SE.
but but
I talk about them in terms of something we can work together on
actually, quite a lot of mods seem to
so I'm probably talking out my ass for saying its a western culture thing.
Cause idealising indian or 'oriental' culture is dumb
we all have warts
@ShadowWizard Well, there's a difference between being inclusive and being a social network. The former includes being kind to other humans, and thinking about word choice/how people perceive actions -- which can be achieved without becoming the latter.

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