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12:06 AM
@TravisJ Stack Exchange's "attribution" policy has at times stretched beyond what's legally enforceable or consistent with the actual license they're using. There wouldn't be any issue mirroring it just because Stack Exchange's chosen attribution target no longer exists.
I've considered setting up a mirror myself at times but, you know, this network is actually really big.
There's enough content that it's not quite free to host.
So it doesn't seem worth paying for if there's no immediate need or potential users.
If we're going for a strictly archival solution, instead of trying to fork an active community, I'd be inclined to build something on top of IPFS.
Anybody could chip in towards hosting it with either hardware or money (assuming FileCoin actually takes off soon), it would be snapshottable and cachable, and accessible through the web gateway or the P2P network.
12:13 AM
its about 60gb?
if Stack Exchange stopped compressing their data dumps, it should eventually be possible to build as an IFPS frontend application backed by an IPFS replica of the official data dump torrents, but that's probably not a good idea for the typical case.
~53GB compressed. Much more if decompressed into some kind of naive structure like I was trying, since we can't serve from compressed 7Zip.
Not a seekable format, sadly.
and I'd guess you want it from XML to some sane database
12:16 AM
A lot of that data is history and metadata that you don't need. If you went through and aggregated the data you need for each page, and scrapped the rest, it might help.
(while its tempting to go "why not save it as a shedload of static files...)
This all still gets back to "why bother at this point?"
If you're going to include deleted posts, that's a unique value proposition that could warrant existing, but requires even more work.
Because you want to look up that post on Startups or Productivity...
Ah. I guess "why bother" is "site is being deleted". Of course.
12:18 AM
and there's probably other approaches to it
yup, but sites get deleted cause there's not enough interest, and if there was interest, they wouldn't be deleted, and who would be interested in a site there's no interest in? ;p
Mirroring all of the deleted sites is a reasonable project.
I suspect though, its literally 90% about the tooling? then, I donno, people can mirror what they think is useful?
Just as I got bored, Trump picks up a new fight.
Trade war, recession/depression (developing news)
@JourneymanGeek Not enough interest in moderating != not enough interest in reading.
12:24 AM
so if we have have an archive, what do we do for the multiple versions of startups?
/startups and /startups-2 ?
@JeremyBanks wouldn't it make sense to sort of concatanate the two?
@JourneymanGeek Maybe, but then you'd have to deal with generated new non-conflicted post and user IDs for any references, which would make it harder to fix old links.
@JeremyBanks stick a prefix on em?
12:25 AM
Startups v1 content is available at brightjourney.com so maybe exclude it.
But it makes sense, from a "person who is looking for information" to have em in one place
13k posts? This isn't too bad.
has SE thought about writing A.I. bot to close duplicate? >_<
... ugh?
more seriously, I think someone was working on machine learning duplicate detection
if only it weren't in fucking XML
12:40 AM
Maybe drop unanswered questions. An unanswered question as a static page is less than useless.
@FTP reasonable. maybe noindexed would make sense.
so you can still find it if you like have the ID
version 0
doesn't even have a question index, so it can't be indexed yet, but we'll get there.
1:59 AM
@TravisJ what?
Which one?
I think the process is to go back in time and volunteer to moderate it
Also, send me winning lotto numbers
That's not part of the process, but while you're there...
sending you winning lotto numbers before or after the draw?
difficulty can alter drastically during those few minutes
Wouldn't you need to go into the future for lotto numbers?
2:19 AM
@Catija not if you are in the future
No... if you're in the future, you send the numbers and get someone to buy a ticket... so he should be asking for Travis to buy a ticket with the winning numbers from the superball on it.
I am willing to sell current lotto number to anyone in the past
@Catija I think he meant send past-him the lotto numbers, paradoxes be damned
Ah. That makes more sense.
Though, clearly, if it were possible, it'd have already occurred and there'd be no paradox. ;)
We'd presumably at least get a divergent timeline in which Shog was too busy enjoying life to spend time on Meta to get hired to be here to make the suggestion ;)
2:30 AM
I'm all for closing more sites, but some middle step between routine "call for moderators" and final "YOU ARE DEAD" notice would be nice.
Or maybe not.
How long do you want? I think there was something like a month between the two.
Yes, but one is a routine thing in the sidebar that I, as a site user, assume is being handled by someone. No sense of urgency.
can always call for moderators to moderate multiple sites, it's like invest in stock portfolio - some shares/sites will grow, while others will be dead
@TimStone Without Shog, Meta and SE probably would have ceased to exist. :P
@FTP I think there were several calls.
The thing is, if people aren't on the site and actively using it, sending them all emails to get them to come back and volunteer to moderate or just use the site... it's really just delaying the inevitable. If they wanted to use the site... they'd be doing so... and if they wanted to moderate, they'd be volunteering when they saw the opportunity.
2:38 AM
@TravisJ I think you mean Worldbuilding, poisoning whole cities doesn't seem to be in scope for Community Building
@Catija It was like on Productivity now: productivity.meta.stackexchange.com/… Post 428: Moderator Positions Open - Nominations Needed. Post 429: Personal Productivity Stack Exchange will be closing on March 6th
Yes, there is a month between posts. But if a sidebar thing isn't new, I'm probably not clicking it.
Kind of tired of Gmail sending Google-originated email to spam folder. Like Scholar Alerts coming from [email protected]. Can't they talk to each other?
2:56 AM
Washington: In 2000, Melania Knauss, a Slovenian model dating Donald Trump, began petitioning the government for the right to live permanently in the United States under a program reserved for people with "extraordinary ability".
In March 2001, she was granted a green card in the elite EB-1 program, which was designed for renowned academic researchers, multinational business executives or those in other fields, such as Olympic athletes and Oscar-winning actors, who demonstrated "sustained national and international acclaim".
I got EB-2, but I didn't have to date Trump to get it, so I call it a win.
so did my relative
3:12 AM
Country	Total Population[2]	Total Net Migration Net Migration Per 1,000 Inhabitants 5 Year Period (2007-2012)

Australia	22,728,254	1,023,107	45.01
New Zealand	4,408,100	7,265	1.65
United States	314,102,623	5,007,887	15.94
@Catija My previous MSE account's deletion actually took place during a time when SE actually did reconstitute accounts under certain cases, and I have an example of such a reconstituted account (belonging to someone else). In 2014, when they introduced the 24-hour deletion timer, they changed their policy to not allow that.
Actually, it was changed in December 2013, one month after user215114 was deleted
Australia wins because of promotion on Stack Overflow...
so like ... US has 7 times as much immigration as Australia but less total number of rich ones
I respect US sense of equality amongst people of course ...
3:22 AM
Or at least we did.
@Shog9 - Ugh, fine, but while I'm there I am going to need to fix several other errors as well.
@TelautonomousKitty Current administration notwithstanding...
2 hours later…
5:06 AM
multiple people commented on my baby chicks and called them ugly :'(
They just didn't understand the beauty of the chicken...
5:28 AM
I just witnessed 15 comments vanishing when clicking "show more 15 comments" XD
5:49 AM
@Shog9 I need your help in reproducing a bug. Can you please act as a regular mod and edit the edit summary of this revision to "This edit summary was edited by a moderator."?
2 hours later…
8:07 AM
(actual city of LA job ad, posted on their facebook page ;p)
@JourneymanGeek lemme guess, some part is designed by those who has a salary of $46,708 per year, some is by those who get paid $103,230 a year
I suspect that whistling sound is the joke going over your head ;p
8:29 AM
But those overlapping boxes though
(almost wonder if its a reference to Mondrarian, but that would be too clever)
So I replied to that add and asked what type of graphics environment they use. I got this in response.
@JourneymanGeek Mondrian, is that the name that style? Cool, TIL :)
And the artist that inspired it, Piet Mondrian...Dutch. Bonus.
artist actually! I didn't realise it was a style
8:47 AM
god as designer
sometimes, you are like: wtf?
here, has a look at another god's design:
God as a software developer....
makes perfect sense?
9:45 AM
weekend's entertainment ...
in Lounge<C++> on Stack Overflow Chat, Jan 18 at 13:47, by Bartek Banachewicz
python is like the lowest common denominator
like, "Lounge is like the lowest common denominator chat room in SO"?
oh, wait, wrong definition...
Wow, I think I should lurk Lounge more often to find entertainment improve my knowledge on trolling C++...
10:03 AM
@HTTP isn't that that notorious chat room?
3 hours later…
1:16 PM
@JourneymanGeek meh, that is just what curly braces do to you ...
1:26 PM
So, you have to curly brace yourself...
1:54 PM
3:39 PM
sd k
1 hour later…
4:43 PM
> Try buying a crate of solar panels in Shenzen and shipping them to Africa.

> Buy Bitcoin. Try "BitOasis" to get started.

> Invest in a good business idea.
Such a diverse mix of options, from oddly specific to generic.
7:35 PM
14 messages moved to Chimney
7:51 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: What non-metal is attracted by a magnet? by user186919 on physics.SE
1 hour later…
9:10 PM
10,000 footballs being distributed to French soldiers on the Western front- 6 months without fighting have made troops "bored & lazy".
Some meta sites are like that. If 6 months goes without fighting, people get bored and don't read meta anymore.
Uh oh. Does this mean we won't be able to use SEDE anonymously after 03-31?
Because it doesn't look like there's a lot of spare capacity for upgrades in that area.
@FTP It just means that version of reCAPTCHA is being deprecated.
9:17 PM
Sounds like it's being shutdown, not just deprecated.
I guess I'll take a minute to remind @TimStone again that SEDE will die at the end of the month if he doesn't update the captcha :P
@FTP Yes, that is what I meant. Sorry.
wait a sec, you mean you can bypass the captcha by logging in?! haha, I never knew that..
Never could get my SEDE account to work well.
@ɥʇǝS "all anonymous users must solve a captcha"
@Ano yeah that's what prompted the question
It doesn't keep me logged in. I have to choose between logging in every time, and solving captcha. The latter is easier.
I guess "stop spam, read books" is now forever gone
And the original basis for the name "reCAPTCHA"
9:25 PM
Google still claims "reCAPTCHA makes positive use of this human effort by channeling the time spent solving CAPTCHAs into digitizing text, annotating images, and building machine learning datasets. This in turn helps preserve books, improve maps, and solve hard AI problems."
But I haven't seen anything that's not a road sign for a long time.
Which is unfortunate because I read a lot more than I drive.
Duplicate of something, can't find it: meta.stackexchange.com/questions/307582/…
And I don't expect self-driving cars to become viable in my lifetime.
@ɥʇǝS Oh wait it wasn't the beginning of this month? Fantastic!
9:35 PM
@TimStone lol >_>
I haven't set up SEDE since installing Windows 10, which is the roadblock…but I can certainly do that before then, I thought I already missed it and got demotivated >_>
I guess I'll write better setup instructions while I'm at it 🤔
Can confirm: Windows 10 is demotivating. I don't know if I'm opening the start menu or a shopping website.
(got it recently with my new office PC)
9:52 PM
@TimStone It was previously March 1, but Google extended the deadline
10:08 PM
They know me so well
10:24 PM
The tags of this room: seem a bit outdated
So is the wheel of blame. So is the description, chicken stuff is mostly forgotten.
Having outdated description is a long-standing tradition of the Tavern.
Also, we'll always have crickets.
@FTP When will the tradition about having outdated stuff be outdated?
10:48 PM
Also, what happened to Yi Jiang?
11:21 PM
@JohnMiliter half of that are food for chickens
just need a bit grass
you can start a earthly ecosystem on Mars
@TelautonomousKitty I'll just need about ten zillion dollars. You can pay for that, and I'll be happy to start a earthy ecosystem on mars
dollar is only a currency for human that does next to nothing for other organism on earth
for example, you can't kill all the ants or roaches in your neighbourhood even if you are super rich
11:34 PM
for the same reason, if you don't know how the mars ecosystem work, giving you all the money in the world, you will not succeed
so statement on starting an earthly ecosystem on Mars is more abstract, to bring an abstract idea into life, there might be a long long road
11:59 PM
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad NS for domain in body: Hash map without collision check by CodeSandwich on softwareengineering.SE

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