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how long do you think jason will get over his cat allergy?
@Gerry yep. Most common ones relate to the automatic deletion systems, but occasionally you'll see others.
And this is not documented anywhere...
shucks... The existence of the timeline itself is barely documented.
I could not but ask the question: do you get hacked often?
I mean, I could not be the only one who get hacked regularly ...
@Telkitty What do you mean, you "get hacked regularly"? In what way?
like to have your private website root accounts, dev accounts, email accounts logged in without your permission.
2000 rep on Math! First things first: all actions -> suggestions -> look for rejected edits (too bad one can't filter for them).
But extracting edits from the page with a rejected suggestion is :-( especially in the title part, which doesn't have side-by-side view.
I'm still struggling to get 2000 on Anime.SE, in which it will be the first site I'll get the moderator tools...
The most satisfying part of that is going through the list of questions with 2 delete votes.
Though SEDE is better for that than the mod tools page itself; one just needs the privilege, not the page.
There is not much to do on the tools page, really. Most of the stuff that needs attention is in the queues, except for deletion. And the tools page does not help much with deletion, because it keeps showing the posts you already voted on.
Which, in case of being the only delete voter on a site, is quite demotivating.
That's when you recruit other people to earn 10K
No, that's I switch to DV+DGAF mode.
@Telkitty Yes.
Can't seem to find the backup for my own website
life failure: accomplished
@Jou Did you notice you are #100 network-wide in non-SO rep?
@Gerry It was pointed out, yes
Might be 99. I had a hell of a week at the crap tables on SU
repcapped 5 days straight from a question that apparently went viral
lol. It helps. That said, I'm at 100K, so the main thing I'm happy about is getting closer to my legendary badge, and eventually bumping John T one place down on the site all time rankings.
1 hour later…
Oo, I found a copy of website backup somewhere
only after 2 hours of slacking ...
I am anti-fast zombie, but as a metaphor for the ravenous, slavering pursuit of celebrity at any cost it's perfect
2 hours later…
@Shog9 is this allowed?
Such a username is allowed, yes
Hopefully they won't live up to their name though :)
If it isn't offensive or trying to impersonate someone. Meh
@JourneymanGeek You mean that @Bart really is just a pair of glasses and not Homer son?
@Derpy this is plausible
I was once stopped at the airport in Buenos Aires before a flight to Brazil. The officer took my passport, looked, looked at me, looked again ... called his colleague, stared some more ... and then asked "Simpson?", while both of them laughed their asses off.
OOOHHHHHHH nice, Visual studio supports Zalgo class names.
So many uses for my SharePoint related classes.
@Derpy what happens to the solution explorer? I bet it looks great :p
@Stijn have yet to try to change the file name too. I have only tested class names so far.
it seems to work, kind of
it doesn't like my class name though
Seems that it only accept a subset of the Zalgo characters, so try regenerating another string.
or you may use Emoji instead.
so, Google is planning a built-in ads-blocker now? Hoping to make people switch from their blockers to "whoever paid Google gets to stay" one?
Google's ad-blocker, where no ads are blocked!
Nov 15 '16 at 16:00, by Derpy
The day ADS will be legally required to be hosted by the hosting site instead that references to file on other servers I never asked to open and the hosting site will be legally required to ensure that they don't contain malvertising I will think about enabling them back. Not before.
trad: you show(el) me your advertising and if they happen to contain viruses or other threats you don't take any responsibility for the damage you caused to my machine? Yep, right, continue dreaming....
@Derpy also non annoying.
@JourneymanGeek I could live with some level of annoyance (reasonable annoyance - no autoplay videos, no Sebon Adsura - trad: Dance of the thousand Ads etc) for sake of "the site needs some money to operate" but I pretend that they took responsibility for what they are serving me
@Derpy pretty much.
@JourneymanGeek pretty much the reason I don't visit Deviantart anymore. Lost count of the times they managed to serve malwertising long ago
Oh. Adblock blocks most of that.
@JourneymanGeek Policeman. Blocks everything by default, you manually decide which source may load which content from which domain.
And I mean everything.
ah. I just run ublock these days
Scripts, css, html, images, mutlimedia files etc...
most nonsense doesn't even manage to see ad-block.
@JourneymanGeek do you know the difference between uBlock & uBlock Origin? A bit confused to use which one
ublock is apparently dead. Origin's the active fork
for example, I can safely say that Meta site doesn't exactly need to load those images from graph.facebook.com
(nor the google analytics script)
Ooo.. that suddenly clears any doubts. Thanks!
uBlock, uBlock Origin, AdBlock Plus, AdBlock .... makes it all so clear
Adblock ultra extra plus?
AdBlock Origin
we need Adblock Suite 2017
@Stijn that's the paid version. You can get Adblock Lite for free, but it's ad supported
@Bart sadly.... I think that's actually been tried IRL
1 hour later…
Click-bait. No salt. No drama. Just the raw news.
@Derpy 60s CIA foodfight gets 4 additional employees fired.
> A lot to unpack here, but the use of the term “additional employees” seems to imply that not only this wasn’t the first time this had happened, but it wasn’t even the first time people had been fired for it, but alas, no other recorded incidents of vittles-related violence could be found.
yet... to few details, no drama ;_;, no meta post rants "Y U fired me"
lol. "foodfight at SE... "
@Bart! You are the one supposed to be helping entertain the board! Quick, go on "The workplace" and post a question about being fired because you took part in a foodfight at work.
The most-viewed SO question of 2017 has score 2 (=4-2) and appears to be a duplicate.
it also seems terrible ;p
And has OP's root password. :) stackoverflow.com/posts/41645309/revisions
worth a flag?
idk, they were probably told and changed it.
oh, could be redacted
But perhaps it's not a duplicate because in the suggested target, the command line access works.
SO is not so much about safe or efficient use of language features... people are just trying to get the damn thing to work.
THat's a SU question
I wasn't sure if Windows 10 is a tool used primarily by programmers.... since I never used it myself.
Its not a programming question ;p
@M.A.R. I spell semi phonetically and Its and It's are pronounced the same
blame dyslexia
@JourneymanGeek It happens to everyone
@M.A.R. It's M.A.R.'s fault.
@SmokeDetector Shut up
Juan M on April 20, 2017

Hace poco mas de un año y medio empezó el proyecto de Stack Overflow en español.  Me alegra contarles que después de seguir el crecimiento del sitio podemos esperar que nuestra comunidad se gradúe este mayo.  Falta todavía el decidir la fecha pero las circunstancias necesarias ya existen para poder movernos fuera de la etiqueta de “sitio en beta.”

Quiero felicitarlos a todos por haber continuado con el interés necesario para poder promover y crecer nuestra comunidad.  ¡Sus esfuerzos han hecho la diferencia!  Ahora, platiquemos un poco sobre lo que va a suceder en cuanto nos graduemos. …

@Feeds !?
What did 'Hoco poco' mean?
I swear it meant something
Well, it's an important news item: ESSO is graduating next month, with mod election and all.
Esso /ˈɛsoʊ/ is a trade name for ExxonMobil and its related companies. The name is a phonetic version of the initials of the pre-1911 Standard Oil (SO = Esso), and as such became the focus of much litigation and regulatory restriction in the United States. In 1972 it was largely replaced in the U.S. by the Exxon brand after it bought Humble Oil, while Esso remained widely used elsewhere. In most of the world, the Esso brand and the Mobil brand are the primary brand names of ExxonMobil, with the Exxon brand name still in use only in the United States alongside Mobil. == History == In 1911, Standard...
Leaving JASO as the only beta lang-SO (likely forever).
There's a Twitter campaign to get Bioinformatics site started, pushing it to the top of the hot proposals
Proposed 6 days ago, and is in Commitment already, with 34% done.
Would not lang-SO sites be a better platform for experimentation than Docs? They are the closest that SO can come to restarting from scratch.
@M.A.R. seems like a singular (or maybe plural?) form of 'Hocus Pocus'
And one has to rewrite all the things anyway.
@Elephant Thank you for your input.
Could try whatever can't be tried on main SO on something like... "Stack Overflow in Canadian"
@Gerry for some things, yes. See for example the work being done on cross-site linking
But, single codebase... So re-writing the editing pipeline ain't in the cards
Forking SO engine vs developing a whole new system for Docs...
On a more philosophical level... It's hard to break from 9 years of history if everything looks mostly the same. See some of the drama on PTSO around wanting a PTSU
Or hosting design/architecture questions
Folks know the rules on SO, even if they don't know where those rules came from
Some of that was on ru.SO, but I think having pre-populated close reasons literally translated from en.SO was a major factor there.
PTSU was a separate Area 51 proposal, wasn't it? I must have missed its discussion on meta.ptso
Aha, Super User em Português - Já era no Area 51 by bigown on pt.meta.stackoverflow.com
Another reasonable test-bed is simply launching a new site... Software Recs fits that model
Not a rousing success stand-alone, but demonstrates how to make the idea work
Gabe got their hopes up that time...
in Estouro de Pilha on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, Jan 10 at 17:22, by Gabe
@MarceloBonifazio Eu odeio falar essas coisas porque vocês tem uma mania de não ler quantificadores de probabilidade, volume, frequência, etc, etc... mas TALVEZ esse ano tenhamos mais um site. PROVAVELMENTE o SUpt, SE FOR O CASO DE TER OUTRO SITE
CodeGolf works much better as a site than it ever did as a tag on SO... Why? Mostly tooling.
Of course, Maybe and Probably were immediately ignored, with "ANOTHER SITE" the main take-away.
I don't know what "works" means in the context of codegolf.
Yeah, custom settings for things make the environment less unbearable than it would be otherwise.
Doesn't die in shame due to 20 half-assed derivative unsolvable puzzles every week.
We had rules for em on SO back in the day... Just couldn't enforce those rules.
imagines beta.SO with... no close-voting, for example
But a lot more deletion.
Yeah, not different enough.
beta.SO had no deletion at all, unless you pissed off Jeff or got 6 people to spam-flag something. There was also no close voting since at 3K you could just instantly close whatever you wanted whenever you wanted to.
We also had close reasons for "spam" and "offensive", which... Ended up being sorta pointless
But I guess originally you could imagine seeing a troll-ish question, closing it, and then flagging it as sort of a two-step deletion process where the first step happened quickly and stopped the bleeding, while the second step required vetting from others
I was thinking more of new.SO like new <web app> that one can opt in to before the mass rollout.
SO labs.
Jeez, lol
It looks like I had a fan
@JasonC But not a super fan. Just a one-vote-per-site fan.
I'll take what I can get, lol
1 hour later…
@JasonC Someone complained about this on Twitter, recently, likely the same user: twitter.com/MTL613/status/855121029227839488
35 messages moved to Chimney
What's with offensive answers today, five in two hours.
Let's add one more, more on the trolling side:
By the way, Smokey is less than 70% accurate on SO: 11584 true positives out of 16784 reports. The overall rate is 80%, currently 52156/65162, supported by Drupal and such (>99% accurate on Drupal).
@JasonC This is the user, the accounts used only for voting got removed.
Grr Wrzlprmft began answering sciency Python questions on SO, not as much rep left for me there...
... I'd say I have bad news for him, but it's too late to deliver now.

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