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@ShadowWizard I think an intentional troll had been more conscious. No source on the internet says from the trolls that they had been stupid. It is an important part of this stereotyp.
3 hours later…
@zaq Can the review queue create itself?
2 hours later…
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword with email in answer: Google Contacts: Groups vs Circles by Kelly Smith on webapps.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Conceptual data model for a billing system by Santosh Deshpande on dba.stackexchange.com
2 hours later…
@PatrickHofman Yes, I'm famous, you know ...
Step 1: be rene
there is no step 2
@zaq I like number one, I would use it as a dupe target for the require comments with down votes question, just for trolling...
@zaq Consider that fixed.
@PatrickHofman hé, vote on the post, not the user ... ;)
@rene Of course rene :)
I contradicted shog in a comment
lets see how long until I die
It was nice knowing you
Can I have your hat?
I think that a lot of that comes from gold badge holders not really disagreeing with the duplicate closure but wanting to provide their own answers, dupe or not. I don't think thats a measure of success personally, but one of an open avenue to abuse the Mjolnir privileges. There are even gold badge holders who disagree with closing duplicates as a concept, do you really want to give those people even more unchecked authority? — Magisch 3 mins ago
@rene Maybe
@Magisch but you didn't down vote?
I'm not that suicidal
I thought the camera feed was a joke but reading this answer you start to wonder ...
@Magisch OK, so you have awoken Undo, he gets out of bed, stumbles to where the brooms are kept, and pushes a button... happy now?
Contradicting Shog, waking Undo up ... what rampage are you on?
Yeah, I bet he will be closing a question soon ...
@Bart Meet people all around world, then pick fights with them. Brought to you by stackexchange™
Gives a whole new meaning to Winterbash
The profile icon can be changed without any time restriction right?
Only things like the account display name have cooldowns?
Think so, yes
So if you ever want to get rid of that pony, go ahead
There is a frightening amount of CMs in this room
I have a feeling they're always silently watching, judging.
They are. The moment you really have to worry is when they're no longer doing so silently
shog banned me once from chat for a week
that was a long time ago
@Magisch watching: yes, judging would cost unnecessary brain power ...
@zaq No private messaging? -1
@Telkitty Shog is already basically a floating head. I would assume their "judging infrastructure" is based on the Sibyl System.
Been watching too much Psycho Pass @Derpy?
@Bart You mean that the rep score isn't meant to represent your attitude at being a good/bad user?
If you give me the gun to match that, I'm inclined to say it should
@Bart I think here the guns are called "delete/close vote"
(or question ban)
But ... they don't go SPLATTER
@Telkitty is that the new Stackemon Go! game people have been talking about lately?
this is taken from the "SE guide to downvote war", §5.3, "Of downvoters identification"
Delete your post that received down-vote!
No, I don't mean for ever, but this way 1 point will be added to down-voter reputation points. I'm not sure if it happens immediately but within a few minutes certainly.
Would this actually work?
@Derpy why is that a thing
@Derpy It would
.... great, now we just need someone to automate it and then the chicken fights can begin... -_-'
I wonder
I can probably write a US that does that
If you poll a list of user's reputation (those being the ones that participated in the question so far) that would actually work to relatively safely identify that
@Magisch and then you create a site called StackLeaks that aggregates the data and makes the downvote info public?
Hell no
I like my account on here
And I like the CMs
@Magisch maybe you could try to justify yourself saying that that info was computed from data available from the public API? You know, like those useless scraper sites do?
for what
What use would it bring me to release a US or lord knows make a public database of that
I would generate a metric ton of unnecessary infighting and a mountain of salt
there's a reason votes are anonymous
@Magisch you get you own mini-war to do behavioral research on? That could work as your master-degree thesis if you are into social studies.
I'm not even smart enough for a bachlor in computer science
But I can use another coffee
@rene You're lying
brews coffee for rene
@Magisch don't let that stop you. Your passion should be enough. Believe in yourself. Not the yourself that believes in Bart. Not the Bart who believes in you. Believe in the you who believes in yourself.
waters @rene with the coffee
@Derpy Too much believing. I'm out.
@Magisch ;)
@peterh not sure what you mean. That question made no sense, and I suspect it was on purpose, hence "trolling". Meaning the only purpose was to waste other people's time.
Even if it wasn't trolling, the question was so unclear that there was no reason to keep it around.
What happened to Smokey?
@ShadowWizard It's Shadow Wizard's fault.
Question then is ... what happened to the spam?
Now we all know
@Bart I ate it
It's hard to digest though.
taking coffee from @rene to help digest the spam
@ShadowWizard eww ... who eats spam with coffee?
@Telkitty no no, the spam is already eaten. Coffee needed only to help digest it. ;)
Spam with coffee is indeed a big eeeew
Something is borked in Stack API for Meta ru.SO meta.stackexchange.com/q/286011/158100
That has an impact on mobile App users
I get a 500 Internal server error if I use the Stack API end point for questions on meta of russian SO. Main site is unaffected.
@Oded You're generating exceptions for Meta Russian.SO. See ^
Looks like a data issue because only retrieving the first question in the sort on activity does work: api.stackexchange.com/docs/…
@rene how you know it's Oded who generates the exceptions?
Because he's a Co(a)ster :D
Aug 3 at 11:40, by TIPS
@ShadowWizard That's Roller Coster to you mister.
I expect this question to be the culprit: meta.ru.stackoverflow.com/questions/3931/…
@ShadowWizard Ok-ok :-) I only tried to say, trolling is, by definition, always intentional :-)
whoa.... WELCOME BACK @M.A.R.!!!
Long time no @MAR!
But wait. There's more.
Wow! Russian SO! It is so wonderful. I would be so happy if I could use SO on any other language as English
@peterh oh, yeah, sure! :)
@M.A.R. more what? More MAR?
@ShadowWizard he (and many of his colleagues) touch the code ... so by definition they generate the exceptions as well. It is not to blame anyone ...
in English Language & Usage on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 6 mins ago, by M.A.R.
On the plus side, I will not be changing names anymore.
@rene lol, of course... just wondered about your wording. :)
Unfortunately, my top favorite, the german SO, was heartlessly closed, destructed, deleted and its place were sowed with salt :-(
@M.A.R. yeah yeah, we'll see in a month.... ;)
@peterh well, you can always start a new proposal on Area 51 :)
@ShadowWizard No, there is an explicit forbid on non-English SO proposals
@ShadowWizard It would be deleted on the spot.
So you knew that and still made a proposal?
You seem to have extra time to waste then. Care to give some of it to me?
@ShadowWizard They do this after a significant group of visitors worked a lot on the proposal to fulfill its requirements.
@peterh umm..... no. Proof:
Stack Overflow (in Spanish)es.stackoverflow.com

Beta Q&A site for professional and enthusiast programmers in Spanish. Propuesta para un sitio de preguntas y respuestas para programadores entusiastas y profesionales en Español.

Currently in public beta.

@ShadowWizard I still can't imagine, how could the decision makers of the SE so.... heartless, stonehearted, evil. It was such a meaningless destruction! I couldn't ever forgive it to the Area51, despite that it wasn't done by Cartaino
It was proposed by ordinary user ^^
It's just matter of having enough users and activity.
(like any other site)
@ShadowWizard Spanish SO is long started, and also the japanese, russian and portugese versions. There is also a turkish SO proposal in indefinite suspension. All of the others were deleted, and the SE explicitly states there is NO more non-English SO proposal any more.
@ShadowWizard Note, if a hebrew SO would exist, wouldn't it be wonderful for you?
@peterh where? You have a link?
@peterh not really. Hebrew is bad for programming.
@ShadowWizard Yes, I can dig out in any moment, except the CET worktime what is currently going. Thus, I will be able to get the link to you only around 5-6 hours from now.
@ShadowWizard Ok. Then in any other language what is not English and you want to learn?
@ShadowWizard I have an ex-coworker in .il, also he is in IT, and also he also they use more English as Hebrew. Quite surprising to me.
@ShadowWizard ISn't it because rtl languages are bad for source code syntax / autoindenting?
@peterh yes, RTL issues are a major thing, plus personally I feel much more comfortable with English when it concern computers in general.
Talking in non-English languages about programming always feels weird to me.
@Bart exactly!
@ShadowWizard As I've seen, they did this non-english SO elimination in small steps and silently. Probably they wanted to avoid the whining of the community. But I've seen! I've seen as the proposals were closed each after the other, and I knew that they will do the same also with the German SO! I've seen, but I couldn't do anything!
I dont see the point
programming just happens in english
there isn't any value in doing it in anything else then that
strong command of written and spoken english is by far the most important soft skill for any programmer.
@ShadowWizard Finally, not Cartaino made the closure of the proposal, but Tim Post. But it was clear, this is what is coming, their only reason do this in small steps that they don't want whining.
Or the proposal just wasn't viable?
@Magisch Non-English community could exist, and they exist a lot. For a programmer learning any language different from English, the best way to take part in a non-English speaking IT community.
@peterh you are totally wrong, in all aspects.
@peterh Imo no
Tim Post got no real authority in Area 51, only Robert.
The best way to learn english quick is to move out of your comfort zone and just use english sites a lot
And no idea where you bring your paranoid ideas from, @peterh, but they are just... wrong.
@Magisch n rantz on meta
Better see things as they are, not via a black glass.
@ShadowWizard You don't see the correct proposal, which was probably deleted. This proposal what I am talking about, has reached the private beta requirements, it was waited for it priv beta launch (along with around 4 other no-English SO proposal), after the evil decision happened.
@ShadowWizard But I like Matrix
@M.A.R. green glass, totally different. ;)
Do you have a link for that decision @peterh?
@peterh VERY EVIL DECISION. LET'S BURN DOWN SE. Come on man, what are you getting with this?
@ShadowWizard What you've probably found, it was probably an earlier, failed try.
@Bart Yes, I can produce one, but only after the CET worktime. Around 5-6 hrs later.
@peterh OK, so someone restarted it, and it failed again. I'm sure SE got their reasons, not out of evil.
It's their fault they tried to make some localized SO's, and then stop localized SO's from overflowing.
They shouldn't be that nice.
@Bart I was always surprised, how can so many people actively SE-ing, digging out links, understand complex arguments with a lot of references, while probably also they have a worktime
I was also upset when a proposal I followed made it into private beta, I was pretty active, then it was closed after two weeks. @peter
@Telkitty Where do I register?
@ShadowWizard . . . that one?
Haha that's a bad example.
@peterh SE is the greatest productivity and the greatest slacking tool of all time
@ShadowWizard No, it wasn't failed, it waited the private beta launch, and it was deleted after that
@M.A.R. no, of course not. Totally different proposal, I've mentioned it in the Den at some point, I think. :)
The "worst" I can find is that sites need to be active to be viable. But nothing stating there won't ever be any more proposals for SO in language sites.
@ShadowWizard Along with around 4 other non-English SO proposal, including Chinese and some other. Only the turkish SO proposal remained, but they won't start even this.
@peterh There have been instances of public betas being shut down. So getting to private beta is not such an accomplishment.
@M.A.R. No, it wasn't in private beta, it waited the private beta launch, among with around 3-4 other non-English SO proposal
@peterh well, I remember the decision to close any proposal for sites requiring RTL, as it meant too much development time. Not sure about German though.
@peterh Am I missing your point somehow? So you're saying that they're evil because they didn't start the site you wanted to start? Aren't you biased?
Or maybe you're making another point entirely, which I still am missing.
@M.A.R. he means it reached the final stage, it said "Site will be launched soon", then deleted.
@ShadowWizard Yes, that happens to some sites.
@M.A.R. This is not what I said. I said, they are evil, because they allowed a lot of people to work actively to get the proposal over the private beta requirements. Then they waited, bullshitted a lot and finally rather closed the proposal, destroying the lot of work, and a lot of... hope. This is what makes them evil.
IIRC something identical to WorldBuilding was about to launch until they didn't let it to.
Good bye anybody, my employer waits my soul.
Well, for what it's worth this is the newer proposal: area51.stackexchange.com/proposals/54232/…
if this isn't closed, I am starting a proposal for a site about Ponyville.

Proposed Q&A site for enthusiasts of a legendary city located in the Earth's core

Currently in definition.

and since we are at it, finally Illuminati isn't alone anymore

Proposed Q&A site for masons and for people, who seek to enter the Freemasons secret society

Currently in definition.

@rene being looked at. Thanks for reporting.
@ShadowWizard FWIW, I knew beforehand that Robert closes localized SO's on A51, but only because they're not gonna make other localized SO's. I never looked at it like an evil scheme of some sort.
But as a new policy. Just like how SE doesn't make new blogs either.
Yeah, "evil" is just wrong way to look at it, no matter how upset one might be.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: Previous company name is ISIS, how to list on CV? by kuhegafub on workplace.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: This fixings connected with Tengenix by gagranopu57 on drupal.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: Is Cianix Male Enhancement safe and healthy? by Christin Aturner on superuser.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer, link at end of answer: How do spaceship-mounted railguns not destroy the ships firing them? by kuhegafub on worldbuilding.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body: Recall your Memory with IntelligenceRx by timprafirth on askubuntu.com
> We will be putting out another edition of this in approximately two months (or somewhere around July 2016) -- Internationalization 'State of the Stack' - Stack Overflow edition
I get the nature of the busi-ness, but when a person develops a habit of saying "I'll do X" and not following up, that sort of decreases my interest in their subsequent posts (e.g., SEQP 2).
Speaking of SEQP, I may have an answer to the earlier quiz: what part of SEQP 1 made a noticeable difference on the sites. It'd be New UI encourages askers to confirm or dispute duplicate votes which is not tagged as SEQP but in fact was a part of it.
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Shortened URL in answer: ssh-agent service stop starting at login on Mac OS 10.11 by GFaivre on superuser.com
@M.A.R. you have already registered, just have to start picking up a f****
@zaq you sound rather old and cranky, here, have a kitten
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, pattern-matching website in body, repeated URL at end of long post: That instigates you can start getting works by erdumiru5647 on drupal.stackexchange.com
@Telkitty he has to chose a team before that.
@M.A.R. go ahead, chose one:
Team Rep Hunters: they believe in Intellect, and provide content to the network
Team Grammar Nazis: believers of the Mystic values of grammar, annoy other users with unrequested grammar lessons
Team Trolls: they challenge everyday the rule of Shog and the other Ancient one with Valor and humor
To join, you should just ping the Team Leader.
Currently, Skeet should be the Team Rep Hunters leader, @JanDvorak the one for Team Grammar Nazis and @Telkitty the princess for Team Trolls.
@Derpy JanDvorak leads the Team Grammar Nazis? Not the owl??
Everyone knows the owl is the grammar nazi, the nazi
@Telkitty Jan and The Owl haven't been existing as separate entities for many years now. Now, only Jan D'Vorak, O̥̣̲͎̜͉̮v̤̥͔̗͔̟ę̲̳̘r̡̞̪̟͎͍ͅs̹̫̼̠̹̳ͅe͏ẹ̀r̜͕͓̹̬ ̴̱͖̥̮O̲̪͓͉͓f̦ ̮̯̹̫͞T̝͈̻̕h͙ẹ̲̩͎̯͇ ̷̼͙̼̩Ó̘̠̺w̩̙̙l̶̺͇̻̞̗̯̭ are.
As Abdul Alhazred recorded in his writing, Jan is now just a puppet in the claws of The Owl, who is one of the many physical manifestations of the Great Unspeakable One, Gram'mnarh Nazgoth
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Blacklisted website in answer: Hourly rates for industry consulting? by پرورش قارچ on academia.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of answer: What is the OST played in episode 5 of Sekaiichi Hatsukoi? by Syakir Arif on anime.stackexchange.com
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: How to freeze a water container without deforming it? by ali on outdoors.stackexchange.com
Hey @ProgramFOX, you know some .NET Core right? When you choose the NETStandard.Library version to target, should you always choose the lowest possible one that works with your code? Or could that give problems for people running on a much higher version?
no idea about that
Damn. I'm having a hard time googling the subject, lots of irrelevant stuff..
I'd guess that using the lowest possible one would be the best thing though.
yeah that's my guess too
thanks :)
@Stijn tell me about it
> over the past 90 days, just a hair under 60% of all reopened questions have involved a gold-badge holder swinging that hammer of mercy. meta.stackexchange.com/a/286001
That's more of a reflection on the sorry state of the Reopen queue process.
Unclear is sometimes used for homework dumps, when the question body presents a copy/picture of homework and no question whatsoever. This would enable homework aficionados (with gold badge in calculus or whatever) to pverrule that.
Where HammerDupReopened appears to be "hammer-dupe-closed and then reopened", not "reopened with the hammer"...
There's a jump in voting around April of last year that doesn't seem to be attributable to cyclical effects. Anyone know why?
Maybe graduates getting over the voting hump?
But we didn't see another one this year...
Is that when the vote reminders got implemented?
Today's xkcd comic (Future Archaeology):
Meta rep dropping toward 125 again... damn you, Raphael.
@zaq Hehe
Gawdddd this is such a pita.
This kind of shit just discourages me from breaking up compound questions.
not to mention my network exp is like SUPER GOD anyway. this stupid inferior system should know that I'm not a spammer no matter how much it doesn't like me.
@EvanCarroll this got nothing to do with spam.
Even Jon Skeet will face this limit on cooking, for example. (if that limit exists there, no sure.)
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Link at end of body, link following arrow in body: tubemate youtube downloaders li;s it real? by madhobika madhuja on superuser.com
@zaq Rapha who? And how he did it?
@ShadowWizard He's a guy throwing some ideas at the SE quality project.
To the extent that it just looks like throwing, and not anything more.
@M.A.R. and how did it cause @zaq's rep to drop?
oh found it
18 hours ago, by zaq
Grr. Dropped to 124 rep because of downvoting the answers to SEQP2 post. Need moar rep. Have two ideas for a FR, trying to decide which one to post:
(1) Require downvotes with comments. If a comment parses like an equivalent of "what have you tried" or "show your code", it can't be posted until the commenter downvotes the question.
(2) A new review queue, in which to review proposals for new review queues.
Well @zaq isn't this your bot?
That's 211 downvotes.
you could take those 300 repz for you
CC @zaq
[ SmokeDetector | MS ] Offensive answer detected: What do these lyrics mean in The Nurse Who Loved Me by user3096 on musicfans.stackexchange.com
@M.A.R. 212 (one can downvote, dropping from 125 to 124)
in Universe Factory on The Stack Exchange Network Chat, 15 hours ago, by Shog9
I've been using these sites for... > 8 years now. And not a day goes by that something doesn't bug me, one thing or another that I don't have the ability to change.
Sounds pretty bad. I'd want to be paid to do something like that.
@zaq Oh.
The bottom-right link in the footer has been changed from Stack Overflow Careers to Stack Overflow Talent, talent.stackoverflow.com. Doesn't look like the renaming made it more relevant to the sites on which the link appears.
But it has to do with the redesign of the business.SO site, which was split into Talent, Ads, and Enterprise.
if you remove ta, then it becomes lent.stackoverflow.com
I mean ... if a talent reallocate, they need to live some where right. And not everyone has relatives and friends all over the world ...
Someone in Ad Sales decided to read top tags and capitalize first letter of each.
This question has two upvotes... stackoverflow.com/questions/35704496/… and people think SO voting is harsh (the 3rd downvote is mine)
> Message sent in private chat. Resignation tendered. disq.us/p/1cvu6kn
I haven't seen any mods being demodded in the last couple of days, perhaps it's pending.
@zaq Russell Steen? resigned from Outdoors recently.
and yes, that's public information
@ArtOfCode They still have a diamond on Outdoors...
Thank you internet...
@hichris123 yeah, but read Outdoors chat history and TL transcript
2 hours later…
And the Careers sales team is now "Sales - Talent". :-/ stackoverflow.com/company/team#Sales
Talented at sales, selling talent, or talent in sales?
Trollent -talent in trolling

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