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I'm leaving.
This case was pretty annoying because that user was clearly trying to help, too.
By corroborating Python versions and system versions for the original OP's problem.
It was obvious that they did this, and not that they were asking a new question or trying to win upvotes for a non-answer.
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive body detected: What is the controversy between Jay Z and Nas? by Abhijit on musicfans.stackexchange.com
11 mins ago, by Braiam
@cybermonkey that remembers me why I don't leave comments
This discussion reminds me why I rarely follow the instructions to go to chat.
If you actually go to chat with a valid point, people just leave and ignore you. It's a very poor way to try to keep a check on moderator actions.
@Braiam *reminds
@JanDvorak 11 minutes late, you are loosing your edge Jan
I've just came from a pub
added/edited/whatever the reason:
@JanDvorak maybe is an attachable edge?
@MikePennington That should not be necessary. We should have had an election months ago. It's crazy that it's taking this long. I will push this forward and make sure it is scheduled in the next week or two. My apologies for letting this go on for so long. — Robert Cartaino ♦ 2 hours ago
should suit the situation better, should it arise again
Network Engineering graduation saga continues.
It wasn't a me too comment.
It added specific details about versions to corroborate, and added to the info in the OP's question.
@Yes how long has it been in graduation?
Graduating "with a twist" -> graduating normally -> come on, let's twist again
@Mr.F This is the final time I'm requesting this; the issue has been dealt with, drop it. The answer started with 'I have this problem too' and thus it was a me too post.
The issue certainly hasn't be dealt with.
they say the best solution for annoying people is to blank them
The textual characters "i have this problem too" don't force something to be in the spirit of a "me too" post. A "me too" post is characterized by not adding any info beyond the single bit of info that you also have the problem.
If you try to corroborate a problem by helping the OP out and pointing out that it can be reproduced in a certain environment, that's absolutely not a me too post
@Mr.F You're going into this in far too much depth. Please don't waste your time arguing.
Especially when other comments to that question were already saying that they couldn't reproduce it
At this point it may be better to state your concerns on Meta. If the text is confusing or potentially harmful, that's the place to discuss it. I think we're beyond the initial comments and the question they related to.
Yes, but it matters not to let you rationalize away why it was OK for you to bash a totally new user using criticisms that had nothing to do with what that user did.
Chasing that down in excruciating detail does matter.
What Bart said. I would upvote that meta post in a heartbeat
@Mr.F Please stop arguing with me on the matter.
@BoltClock'saUnicorn It's a Stack Apps plugin, shouldn't the concern instead be raised there?
@cybermonkey in that case, yes.
OK, I will stop arguing on the matter. But I will also note that you asked me to come here and discuss it and now you are not being reasonable in discussing it and constantly trying to curtail the discussion.
@cybermonkey Something something carpenter, something something tools
@Mr.F here's where you should complain.
@JonasCz no
@cybermonkey But you asked me to come here!
@BoltClock'saUnicorn wrong move Bolt, now I know you are here online and that I can bug you.... Actually, more seriously, just wanted to know if you was following season 5 or not.
Auto comments are great... when you use them correctly. Even the LQP queue has an option to simply recommend deletion without commenting, for when 1) none of the options apply, or 2) someone else has already added the right one
Surely there is an auto comment related to incorrectly making a comment as an answer?
You can upvote an autocomment by choosing the same one from the options
I so should have suggested you all take it to the Lounge instead ...
@Mr.F The closest would be "This does not provide an answer to the question. To critique or request clarification from an author, leave a comment below the post."
Except, as you mentioned, this particular post wasn't a critique or RFC
It's just plain not an answer
That works a lot better, though.
@JonasCz No, it's a greatly edited version of a real question, though. bobince made it for his blog. I don't have the original link off the top of my head.
It at least says "this does not provide an answer"
@Mr.F True, but I assumed you weren't going to write an entire essay on why the auto-comment was incorrect. Action has been taken to ensure this comment isn't misused again (at least, on my side) and no more has to be done. If you want to make a suggestion to the tool's developers to 'fix' it, then do so.
Well you can update your posterior about my propensity for essay writing then :)
@SPArchaeologist I am
@Mr.F +10000000 rep on English Language SE :).
I especially feel this way about how new users get treated.
Imagine a user coming from a group that is not commonly encouraged to do programming.
And your first ever encounter with this site is to be whacked on the head with a downvote for trying to attest that your system confirguration corroborates someone else's problem.
No, you're being whacked on the head with a downvote for not reading the giant yellow box.
@Undo and that is after a whole lot more information
@JasonC There have also been attempts to... recreate it
That's not what the user was provided with.
@JonasCz doxdesk.com/updates/2009.html#u20091116-zalgo original article. The original question, I've seen it before but pretty sure it's deleted, I can't find it.
@Mr.F All users get it on their first answer.
You also can't make assumptions about language skills, age, screen size, etc.
@Bart Don't new users get to read a whole page on the merits of answering/asking when they first do such a thing? Also, don't they have to tick a nice shiny box saying that they've read it?
Maybe it doesn't appear as giantly in this users case, for whatever reason.
@BoltClock'saUnicorn Ha; maybe there was never an original and I just saw a weirdly accurate one of those attempts.
@cybermonkey I do not recall if that is questions only
... still doesn't excuse leaving an entirely irrelevant comment, unless you're doing it purely for shits and giggles because you know (or assume) they won't read it
@Mr.F SO is in the English language, your point about language is valid, but then if they navigate to the answer box, they should be able to read at least some English.
@Mr.F yes you can. That's why the site targets an audience. And if you can't somehow fit in (and the bounds are not all that tight) you're going to have a problem.
@cybermonkey As a moderator I've learned that anyone will submit just about any text field they come across regardless of their language or reading skills
I still think this deeply marginalizes a 15-year-old kid from a group not commonly encouraged to program, with English as a second language, using legacy hardware in his community's library's computer lab since it's the only place in town for school kids to use the internet.
Which is not that uncommon, and even if uncommon, doesn't deserve to be marginalized by policy.
@Mr.F ... with only one leg because the other was amputated, hungry cause he dropped his porridge and Sir wouldn't give him more?
@BoltClock'saUnicorn maybe a good suggestion would be to ensure the user reads the text by placing a nice shiny box they must tick to submit their answer.
Is it really something to make fun of?
I think we need an unique comment saying "your answer does not answer the question, go to the corner and read the [help]"
@Mr.F nah, but you're dragging a fairly simple issue out quite far now.
but then they might just see the box and think 'hey, there's a box, I should probably tick that', without actually reading the thing.
I suppose it's not just this issue, but rather that there doesn't seem to be much systematic thought given to the way these kinds of policies effect people, especially people from groups not generally encouraged to do programming.
In a previous job, we ran into this issue a lot with accessibility, e.g. for hearing or visually challenged people.
You also can't make assumptions about language skills, age, screen size, etc.
Then why should we assume that the user is a disadvantaged "15-year-old kid"?
It's easy to think that a policy covers you, and then you discover whole classes of people getting inadvertently screwed by it.
@Mr.F if you have found accessibility issues, address them on Meta. There are plenty who would love to hear about it and address it.
You should only assume that they might be
I'm not saying this is an accessibility issue. I'm making a comparison.
Wasn't this about how a certain auto comment was totally irrelevant to the content of the post?
of a new user, yes
@Mr.F Irrelevant. Answer was deleted and issue is over. Should have been a comment regardless of the fact that canned response implication was incorrect. Canned response may have had some issues for the pedantic. Oh well. It happens. Move on, it's been 30 minutes and if you truly want to be helpful go spend your time working on review queues and improving existing answers instead.
The auto comment thing is real and should be addressed. @cybermonkey, tune your comment script. There. Addressed.
Disagree, @JasonC this kind of discussion is a lot more valuable
@Undo already did that, but @Mr.F has kept going on about it.
@Mr.F Valuable if you have it on meta, maybe. In this chat room there's just a few of us and it's irrelevant.
@Mr.F you're pretty much having it with the wrong audience at the moment though. And in the wrong venue.
If you want to start a community discussion go post it in the appropriate place.
mumble... S1E1 opening scene has Celestia looking to the left, Luna to the right. If that actually mean something and colors scheme should be taken in consideration, I can now safely declare @Bolt the older one who raise the sun over the chat, while @smoke should be the younger one that handles the moon.
We're opinionated bastards, but you're not going to achieve much here.
@SPArchaeologist wat
@cybermonkey Well then we're done here. I move that we go back to our regularly scheduled cat gifs.
Look, I was told by exactly the people who raised the issue that this was where I should talk about it.
2 mins ago, by BoltClock's a Unicorn
Wasn't this about how a certain auto comment was totally irrelevant to the content of the post?
If you wanted to discuss with Cybermonkey. Yes. It was as much as a "stop it in the comments". Nothing more.
@Mr.F Right, and now we're talking about a different thing, and the specific issue here was addressed.
OK so it wasn't just about that apparently
If there's a legit concern here about accessibility (I see issues here too), it really belongs on Meta.
sure, Undo, I agree with that. I don't need to say any more, but I do think it mattered to indicate that this was not just about an auto comment's wording being irrelevant for a comment-as-answer
Something as important as accessibility and discrimination needs a bigger stage.
it was also about the fact that such a thing was likely the very first action experienced by a new user
That's it, @Mr.F, now you've made me bust this out:
and that this has an effect, especially on those not encouraged to program, which people should stop and think about
@BoltClock'saUnicorn It wasn't totally irrelevant, just that the 'answer' should've been a comment, not a question (as my auto comment implied), it's simply this fact that @Mr.F is getting all worked up about.
@Mr.F Fair enough. As others have said, meta is a better place to flesh it out in depth, so I'd like to hear your thoughts
getting bored of this issue now, have a cat gif:
Hahaha, great minds and such ...
@Mr.F It isn't that the people in here don't want to think about it. Hell, most of us probably agree with you. But go start a discussion on Meta. More people can be involved, people will have a chance to think longer and harder about what they say, and the conversation itself will be easily accessible to everybody instead of being buried in a chat transcript.
Again, Jason C, I was told to chat about it here.
Right, and now it's a big enough issue that it should be escalated to Meta.
Sure, I agree
But that doesn't invalidate all of the discussion that rightly took place here, where I was asked to go to chat about it.
Nobody claimed that it did.
Now, I am telling you to stop chatting about it here.
@Mr.F It doesn't. In fact, feel free to quote specific messages for context. The chat history isn't going away
I think you did claim that by saying it was not relevant for this channel, effectively saying it was the wrong audience
@Mr.F go and ask it on Meta, and then everyone will be able to give their view.
You can bookmark conversations and link to bookmarks too, it can also be useful (on the room menu on the right click "bookmark").
From Jason C: "@Mr.F Valuable if you have it on meta, maybe. In this chat room there's just a few of us and it's irrelevant."
The panels produce enough electricity to power all of Belgium’s trains for one day per year.
Maybe it's just stupid word arguments, but I don't see how it's irrelevant here when this is where people told me to come to talk about it.

But I do agree that for a fully expansive discussion of the whole issue, it would go on meta.
It's irrelevant now that it's escalated. Another way of thinking about it is this: What are you realistically and actually hoping to accomplish by continuing the conversation here right now? Do you think that your hopes are realistic?
@Mr.F to the room, yes. You were brought in here to further discuss with Cybermonkey. That is now done I'd say. Other issues go on Meta. If you have cats to post, by all means go ahead.
that means that the energy generated will be enough to run the trains for one day?
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@cybermonkey Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
It's also irrelevant because this is a chat room and we're sick of talking about the topic.
@Bart I demand cats
@SmokeDetector gone
Wait wait wait wait wait. SmokeDetector uses doctypes?
as a matter of fact, make a bot that will post a random catgif everytime someone types "meow"
@DarkAshelin NO
@Bart satisfactory response
I suspect Inf wouldn't exactly be fond of that...
@BoltClock'saUnicorn Doctypes?
@DarkAshelin I am here to please ... and to smite.
FR: make a bot that kicks a user anytime they post a cat gif
1 min ago, by SmokeDetector
@cybermonkey Blacklisted user and registered question as true positive: added title to the Bayesian doctype 'bad'.
@BoltClock'saUnicorn Kind of a failed experiment with Bayesian title analytics
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@JanDvorak I made that once for the bot in our work chat. It was the most-used feature ever since
@BoltClock'saUnicorn Oh, yes, though Bayesian classification is still in Beta...
I mean
Is it literally the same "doctype" as the "doctype" in SGML/XML? Or is it a different kind of "doctype"?
@SmokeDetector gone
"failed experiment" Why "failed" ?
(That must be one of the most obtuse things I have ever said in here)
@BoltClock'saUnicorn document type, we have "good" and "bad" (spam)
so a title either goes to the "good" training thing or the "bad" training thing
It was what the API to do it was called :P
@DarkAshelin I could make a bot that posts a Fluttershy picture anytime someone says "Yay"
@SPArchaeologist yes pls
Oh gosh no
oh and make a randomize on the language
@DarkAshelin You don't hang in SO chat anymore?
@BoltClock'saUnicorn SO chat is blocked at work... meta chat isn't for some reason
@Undo why no? She is so relaxing.
@DarkAshelin oh
Yeah you're not the only one
@BoltClock'saUnicorn also all image hosting sites are blocked, including imgur
At least one of the other mods is too
(yet facebook and 9gag are free to browse)
@SPArchaeologist Just ask Discord
@DarkAshelin oh, delicious irony...
@BoltClock'saUnicorn It's a groovy kind of doctype.
Smokey would agree.
@Braiam ikr. the logic here?
@BoltClock'saUnicorn after or before the Gala? Also, only me thinking that the "What if you got a friend you could talk about chaos magic with" is a subtle hint at something in the future?
@SPArchaeologist puts hands to ears and sings loudly no spoilers!
Well, I gave Inbox a chance.
@SmokeDetector ignore
@SmokeDetector fp-
@cybermonkey Post ignored; alerts about it will no longer be posted.
@SmokeDetector delete
@SmokeDetector what is the difference between ignore and fp?
When Smokey reports error codes as phone numbers, I sometimes want to dial them.
@cybermonkey fp updates the bayesian filter when relevant, ignore just stops it from reporting that post but does nothing else.
@JasonC "Yes I didn't" that had me confused for a sec
May 15 at 23:04, by Jason C
Replying to @Yes is annoying because it looks like I'm just constantly agreeing with things.
I mean Yes.
^ +1
@DarkAshelin no spoiler whatsoever. I just said that I have a strong felling something will happen with Discord near end of season 5
Man, my trains never leave the station. :(
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector gone
Still puzzled by the idea of having Delete hidden in a menu, while a giant Reply field is directly under a message. What do they think I do more often?
[ SmokeDetector ] Bad keyword in body, bad keyword in title, phone number detected: Suppot1-855-709-2847 Brother Printer Technical/Tech/Customer/Service/support/Helpline Phone Number ..? by Private Realms on meta.stackexchange.com
what I don't know. Theory one is something related to backstory, theory two is him becoming friend of someone else - possibly Trixie.
@Yes Google's autistic UI monkey strikes again. Also, for extra fun, try logging out of hangouts.
meh, I'm hungry
@Braiam Don't eat meh
@DarkAshelin at the moment I only want to know if the facebook post about Muffin-Golden Oak as actually some backup, but won't say anything else in each case.
Dear whoever replaced +/- with pinch zoom in Google maps: Please zoom out while walking and holding this coffee. Yeah. Good job. Way to use that once.
@SPArchaeologist I have no idea what you're talking about
@SmokeDetector gone
@JasonC Or going out drinking and wanting to show someone a picture on your phone: "Yeah lemme just... zoom in" tries to pinch with 1 hand.... ends up spilling drink on phone
that totally did not happen to me a couple of hours ago
"Cool, YouTube, nice to see you're focusing more on listening to music now. So, given that virtually all car docks are used in landscape mode, how do I view the title of the currently playing song in my car again?"
"good point, im suck" says YouTube developer.
Today's xkcd comic (The BDLPSWDKS Effect):
This well-known effect has of course been replicated in countless experiments.
@DarkAshelin they posted a joke on the show facebook page. It was a somehow joke pool "What will happen next?". Of the three options, two are totally nonsense. The third one claims that "Muffin will try to rebuild the Golden Oak". If that actually is a hint or what, I don't know.
well... have to go for now
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector gone
@Louis closed
thanks to all who voted
is the answer VLQ?
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@JanDvorak The answer contains a smidgeon of usefulness.
@SmokeDetector who the hell upvoted this?
@SmokeDetector gone
:3510449 gone
@Qantas94Heavy gone
FR: autoflag if someone upvotes spam
@SmokeDetector tpu-
FR: autoflag as spam all posts. The tag hardly has any real ones.
@SmokeDetector gone
is it worth a mod flag when a spam post is upvoted?
If it's a pattern, probably
For a one-off I wouldn't. Prolly a misclick
Don't know. Some people leave joke comments under such things. This could well be a joke.
This one, now deleted, wasn't posted by Smokey [not in his sample of SO questions], and as a result, got to -11 before it was nuked. That doesn't happen with Tavern-reported posts.
Spam can get to -12 if everyone seeing it flags and downvotes.
I'm not really concerned about people downvoting spam. We get rid of it fast enough.
Morni… err, Afternoon, I guess.
This day has taught me it's entirely conceivable that some human beings are indeed accidents that should be studied further. -- Tim Post at 8:42 AM - 29 May 2015 via Twitter
By the way, Tim's twitter profile says "I'm the director of Stack Overflow communities for Stack Exchange". Is this something new?
... possibly something's changing in their operations.
I wanted to get insurance that worked abroad (as I am an expat) but also domestically, since I'll be spending more and more time in the US for work and leisure soon. -- Tim Post
[ SmokeDetector ] Offensive answer detected: Must every piece of speech get its own paragraph? by lol on writers.stackexchange.com
@SmokeDetector tpu
@ProgramFOX Blacklisted user.
Q: Do we need a [coreldraw-vba] tag?

Richard Le MesurierA while ago I posted 2 questions about using VBA with CorelDraw. Both were tagged with vba and coreldraw, which seems quite self explanatory. A few minutes ago a user edited both of them to add a new tag coreldraw-vba: http://stackoverflow.com/review/suggested-edits/8251417 http://stackoverfl...

This needs to be stopped, those tag edits are useless IMO.
@Yes he's not sending spiders by mail anymore...
Sigh, android.
@bjb568 Why ?
It looks like crap!
It looks awesome to me.
… wot
@Yes i thought stack overflow was 1 community? but i guess it is big city, so multiple communities , but really, why such a long title..
@SmokeDetector tpu-
blacklist candidate livesportstv.us
Who uses .us TLD anyway?
@Yes foreign scammers
@Yes delicio.us
Some years ago it was used by some State departments, e.g., Missouri DMV or Internal revenue would have something.mo.us
But nowadays they use .gov
@JanDvorak Yes, but that's just a redirect for backward compatibility.
@Yes added
@SmokeDetector fpu-
@Inf improper user of pin, loss of two feathers, remains room owner
Noice, I can stream 4k video over wifi in new house.
con: the new house is still in fly-over land
Looks like I burninated the [bottleneck] - meta.stackoverflow.com/a/295574/2301450
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector gone
@SmokeDetector gone
@SPArchaeologist Muffin (one of the owners of the cake shop) will try to rebuild Twilight's home (the library tree)?
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating characters in body: Powershell: Variable assignment triggers module import by Bill Westrup on stackoverflow.com
@SmokeDetector Edited.
Yay, I'm almost at the top for meta participation on SO. I spend more time on meta than on the main site now though..
Phone support is the new vashikaran.
@SmokeDetector Why suddenly so many of these ?
@SmokeDetector gone
If I want to migrate question from MSO to MSE, should I delete and repost, or is it acceptable to mod flag and ask them to do it ? Mod flag way would conserve comments and upvotes.
@JonasCz If migration makes sense, flag.
check it out:
Q: New 10K tool: question close statistics

Shog9Two years ago, we rolled out some significant changes to closing, along with a massive number of changes behind the scenes to clean up the supporting logic that had grown crufty over the years. As with many ambitious projects, this one quickly pushed the limits of its 6-8 week implementation sche...

Too bad I don't have 10k :-(
fix that
only 8K to go...
I will try my best..
I'm voting to close this question as off-topic because this is a "boat programming" question.
On Math!? But there is no link to the question. :(
Math should close more as duplicates, only 16.57% now. What is this % on SO?
like 30
30.6% on SO
that's up a LOT over a year ago
dup-hammer and author-confirmation helped considerably
sigh I'm close to 36K but nowhere near any gold tag badges.
Quick question, is it possible to insert animated gifs into an MSO post, before I go and make one ?
You can te... oh.
Wow. Most of the custom close reasons on SO are about questions asking for legal advice.
@AlexisKing I noticed that too. I wonder if we could replace another one and add a legal close reason
[ SmokeDetector ] Email in answer: how do i mount this old Toyo Toki (Toto) sink? by eric poole on diy.stackexchange.com
Q: Should we add an off-topic close reason specifically to address legal requests?

Alexis KingThanks to our benevolent SE overlords, 10k+ users now have access to a new question close statistics tool! Among other features, it provides a list of all the custom close reasons used to close questions, and on Stack Overflow specifically, it would seem that questions asking for legal advice are...

@AlexisKing Can I have a screenshot of the page?
(just the top part)
@hichris123 The top of the whole tools page overall, or specifically the custom close reasons?
[ SmokeDetector ] Repeating words in body: What are the two main genres that pitch bend drum hits? by user607 on musicfans.stackexchange.com
@AlexisKing Everything but the custom close reasons.
@hichris123 earn 10K, slacker
@SmokeDetector gone
@Shog9 You must be well-aware by this point that being a "good" user and only answering reasonable questions is considerably worse than just FGITW'ing stuff that's going to be closed anyway when it comes to gaining rep, yes?
sits over here with 5k
@Shog9 10k isn't that useful anymore...
oh well. I'll just have to keep adding more 10K tools until you feel foolish.
Windows 10 Upgrade Day has been set for July 29
@Shog9 I'll hold off then so others can take advantage.
@Mooseman Wait, they set a date?
@AlexisKing can't see why there wouldn't be room for it:
that's getting in the way of the "move to Reddit" close reason.
@cybermonkey It would go on the off-topic page, not the main close page.
@Shog9 Can... can we please make this happen?
@AlexisKing I'd rather have migrate to Yahoo! Answers.
@Shog9 Or keep making the current ones more usable: e.g., drop the posts I already voted to delete from the delete list. (I know, probably impossible because it's not custom-built for the user)
@hichris123 That just feels cruel, even for the worst of the worst. Nobody deserves that.
@Yes more "improbable because the page is a trainwreck already"
all of 10K tools needs love; one step at a time
@Shog9 All the mod tools pages have awful UX currently. This new one included.
Maybe the SE team should ask some questions on UX.SE.
@AlexisKing time is a factor. I sat on this for two years hoping to find time to get a good design hashed out; never happened, and meanwhile no one had the information
given the choice between ugly but functional and elegant but never finished...
@hichris123 Apparently...
@Shog9 So how are you doing today?
splitting headache
feeling the downvotes coming on this one: meta.stackoverflow.com/questions/295593/…
@SmokeDetector You're too quick, I can only flag once in 5 seconds...
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector tpu-
@SmokeDetector gone

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